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1、极地特快片名:北极特快多年以前的某个圣诞夜On Christmas Eve, many years ago.我静静的躺在床上.I lay quietly in my bed.我没有翻来覆去I did not rustle the sheets.也没有心浮气燥I breathed slowly and silently.我仔细听着 害怕再也听不到.I was listening for a sound I was afraid Id never hear.圣诞老人雪橇上的铃声The ringing bells of Santa s sleigh.好了 好了 你喝完了水 是吗All right.

2、All right, Sarah, you had your water.该上楼睡觉啦Now lets get you upstairs and into bed.但.但.我得.But.But.But, I hace to.他说圣诞老人得飞的比光速还快.He said Santa would have to fly faster than light.才能在一个晚上到每户人家去 他的雪橇也得和一艘货船一样大.to get to every house in one night. And to hold everyones presents.才能装的下每个人的礼物.his sled would

3、be bigger than an ocean liner.你哥哥是这么说的? 他是说笑 他知道圣诞老人是怎样的Your brother said that? He was just kidding you. He knows theres a Santa.他说他不确定 是不是真的有圣诞老人He said he wasnt sure. He wasnt sure if Santa was for real.当然有啦 就像圣诞节也是真的呀Of course Santa is real. Hes as real as Christmas itself.但是如果不好好睡觉 圣诞老人就不会来But h

4、e wont come until youre sound asleep, young lady.祝好梦Sweet dreams.圣诞老人很快就会来Santa will be here before you know it.快睡吧So go to sleep.史塔克 拜伦Stark, barren.无生命迹象Decoid of life.大概已经睡着了Hes gotta be asleep by now.他以前总是不睡 要等圣诞老人He used to stay awake all night waiting for Santa.以前的日子都过去了Think those days are ju

5、st about over.如果真是这样 那也真伤心That would be sad if that were true.对呀 童真不再Yeah, an end of the magic.圣诞快乐 甜心Merry Christmas, sweetheart.他睡的真熟See, hes out like a light.就算火车来也吵不醒An express train wouldnt wake him up now.童真不再End of the magic?上车咯All aboard!上车咯All aboard!你.要上车吗Well, You coming?去哪儿Where?当然是去北极啦W

6、hy, to the North Pole, of course.这是极地特快This is the Polar Express.北极The North Pole?我明白了I see.请替我拿一下Hold this, please.谢谢Thank you.这是你吗Is this you?- 是的 - 这上说.-Yeah. -Well, it says here.今年没去商场和圣诞老人拍照 也没写信给他.no photo with a department-store Santa this year, no letter to Santa.还叫你妹妹也不要写.And you made your

7、sister put out the milk and cookies.看来今年是你的关键年Sounds to me like this is your crucial year.如果我是你 就会立刻上车If I were you, I would think about climbing onboard.快 快 快 我赶时间.哇Come on, come on. Ive got a schedule to keep.随你吧Suit yourself.在极地特快上 事情就是这样子的Cause thats the way things happen On the Polar Express呜呜汽

8、笛响 是她唱歌的声音Whoo, whoo, the whistle blows Thats the sound of her singing叮叮铃声响 天哪 看着她走Ding, ding, the bell will ring Golly, loo at her go你觉得如果我们很快到达 谁来猜一猜.You wonder if well get there soon Anybodys guess在极地特快上 事情就是这样子的Cause thats the way things happen On the Polar Express当我们到那里 就会尖叫 耶When we get there

9、Well scream, Yay!我们到达那里 附和着邦邦邦Well arrive with A bang, bang, bang还有噗噗噗 路上一直说笑着Boom, boom, boom Laughing all the way有个舒服的位子和很多吃的 天哪 这真是最好的With a comfy seat and lots to eat Boy, its just the best希望永远不要结束Wish it would t ever have to end加上一点运气 我们会准时到的 没有必要有压力With a little luck, well be on time Theres no

10、 need to stress在极地特快上 事情就是这样子的Cause thats the way things happen On the Polar Express嗨 嗨 叫你呢 这是哪一种火车 你知道吗Hey. Hey, you. Yeah, you. Do you know what kind of train this is?火车 这是哪一种火车 你知道吗Train. Do you know what kind of train this is? Do you?当然Of course.这是魔法火车Its a magic train.- 我们要去北极 - 我当然知道是魔法火车-Were

