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1、 .wd. 深圳英语中考冲刺题二I选择题20分i词语释义共5小题,每题1分 从下面每题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线局部的最正确选项。( ) 1. I want to discuss the problem with you. A. talk about B. look after C. talk with D. think over( ) 2. Would you please give us an accurate number of the coming tourists? A. a large B. an exact C. a general D. a possible(

2、) 3. He held out some books from his bag and gave them to the librarian. A. got out B. came out C. took out D. looked out( ) 4. I want to have some milk instead of chicken soup. A. as well as B. in place of C. in charge of D. in the form of( ) 5. My mother found her lost ring by accident while she w

3、as cleaning up the room. A. by chance B. by the way C. after all D. at lastii选择填空共15小题,每题1分 从下面每题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确选项。( ) 6. - Does Andy often play _ basketball with his friends? - No, he doesnt like sports. He often plays _ piano in his free time. A. a; the B. the; / C. /; the D. /; a( ) 7. - Where

4、 are you going for the holiday? - We are leaving _ London tomorrow and plan to return _ Monday morning. A. from; in B. on; at C. for; on D. to; for( ) 8. - Is the man under the tree _ father? - It _ be him. He has gone to Japan. A. your; wont B. your; cant C. you; wont D. you; cant( ) 9. - There _ s

5、o many women over there. Which one is your mother? - The one _ coat is blue. A. is; whose B. are; whose C. is; who D. are; who( ) 10. - _ is the school? - It is about _ ride from our house. You should start out right now. A. How far; three hours B. How long; three hours C. How far; three hours D. Ho

6、w long; three hours( ) 11. - Lin Dan is one of the best badminton _ in the world. - _! I like watching his matches. A. players; So he is B. player; So he is C. players; So is he D. player; So is he( ) 12. - In the exam, the _ you are, the _ mistakes you will make. - You are right. A. more carefully;

7、 little B. more carefully; fewest C. more careful; fewer D. more careful; least( ) 13. - You _ the car for about ten years, right? - Yes. _ its old, it still runs well. A. have had; Unless B. have bought; If C. have had; Although D. have bought; If ( ) 14. - There were big floods in Guizhou when you

8、 were in Canada. Thousands of houses _ by the floods. - _ the news is! A. were destroying; How terrible B. were destroying; How a terrible C. were destroyed; How terrible D. were destroyed; How a terrible ( ) 15. - Kate, its too hot. _ the fish in the fridge. - OK, I _, Mom! A. Putting; have B. Put;

9、 have C. Putting; will D. Put; will( ) 16. - Would you please _ my pet cat while Im out? - No problem. Ill give _ food and water three times a day. A. look after; it B. look out; it C. look after; them D. look out; them( ) 17. - I saw Rose _ to the Old Peoples Home just now. - Yes, she is often seen

10、 _ old people. A. go; help B. go; to help C. to go; help D. to go; to help( ) 18. - Rose, the party will begin at six tonight. Dont be late, _? - _. Ill be there on time. A. wont you; Yes, I will B. will you; Yes, I will C. will you; No, I wont D. wont you; No, I wont( ) 19. - Do you know _ the new

11、car last week? - About 90,000 yuan. A. how much he paid for B. how much will she pay for C. how much did he pay for D. how much she will pay for( ) 20. - What a nice meal! Its really kind of you to invite us. - _ . Im glad you liked it. A. Thanks B. Sounds good C. Well done D. Never mind完形填空10分 阅读下面

12、短文,从短文后每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确选项。共10小题,每题1分Han Mei, a student in Beijing, wanted to have a trip with her friends. She thought about traveling to Yunnan or Hainan at first, _21_ decided on Guizhou at last. Her traveling _22_ changed because she saw the Free Lunch Program when she shopped online. Han M

13、ei wanted to take photos during the trip, but she didnt have a _23_. She decided to buy one online. She searched the Internet for two hours and found an ad for the Aigo digital camera _24_ in China. At that moment, she saw the words on that web _25_,Buy one of our cameras, and we will donate 10% of

