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1、三那么小学三年级英语双语故事精选猜猜他是谁300字三年级【三那么】小学三年级英语双语故事精选【导语】英语故事会出现学生认识或是不认识的单词,而这个单词的重复不断出现,会加深同学们对单词的记忆,这种记忆不同于一般的死记硬背,而是在潜移默化中,让学生记住单词,并且不枯燥。以下是WTT整理的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助!【篇一】Two travelling angels sped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family.The familywas rude and refused to let the angels stay in the

2、mansions guestroom.两个旅行中的天使到一个富有的家庭借宿。这家人对他们并不友好,并且回绝让他们在舒适的客人卧室过夜,Instead the angels were ven a small space in the cold basement.As they made their bed onthe hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it.而是在冰冷的地下室给他们找了一个角落。当他们铺床时,较老的天使发现墙上有一个洞,就顺手把它修补好了。When the younger angel a

3、sked why, the older angel replied, things arent always what theyseem.年轻的天使问为什么,老天使答到: 有些事并不象它看上去那样。The night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmerand his wife.第二晚,两人又到了一个非常贫穷的农家借宿。After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their

4、 bed where theycould have a good nights rest.主人夫妇俩对他们非常热情,把仅有的一点点食物拿出来款待客人,然后又让出自己的床铺给两个天使。When the sun came up the morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears.第二天一早,两个天使发现农夫和他的妻子在哭泣-他们的生活来,一头奶牛死了。Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole ine, lay dead in the field.The younger ang

5、elwas infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this hen? The first manhad everything, yet you helped him, she accused.The second family had little but was willingto share everything, and you let the cow die.年轻的天使非常愤怒,他质问老天使为什么会这样,第一个家庭什么都有,老天使还帮助他们修补墙洞,第二个家庭尽管如此贫穷还是热情款待客人,而老天使却没有阻

6、止奶牛的死亡。Things arent always what they seem, the older angel replied.when we stayed in thebasement of the mansion, i noted there was gold stored in that hole in the wall. 有些事并不象它看上去那样。 老天使答道, 当我们在地下室过夜时,我从墙洞看到墙里面堆满了金块。Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune,

7、isealed the wall so he wouldnt find it.因为主人被贪欲所迷惑,不愿意分享他的财富,所以我把墙洞填上了,他也就再也找不到这些黄金了。Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife.I gave himthe cow instead.Things arent always what they seem.昨天晚上,死亡之神来召唤农夫的妻子,我让奶牛代替了她。所以有些事并不象它看上去那样。【篇二】It was new year once aga

8、in.All the families in the village were busy preparing re cakes tocelebrate the new year.新的一年即将到来。村子里家家户户都忙着准备米糕来庆贺 新春佳节。In the village pond there lived a toad.When the snow began to fall, the toad left his home andwent to live in the hilly are near the village.在村子里的一个池塘里住着一只蟾蜍。当开场下雪时,蟾蜍 便分开自己的家园,移居

9、到村子附近一个多山地区。There he met a monkey.One day, the monkey asked the toad, How shall we steal some of there cakes to eat? They talked about this for some time.在那里,蟾 蜍碰见了一只猴子。 有一天,猴子对蟾蜍说: 我们为什么不去偷些米糕回来吃呢?In the end, they came up with an idea.They came down from the hills and went to the village.它们讨论了好久,终于

10、想出了一个方法。The monkey and the toad reached the village headmans house.Then they carried out their planto steal the re cakes.于是它们下了山, 走向村子。猴子和蟾蜍来到村长的家,开场它们的偷米糕方案。The monkey hid behind the door and waited for the chance to steal the re cakes.首 先,猴子躲在村长家的大门后面,等时机入屋偷米糕。Meanwhile, the toad moved away from t

11、he house and then jumped into the village well.与此同时, 蟾蜍那么分开屋子,跳入一口井内。At that time, a servant of the village headman was busy cooking the re cakes for the new year.村长家的一名女工正忙着调制新年米糕。She heard the sound of something falling into the well.She screamed loudly because shethought that her masters son had

12、fallen into the well.突然听见外面 扑 通 一声,她以为主人的儿子掉入井里了,就大声叫起来She immediately left the wooden basins that contained t.he re cakes on the table and rantowards the well.The monkey, who had been hiding behind the door, qukly entered thehouse.He took a basin containing a re cake and ran away towards the hills.

13、并赶 紧把装有米糕的木盆放在桌上,奔向躲在门后的猴子立即潜入屋里,着米糕的木盆便拼命 地往山上跑。Not long after, the toad met the monkey there.The greedy 8rld se/fish monkey wanted to eatthe re cake all by himself.He did not want to share the re cake with the toad.不久,蟾蜍也跑了回来和猴子幺合。 贪心、自私的猴子想独吞所有的米糕,不愿与蟾蜍分享。它跟 蟾蜍说让木盆滚下山去。He told the toad that he wo

14、uld roll the basin downhill.Whoever succeeds in getting the basinfirst can have the re cake, said the monkey.Thats not fair, replied the toad, I cant run asfast as you. You must race with me.If you dont, the whole re cake will be mine. said themonkey. 谁先抢到米糕的便可占为己有。 猴子说。 那不公平, 蟾蜍说, 我跑得没你快。 所以你必须尽力而为

15、啊!要不然,全部米糕都将归我所有 啦! 猴子说。The toad did not have any choe but to agree to the monkeys plan.All right, I agree, thetoad answered reluctantly.One, two, three rolling basin.They started racing.蟾蜍别无选择,只好同意猴子的建议。 好吧!就这样决定。 蟾蜍无可奈何地说道。 一、二、兰! 滚木盆比赛开场了。The basin began to roll downhill.The monkey ran as fast as

16、 he could and was soon in front ofthe toad.He chased after the rolling basin.那木盆率先滚下山去。 猴子拼命地跑,不一会儿就超过了蟾蜍,它拼命地追着木盆。Suddenly, the re cake fell out of the basin and sped beside a big rock.Thank God,whispered the toad.He sped at the hillside and began to eat the re cake.突然,米糕从木盆中掉了出来,被一块大石头挡着。 谢谢老天爷! 蟾

17、蜍低声说,它停下来,开场吃米糕。The monkey carried on chasing after the basin.When he finally reached the basin, he found itempty.The monkey was surprised and he climbed the hill once more.猴子继续追着木盆,当追上木盆时,发现里边竟然是空的它莫名其妙,只好折了回去。He soon found the toad eating the re cake.He wanted to have a part of the re cake too but

18、he was too ashamed to ask for it.He regretted trying to cheat his friend and finally went away.不一会儿,它就看见蟾蜍正吃着米 糕!饥肠辘辘的它也很想吃米糕,可是却不好意思开口。 它懊悔欺骗了朋友,最后只好分开了。【篇三】Oneday,adonkey was carrying abundle ofwood and he fell into the river.有一天,一只驴子驮着木材,一路向前走着。He struggled to e out fromthewaterbutinvain.Thedonke

19、ymoanedandcried for help.当他经过一个池塘时,一不小心,摔进了池塘里,辗辗转转却总是无法爬上岸来。驴子便唉声叹气地高呼救命。Some frogs in the water heard the cries.They came to the douke and said, You only farll intothe river once and you make such a fuss,How about US who stay in the water for such aIongfirne?How pitiful would that be?住在池里的青蛙听见了驴子的呼救声,成群出来围观。 青蛙对驴子讥讽说:你只不过是摔了一跤,跌进池塘里,就这样大嚷大叫,高喊救命,假如你像我们一样长期居住在这里,你又会痛苦成什么样子呢?第 6 页 共 6 页

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