PEP人教版小学英语六年级上册Unit 1教案

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1、Unit One How Do You Go There?Name_ Date_ Score_Let音标/p/b/t/d/i:/peak 山峰beat 打team 队deal 处理/I/pig 猪big 大的tin 罐dish 菜肴音标字母(组合)单词/i:/eebee three tree green sheep meet beef see seekeaeat tea meat leave teacher team mean speak clean pleaseeireceive ceiling iefield pieceehe she me these音标字母(组合)单词/I/isit p

2、icture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missymany twenty happy myth dictionaryedelicious decide Let-vocabulary二、用单词的适当形式填空:1.I go to Beijing (乘飞机)2.We go to school_ _.(步行)3.There are many_(公共汽车)in China.(火车)are very fast.5.They go to Guangzhou_ _.(乘船)6.We can go to the zoo_ _.(乘地铁)(怎样)do you

3、 go home?8.I often_ _ _(上学)at 7:00.9.There are always three_ _.(交通灯)10.Please remember the_ _.(交通规则)11.You must_(停)at a red light.12.We should_(等待)at a yellow light.13.How can I_ _(到达)the museum?14.How many_(图书馆)are there in this city?15.Are there any_ _(邮局)near here.16.Go to the Childrens_.(医院)17.I

4、m going to the _.(电影院)18.You can buy some books at the Xinhua_(书店). 19.This is the_ _?(科学博物馆)(在哪里)is the school?=_the school?(请)tell me how to go to the park.22.The hospital is_ _(与相邻)the lake.23.Walk _(南)for three minutes.24.The sun rises(升起)in the_ .(东)25.Beijing is in the_(北)of China.26.The gym i

5、s_(西)of the museum.27._ _(左转)at the traffic light.28._ _(右转)at the bus stop.(成直线的)for three minutes.30.We can go to the bus stop on foot, _(然后)go to the cinema by bus.31.Sarah often_(到达)home at 7:00.32.We can _ _(下车)at the bank.33.My mom is_(等待)for me.三、找出一个不同类的词( ) 1. A. on foot B. by bike C. by tr

6、ain D. go to school( ) 2. A. stop B. wait C. bus D. go( ) 3. A. Australia B. England C. China D. subway( ) 4. A. bike B. train C. plane D. right( ) 5. A. red B. yellow C. green D. rules( ) 6. A. pen B. pencil C. train D. rulerLets learn-Grammer.四、找规律。by bike 骑自行车 by train 坐火车 by ship 坐船 by subway 坐地

7、铁 大胆推测一下,坐飞机_ 坐公共汽车_ 因此我们可以得出结论:凡表示“乘坐或使用某种交通工具”,都只需要在这种交通工具的前面加上_ 但是,“步行”则为_五、重点句型。(要求背诵这些句子)1. A: _ do you go to school? 你怎样去上学?B: I go to school _foot. 我步行去学校。2. _ I go to school on foot. _ I go by bike.通常我走路去上学,有时候我骑自行车去。知识拓展:表示频度的单词:always(总是)、usually(通常)、often(经常)、sometimes(有时)、never (从不)3. A:

8、 How can I _ _ the nature park? 我怎样才能去自然公园?B: You can _ _the NO.12 bus. 你可以乘坐12路公共汽车。=You can_ the NO.12 bus4. What about you?= _about you?你呢?5. My home is near. =My home is _ _. 我家很近=我家不远。6. _ at a red light. 红灯停。7. _ at a yellow light. 黄灯等待。8. Go at a _ light. 绿灯行。9. A: _ I go on foot? 我可以走路去吗?B:

9、Sure, if you like. Its not far. 当然可以,如果你喜欢的话。那里并不远。10. Lets _to the park this afternoon. 我们今天下午去公园吧。六、请为下列单词找到准确的位置。yellow , wait, stop, drive, on, by, lights, rules, three, rightIf we go by car, by bike or _ foot, we must know the traffic _. We must look at the traffic _. There are always _lights:

