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1、12oversleep vt.睡太久;睡过头睡太久;睡过头She was late because she had overslept and missed the train.她因为睡过了头、没有赶上火车,所以迟到了。她因为睡过了头、没有赶上火车,所以迟到了。rush v. 冲;奔冲;奔The children rushed out of the classroom at the end of their lesson.下课后孩子们冲出教室。下课后孩子们冲出教室。n. 冲进冲进 ;匆忙匆忙That boat was swept away by the rush of the river.那条

2、船被河水急流冲走了。那条船被河水急流冲走了。3rush into 冲进冲进 (反反slow)lock n. C 锁锁 v. 锁锁 ;锁上锁上There is a lock on the door.门上有一把锁门上有一把锁The door doesnt lock easily.此门不易锁住。此门不易锁住。lock in 把把锁在里面锁在里面 lock out 把某人锁在外边把某人锁在外边 4costume n.C 衣裳;衣服衣裳;衣服She looks very pretty in her winter costume.她穿着冬装看上去很美丽。她穿着冬装看上去很美丽。同同clothesexhau

3、sted adj.极其疲惫的;精疲力尽的极其疲惫的;精疲力尽的We were exhausted by the climb up the hill.我们因爬上那座小山而筋疲力竭。我们因爬上那座小山而筋疲力竭。5embarrassed adj. 窘迫的窘迫的; 尴尬的尴尬的; 局促不安的局促不安的She looked very embarrassed.她显得很不好意思的样子。她显得很不好意思的样子。empty adj. 空的空的 (反反full)Dont speak empty words.不要说空话。不要说空话。v. 变空变空The lake gradually emptied.湖水渐渐流光了

4、。湖水渐渐流光了。 6fool v. 愚弄,欺骗愚弄,欺骗You cant fool me! I dont believe you.你骗不了我!我不相信你。你骗不了我!我不相信你。n. C 蠢人,傻子蠢人,傻子What a fool you were!你真是个大傻瓜!你真是个大傻瓜!make a fool of愚弄愚弄(或欺骗或欺骗)某人某人 7announce vt. 宣布;发表宣布;发表;通告通告The news was announced by Radio Beijing.这消息由北京广播电台发表了。这消息由北京广播电台发表了。Jonathan announced that he had

5、 found a new job.乔纳森宣布他已经找到新工作。乔纳森宣布他已经找到新工作。convince vt. 使确信,使信服使确信,使信服I convinced him that there was no danger.我使他相信没有危险。我使他相信没有危险。 8panic n. 恐慌;惊慌(恐慌;惊慌( 同同fear反反bravery)There was a panic in the shop when a fire started.商店里失火时一片慌乱。商店里失火时一片慌乱。v. 使恐慌;十分惊慌使恐慌;十分惊慌The children panicked.孩子们十分惊恐。孩子们十分惊

6、恐。authority n. 权威,威信;权威机构权威,威信;权威机构The news was from the authority.消息来自于权威机构。消息来自于权威机构。9reveal v. 显出显出 ;泄露;泄露Daylight revealed a strange scene.日光呈现出奇异的景象。日光呈现出奇异的景象。He never revealed his secret.他从来不泄露自己的秘密。他从来不泄露自己的秘密。hoax n.C 骗局骗局,恶作剧恶作剧,愚弄愚弄The bomb threat turned out to be a hoax.炸弹威胁后来发现是个恶作剧。炸弹威

7、胁后来发现是个恶作剧。10flee v. 逃,逃走逃,逃走The enemy had fled (from) the village when our men arrived.我们的人到达时,敌人已逃离村子了。我们的人到达时,敌人已逃离村子了。flee for ones life 逃命逃命 spaghetti n. 意大利面条意大利面条Do you like to eat spaghetti?你喜欢吃意大利面条吗?你喜欢吃意大利面条吗?11marry v. 嫁嫁;娶娶;与与 结婚(反结婚(反divorce)She married a doctor.她嫁给了一个医生。她嫁给了一个医生。They

8、have married for ten years.他们已经结婚十年了。他们已经结婚十年了。be married=get married 结婚结婚thrill v. 使非常激动;使非常紧张使非常激动;使非常紧张I thrilled to see him win (the) first prize.我看到他获得头奖感到很兴奋。我看到他获得头奖感到很兴奋。n.C心情动荡心情动荡 心惊胆战心惊胆战 的感觉的感觉,刺激刺激,兴奋兴奋,激激动动story full of thrills充满刺激的故事充满刺激的故事 12reply vt. 回答;答复回答;答复For a moment he did no

