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1、Module 11.确实,肯定地,毫无疑问_2.预知, 预言,预料,预报_3.处于危险中_4.冒险_5.冒险做某事_6.有把握_7.今后_将来 _8.用完,耗尽_9.依赖, 依靠,信赖_10.依靠,信赖;取决于,视情况而定_11.代用能源_ 自然资源_ 可循环再利用材料_12.大量的 plenty ofa lot of / lots of a large quantity of修饰_a large number of -a number ofa great/good many修饰_a large amount ofa great deal of修饰_13.摆脱,除掉,处理掉_14.将(容器、车

2、)用某物装满_15.朝射击/发射_16.限制,限定_17.适度地; 有限度地_ 18.无限地; 无限制地_19.命令某人做某事_20.定货_21.免费地_22.负责,管理_23.由负责,管理_24.打开/关闭(电器设备)_25.实行,贯彻,执行,实现_26.继续,进行_27.给某人做手术_/_28.贴上,系上, 使依附_29.陷入,被困_30.当心_31.忙于_32.对乐观_33.和某人结婚_/_34.在进行中,在举行_35.即将被淘汰、过时_ 开始流行_36.形状像_37.到处移动_38.首先_39.穿衣,打扮_40.并非全都_41.实现_42.轻轻一拨开关_ 一看见_ 一想到_43.太多_

3、 太,过于_44.中学毕业_Module 21. 四处走走_2.与-有联系_3.陷入困境_4.在展览中_5.允许某人做某事/允许做某事_6.提供某人某物_ 7.拥挤/受伤/迷路/结婚_8.受限于_9.给人以深刻印象_10.看得见/看到-美景_11.在建设中_12.值得做某事_13. 和-有共同点_14.免费_15.减少了/到_16.立刻,马上_17.避免做某事_18使某人发疯_19.某事对于某人来说是方便的_20.做某事对于某人来说是方便的_21.和反应_ 对作出反应_ 反对,反抗_ 对有影响_22.有好心情_23.有/没有心情做某事_24.保持冷静_25.问题的解决方法_Module 31.

4、 握手_ 2. 指着_ 3. 指出 _4. 与某人交流_ 5. 把 传达给,通知给某人_ 6. 想起,想到_ 7. more than (+ n) _ more than (+ adj.) _ more than (+ num.) _ 8. 一部分_ 9. 意识到_10. 从 到 不等,不同 _ 11. 保持警惕,在站岗_ 12. 用跟某人打招呼_ 13. 达成协议_ 14. 参与 ,与 有关,被卷入_ 15. 泄露;出卖;赠送_ 16. 忙于做某事_ 17. 偶然地,无意地_ 18. 祝酒_ 19. 喝一小口_ 20. (大脑)一片空白 _21. 对很粗鲁_ 22. 向问好_ 23. 举起_

5、 24. 一上一下地_ 25. 打开_ 26. 请某人帮忙_ 27. 究竟_ 28. 增加_ 29. 与竞争_ 30. 在某一场合_31. 帮某人个忙 32. 支持,赞成 Module 41 与发生反应 _2 在一个尚未解决温饱的世界_3 主食_4 在水稻种植界_5 一位杰出人士_6 抚养_7 起绰号_8 从很小的时候_9 做的关键_10 做的方式_11 高产量_12 开始做的实验_13 在上做实验_14 寻找_15 突破_16 引进,带来_17 由于_18 上升了_19 转而做_20 被出口到_21 大量的_22 向某人屈服_23获奖_24 奖给某物_25因奖给某人某物_26 相对论_27

6、被诊断患有疾病_28 谋生_29 开始掌权_30偶然的_31 投入_32 爆炸_33 从中逃脱_34 与交战_35 朝着一个笔直的方向_36 一群,一股_37 (天气)转晴;整理;消除(误会) 38 把.收拾走 39 代替 Module 51. 在的边缘_2. 被所包围_3. 有大量的_4. 在远处_5. 至少_6. 驶入,顺利地前行_7. 敲竹杠,敲诈_8. 从中得到乐趣_9. 丘陵地区_10. 缩小到_11. 四个星期的假期_12. 日落_13. 绕路_14. 穿过_15. 有大量的_16. 指着_17. 远山_18. 历史意义_19. 禁止某人做某事_20. 要求某人某事_21. 做某事

7、如何_22. 和相处很好_23.听起来不错_24.敲竹杠_25.给某人极大乐趣_26.粘贴_27.坚持_28.小的红色的大头针_29.遵守规则_30.只有才_31.描述成_32.在某一领域活跃而突出_33.从选择_34.去.旅行_35.从远处_36.并驾齐驱_37.与做生意_Module 61.接近,靠近_2.遵守,坚持_突出,伸出_陷入,被困在_3.再次成为新闻,再次被新闻关注_恢复_4.宣称,声称_5.潜入_从 跳入_跳水_冲向_6.对 怀疑_7. (不)可能做_8.占地面积为_9.使自己适应或习惯_适应(新环境等)_改编剧本_根据 改写_10. 开门见山,谈正题_11.一夜之间,顷刻之间

8、_12.喜欢,选择_13.灭绝(风俗,习惯等)消失,消灭_相继死亡_(声音,光线,风等)减弱,渐息_(火,兴奋,暴风雨,光线)减弱,渐息(声音)静下来_14.根据,所说,依据_15.:应归于_预期,约定做某事_由于的原因(because of, as a result of) _16.发财_碰运气_17.在后边_18.继续_19.以为生_20似乎_21. 的边缘_22.看清楚_23.看见某人做了某事_看见某人正在做某事_24.沿着.走_25.遥远_26.可能(猜测)_27.不再_28.长期_29.火山爆发_30.由导致_31. 的原因_32.是清楚,明白_33.了不起,不同寻常_34.与有关_

9、35.天生的领导者_36.强项和弱项_37.产生自_38.好兆头_Keys:Module 11. for sure= for certain 2. make predictions = predict v. 3. at risk = in danger4. take a risk 5. risk doing sth.6. be certain/sure of/about7. in future /from now on in the future 8. (sth) run out give out run out of sth. = use up sth9. rely on/upon 10.

