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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date新概念英语第二册笔记-第53课Lesson 53 Hot snakeLesson 53 Hot snake 触电的蛇【Text】What caused the fire?At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. Since then, they have been trying to f

2、ind out how the fire began. Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. T

3、his morning, however, a firemen accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line. In this way, he was able to solve the mystery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched up the snake from

4、 the ground and then dropped it on to the wires. The snake then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.【课文翻译】消防队员们终于扑灭了加利福尼亚的一场森林大火。从那时起,他们一直试图找出起火的原因。森林火灾时常由破碎的玻璃或人们随手扔掉的香烟头引起。昨天,消 防队员仔细查看了地面,但未能发现碎玻璃。他们还十分肯定火灾也不是由烟头引起的。然

5、而今天上午,一个消防队员偶然发现了起火的原因。他发现了缠绕在 16,000伏高压线上的一条死蛇。就这样,他解开了起火之谜。解释很简单,却异乎寻常。一只鸟把蛇从地上抓起来,然后把它扔到了电线上。于是蛇就缠住了 几根电线。当它这样做时,把火花送到了地面,这些火花立刻引起了一场大火。【New words and expressions】(13) hot adj. 带电的,充电的 fireman n. 消防队员cause v. 引起; n. 原因 examine v. 检查accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地 remains n. 尸体,残骸wire n. 电线 volt n. 伏特(电

6、压单位)power line 电力线 solve v. 解决mystery n. 谜(无法接受地, 解释不了的)snatch v. 抓住 spark n. 电火花一单词讲解: hot adj. 带电的,充电的同义词fiery, flushed, burning, steaming反义词cold, cool, frigid, icy 变化形 形变hotterhottesthothottedhottedhotting(1)热的、炎热的 (反义词cold) hot water ; hot weather ; a hot day eg:Strike while the iron is hot . 趁热

7、打铁.(谚)勿错失良机。hot 炎热的 warm 温暖的 cool 凉爽的 chilly寒冷的 cold 寒冷的、严寒的(2)(调味品等) 辣的eg:Pepper and mustard are hot . 胡椒和芥末都是辣的. (3) 强烈的、激烈的、热烈的have a hot temper 怒 ; a hot debate 激烈的讨论get hot on rock music 热衷摇滚乐(4)(新闻等)最新的 ,刚发生的、刚到达的hot news on the election results 选举的结果的最新消息a magazine hot from the press 刚出版的杂志a

8、young man hot from school 刚从学校踏出社会的年轻人be hot on sb 迷恋某人、爱慕某人be in hot water 惹上麻烦、陷入困境(受辱)get / run into trouble 遇到麻烦a hot potato 棘手的问题、烫手山芋get hot under the collar 怒气冲冲的;局促不安 fireman n. 消防队员同义词fire fighter, fire extinguisher, fire tender变化形 名复 firemenfireplace faipleis n.壁炉 firework faiw:k n.爆竹,(常 p

9、l.)烟火fire-water消防用水 ; fire-fighter救火员firehouse消防队 fire station消防站fireproof faipru:f adj. 耐火的, 防火的 vt. 使耐火, 使防火fire-raising n. 放火、纵火 cause v. 引起; n. 原因; 起因CU(+of)同义词motive, reason, occasion, basis反义词result, consequence, effect, outcome变化形 名复causes 变化形 动变causedcausedcausing(1)v. 引起、导致eg:A cigarette ca

10、used the forest fire . 香烟引起的森林大火。eg:What caused his sickness ?是什么使他生病? an accident caused by carelessness 由于粗心大意而导致事故。B result from A B是由A导致的A cause B A lead to B A contribute to B A result in B A start B A bring about B A导致B; A是原因B是结果(2) n.理由eg:You have no cause for complaint . 你没有理由发牢骚。eg:Dont be

11、late without cause . 不要无故迟到。 Dont be late without good cause .(3)n. 原因、起因eg:What was the cause of his sickness ?是什么导致他的病? find out the cause 查出原因 examine v. 检查、细查; 诊察同义词inspect, observe, study, consider变化形 动变examinedexaminedexamining(1) 仔细观察、检查、调查look at carefully in order to learn about or from , i

12、nspect closely 仔细观察、检查、调查之意eg:The firefighters examined every inch of the forest . 消防队员仔细检查森林。examine facts 检查事实 ; examine a theory 剖析(理论、事件等) examine an evidence 调查证物(2) v.诊察 inspect closely to check for disease eg:The doctor examined his patient carefully. 医生耐心仔细检查他的病。(3) v.考试、测试examine students i