11、 going to the North Pole. -I know its a magic train.这是鲍温S系列 蒸气动力火车Its a Baldwin - S-class steam locomotive.鲍温公司年制造 重 磅.built in at the Baldwin Locomotice Works. It weighs , pounds and.我们真的要去北极Are we really going to the North Pole?- 嗨 快看呀! - 是不是很漂亮-Hey, look! -lsnt that wonderful?贺伯山莫斯 贺伯山莫斯Herpolshe

12、imers! Herpolsheimers!哇 好多礼物! 我全部都要Wow, look at all those presents. I want all of them.有圣诞夜的气氛 好温馨 也很漂亮Its so Christmassy and cozy and beautiful!车票Tickets.请拿出车票Tickets, please.车票Tickets.请拿出车票Ticket, please.摸摸你的口袋Try your pocket.另一个口袋Try your other pocket.谢谢你Thank you, sir.喂 小心点儿Hey, watch out, there

13、.谢谢你Thank you, sir.呃呃.那是公共地址播音机 不是玩具That is a public-address microphone. It is not a toy.那家伙真爱炫耀Boy, that guy sure likes to show off.看他在我车票上打了什么了Look what that wise guy punched on my ticket.LE 是啥意思? 下一站 艾布克街号L-E. What the heck does that mean? -Next stop, Edbrooke.我们正驶往铁路的另一端Were heading for the othe

14、r side of the tracks.你.要来吗Well? You coming?只是停下来载人Its just another pickup.奇怪! 我以为你是最后一位乘客Thats weird. I thought you were supposed to be the last one.当然是去北极啦Why, to the North Pole, of course.这是极地特快This is the Polar Express.随你吧Suit yourself.喂 喂 那孩子想上车Hey, that kid wants to get on the train.快跑Come on!快

15、Hurry up!我们必须让车停下来We hace to stop the train.- 不知道怎么办 - 去拉紧急刹车-I dont know how. -Pull the emergency brake!是谁拉了紧急刹车Who in the blazes applied that emergency brake?!是他He did.你You.如果你到现在还不知道 那是紧急时刻专用的刹车In case you didnt know, that cord is for emergency purposes only.你没有注意今晚是圣诞夜吧And in case you werent awa

16、re, tonight is Christmas Eve.还有你难道没注意 我们正在赶时间And in case you hadnt noticed, this train is on a very tight schedule.小伙子 圣诞节对你来说或许不重要.Now, young man, Christmas may not be important to some people.但是对我们来说很重要.but it is very important to the rest of us!但是.但是.But.But.他只是想停住车 好让那个男孩儿上车He was just trying to

17、 stop the train so that kid could get on.我明白了 小伙子 是这样吗I see. Young man, is that what happened?好吧Well.让我提醒你 现在时间很紧Let me remind you we are on a very tight schedule.以前从没迟到过.And Ive never been late before.今晚也绝对不能.and I am certainly not going to be late tonight.现在 大家回位子上坐好Now, ecerybody, take your seats

18、, please!谢谢Thank you.大家注意.Your attention, please.车上的人 有谁需要用点心Are there any Polar Express passengers in need of refreshment?- 我! 我! 我! - 我想也是的-Me! Me! Me! -I thought so.# 呜 我们有 #-Hot, hot -Oh, we got it# 嘿 我们有 #-Hot, hot -Hey, we got it# 说 我们有 #-Hot, hot -Say, we got it# 热巧克力 热腾腾 #Hot chocolate Hot,

19、hot# 噢 我们有 #-Oh, we got it -Hot, hot# 所以 我们有 #-So we got it -Hot, hot# 哟 我们有 #Yo, we got it- # 热的巧克力 # - # 只有一个原则 #-Hot chocolate -Here we ve only got one rule# 决不让食物凉了 #Never, ever let it cool# 一直在锅里热着 #Keep it cooking in the pot# 就有了热巧克力 #-Then you got -Hot chocolate# 噢 我们有 #-Hot, hot -Oh, we got