14、the money to the Free Lunch Program. _26_ reading these words, Han Mei filled in her telephone number, e-mail address and other personal information online. Then a dialogue box came up that read “_27_! You have successfully bought an Aigo digital camera. And you have given 100 yuan to the kids in th

15、e poor area. Two _28_ later, Han Mei received the camera with a thank-you note. It said, Thank you for ordering our product, and for _29_ those kids in Guizhou. You have paid 100 yuan for 20 kids lunch. Han Mei was glad she could help those kids. She wanted to do more. _30_, she wanted to meet them

16、and play games with them.( ) 21. A. unless B. but C. or D. if( ) 22. A. plan B. cost C. advice D. time( ) 23. A. guide B. camera C. partner D. computer( ) 24. A. bought B. existed C. made D. found( ) 25. A. book B. phone C. program D. page( ) 26. A. Before B. After C. While D. As( ) 27. A. Congratul

17、ations B. Good luck C. Welcome D. Sure( ) 28. A. minutes B. years C. days D. seconds( ) 29. A. meeting B. visiting C. calling D. helping( ) 30. A. Generally B. Unluckily C. First D. Again 阅读理解35分i阅读以下短文,从下面每题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最正确选项。共25小题,每题1分AHarvey is a truck driver. Though he isnt paid much, he alway

18、s tries his best to help those in need. One day, he went into Burger King, where people could buy food. He bought some food and drinks. While he was eating, he noticed an old couple (夫妇). They ordered a hamburger and some fries. And then they carefully divided them into two halves. Poor people! Harv

19、ey took pity on them and stood up, saying he would buy the woman her own meal. “Thank you, sir, said the husband. But we share everything. You dont have to buy my wife another meal. A few minutes later, Harvey realized that the wife hadnt taken a bite. I really wouldnt mind buying your wife her own

20、meal, he said to the husband again. Dont worry, sir. Shell eat, the husband smiled. We share everything. Harvey was puzzled (困惑的) and he turned to the wife, Madam, you must be hungry. But why dont you eat? Because Im waiting for the false teeth the wife said gently.( ) 31. What does Harvey do? A. A

21、builder. B. A cook. C. A waiter. D. A driver. ( ) 32. Why did Harvey offer to buy a meal for the wife? A. He wanted to show off his richness. B. He thought they were too poor to afford it. C. He wanted to help the restaurant. D. He was the ladys friend. ( ) 33. How did the husband respond to Harveys

22、 offer? A. He accepted it. B. He refused it politely. C. He was angry with him. D. He decided to buy his wife food.( ) 34. Who was probably using the fake teeth? A. The wife. B. The waiter. C. The husband. D. Harvey.( ) 35. What can we infer from the story? A. Some old people are too poor to buy foo

23、d. B. The old couple loved each other very much. C. Its impolite to disturb others when they are eating. D. Its boring to share things with others.BJohan is a member of the Explorers Club (探险家俱乐部). The club was set up in 1904 in New York. Since then, the club has encouraged members around the world

24、in exploration. The clubs members have done many famous firsts: first to the North Pole, first to the South Pole, first to the top of Mount Everest, first to the deepest ocean, and so on. Now the club wants your! This is a very important time for us to encourage the next generation of explorers, say

25、s Mark Fowler, who leads the young to join the Explorers Club. “Kids today are the people who will explore Mars and deep oceans in the future. Fowler became interested in encouraging young explorers after he had the Operation Deep Climb journey with eight teenagers in 2008. Fowler is also the son of

26、 Jim Fowler, a famous wildlife expert. Jim has made a television show and speeches to thousands of kids about the natural world. By encouraging the next generation of scientists and explorers, I am carrying on my family legacy, Mark explains. The Explorers Club will work with groups such as Boy and

27、Girl Scouts (童子军) to help kids join in exploration. Join one to get started! ( ) 36. Which is NOT true about the Explorers Club? A. It was the first to the North Pole. B. The members are all kids. C. It has a long history. D. There will be some kids in the club.( ) 37. When did Mark Fowler have the

28、Operation Deep Climb journey? A. In 2006. B. In 2010. C. In 2008. D. In 2012.( ) 38. What does the underlined word legacy mean in Chinese? A传承 B血统 C性格 D教训( ) 39. What does Jim Fowler do? A. A teacher. B. An organizer of the Club. C. A scientist. D. A wildlife expert.( ) 40. Why did the writer probab