13、n English 考学生的英语examiner 主考人 examinee 应考者exam n.考试 ; examination n. 考试examine v. 考试、检查 example n. 例子 ; for example 比如说 accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地accidental adj. 意外的、偶然的happening unexpectedly or by chance 意外或偶然发生反义词 intentional a.故意的,有意(识)的an accidental meeting with a friend 偶然遇到一位朋友.an accidental dea

14、th 意外死亡accident (1) n.(u) 事故、意外a car / road / traffic accident 汽车 /道路/交通 意外(2) 机遇、命运、造化 (chance 、fortune)by chance 偶然,碰巧 by accident accidentally eg:I found a gold mine by accident / accidentally / by chance .我 意外/意外/偶然 发现了一个金矿。 remains n. 尸体,残骸Remain(1) v. 留下、剩下、遗留 (不再用进行时态)eg:After the fire , noth

15、ing remained in my house . 火灾发生后,我的房子什么都没有留下。eg:If you take 3 from 8 , 5 remains . 8减去3剩5。eg:Much remains to be done . 要做的事还很多。eg:Whats done is done Let bygones be bygones . 木已成舟;既往不咎(2)v. 仍是、保持不变eg:He remained silent . 他仍是保持沉默eg:After the quarrel, they remained the best of friends .争吵之后,他们仍然是最好的朋友。

16、remains (1)n. 剩余物、残余物 the remains of a meal 残羹剩饭(2)(古建筑物)遗址、废墟 the remains of Yuanmingyuan 圆明园遗址 (3) n. 遗体、遗骸eg:The remains of Chairman Mao were kept well in a crystal coffin .毛主席的遗体被良好保存在水晶棺。 wire n. 电线、金属线, 金属丝CU同义词telegraph, cable, fasten, tie变化形 名复wires 变化形 动变wiredwiredwiring(1) n. 电线、金属线,eg:He

17、tied a basket to the bicycle with a piece of wire . 他用一条铁丝绑一个篮子在自行车上。telephone wires 电话线 ; barbed wire 有刺的铁丝(2)(美口) 电报send a wire 发电报 receive a wire 接电报be on wires be all on wires 兴奋、坐立不安under the wire 勉强来得及 wireless adj. 无线的 ; wireless telegraphy 无线电报 volt n. 伏特(电压单位);变化形 名复voltsvoltage vultid n.电压

18、 、伏特数 power line 电力线power (1) 电力、动力electric power 电力; atomic power 原子动力 ; water power 水力(2) 力、能力brain power 智力; the power of hearing 听力(3) 权力、支配力、势力 political power 政治权力eg:The dictator held absolute power over his people . 这个独裁者对他的百姓有绝对的权力。not within ones power beyond ones power 超出某人的能力、能力不足eg:It is

19、 beyond my power to understand how the computer works. 想要了解计算器如何工作,这是超出我的能力所能及的。come to power come into power 得势、掌权 solve v. 解决 work out 同义词answer, explain, unriddle, decipher变化形 动变solvedsolvedsolvingsolve a question / problem / puzzle / crime / mystery 解决一个问题 /难题/益智/破案/揭开一个迷题eg:We must solve the ec

20、onomic crisis . 我们必须解决经济危机。solution slu:n n.解决;解答,解决办法;溶液a solution for / to a trouble 纷争的解决eg:It took a long time to find the solution . 花了很长的时间来寻找解决办法。 mystery n. 谜(无法接受地, 解释不了的)同义词problem, puzzle, riddle, secret 变化形 名复mysteriesthe mystery of life生命的奥秘eg:His disappearance is a mystery. 他的失踪是个谜。an

21、air of mystery 神秘气氛eg:The murder is wrapped in mystery . 谋杀笼罩于神秘之中可做定语修饰名词:a mystery guest / visitor 神秘的来客 ; a mystery tour 神秘之旅mystery mistri n.神秘(性),神秘的人(或事物)riddle ridl n.谜(语);难题 vt.筛;把弄得处处穿孔puzzle pzl v.(使)迷惑;(使)苦思 n.谜;难题 snatch v. 抓住同义词seize, grasp, grab, clutch变化形 动变snatchedsnatchedsnatching 变

22、化形 名复snatches(1) v. 抢、夺、攫取 snatch up 抓起、夺取eg:The thief snatched her bag and ran away . 小偷抢走她的提包逃跑了。eg:He snatched at the paper as his mother was about to see it . 母亲正要看报纸,他抢了过来。(2) v.(趁机) 迅速取得,急急忙忙吃完饭snatch a sleep on a busy day 在忙碌的日子偷闲小睡snatch a kiss 出其不意地吻 snatch snt 迅速而有力(粗鲁地)抓住、抢 snatch a chanc