20、it# 嘿 我们有 #-Hot, hot -Hey, we got it# 说 我们有 #-Hot, hot -Say, we got it# 热腾腾的巧克力 #Hot chocolate Hot, hot# 呦 我们有 #-Oh, we got it -Hot, hot# 所以 我们有 #-So we got it -Hot, hot# 哟 我们有 #Yo, we got it- # 热的巧克力 # - # 只有一个原则 #-Hot chocolate -Here we only got one rule# 只有一个原则 #Here we only got one rule# 决不让食物凉了

21、 #Never, ever let it cool# 决不让食物凉了 #Never, ever let it cool# 一直在锅里热着 #Keep it cooking in the pot# 马上就上了 #Soon you got hot chocolate# 嘿 我们有 #-Hot, hot -Hey, we got it# 我们有 #-Hot, hot -Oh, we got it# 耶 我们有 #-Hot, hot - Yeah, we got it# 呜 我们有 #-Hot, hot -Oh, we got it# 耶 我们有 #-Hot, hot - Yeah, we got i

22、t# 我们有热巧克力 #-Oh, we got it -Hot, hot# 我们有热巧克力 #Yeah, we got it知道吗.古阿兹塔克人的国王.You know, Montezuma, the king of the Aztecs.一天要喝大杯热巧克力.would drink quarts of hot chocolate every day.颜色像红泥浆 因为他们不放糖 而是放红辣椒粉.It was thick as mud and red. He put chili pepper in instead of sugar.-辣巧克力.懂吧? - 你怎么知道的?这不可能-Get it?

23、 Hot chocolate? -How do you know? Thats not true.- 你要拿去哪儿? - 是给他的-Where you going with that? -Its for him.- 我想我们不该离开座位 - 对呀 这违反铁路交通规则.- I dont think were to leave our seats. - Its a violation of safety regulations.儿童必须有大人陪伴才能跨越车厢.for a kid to cross moving cars without a grown-up.我想不会有事儿的I think Ill

24、be okay.你确定Are you sure?后车厢的那个小伙子.喝过了吗What about this lad in the back? Did he get any refreshment?想办法拿去给他吧Well, lets take some to him, by all means.小心走 注意 小心走Watch your step, now. Watch your step.她忘了车票She forgot her ticket.车票还没打过洞It hasnt been punched.喂.你想干嘛? 会给大家带来麻烦的What are you doing? Youre gonna

25、 get us in trouble!请原谅 小姐Young lady, forgice me.我想我忘了把你的车票打洞I believe I have neglected to punch your ticket.请May l?我刚把车票留在座位上I left my ticket right here on the seat.- 但是不见了 - 你是说.-But its gone. -You mean.你把车票弄丢了.you have lost your ticket.不是她弄丢了She didnt lose her ticket.是我I did.我只是想拿去还你I was trying t

26、o return it to you.但是风把它从我手中吹走了But the wind blew it out of my hand.我的车票给你You can hace my ticket.车票是不能过给别人These tickets are not transferable.小姐Young lady.你得跟我来.you will just have to come along with me.你们知道会发生什么事吧? 他会把她丢出火车You know whats gonna happen now? Hes gonna throw her off the train.他大概会在车尾把她扔出去

27、Hes gonna probably throw her off the rear platform.这是规矩 这样就不会被轮子压到Standard procedure. That way, she wont get sucked under the wheels.他们或许会把车子放慢 但绝对不会停车They may slow the train down, but theyre never gonna stop it.停车Stop it?有啦!我必须再把车停下来Thats it! I hace to stop the train again.不 等等 不要再做了No, please, don

28、t do that again.他们去哪儿了Whered they go?他们怎么啦What happened to them?拜托.她有麻烦 你一定要帮我Please, shes in big trouble. You hace to help me.喂Hey!喂Hey!我找到你的车票了 等一下I found your ticket! Wait!喂Hey!等等Wait!我有你的车票I hace your ticket!有啥需要我效劳的吗Is there something I can do for you?我在找一个女孩儿Im looking for a girl.一个.哈哈.A gi.?大

