四年级上册英语教案-Lesson 24 Etta's Teddy Bear|冀教版

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1、冀教版 四年级上册冀教版 四年级上册 Lesson 24 Ettas Teddy Bear教学目标:教学目标:知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标:1. 学生能够在图片的帮助下听懂和理解这个简单的故事。2. 学生能够就故事进行提问和回答。3. 学生能够分角色用自己的语言表演这个故事。情感目标:情感目标:锻炼学生在课本剧表演中敢于开口,积极尝试用英语进行表达,体会学习英语的乐趣。学习策略:学习策略:1积极与同伴合作完成故事角色扮演。2学生能够借助故事原文的语言素材改编为第一人称的表达方式。教学重点:教学重点:学生能够在图片的帮助下听懂和理解这个简单的故事。教学难点:教学难点:学生能够分角色用自己的语言

2、表演这个故事。教学准备:教学准备:教学光盘、多媒体课件。教 学 过 程:Step1:Before-reading.1.Greeting.2.Show a picture of Etta,and say,I want to introduce a new friend to you,her name is Etta.Look at this picture,ask:What can you see in this picture?Is the girl happy?Then show another picture,ask:Is she happy now?Why?What happens to

3、 the girl?设计意图:开门见山的介绍故事的小主人公 Etta,通过主人公的表情变化制造悬念,激发学生了解故事情节的探索欲望。Step2:While-reading.1.Let the students read Picture1、2,answer the question:Why is the girl so sad?设计意图:找出故事的起因,激发学生対故事的进一步了解的欲望。2.Show Picture3、4、5,guess:What does her mother say?Then let the students read Picture3、4、5,and find the an

4、swers.设计意图 : 引导学生尽量多的调用自己已有的语言素材进行描述。 理解与朗读始终相互结合。引导学生朗读对话框里的句子,为后面的故事表演做准备。4.Let the students read Picture3-6,and answer the questions:Does Etta like the new teddy bear?Does she like the new skirt?Is she happy?Why?Does she like hamburgers and ice cream? Is she happy? Why?设计意图:通过细读故事获得细节信息。5.Look at

5、 Picture7,ask:Whats this?(Ettas teddy bear.)Where is it?(In her bed.)What does Etta say?6.Look at Picture8,ask:Is she happy?What does she say? 设计意图:通过图片猜测出故事的结局。Step3:After-reading.1.Read the sentences and order them.设计意图:提取故事主要环节进行排序,检查学生対故事是否理解。2.Read and fill in the blanks.Etta has a good friend.

6、 His name is Teddy.One day, she cannot find her teddy bear. She cries. Mum: Lets go to the toy shop to buy a new teddy bear.Etta: I dont like new teddy bears.Mum: Lets go to the clothes shop to buy a new skirt.Etta: I like the new skirt. But I want my teddy bear.Mum: Lets go to the restaurant to eat

7、 ice cream and hamburgers.Etta: I want my teddy bear.Its time to go to bed. She find the Teddy in the bed. Shes happy.设计意图:借助完形填空熟悉使用第一人称讲故事,让讲故事变得 fun and easy,为下面的故事表演做准备。3.Act outAct out the story in groups.Help the students to act out the story.设计意图 : 角色表演, 将复述和表演结合起来, 使学生在用英语表达的过程中内化语言素材,建构知识体系,初步形成语感。Homework:Please listen and read the story.Try to tell the story to your family.板书设计:Lesson 24 Ettas Teddy BearEtta has a teddy bear. One day, she can not find Teddy.Lets go to the _to _.toy shopbuy a new teddy beara.c.b.She finds Teddy in the bed.

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