牛津译林版初中英语七年级下册Unit4 Welcome 课件共39张

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1、7,下,Unit 4 Finding,your way,Welcome to the unit,学习目标,By the end of the lesson, you should be able to,1. distinguish different directions;,2. tell people the location of a particular place;,3. talk about a trip you are going on.,Do you love travelling?,Lets enjoy the places of interest!,If you go the

2、re,for a trip but,you dont know the way,what will you do?,You may ask someone for help, or use a map.,South,(南),North,(北),East,(东),West,(西),north-east,north-west,south-east,south-west,Know the,directions,(,方向,).,The sun goes up in the _.,east,The sun goes down in the _.,west,In autumn, some birds fl

3、y to the _,.,south,north,In spring, birds fly back to the _.,N,E,W,S,a horse,east,south,grass,south,east,south,east,east,east,west,south,west,north,west,south,south,Where is,the grass?,Read the map of Jiangsu.,N,means _.,S,means _.,W,means _.,E,means _.,north,south,west,east,Changzhou,is south of,Ya

4、ngzhou.,Lianyungang,is north of,Yangzhou.,Anhui is,west of,Yangzhou.,Fill in the blanks,1.Nantong is _of,Nanjing.,2.Yangzhou is _ of Zhenjiang.,3.Huaian,is _ of Lianyungang.,4.Xuzhou is _of,Suzhou.,5.Suzhou is _of,Yangzhou.,east,north,south,north-west,south-east,Eddie and Hobo want to go on,a trip t

5、o a hill.,Can they find the right way?,1.,What do Eddie and Hobo are doing?,2.,Where are Eddie and Hobo?,3.,What problem do they have?,4.,Does Hobo really know the way?,1.,What do Eddie and Hobo are doing?,2.,Where are Eddie and Hobo?,3.,What problem do they have?,4.,Does Hobo really know the way?,T

6、hey are going on a trip.,They are in the hills.,They cant find the way.,No,he doesnt.,_, Eddie.,Follow me,Theres a path _ the hills.,Lets _,_ here.,between,go down,_, Hobo?,Are you sure,No, I cant.,Dont _. Come with me.,be afraid,Eddie, I think we _ go up again.,have to,Oh, no!,Hobo and Eddie go on

7、a trip to the hill. Eddie doesnt,know the _ , so he takes a _ with him. But,Hobo is _ about the way. He tells Eddie to _,him. Then Hobo finds there is a path _ the hills.,They need to go _ there. Hobo jumps down,quickly, but Eddie is very _. He almost rolls down.,Just then they find a sign. It shows

8、 them to go,_another hill. How bad it is!,way,map,sure,between,follow,down,afraid,up,Fill in,the blanks.,1,5,8,4,2,7,6,3,Bus stop,underground,Sunshine Zoo,Sunny Garden,Lake Park,Sunshine Park,Sunshine Zoo,Lake Park,Sunshine Park,Sunny Garden,2,1,6,7,1.Where are they going for the trip?,2. Where is i

9、t?,3. How far is it from the school?,Theyre going to Sunshine Zoo.,Its north of the school.,It is about three kilometres,away,from the school.,1.5 km,2.3km,1,7 km,Plan our class trip!,3.3km,Places to visit,Where,How far,How,to,get there,Slender,West Lake,Its _ of,Wenchang,Pavilion.,Its about,_,kilom

10、eters,away.,_,He,Garden,Its _of,Wenchang,Pavilion.,Its about,_,kilometers,away.,_,Ge,Garden,Its _ of,Wenchang,Pavilion.,Its about,_,kilometers,away.,_,Collect information on the four places & make an introduction,.,Wenfeng,Tower,Its _ of,Wenchang,Pavilion.,Its about_,kilometers,away.,_,1.5 km,2.3km,

11、1,7 km,Plan our class trip!,3.3km,Places to visit,Where,How far,How,to,get there,Slender,West Lake,Its _ of,Wenchang,Pavilion.,Its about,_,kilometres,away.,_,He,Garden,Its _of,Wenchang,Pavilion.,Its about,_,kilometres,away.,_,Ge,Garden,Its _ of,Wenchang,Pavilion.,Its about,_,kilometres,away.,_,Colle

12、ct information on the four places & make an introduction,.,Wenfeng,Tower,Its _ of,Wenchang,Pavilion.,Its about,_,kilometres,away.,_,north-west,north-east,south-east,south,1.5,2.3,1.7,3.3,On foot.,By bus.,By bike.,By taxi.,1.5 km,2.3km,1,7 km,A:,Where,are,we,going?,B:,A:,Where,is,it?,B:,It,is,.,A: Ho

13、w far is it?,B: ,A:,How,will ?,B:,Talk about our class trip!,3.3km,A:,Where,are,we,going?,B:,We are going to the Slender West Lake.,A:,Where,is,it?,B:,It,is north-west of Wenchang,Pavilion.,A: How far is it?,B:,It is about 1.5 kilometers away.,A:,How,will we get there?,B:,We will go there on foot. I

14、t is not far away.,Talk about our class trip!,?,How to plan a trip,?,?,How to read a map,?,Directions,(方向),1.Which place to go?,2. Where is it?,3. How far is it?,4. How to get there?,Sunny Garden,is west of,the zoo.,Lake Park,is south of,Sunny Garden.,A is of B,A,在,B,的,方,向,Sunshine Zoo,is north of,S

15、unshine,Middle school.,方位词的用法总结(,1,)作副词,在,北部,/,南部,/,西部,/,东部,在,东北部,/,东南部,在,西北部,/,西南部,1. be north/ south/ west/east of.,2. be northeast/ southeast of.,3. be northwest/ southwest of.,1. A is,in,the.of B (A,在,B,内部,方位,),2. A is,on,theof B (A,与,B,接壤,),Jiangsu is in the east of China.,Russia is on the nort

16、h of China.,江苏在中国的东部。,俄罗斯在中国的北部。,方位词的用法总结(,2,)作名词,A,B,B,A,3. A is,to,theof B,(,A,与,B,不接壤),Japan is to the east of China.,B,A,日本在中国的东边。,1.,be afraid of sth.,be afraid of doing sth/to do sth.,I am afraid,(that),担心,害怕,I am afraid of snakes.,The little girl is afraid to go out at night.,这个小女孩不敢晚上出去。,I a

17、m afraid that he is not at home now.,我担心他现在不在家。,我害怕蛇。,be afraid + that clause,可以表达“恐怕,”,,是婉转拒绝别,人的一种表达方式。,Im afraid (that) I cant go to the party. My brother is sick.,恐怕我不能去参加聚会了,我弟弟病了。,2. Dogs this way.,Think hard, then you can find a way.,(路),(方法),Can you tell me the way to the bookshop?,你能告诉我去书店的

18、路吗,?,The only way to have a friend is to be one.,找到朋友的唯一方法是自己成为别人的朋友。,3. have to,do sth.,必须(不得不)做某事,Look! Its raining. We have to stay at home.,看,下雨了。我们不得不呆在家里。,Her bike is broken. She has to walk home.,她的自行车坏了,她只好步行回家。,We must keep quiet in the library.,在图书馆我们必须保持安静。,Phrases,find your way,找到你的路,follow me =come with me,跟着我,be sure,确信,go down,下去,(反),go up,上去,be afraid,害怕,have to,必须,不得不,go on a trip,进行一次旅行,Life is like a,journey.,Read ten,thousand,books,travel ten,thousand,miles.,

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