离职管理-中英文版 (2)

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《离职管理-中英文版 (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《离职管理-中英文版 (2)(7页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流离职管理-中英文版 (2).精品文档.离职Dismissal12.1离职类别12.1 Categories of Dismissal12.1.1.辞职:员工单方自愿申请解除劳动合同,经公司批准的离职行为。12.1.1 Resignation refers to the application by the Employee, which has been approved by the Company, for voluntary termination of the labor contract.12.1.2.辞退:员工违反奖惩第二十六条规

2、定的情形,由公司单方解除劳动合同的离职行为。12.1.2 Dismissal refers to unilateral termination of labor contract of the Company when the Employee goes against the regulations of Clause 26 on Rewards and Punishments.12.1.3.淘汰:员工试用期考核结果达不到录用条件,由公司单方解除劳动合同的的离职行为。12.1.3 Elimination refers to unilateral termination of labor co

3、ntract of the Company when the Employees are disqualified by appraisal during probation. 12.1.4.自动离职:员工当月累计或连续旷工达三天以上(含三天)的行为。12.1.4 Voluntary withdrawal refers to absences of Employees from their works for continuous or cumulated no less than three days in a month. 12.2.辞职手续办理程序12.2 Procedures for

4、Resignation12.2.1.普通员工辞职原则上应于15天前提出;副班长级以上干部辞职原则上应于30天前提出,但管理部经理、副总经理可根据工作岗位的特殊性和离职时的具体情况提前或延后核准离职日期。12.2.1 In principle, ordinary employee shall propose his/her intention to resign 15 days before resignation, and leaders at levels not lower than vice squad leader shall propose 30 days before resign

5、ation. However, for manager of Management Department and vice-president, Dismissal date will be examined and approved later or earlier depending on particularity of the positions and particular case when resignation is proposed.12.2.2.员工辞职应由本人亲自填写离职书,不可委托他人代为填写。12.2.2 The resigning employees must pe

6、rsonally fill in Letter of Dismissal.12.2.3.作业员辞职应将离职书交部门直属班长级以上干部逐级审核,部门最高主管签核后,再由部门文员交管理部经理核准离职日期。12.2.3 The resigning operators shall submit their Letter of Dismissal to squad leaders directly under the Department for approval at level by level. And the Letter of Dismissal signed by the top leade

7、r of the department will be handed over to the Manager of Management Department for approving Dismissal date.12.2.4.班长级以上干部辞职应将离职书交部门直属干部逐级审核,部门最高主管签核后,再由本人持离职书交管理部经理核准离职日期。12.2.4 The resigning leaders at levels not lower than quad leader shall submit the Letter of Dismissal for approval step by ste

8、p to leaders directly under the department, and shall submit his/her Letter of Dismissal signed by the top leaders of the department to manager of Management Department for approving Dismissal date. 12.2.5. 离职书经管理部经理核准离职日期后,应立即将离职书交人事部考勤员登记。人事部考勤员还应将班长级以上干部离职人员所属部门、姓名、离职日期书面知会总务部。12.2.5 Once the Dis

9、missal date on Letter of Dismissal is approved by manager of Management Department, the Letter of Dismissal shall be submitted to the timekeeper in H.R Department for registration. And, the timekeeper shall notify, in writing, General Affairs Department about departments, names and Dismissal date of

10、 resigning leaders at levels not lower than quad leader. 12.2.6.辞职人员在办妥工作工具移交手续后,于核准离职日期的下午16点离开工作岗位,到人事部交厂证、离职书,开具放行条,值勤保安对辞职人员携带物品核查无误后于17点前离厂,不得在厂内滞留。12.2.6 After completing all working instrument transferformalities, the resigned employee shall leave his/her operating post before 16 oclock pm at

11、 the approved Dismissal date, and shall hand over his/her factory badge and Letter of Dismissal to the H.R Department for Exit Permit. The resigning employee must, after the guards checks and verifies belongings, leave from factory before 17 oclock pm.12.3.辞退手续办理程序12.3 Dismissal Procedures12.3.1.对辞退

12、人员,单位干部应立即填写离职书、奖惩单,并将拟辞退人员交人事部承办人调查了解,审查是否符合辞退条件。12.3.1 For dismissing employee, the cadres in the department shall immediately fill in Letter of Dismissal and List of Rewards & Punishments, and deliver all the information of proposed dismissing employee to undertaker of H.R Department for further