9、t know how to reply.他一时不知道如何作答。他一时不知道如何作答。n. 答复;回答答复;回答At all events, he gives no reply.总之,他不予以回答。总之,他不予以回答。ending n. 结尾,末尾结尾,末尾The story has a happy ending.这个故事结果圆满。这个故事结果圆满。13population n. 人口人口London has a population of ten million.伦敦有一千万人口。伦敦有一千万人口。wherever adv. 无论哪里无论哪里I will follow you wherever

10、 you go.无论你到何处我都跟随你。无论你到何处我都跟随你。German adj. 德国(人)的;德语的德国(人)的;德语的Beethoven was a German musicians.贝多芬是一个德国的音乐家。贝多芬是一个德国的音乐家。n. 德国人;德语德国人;德语A German speaks German. 德国人讲德语。德国人讲德语。 14invention n. 发明;创造发明;创造Paper is also an invention by the Chinese.纸也是中国人发明的。纸也是中国人发明的。business n.U 商业;生意商业;生意; 事情事情His bus

11、iness is in a bad way.他的生意不景气。他的生意不景气。Im tired of the whole business.我对这事实在感到厌烦。我对这事实在感到厌烦。15go down to business 开始干正事开始干正事go out of business 破产,倒闭破产,倒闭have no business to 无权(做某事)无权(做某事) significant adj. 有意义的;重大的有意义的;重大的Do you think that her silence is significant?你认为,她保持沉默表示某种意思吗?你认为,她保持沉默表示某种意思吗?p

12、osition n. 位置;职位;立场位置;职位;立场Can you show me the position of the school on this map?你能在这张地图上给我指出学校的位置吗?你能在这张地图上给我指出学校的位置吗?lose ones position 失去职务失去职务 16control vt. 支配;管理支配;管理The government controls the country.政府管理国家。政府管理国家。n. 控制;支配;管理控制;支配;管理He has good control over his company.他把公司管理得很好。他把公司管理得很好。un

13、der control在在控制之下控制之下lose control失去控制失去控制intersection n. 十字路口十字路口;交叉点交叉点Walk straight along the road. Turn left at the first intersection.顺着街直走。第一个十字路口左拐。顺着街直走。第一个十字路口左拐。 17一、概念一、概念 过去完成时表示过去完成时表示“过去的过去过去的过去”,即:表示在,即:表示在过去某一刻前或某一动作发生前或某一状态存过去某一刻前或某一动作发生前或某一状态存在前就已完成的动作或存在的状态。在前就已完成的动作或存在的状态。如:如:When

14、 the teacher came, the children had finished their homework. 也可表示在过去某一刻开始一直持续到过去另也可表示在过去某一刻开始一直持续到过去另一刻结束,也有可能继续下去的动作或状态。一刻结束,也有可能继续下去的动作或状态。如:如:By the end of 1998, he had lived with us for twenty years. 18其结构为:其结构为:肯定句肯定句 主语主语+ had + 过去分词过去分词+其它。其它。否定句否定句 主语主语+ had + not+过去分词过去分词+其它。其它。一般疑问句一般疑问句 H

15、ad+ 主语主语+ 过去分词过去分词+其它其它?特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+ had+ 主语主语+过过 去分词去分词+其它其它?19用法用法a. 在在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词等动词后的宾语从句。后的宾语从句。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris.b. 状语从句状语从句 在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中, 发生在发生在先先, 用过去完成时用过去完成时; 发生在后发生在后, 用一般过去时。用一般过去时。 When the police arrived, th

16、e thieves had run away. c. 表示意向的动词表示意向的动词, 如如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等等, 用过去完成时用过去完成时表示表示“原本原本, 未能未能” We had hoped that you would come, but you didnt.20注注: 过去完成时的时间状语过去完成时的时间状语before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。 He said that he had learned some English before.