29、ly write the article? A. To tell us something about kids. B. To encourage kids to join the club. C. To introduce Mark Fowler and his family. D. To teach kids something about the nature.CDo you know Caines Arcade? Its a game designed by Caine when he was nine years old. Caine lives in California. His

30、 dad owns a second-hand store. In the corner of the store, Caine built a tiny arcade out of cardboards and other things he found. Caine built cardboard replicas(复制品) of many games like Skee-Ball and Basketball. There is even a security system (安全系统). However, because this shop was not in the center

31、of the city, no one visited it or played in it. Week after week, Caine perfected his games and waited for someone to arrive but no one did. However, Caine never gave up. He even wore a shirt that said Caines Arcade. Then one day, a man named Nirvan came to the shop. He noticed Caines Arcade and he a

32、sked Caine how much he should pay for it. “$2, Caine said. Then Nirvan became Caines first customer. Nirvan loved the game, and he came up with a wonderful idea. He put up a notice on Facebook, telling people about the wonderful arcade and asking them to come to play. Hundreds of people soon came. C

33、aine said he felt proud of himself. Nirvan even made a video about the arcade. It was a popular video on the Internet. More than $218,000 has been raised. Some of the money will be used to send Caine to college. ( ) 41. Caine built his tiny arcade at the age of _. A. 7 B. 2 C. 9 D.11( ) 42. The unde

34、rlined word Skee-Ball is probably a kind of _. A. game B. food C. store D. magazine( ) 43. Why did no one come to Caines Arcade at first? A. Because the game was not interesting. B. Because the price was high. C. Because Caines Arcade was not big enough. D. Because the store was not in the center of

35、 the city.( ) 44. Which is TRUE according to the passage? A. Nirvan is a poor man. B. Nirvan is a reporter. C. Nirvan helped Caine. D. Nirvan got exactly $218,000.( ) 45. From the passage, we know that Caine is _. A. lazy B. clever C. energetic D. handsomeDCirque du Soleil (大阳马戏团) has been entertain

36、ing people around the world for almost thirty years. By now, the company has performed about 20 different shows, offering a mix of acrobatics (杂技), music and dance. Some shows have homes in Las Vegas, Orlando and Los Angeles. Others travel from city to city. One traveling show is called Totem. Its a

37、bout the development of human culture. Many art forms are used to express the idea. One of them is the hoop (圆环) dance. This kind of dance is from New Mexico and it shows nature, humans and the circle of life. Nakota was the first hoop dancer to perform inTotem. The leaders of the show liked his dan

38、ce very much. They thought his dance showed the idea well. There are fifty-two performers in Totem from all over the world. But it takes many more people to keep the show on the road. As the leader of the company says, it takes three people to take care of the clothes worn by the performers. Because

39、 of the acrobatic acts, the clothes may be torn easily. After the performances, the clothes will be put into cases. In fact, everything under the tent (帐篷), including the tent itself, will be taken down and put into sixty-four trucks. The show and its performers will move on to another city.( ) 46.

40、How many different shows has Cirque du Soleil performed? A. About 64. B. About 46. C. About 30. D. About 20.( ) 47. Whats the show Totem about? A. The relationship between humans and animals. B. The development of modem dance. C. The development of human culture. D. The modern art forms.( ) 48. Wher

41、e does the hoop dance come from? A. Las Vegas. B. New Mexico. C. Orlando. D. Los Angeles.( ) 49. Which has the similar meaning to the underlined word torn? A. broken B. cleaned C. repaired D. made( ) 50. We can infer from the last two paragraphs that _. A. the performers in Cirque du Soleil are from

42、 different places B. some boys in the street may burn the clothes easily C. the performers move on to another city because of bad performance D. its unnecessary to put the clothes into cases EOn September 13, 2012, New York became the first city in the nation to ban the sale of sugary drinks. It wou