23、e 抓住机会 grab grb vt.抓取;抓住 n./ vi.(at)抓(住),夺(得)(热切而拼命地抓住) grab sth from sb grasp (1) 抓住或咬住、抓紧 grasp a chance 抓住机会 (2) 掌握 grasp a language 掌握一门语言 hold 抓住、握住、托住take / catch / get hold of 抓住,捉住 spark n. 电火花(切断电流而产生) 同义词flash, gleam, glimmer 变化形 名复sparks变化形 动变sparkedsparkedsparkingstrike a spark from a fl

24、int 用燧石打出火花a shower of sparks 如阵雨般(大量的)火星、火花 a bright spark 活泼而聪明的年人a bright apple a wise apple 骄傲的年轻人二Key structures: 现在完成进行时1. 一般过去时:强调过去某时间发生完的动作或者处于的状态,搭配一个 明确的过去时间2. 现在完成时构成:have / has + v.-ed 强调过去某时一动作对现在存在的影响或者是这个动作一直延续到现在还可能再延续下去。3. 现在完成进行时:强调过去动作对现在产生的影响,强调一直在进行着,一直发生着构成:have / has been + d

25、oing eg:I stayed at this hotel five years ago . (一般过去时) eg:Have you ever stayed at this hotel ?(现在完成时) eg:I have been staying at this hotel for 3 weeks .(现在完成进行时) 现在完成进行时:1. 表示动作从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在或离现在不远的时间。多用于延续性动词,如:live , learn , lie , stay , sit , wait , stand , wrest rest v.& n.拧;敲诈;强取 , study 等;并

26、且长和一些时间状语:all this time , this week , this moth , all night , all the morning , recently 等状语以及since和 for 所引导的状语短语或从句连用。eg:What have you been doing all this time . 你一直在做什么? eg:He is ill . Hes been lying in the bed for 3 weeks. 他病了,已经卧床3个星期了。2. 现在完成进行时和一切进行时态一样也可以代有感情色彩。eg:Too much has been happening

27、today . 今天发生太多事了eg:Fiddlesticks !who has been telling you such stuff .胡说!谁已经告诉你这样的东西。fiddlesticks fidlstiks int. 胡说 such stuff 这样的东西Exercise:用正确实态填空:At last firemen have put (put) out a big forest fire in California . Since then , they have been trying (try)to find out how the fire began (begin). Ye

28、sterday the firemen examined (examine)the ground carefully , but were not (not be) able to find any broken glass .They were (be) also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start (not start)the fire.三课文讲解: At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. 消防队员们终于扑灭了加利福尼亚的一场森林大火. Califor

29、nia 又名 Golden State Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began.从那时起, 他们一直试图找出起火的原因.Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away.森林火灾时常由破碎的玻璃或人们随手扔掉的香烟头引起.broken glass 破碎的玻璃a broken heart 一颗破碎的心 ;a broken glass 被打破的玻璃杯a br

30、oken promise 违约,食言 ; a broken marriage 破裂的婚姻a broken home 破裂的家庭 cigarette ends 烟头come to an end 结束eg:The meeting came to an end at midnight . 会议开到半夜才结束make both ends meet 勉强维持生计, 使收支相抵 throw away 扔掉,抛弃;错过(机会),浪费(金钱等)throw to vt. 向 . 投eg:He throw the ball to me and I caught it . 他把球给我,我接住了。throw at 向

31、 . 扔去eg:The boy throw a stone at the window and broke it .这个男孩扔一块石头向窗户,窗户破了Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. 昨天, 消防队员仔细查看了地面, 但未能发现碎玻璃. were not able to could not 未能They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. 他

32、们还十分肯定火灾也不是由烟头引起的.be sure that be quite sure that quite kwait ad.相当eg:Are you quite certain about that ?这事你能肯定吗? quiet kwait a.轻声的;安静的 n.安静 v.(使)安静eg:The class kept very quiet during the lesson .quite kwait ad.实际上,确实;完全,十分eg:She was quite alone . 她的确独自一人bargain b:ginn.特价商品;协议,交易 vi.讨价还价quite 相当,颇eg:

