四年级上册英语教案-Project 2 My snack bar|译林版(三起)

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1、 4A Project2 教案教案一、教学内容: 4A Project2 二、教学目标:1、知识目标:通过完成开小吃店的三步骤准备工作,复习 Unit5-7 单元的单词和句型。2、能力目标:通过设计自己的小吃店,扮演店主与顾客对话交流,提高学生实际购物的能力。3、情感目标:通过当店主经营自己的小吃店,与顾客交流沟通,培养学生懂礼貌,学会与人热情地交流和沟通。三、教学重、难点:通过设计自己的小吃店,扮演店主与顾客对话交流,提高学生实际购物的能力。四、教学准备: 课件、板书、材料准备(印刷好的钱、食物贴纸、活动单)等五、教学过程:Step1:Warming upT: Today ,Im your

2、new English teacher. You can call me “Vivian”. Nice to meet you,boys and girls.S:T: Whats your name? How are you?.( 和学生间进行交流热身)S:Step 2:Presentation1、T: Today,we will have a revision from Unit 5 to Unit 7. What have you learned from Unit5 to Unit7.S: T:In which scene we can use all the sentences?S:

3、At a snack bar.T: Yes, you are right. Do you want to have your own snack bar?S: Yes.T: I want to have one ,too. Look, this is my snack bar. First, write the name of my snack bar. 写下自己的名字 Vivians snack bar.T: Now,you may write the name of your snack bar.2、T: But how to open a snack bar. Lets look at

4、these three steps carefully. Step 1、Choose the popular food Step 2、Put the things in the right place Step 3、Set the nice price T: Can you follow me?S:3、T: Lets do the first step. Choose the popular food.T: Try to think , what food and drinks are popular? Lets play a game. Pass and say. 谁接到玩具熊,就说出一个食

5、物或饮料的单词。S:T: Your suggestions are all good. Now, look at my choice. Im going to sell the cakes, hamburgers and ice creams. Because they are delicious . Most of you like them. So I tick them.I am going to sell the black tea, the milk and the orange juice. They are very nice to drink. So I tick them.

6、In all , I think they are very popular.T: What are you going to sell? You may like me. Choose 4-6 kinds of food and drinks. When you tick, you may say .T: 试问几名学生。4、T: I think we all choose the popular food. This time ,you may put them in the right place.T: Where? First, think, what sentences do you

7、know about where?S:T: Remember, if it is a singular noun or an uncountable noun ,you may use the sentence “Where is the?” . And the others use the sentence “Where are the?” .T: Now , please ask me how to put the things. I can give you some advice.Ss:Where , where Where is the black tea ?T: Black tea

8、 , black tea Its in the fridge.Ss:Where , where Where are the cakes ?T: Cakes , cakes They are on the table.T:This time , you can ask me in groups. 还剩四样物品,四组轮流运用歌谣提问。T: Good. Look at my snack bar. Its very beautiful.Now, put your things in the right place. Talk in pairs & Stick 模仿刚才的歌谣问答,同桌快速说一说,贴一贴

9、。5、T: Show me your snack bars. So good. Your snack bars are all beautiful.You still have an important thing to do . Set your nice price.T: I think nice price means small profits but quick returns 薄利多销So, I thinkis yuan. 随意说出三种食物的价格,并贴在黑板上。T: How much is the, and the ?You may guess. How much is the ?

10、S: . 学生猜对的话,让他把价格贴在黑板上。T:They are my price of the things. How about yours?Write down the price quickly 学生写完T:指着一位学生的 snack bar 的图,How much is the?Guess.S: Its yuan.T: Sorry./Yes. Now, please guess in pairs.T: We have set the nice price.Step 3 Consolidation1、T: Wow, congratulations. Our snack bars ar

11、e open.T: Before we meeting the customers, we may know the sentences to sell and buy the food. What can the boss and the customer say?S:.T: 学生边说边贴板书。2、T : Dont forget to learn how to introduce our snack bars. We may get more customers.跟着老师热情地介绍自己的小吃店Welcome to my snack bar.Theand the are very good.

12、They are very cheap. The is only yuan.You can buy them all.T: First,welcome to my snack bar. Who wants to come?S:老师扮演老板,和学生对话购物。3、T:Good. Its time for you to show your snack bars and do a roly-play.Task: (1) 、四人一组成员轮流当店主。 (2) 、表现最棒的 “超级老板” “Super Boss”带上三名顾客,上台表演对话。 (3) 、比一比看哪组能成为超级小吃店“Super snack b

13、ar”. 注意:热情有礼貌。Key sentences:Lets go tos snack bar.Can I help you?/What would you like? Anything else? What about you?How much is ?/How much are ? 评选出 Super snack bar, 贴起来展示。 4、T:I think you are super boss now. I have a selling strategies for you. Have nice priceAlways smile Popular food Pleasant putYummy!T: I hide a word in it . 揭示出 happy。Be happy to the customers, you will get more customers. Homework:1、用英语向你的爸爸妈妈介绍你的小吃店, 并让他们给你做出评价。2、了解更多食物、饮料的单词和购物用语,做一份手抄报。 s s

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