43、ld ban the sale of sugary beverages larger than 16 ounces (盎司) at restaurants and movie theaters. The rule came into use in March 2013. The drinks that are banned dont include fruit juice, alcoholic (酒精的) drinks or milk shakes. The ban is to keep people from getting overweight. More than half of the

44、 New York City adults and nearly 40 percent of the students are considered overweight. The ban is an important step to help people take in fewer calories. And it may also encourage people to put other healthy drinks into their diets. Its reported that sugary drinks make up 43 percent of the added su

45、gar in the average American diet. However, not everyone agrees on the rule. Some people say that there are many things which can make people overweight, such as candies and other sweets. Sugary drinks are not the only ones that should be banned. Many restaurant owners are also upset because they say

46、 the ban could hurt certain business. They plan to continue to challenge the rule. People are smart enough to make their own decisions about what to eat and drink, a restaurant owner said. What do you think? Should the government ban large sugary drinks to help people make healthier choices? Or shou

47、ld people be allowed to make their own choices about their drinks?( ) 51. The underlined word “beverages means “_ in the passage. A果冻 B白酒 C饮料 D面包( ) 52. The ban is mainly to _. A. help people drink more water B. cut the business of fast food restaurants C. improve road safety D. prevent people from

48、getting overweight( ) 53. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Not everyone agrees on the rule. B. Nearly 40% of students are overweight in New York. C. Sugary drinks are not the only ones that can make people fat. D. The restaurant owners wont do anything with the rule.(

49、) 54. What does the writer feel about the ban? A. Happy. B. Angry. C. Excited. D. Not mentioned.( ) 55. You may read the passage _. A. in a storybook B. on an advertisement C. from a newspaper D. in a scientific bookii选择以下词汇完成下面对话。共5小题,每题1分A. join B. drive C. for D. Whos E. Whose F. elsePeter: Hello

50、, may I speak to Rose?Rose: Yes, this is Rose. (56) _ that?Peter: This is Peter. We will go (57) _ a picnic in the park tomorrow. Would you like to (58) _ us?Rose: Where are you going?Peter: To the Xingping Park.Rose: Who (59) _ will go with you?Peter: Ann and her brother.Rose: Sounds good. Id like

51、to go with you. By the way, how can we go there tomorrow?Peter: Anns father will (60) _ us there.Rose: Great. See you tomorrow. iii.选择以下句子完成下面对话。(共 5小题,每题1分)A. So you felt hurt and angry.B. Do you mind telling me what happened?C. You shouldnt talk to him any more.D. Yes, I havent talked to him for h

52、alf a month.E. By the way, please give my regards to him.F. I wont go to play football with you any more.G. Do you think I should talk to him?A: I found that you and Gary dont speak to each other.B: (61) _A: (62) _B: I invited him to play football with me, but he said he would play basketball with o

53、ther boys. A: (63) _B: Yes. A: But friends cant stay together all the time.B: (64) _A: Sure. Im sure he will be very happy if you talk to him.B: Thank you for your words, Mr Li.A: Youre well welcome. (65) _. 填空10分 用所给词汇的适当形式填空。(共10小题,每题1分)66. It is dangerous _ (walk) alone in the forest.67. I prefer

54、 _ (protect) animals to killing them.68. She took a deep _ (breathe) and dived into the water.69. The accident was caused by the drivers _ (careful).70. Im really _ (confuse) about the problem. Can you help me?71. Ma Yun, as we all know, is a very _ (success) businessman. 72. I find it difficult _ (

55、give) a lecture before so many people.73. Chinas developing way is _ (copy) by many other countries.74. The goats were _ (aware) of the coming danger and kept on eating grass.75. He gave a full _ (explain) of his absence from school yesterday afternoon.V书面表达10分 据报道,由于越来越多的农民去城市打工,使得很多孩子被留在农村,成为“留守儿童( left-behind children)。请根据提示给同学们写一封信,呼吁他们关注留守儿童。可适当发挥。提示:1留守儿童感到孤单,渴望父母的陪伴; 2希望同学们多帮助他们给出两种方式。要求:1.文中不得出现真实校名和姓名; 2条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确: 3. 80词左右信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear friends, Now there are a lot of left-behind children in the countryside in China. _

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