10、red, _and green. Red means _, yellow means _, and green meansgo. In China and the US, drivers _ a car on the _ side of the road.Let七按要求改写句子。 I go to school by bus.(1)翻译:_(2)对by bus 提问_(3)对I 提问: _(4)用Chen Jie代替I:_(5)改为否定句:_(6)改为一般疑问句并做出否定回答:_ _八、认识下列交通标志。 Crosswalk Turn right No bikes Turn left 人行道 右

11、转 禁止自行车通行 左转 No entry No right turn One way No left turn 禁止通行 禁止右转 直行(单行道) 禁止左转 Lets exercise.一 选择填空(10分) 1. There are many _ to go somewhere. A. road B. way C. ways 2. _ fifth floor, Room 5A. A. / B. A C. The 3. _ China, drivers drive on the right side of the road. A. In B. On C. At 4. Can I go on

12、_? A. bike B. foot C. bus 5. My home is near the hospital. Its not _. A. near B. big C. far 6. Look at the _. There are always three lights: red, yellow and green. A. traffic light B. traffic rules C. traffic lights 7. The traffic lights are the _ in every country. A. different B. same C. some 8. _

13、at a yellow light. A. Go B. Wait C. Stop 9. _ is your home? My home is near the post office. A. What B. Which C. Where 10. I like sea very much, so I usually go to Zhoushan by _. A. plane B. ship C. bus二 选词完成对话。(10分)by which near how where usually post office go school home Mike: Good morning. Chen

14、Jie: Good morning. Mike: _ do you go to _? Chen Jie: I _ go to school _ bus. Mike: _ bus? Chen Jie: The No. 7 bus. Mike: _ is the bus stop? Chen Jie: Its near the _. Mike: Oh, Sarahs _ is _ the post office, too. Chen Jie: Oh, its 7:45. Lets _.三、根据提示回答句子。-1.Where is the library? (在电影院的左边) 2. Is there

15、 a science museum east of the park?(肯定回答) 3. Are there any pictures on the wall?(否定回答) 4. How can I get to the hospital?(13路公车) 5. Where are your crayons?(在文具盒里面) 6. How many traffic lights are there in every country?(三种) 7.When do you meet?(五点) 8.Do the drivers drive on the left side of the road in

16、 China?(不是) 9.Does Mike walk to school every day?(是) 10.Can the drivers drive on the right side of the road in US?(不) 二根据答句写问句:1.A:_B: Yes, there is a cinema near here.2.A:_B:The cinema is next to the hospital.3.A:_B:No, the post office is far from my home.4.A:_B:You can go to the park by the NO.23

17、bus.5.A:_B:No, the books are on the desk.6.A:_B:Yes,I do. Because I have a car.7.A:_B:Look ,there,near the bank.8.A:_B:At 7:00.9.A:_B:Amy often goes to Dongguan by bike.10.A:_B:No, I go to work by subway every day.八、阅读对话,判断对错。(15分)Zhang:Excuse me,how do we get to the Peoples Park ?Man: You can go th

18、ere by the No.5 bus ,or you can go on foot.Zhang: How do we go on foot ?Man: Its easy. Turn left at the traffic lights. The park is near a tall office building. John: Thank you very much. Hurry up, Zhang Peng!Zhang: No! The light is red. Stop!John: Thats right. We have to wait.Zhang: Now its green.

19、Lets go!(1) John and Zhang Peng cant go to the park by the No.5 bus.( )(2) John and Zhang Peng want to go to the park on foot.( )(3) The Peoples Park is near the traffic lights.( )(4) John wants to go at a red light. ( )(5) Zhang Peng follows the traffic rules. ( )家校联系表老师课堂评价:上次课作业完成情况:没有完成 比较认真完成 认真完成参与课堂程度:认真听讲 偶尔走神 积极发言 较少发言 小声朗读 大声朗读课堂内容掌握情况: 基础有待加强基本掌握完全掌握拓展有待加强基本掌握完全掌握综合有待加强基本掌握完全掌握其它有待加强基本掌握完全掌握本次课总评价 : 家庭作业:家长留言: 家长签名:_本次作业完成情况(100分):朗读部分:( )分,书写部分( )分。

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