29、家都要找女孩儿.哈哈Aint we all?我有她的车票I hace her ticket.瞧瞧 瞧瞧 这是什么Well, lookie. Lookie here. What is this?这是官方 正式 真正的乘车用车票This is an official, authentic, genuine ticket to ride.你得好好保管它 小伙子You better keep this in a safe place, young man.如果我是你.If I was you.就把贵重物品藏在这里I keep all my caluables right here.藏在号旧鞋底Righ

30、t here in the old size .经验告诉我 这儿最安全Experience shows this is the safest place.其实我不在乎什么车票Not that I hace much use for those.车票Tickets.我都 免费的车I ride for free.对了.我随时想搭这班车就搭Oh, yeah, yeah. I hop aboard this rattler any time I feels like it.这车是我的I own this train. Oh, yeah.就好像我是这车的主儿 极地特快的主人Its like Im the

31、 king of this train. Yeah. The king of the Pol Ex.事实上 我是整个北极的王In fact, I am the king of the North Pole!我怎么忘了礼貌 请坐 请坐Oh, wheres my manners? Sit, sit. Sit.请坐 别客气Take a load off.来点儿咖啡吧?Hey, would you like some Joe?这么冷的天 来点儿热呼呼的提提神Nice hot refreshment. Perfect for a cold winters night.祝福你There. Bless yo

32、u.圣诞老人是怎么回事What about Santa?- 圣诞老人? - 他不是北极的王吗-Santa? -lsnt he the king of the North Pole?你是说.这家伙You mean this guy?那你说他是怎么回事 我是成人 直说无妨What exactly is your persuasion on the big man?既然你提到了Since you brought him up.我.Well, l.我愿意相信是真的I want to beliece.- 但是. - 但是你不想被骗- But. - But you dont wanna be bamboo

33、zled.你不想被人耍着玩You dont wanna be led down the primrose path.你不想被欺 被瞒 被蒙着眼睛You dont wanna be conned or duped, hace the wool pulled ocer your eyes.你不想被逼上火车Hoodwinked. You dont wanna be taken for a ride, railroaded.眼见为实Seeing is believing.我说的对吗Am I right?那这火车又是怎么回事But what about this train?你想问啥What about

34、 it?我们真的要去北极Were all really going to the North Pole.不是吗.arent we?不是吗Arent we?你是说.这.只是个梦Are you saying that this is all just a dream?是你说的.孩子.不是我说的You said it, kid. Not me.那.咱们去找那女孩儿吧So lets go find that girl.还有.One other thing.你相信有鬼吗Do you believe in ghosts?真有趣Interesting.等等Wait.等等Wait!等等Wait!我得醒过来I

35、hace to wake up.我得醒过来Yeah. I hace to wake up.醒醒.醒醒.Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.醒醒.醒醒.Wake up!孩子Kid!孩子 离开那里Kid, get your head out of the clouds!醒醒 孩子Wake up, kid!车顶上可不能梦游Theres no sleepwalking on the Polar Express.我们得跳车厢We gotta jump them knuckles.快.孩子 坐上我的肩Come on, kid. Flip my shoulders.抓住我Grab my li

36、ly.你的衣服到前面去了That skirt youre chasing must have moved ahead.- 我们得到猪头那儿去 快 - 猪头-We gotta hightail it to the hog, pronto. -To the hog?引擎.就是引擎 你是个新手The engine. The engine, you tenderfoot.我们得在车开到平顶山洞前 到达车头的引擎室We gotta make the engine before we hit Flat Top Tunnel.怎么做How come?这么多问题So many questions.平顶山洞的顶

37、和车顶.There is but one inch of clearance between the roof of this rattler.只有一英寸宽.and the roof of Flat Top Tunnel.明白吗Savvy?车要上坡了 孩子Its just the run up to the hump, kid.好玩的来了This will be interesting.快上来 快呀Get back on, kid. Hurry!抓住我的滑雪棍Grab my muck stick.只有一个窍门Theres only one trick to this, kid.我说跳When