13、observation, so as to ensure that the proposed employee conforms to the conditions for dismissal.12.3.2.经审查达到辞退条件的,应将厂证、离职书交人事部,由单位干部陪同辞退人员回部门办理经管物件、经办工作的移交手续。12.3.2 Once observed that the conditions for dismissal have been met, the dismissed employee shall hand over his/her factory badge and Letter

14、 of Dismissal to H.R Department, and accompanied by the cadres, go back to his/her department to handle transfer procedures of articles and job.12.3.3.辞退人员经管物件、经办工作移交完毕,单位干部陪同其回安值班室,交由人事部开放行条,值勤保安对其携带物品检查无误后立即离厂。12.3.3 After completion of transferring all instruments and jobs, the resigned employee,

15、 accompanied by the cadre, submits Exit Permit issued by H.R Department to the guard; and he/she must leave the factory once the on-duty guard has checked and verified the belongings.12.3.4.辞退人员的行为如触犯法律者,送交当地警察局处理。12.3.4 The resigned employee who goes against laws will face penalties and the case wi

16、ll be referred to local Police Station.12.4.淘汰手续办理程序 12.4 Elimination Procedures12.4.1. 员工试用期考核不合格,申请淘汰者,单位干部应立即填写离职书并附上新进人员考核表交人事部承办人调查了解,审查是否符合淘汰条件。12.4.1 For application by the employee disqualified by appraisal during probation for elimination, the cadre in the section shall, in no time, fill in

17、 Letter of Dismissal, and submit it together with New Employee Evaluation Form to the undertaker of H.R. Department for investigating whether or not to eliminate. 12.4.2经审查达到淘汰条件的,应将厂证、离职书交人事部,由单位干部陪同淘汰人员回部门办理经管物件、经办工作的移交手续。12.4.2 Once observed that the conditions for elimination have been met, the

18、eliminated employee shall hand over his/her factory badge and Letter of Dismissal to H.R Department, and accompanied by the cadres, go back to his/her department to handle transfer procedures of articles and job.12.4.3淘汰人员经管物件、经办工作移交完毕,单位干部陪同其回保安值班室,由人事部开放行条,值勤保安对其携带物品检查无误后立即离厂。12.4.3 After completi

19、on of handing over all handled instruments and jobs, the eliminated employee, accompanied by the cadre, submits Exit Permit issued by H.R Department to the guard; and he/she must leave the factory once the on-duty guard has checked and verified the belongings.12.5.自动离职手续办理程序(尚不确定,需讨论后才能确定)12.5 Volun

20、tary Withdrawal Procedures (to be determined after discussion)12.5.1.因个人原因需自动离职的,应向本部门单位主管提出并对经管物件、经办工作交接清楚;自动离职人员应填写离职书,单位文员交各级主管签核后陪同自动离职人员交人事部承办人。12.5.1 Those who need voluntary withdrawal for personal reasons shall propose their intentions to quitting to the head of unit and properly hand over t

21、heir controlled articles and their on-duty jobs; the persons concerned shall fill in Letter of Dismissal, and, accompanied by office clerk, deliver the Letter signed and approved by supervisors at all levels to the undertaker of H.R Department.1、 自动离职人员离职申请经管理部经理核准后,应将厂证交人事部;并由保安陪同回宿舍整理行李物品,然后开放行条,值

22、勤保安对行李物品检查无误后立即离厂。1. The person to voluntarily quit whose application for quitting has been approved by Manager of Management Department shall deliver the factory badge to H.R Department, and shall, accompanied by the guard, remove personal belongings at dormitory, then, get the Exit Permit and leav

23、e from the factory in no time after the on-duty guard checks and inspects all belongings.12.6.经管物件、经办工作移交12.6 Handover of Handled Articles and Jobs12.6.1.离职人员进行经管物件、经办工作交接应在离职书核准离职日期之后进行,不得提前办理移交手续。12.6.1 The resigning employee shall hand over all handled articles and jobs after the approved Dismiss

24、al date in the Letter of Dismissal. Handovers in advance are not permitted.12.6.2.各部门主管应安排接交人、监交人员对本部门离职人员经管之物件、经办之工作办理移交手续,交接清楚后,接交人、监交人、单位主管应在离职书上签字确认。12.6.2 Heads of all departments shall appoint receiver and monitor to handle with handover of handled articles and jobs of separating employee in t

