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1、Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 6 Writing一、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标:1)复习used to的用法。2)学会用used to 句型谈论自己、他人过去的习惯、爱好、形象及经常做的事。3)能用就本单元所学习的语言知识来描写自己或他人与过去相比所发生的一些变化。2.情感态度价值观目标:让学生明白事物是在不断发展、变化的道理,培养学生积极向上的心态。珍惜父母及亲人对你的爱,努力学习回报社会。二、教学重难点1.教学重点:1) 能上节所学短文的内容,完成写段落关键词及短文填空的任务。2)掌握本单元所学used to句型的用法,并能

2、正确运用此句型来进行表达。3)能综合运用就本单元所学习的语言知识来写作与过去相比所发生的一些变化。2. 教学难点:写作与过去相比自己或他人所发生的一些变化。三、教学过程. Enjoy the song : I Wonder II. Revision根据箭头指向的汉语说出英语。Review the key points : used to be quiet,used to be short , used to wear glasses, look like, be like, used to like doing,didnt use to like , used to have long hai

3、r.III. Presentation.1. Change in appearance.A: What did Mr. Fu use to look like?B: He used to wear a cap, but now he doesnt wear it.2. Change in personality.A: What did Zhang Yishan use to be like?B: He used to be outgoing, but he is serious now.3. Change in hobbies.A: What did she use to like to do

4、?B: She didnt use to like dancing, but she likes dancing now.IV.Competition.(幸运大冲关,选择数字做题。)1. Kate is tall now. But she was very short in the past.请用used to 转换(2分)=Kate used to be short, but now she is tall.2.请用used to描述一下图片中他的性格变化(4分)。He used to be outgoing , but now he is very serious.3.看图回答问题4分。Q

5、: What did she use to like to do?She used to like painting, but now she likes playing the piano. 4.Lucky you : You get 5 marks.V.Pair work. Look at the pictures and talk about the change.A: What did she use to like to do?B: She used to likeA: What did she use to look like/be like?B:She used to be/ha

6、ve/wear, but now she is/has/wears .VI.Listen and complete the blanks.How Bill has changed!Bill has changed so much! He used to be _ and _. His face always _ _ when he talked to girls! He studied hard and got good _ on his exams. He used to be _, but now he is _ and _.Note:1. The topic sentence2.The

7、supporting sentences:3.The ending: Who can give us a good ending? This makes him very happy.4.Challenge your memory.: Retell the passage.VII.Classroom practice.(当堂训练)Writing. Lovely students! Mr. Fu is so glad to see you. You are so great! I want to know your change in appearance, personality and ho

8、bbies. Write about how you have changed please.(about 100 words)(可爱的同学们! Mr. Fu 很高兴遇到你们,你们太棒了,我很想知道你们在外表,性格以及爱好等的变化,请你们为老师们写一下你们有怎样的变化。100词左右。)How Ive changed! My life has changed a lot in the last few years. My daily life is different and I used to like different things when I was a child. For exam

9、ple, I _ like tests. Now, I dont mind them. I _. Now, its my favorite class. I used to play _. Now, I _. I _ to school. Now, _.1.书面表达写步骤指导:一审:认真审题,找出文章要表达的要点,确定文章的人称,时态。二列:用简单的句子或短语列出文章要点。三加:加首尾,使结构完整。可以采取总分总结构或者总分结构,开头或结尾的句子应注意简洁,漂亮。四连:恰当运用关联词句,使得文章层次清晰,各个部分衔接自然。五美:选好词句,美化文章。在有把握的情况下展示自己的语言功底。六查:认真

10、检查,改正错误。1)格式是否有错。2)拼写有无错误,大小写。 3)语言是否用错。4)时态、语态错误,主谓是否一致。 5)标点错误。6)人称是否用错。2.One possible version: How Ive Changed My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be shy but Im outgoing. The biggest change in my life was becoming much better in English. This is the most important change be

11、cause I am no longer afraid of the English language and I am doing better in my exams. This has made my parents even prouder of me.3.你来当老师:四人小组互批互改。书面表达评分标准:注意:* 词数少于80和多于120的,从总分中减去1分。* 如书写较差,以至影响对书面表达的理解,将分数降低2分。第一档(1315)主题突出,叙事清楚,内容完整。使用多种语法结构和丰富的词汇,语句通顺,语意连贯,符合逻辑。有个别语言错误。第二档(1012)主题突出,叙事清楚,内容完整,

12、语法结构和词汇基本满足文章需要。语句通顺,语意基本连贯,有少量语言错误。第三档(79分)主题比较突出,但内容松散,写出了部分要点,语句比较通顺,有少量语病,但不影响意思的表达。第四档(46分)部分内容符合题目要求,叙事不清楚,内容不完整。语法结构和词汇错误较多。语句不通顺,影响整体理解。第五档(13分)没有主题,不能表达自己的思想。拼凑单词,句子不连贯,所写内容难以理解。第六档(0分)胡抄乱写与本题无关的单词、句子或文章。IX.Summary.Appearance Personality Hobbiestall have straight hairoutgoingserious paintin

13、g picturesplay soccerX.HomeworkFinish the passage with “used to”.XI. Best wishes.If you put in more effort in studying , going to a good senior high school is not a dream!XII.Blackboard design.Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 6 WritingA: What did she use to like to do? B: She used to likeA: What did she use to look like/be like?B:She used to be/have/wear, but now she is/has/wears .2015-2016学年第一学期伊宁市市级公开课教案Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 6 Writing 讲课人:付坤 学 校:伊宁市第五中学5

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