38、I say jump.你就跳.you jump!我还以为你被扔下火车了You. I thought you got thrown off, and.- 你在这儿开火车! - 机师让我开-Youre driving the train? -They put me in charge.- 他们要去检查车灯了 - 灯泡在这儿 小心-The engineer had to check the light. -Heres the light. Careful.现在好了All right, now.我拿到了I got it.- 你怎么会开? - 很简单 来 我告诉你-How do you know how

39、? -Its easy. Come here, Ill show you.那个大扳手是加速器This big lecer here, thats the throttle.这个小的是刹车This little one here, thats the brake.那些是压力表And those are the pressure gauges.那跟绳子是鸣笛And that rope is the whistle.鸣笛The whistle.想试试吗You wanna try it?我一直梦想要拉一下Ice wanted to do that my whole life.别动.别动Hold sti

40、ll! Hold still! Dont moce!快看Look!快停车! 快停车Stop the train! Stop the train!快停车Stop the train!什么What?他们要我们停车They want us to stop the train.- 哪个是刹车? - 他说是这个-Which one is the brake? -He told me this was.- 谁说? - 机师-Who? -The engineer.- 机师?这个看起来像是刹车 - 不是 不是 他说这是刹车-The engineer? This one looks like a brake.

41、-No, he said this was the brake.你确定Are you sure?你确定Are you sure?拉刹车Pull the brake!停车Stop the train!哈罗 鹿兄Caribou?极地特快到不了北极 圣诞节也泡汤了There can be no Christmas without the Polar Express arriving on time.难道只有我懂Am I the only one who understands that?我早该猜到You. I should hace known.你是不是一心 想让车子到不了北极Are you bou

42、nd and determined that this train never reaches the North Pole?看But look.驯鹿过街Caribou crossing?!我猜最少十万 或许百万I make that herd to be at least , maybe even a million.要它们全部让路得要几个小时Its gonna be hours before they clear this track.- 麻烦的事情 - 我们这下麻烦大了-A tough nut to crack. -We are in some serious jelly.- 非常拥挤

43、- 紧要关头-And a jam. -Tight spot.- 小溪上去 - 树上去-Up a creek. -Up a tree.- 在草地里迷失 - 我告诉你什么草地 我们.-Lost in the grass. -Ill tell you whats grass: our a.问题解决了 慢.速.前进Problem solced. All ahead, slow.我们驶的很快耶Were going pretty fast.去告诉机师们放慢速度Tell the engineer to slow down.慢一点Slow it down.小心速度太快Watch the speed!跳开了 快

44、把它抓住Jumping jeepers, the cotter pin sheared off.- 什么东西? - 栓子-What? -The pin.- 哪里? - 那里-Where? -There.- 不妙! - 不妙-Oh, no. -Oh, no.- 他们听不到我 - 听不到-They cant hear me. -They cant?不喜欢这个景象 在安全栏下面I dont like the look of this. Under the safety bar.不会有事儿吧? 我们该怎么办Is everything all right? What should we do?照.目前的

45、状况来看 我们无法连络机师.Considering weve lost communication with the engineer.我们在车头前 完全暴露在外.we are standing totally exposed on the front of the locomotive.车一直在加速 无法控制.the train appears to be accelerating uncontrollably.我们快速冲向前方的冰峡谷.and we are rapidly approaching Glacier Gulch.这是世上最陡峭的峡谷.which happens to be th

46、e steepest downhill grade in the world.我建议我们都得.I suggest we all hold on.抓紧栏.tightly.- 栓子 - 栓子-The pin. -The pin.糟糕.车轨已经被冰覆盖Jiminy Christmas, the ice has frozen over the tracks.不.不.抓紧.抓紧Hold on. Hold on. No, no.快!小心脚下.快.Come on. Watch your step.抓紧.快上来.快Come on, sweetie. Up you go. Up you go.脚放在这里 这里P

47、ut your feet on here. On here.有点刺激 是吗Little adcenture, huh?小伙子.反应满快的Young man, quick thinking on your part.到左边去Step to your left, please. To your left.呵.这才像话Well, that is more like it.你们搞啥What in the name of Mike?看Look.快带我们火速离开Get us the blazes out of here!让车滑开Turn this sled around.看那里Look there.车轨T

48、racks.正前方Dead ahead.右Right.左Left.右Right.打直Hang a Louie.拉掣阀Toss a Ritchie.拉手Port astern.放慢To the starboard.- 我的拖鞋 - 你的车票要掉了-My slipper. -Youre gonna lose your ticket.不是我的 是你的Its not my ticket, its yours.- 我的? - 对-Its my ticket? -Yes.右.跟着我.左.Right. Keep up with me. Left.右.左.Right. Left.右.Right.左.Left.