25、his department. After the employee hands over all articles and jobs, the receiver, monitor and head of the unit shall sign on Letter of Dismissal to confirm.12.6.3.离职人员遗失、损坏经管之物件的,单位主管应书面知会资财组,资财组对离职人员遗失、损坏之物件的赔偿事项做出妥善处理后,资财组经办人、接交人、监交人、单位主管才可于离职书上签字确认。12.6.3 In case of loss or damage of handled art

26、icles by the separating employee, only when the head of section, in writing, informs the Finance Group to properly handle with the issue on compensation for the lost and damaged articles by separating employee, can responsible person, receiver, monitor and the head of section sign on the Letter of D

27、ismissal for confirmation. 12.7.办公用具移交12.7 Handover of Office Accommodations12.7.1.副班长级以上干部办公用具交接手续,由总务部资财组与离职干部自行协商办公用具的交接时间,交接清楚后,资财组经办人应在离职书上签字确认。12.7.1 In case that cadres at levels not lower than vice squad leader hand over the office accommodations, the Finance Group of General Affairs Departm

28、ent can negotiate with separating cadre about handover time of office accommodations. After all accommodations are handed over, the responsible person of Finance Group shall sign on the Letter of Dismissal and confirm.12.7.2.离职人员遗失、损坏办公用具的,资财组经办人应对离职人员未交清办公用具的赔偿事项作出妥善处理后再行于离职书上签字确认。12.7.2 The respon

29、sible person of Finance Group shall properly handle with the issue on compensation for damaged or lost accommodations before handing over all accommodations, and then, sign on the Letter of Dismissal for confirmation in case that the separating cadre has damaged or lost the office accommodations.12.

30、8.工作移交清单办理12.8 Application for Work Handover List12.8.1.离职人员经管之物件、经办之工作的交接是否出具工作移交清单,由单位主管视离职人员的工作情况决定,但办公室人员离职应详细填写固定格式的工作移交清单,填妥后由移交人、接交人、资财组经办人、单位主管应签字确认,并由部门自行保存。12.8.1 Determination of issuing Work Handover List for handover of handled articles and jobs of separating employee, based on actual w

31、ork of separating employee, is left to the head of section. However, the clerk shall, in detail, fill in formatted Work Handover List which will be handed over to transferor, receiver, responsible person of Finance Group and the head of section to sign for confirmation and be stored by the departmen

32、t itself.12.9.移交不清之责任12.9 Responsibility for Ambiguous Handover12.9.1.离职人员办理移交事项应亲自办理,因特殊原因不能亲自办理者,经管理部经理批准后可委托人员代为办理。12.9.1 The separating employee shall personally handle all issues on handover. The employee who fails to personally do it due to special reasons can entrust other person to do with a

33、pproval from Manager of Management Department. 12.9.2.离职人员遗失、损坏经管之物件,应负赔偿责任并从其薪资中扣除,责任重大者,送交当地警察局处理。12.9.2 The separating employee shall be liable for the lost and damaged handled articles by him/her, and the compensation will be deducted from the salary of person concerned. The employee who has cau

34、sed serious problems will be referred to local police station. 12.9.3.离职人员对所经办之工作交接不清者,不予结算工资。12.9.3 The separating employee with ambiguous handover of handled job will not receive the salary.12.9.4.离职人员、接交人员串通蒙蔽,使应移交之物件、工作而未移交的,应追究离职人员、接交人员责任,监交人员知情不报也应追究责任。12.9.4 The Company will take legal action

35、s against the separating employ and receiver who collude with each other to refuse hand over the articles and jobs which should have been handed over, and also against the monitor who fails to report knowing about this.12.9.5.各单位主管对离职人员经管物件、经办工作移交应详细审查,对未交清事项及时追踪。如离职人员离职之后再发现未交清事项,应追究单位主管责任。12.9.5 H

36、eads of all sections shall particularly inspect all handovers of handled articles and jobs by separating employee, and shall, in no time, track all ambiguous items. The Company will take legal actions against the head of the section when ambiguous handover is found after separation of separating emp

37、loyee. 12.10.离职人员薪资结算12.10 Salary Calculation for Separating Employee12.10.1.公司根据离职员工在职最后一个月的实际出勤计算其薪资,并于次月发薪日由员工本人以现金方式领取。12.10.1 The Company will calculate salary for separating employee based on his/her actual attendance in the last month when the person is in-service, and the employee himself/herself receives the cash salary on the next pay day.

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