33、Shes a quite good actress . 她是一个相当不错的演员eg:The jacket is quite good . 这件夹克是相当不错start the fire 引起火灾eg:We started on our journey . 我们开始我们的旅程。eg:Our school started at 8:50. 我们学校 8:50开始上课Eg:He hasnt started in / on writing his next play yet .start to do sth 开始做某事 主语为物 start为进行时态 后面的动词do表示内心活动eg:A strong

34、wind started to blow .一阵强风吹起eg:She is starting to prepare lunch.start doing sth 开始(某工作);着手做某事 eg:He usually starts studying at 8 at home .在家里他通常在8点开始时读书eg:He started to understand . 他开始明白This morning, however, a firemen accidentally discovered the cause. 然而今天上午, 一个消防队员偶然发现了起火的原因.cause区别cause与 reason

35、:cause n. 直接导致行为或事件发生的原因,即”起因”reason n. 解释某事为甚么发生的理由或借口cause vt. 使发生,导致,引起reason vt./vi. 评理、劝说(常与 with , into , out of 连用) eg:Do you know the cause of the fire?你知道火灾的原因吗? eg:This is the reason why he left. 这是他离开的原因eg:What caused the fire?是什么导致了火灾?eg:I reasoned with him for hours , but I couldnt pers

36、uade him to change his mind .我劝他几个小时,但我没能说服他改变了主意reasoned with him 劝说他reason sb into doing sth talk sb into doing sth 劝某人 做某事 reason sb out of(doing) sth 劝某人 别做某事 talk sb out of (doing) sthHe noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line.他发现了缠绕在1

37、6, 000伏高压线上的一条死蛇. In this way, he was able to solve the mystery. 就这样, 他解开了起火之谜.The explanation was simple but very unusual.解释很简单, 却异乎寻常. A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires.一只鸟把蛇从地上抓起来, 然后把它扔到了电线上.snatched up sth from the ground 把从地上抓起来 drop vt.使落下、使掉

38、落eg:She dropped the vase on the floor .drop vi.eg:The teapot dropped out of her hand . 茶壶从她手上落下来fall vi 掉下 、跌倒eg:He fell down the stairs and broke his leg . 他从楼梯上摔下,摔断了腿eg:The book fell from the table to the floor .eg:Prices fell. Prices dropped . 价格下跌了The snake then wound itself round the wires.于是蛇

39、就缠住了几根电线.eg:Vines often wind around a post or a tree .藤蔓常缭绕在柱子或树木上eg:I wind this clock every day . 我每天给时钟上发条eg:Does this watch wind automatically ? 这表是自动上弦的吗? wind wind, waind n.风;气息 v.绕,缠;(给)上发条automatically :tmtikli ad.自动地;无意识地 When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediatel

40、y started a fire.当它这样做时, 把火花送到了地面, 这些火花立刻引起了一场大火. start a fire cause a fire 引起了一场大火四Exercise:1.The firemen have been examining the ground a yesterday .a. since b. for c. ago d. by2. He was able to solve the mystery. He c .a. could if he wanted to b. could but he didnt want toc. succeeded in solving

41、it d. didnt succeed in solving itbe able tocan, succeed in doing3. In this way he was able to solve the mystery. c he did it.a. Thats so b. Like this c. Thats how d. Soin this way= thats how 以这种方式 like 在英文中不表示方式, 只表示两者的东西很象4. Radioactivity was discovered b at the turn of the last century .adioactivi

42、ty reidiuktiviti n.放射性,放射现象a. by the way 顺便地,附带地说说 b. by accident 偶然c. in short 简而言之,总之 d. in vain 徒然,白费力五Review:Key structures:一般过去时,现在完成时,现在完成进行时的应用1. 一般过去时:强调过去某时间发生完的动作或者处于的状态,搭配一个 明确的过去时间2. 现在完成时构成:have / has + v.-ed 强调过去某时一动作对现在存在的影响或者是这个动作一直延续到现在还可能再延续下去。2. 现在完成进行时:强调过去动作对现在产生的影响,强调一直在进行着,一直发

43、生着Main Points:hot snake 触电的蛇 ; wind around缠绕solve the mystery 揭开迷团 ; start the fire 点火、开始火灾be caused by起因于, 由 . 所引起 ; send sparks down to . 发送火花throw away 扔掉,抛弃;错过(机会),浪费(金钱等)be quite sure . 非常肯定六补充内容:谚语:1. Life is a bed of roses . 生活总是一帆风顺的 Lift is not a bed of roses. 生活不总是一帆风顺的2. Lightning never strikes in the same place twice .雷电从不会两次击中同一个地方、偶然的事不可能再次同样发生(福无双至)。lightning laitni n.闪电-

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