49、右.Right.左.右Left. Right.- 噢 糟糕! - 噢 糟糕-Oh, no! -Oh, no!抓紧了Brace yourselces!呵.这才像话Well, thats more like it.谢谢你Thank you.谢谢你 真不敢相信 你帮我找到车票Thank you. I cant believe you found my ticket.谁说.找到.车票了Did someone say they found a ticket?这么说.车票拿来吧Well, in that case. Tickets, please.谢谢Thank you.-L-E? - 和那个万事通的一样

50、-L-E? -Just like that know-it-all kid.走路小心Watch your step. Tricky walking up here.提醒你 上坡时 路很滑Its mighty slick. Mighty slick, I tell you.我刚说啥来着There you go. What did I tell you?很久以前 我首次圣诞夜之旅 我在车顶巡视.Years ago, on my first Christmas Ece run, I was up on the roof making my rounds.也踩到冰滑了一下.when I slipped

51、 on the ice myself.我伸手去抓栏杆 但栏杆断了 就滑倒了I reached out for a hand iron, but it broke off. I slid and fell.但是没有掉下车去And yet, I did not fall off this train.某人救了你Someone saved you?也可能是某物Or something.天使An angel.或许Maybe.等等.Wait. Wait.他长的什么样子? 你看到他了吗What did he look like? Did you see him?没有 有时.眼见为实No, sir. But

52、 sometimes seeing is believing.有时.最真实的我们却看不见And sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we cant see.这些被遗弃的The forsaken and the abandoned.小心走 这些可怜的玩具受了不少罪.Mind your step, now. These poor toys hace suffered enough.被世人到处抛弃 自生自灭.being left to rust and decay in the back alleys and caca

53、nt lots of the world.它们怎么会在这儿What are they doing here?这是领导的新点子Its a new concept the boss came up with.与其丢弃它们 不如收集起来修补一下Instead of being thrown away, theyre collected. Refurbished.他说这是循环 反覆 再生什么的He calls it rebicycling. Something like that.真令人伤心Makes me wanna cry.看到它们这样被虐待.seeing toys that were treat

54、ed this way.这些吊绳都打结的木偶问题才大These hopelessly entangled string puppets and marionettes.我们在北极处理这些玩具的人员.pose a particular problem. We found the nimble fingers of our work force.为了打开绳结 可费尽脑筋了.here at the North Pole are best for working out those knots and tangles.谢谢你 这里双保险Thank you. Double-locked here.朋友

55、你就像我一样.You are just like me, my friend.一个捣蛋鬼A scrooge!埃比尼泽捣蛋鬼Ebenezer Scrooge.捣蛋鬼从来不信什么.North Pole, Santa Claus, this train.圣诞节 北极 圣诞老人.等等 全是难以置信 骗人的玩意儿.its all a bunch of humbug. A bout of indigestion.喔 我知道你是啥.Oh, yeah. I know what you are.你是个怀疑论者Youre a doubter.你怀疑 你不相信.A doubter. You dont believe

56、!你是怀疑论者! 你不相信Youre a doubter! You dont beliece!你错过好戏啦 我们爬过陡坡You missed it. We rode down some really sharp hills.然后经过似乎结冰的湖面We were on what looked like a frozen lake.但是我说是视觉假像But I know it was just an optical illusion.他说车子是走在冰上 我说这不可能.He said the train was on ice. I said its impossible.因为车轨不可能. 你去哪里You cant put a train track. Where you going now?# 我对星星许愿 #Im wishing on a star# 试着去相信 #And trying to believe# 虽然很遥远 #That even though its far# 但确有圣诞夜 #Hell find me Christmas Eve# 我猜圣诞老人很忙 #I g

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