10、depend on/upon11. alternative energy natural resources recycled materials12. 大量的 plenty ofa lot of / lots of a large quantity oflarge quantities of名词复数,不可数名词a large number of a number ofa great/good many名词复数a large amount oflarge amounts of a great deal of不可数名词13. get rid of 14. load(容器、车)with(sth)1

11、5. fire at16. limit sb/sth to sth 17. within limits 18. without limits 19. command/order (that) sb (should) do sth ; command/order sb to do sth20. place an order/ orders for sth. with sb. 21. free of charge= for free22. in/take charge of 23. in the charge of sb 24. switch on/off 25. carry out 26. ca

12、rry on + with/doing sth27. perform/ carry out an operation on sb./operate on sb 28. attach sth. to / be attached to 29. get/be stuck in30. look/watch out (for) 31. be busy with/doing sth 32. be optimistic about33. be/get married (to sb) marry sb34. in progress 35. be on the way out come into fashion

13、 36. be shaped like 37. move about38. for a start 39. get dressed 40. not all= All not 41. come true 42. at the flick of a switch at the sight of at the thought of 43. too much + U much too + adj./ adv 44. finish school Module 21. get around/round/about2. be connected with3. be/get stuck in=be caugh

14、t in =be trapped in4. be on display5. permit/allow sb. to do sth./ permit/allow doing sth.6. provide sb. with sth.=provide sth.for sb.=offer sb.sth.=offer sth. to sb.=supply sb. with sth.=supply sth.for/to sb7. get crowded/hurt/lost/married8. be limited to +n.(pron.)9. impress sb. with sth./impress

15、sth. on sb./give(have,leave,make) an impression on sb.10. in view/have a good view of.11. under construction12. be worth doing/be worthy of being done/be worthy to be done13. have sth. in common with sb14. free of charge15. be reduced by /to16. in no time17. avoid doing 18. drive sb. mad19. sth. be

16、convenient to sb20. It is convenient for/to sb to do sth21. react with; react to; react against; react on/upon22. be in a good mood23. be in the/no mood for sth/ to do sth24. keep/stay cool/ calm25. the solution to the problemModule 31. shake hands2. point to / at3. point out4. communicate with sb.5

17、. communicate sth. to sb.6. think of7. 不仅仅,不只是很,非常多于,超过8. (a) part of9. be conscious of10. vary from to11. be/keep on guard12. greet sb with sth.13. make a deal14. be /get involved in 15. give away16. be busy doing sth / with sth.17. by accident / by chance18. make a toast19. take a sip20. go blank2

18、1. be rude to sb.22. say hello to23. lift up24. up and down25. switch on26. ask sb. a favour27. on earth28. add to29. in competition with30. on an occasion31. do a sb. a favor32. be in favor ofModule 41 react with2 in a hungry world3 staple food4 in the rice-growing world5 a leading figure6 bring up

19、7 give a nickname 8 from an early age9 the key to doing10 the way to do/of doing11 a higher yield12 begin experiment in13begin experiment with14 search for15 make a breakthrough16 bring in17 as a result of/as a consequence of/because of/ thanks to/due to18 rise by19 be converted to20 be exported to2

20、1 a large quantity of/large quantities of22 yield to sb.23gain a reward 24 reward sb. sth /reward sth to sb.25 reward sb sth for 26 theory of relativity27 be diagnosed with28 earn ones living29 come to power30 by accident/by chance31 throw into32 make explosions33 escape from34 at war with35 in a st

21、raight direction36 clouds of37 clear up38 clear away39 take the place of/in place of/instead ofModule 51. at the edge of2. be surrounded by3. be heavy with4. in the distance 5. at least6. sail into7. rip off8. get a kick out of9. a hilly region10. narrow to11. have four weeks off12.sun set13.make a

22、detour14. go through15.be heavy with16. point at17. on a distant mountain18. sense of history19. forbid doing sth/ forbid sb to do sth/ sb be forbidden to do 20. require doing/require sb to do sth/ require that sb (should) do sth21. how about doing / what about doing22. go well with 23. sound fine24

23、.rip off25.give sb a kick 26. stick on27 stick to 28.little red pin29.follow the rule30. only if31.describe as 32. be around33.choosefrom/between34.make a trip34.from a distance36.hand in hand37.trade with。inModule 61. get/be close to sb / sth /go / come close to /close up2. stick to stick out get/b

24、e stuck in 3. be back in the news be back 4. claim that / to do5. dive into dive from into make a dive make a dive for 6. be sceptical of (about) 7. be (un)likely to do8. cover an area of 9. adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯 / adapt to 适应(新环境等)adapt a play 改编剧本 / adapt from 根据 改写10. come straight to the poi

25、nt 11. 11. almost overnight 12. go for喜欢,选择13. die out die off die awaydie down14. according to 15. be due to:be due to do due to16. make a fortune try ones fortune 17.at the back of 在18.continue to do 19.exist on20 seem to do 21. the edge of 22. get a clear look at 23. see sb do sth see sb doing sth 24. walk along 25. far away 26. there might be 27. no longer 28. over a long period of time 29.volcanic eruption 30. be caused by 31. the reason for 32. throw light on 33. quite something 34. be connected to 35. natural leader 36. strength and weakness37. grow out of 38. a good sign 8

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