17、By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself.Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party. 211.We _(be) there twice by the end of last year. 2.They_(finish)the work before 1998. 3.He said he _(see) the film the week before. 4.The sun _

18、 (rise) when he got up. 5.Yesterday,I _(leave) the classroom after I _(clean) it. 现在完成时中,关于终止性动词与持续性动现在完成时中,关于终止性动词与持续性动词的要求,在过去完成时中,依然适用。词的要求,在过去完成时中,依然适用。had beenhad finishedhad seenhad risenlefthad cleaned22二、过去完成时与现在完成时的区别二、过去完成时与现在完成时的区别 过去完成时与现在完成时的区别就在于动作截止的过去完成时与现在完成时的区别就在于动作截止的时间。现在完成时所表达的动

19、作或状态截止于现在时间。现在完成时所表达的动作或状态截止于现在, 而过去完成时所表达的动作或状态截止于过去。如:而过去完成时所表达的动作或状态截止于过去。如: I havent seen Sally for a long time. 我好久未见萨莉了。(截止于说话的现在)我好久未见萨莉了。(截止于说话的现在) I saw Sally yesterday. I hadnt seen her for a long time. 我昨天见到萨莉。我好久未见她了。(截止于我昨天见到萨莉。我好久未见她了。(截止于昨天)昨天)23用一般过去时代替完成时用一般过去时代替完成时 1)两个动作如按顺序发生,又不强

20、调先两个动作如按顺序发生,又不强调先后后, 或用或用then, and, but 等连词时等连词时, 多用一多用一般过去时。般过去时。 When she saw the mouse,she screamed. My aunt gave me a hat and I lost it.242)两个动作相继发生,可用一般过去时;如第两个动作相继发生,可用一般过去时;如第 一个动作需要若干时间完成,用过去完成时。一个动作需要若干时间完成,用过去完成时。 When I heard the news, I was very excited.3)叙述历史事实,可不用过去完成时,而只用叙述历史事实,可不用过去

21、完成时,而只用 一般过去时。一般过去时。Our teacher told us that Columbus discovered America in 1492.25April FirstOn April First, people in western countries try to play trick on others. If one succeeds in tricking somebody, one laughs and says, ”AprilFool!” The following is one example of tricks people usually play.26

22、One April 1st, a country bus is going along a road. It slows down and stops. The driver anxiously turns switches an presses buttons, but nothing happens. Then he looks worried on his face and says to the passengers, “ This poor bus is getting old. It isnt going well now. There is only one thing we c

23、an do if we want to get home early today. I shall count three, and on the word “three”, I want all of you to lean forward suddenly. This will make the bus start again. Now, all of you lean back as far as you can in your seats and get ready.”27The passengers all press back against their seats and wai

24、t anxiously.The driver goes to the front and asks,” Are you ready?”“One! Two! Three!” counts the driver. The passengers all lean forward suddenly, and the bus starts at a great speed.The passengers breathe more easily and begin to smile with relief. But their smile turns to surprise and then laughte

25、r when the driver merrily cries, “April Fool!”28阅读上面的文章,将下列各句补充完整。.In western countries people usually try to _ on others on April 1st.2.If one succeeds in tricking somebody, one laughs and says, _.3.One April 1 st, a country bus is going along a road. It _down and stops.4.The driver says,” There is

26、 only one thing we can do if we want to get home today. I shall _, and on the word ”three”, I want all of you to _ forward suddenly.”5.The passengers all lean forward suddenly, and the bus _ at a great speed.6.But their smile turns to surprise and then _ when the driver merrily cries, “ April Fool!”

27、play tricks April Fool slows count three lean starts laughter 29句型转换句型转换1.When I got there he had already left.(改为否定句)答案: When I got there he hadnt left.2.Does he enjoy traveling? I wanted to know.(连为复合句)答案:Iwanted to know if he enjoyed traveling.3.The room is too hot for us to stay in.(改为同义句)The ro

28、om is _ _ _ _cant stay in.4.Rose is the most careful student in her class.(改为同义句)Rose is _ _ _ _ _ student in her class.so hot that we more careful than any other30单项选择单项选择1.The scientist _from home for three months.A. leaves away B. left away C. has left away D. has been away2.In the past few years

29、 there_great changes in our city.A. have been B. wereC. had been D. are 3.Im sorry youve missed the train. It _five minutes ago.A. left B. has leftC. had left D. has been leftD AA314.Many scientists believe that oil was formed in the earth_ years ago.A. million B. millionsC. million of D. millions of5.The population of China_ larger than that of any other country in the world.A. is B. are C. has D. haveD A32

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