广东省2020届高三英语二轮复习 专题训练 写作(9)

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1、广东省2020届高三英语二轮复习专题训练:写作(9)第一节基础写作写作内容请为香港书展拟一份宣传简介。1. 一年一度亚洲最大的书展香港书展将于7月18日开幕;2. 书展不仅汇集了内地、港台三地的中文书,还包括了多个国家的外文书籍;3. 书展从1990年至今历经18届,见证了香港书业与文化、教育的发展;4. 此前的每次书展都会吸引大量国内外的读者前来,引发购书狂潮。【写作要求】1. 只能使用5个句子介绍所给的全部内容;2. 参考词汇:香港书展 The Hong Kong Book Exhibition_【评分标准】句子结构的准确性和复杂度;信息内容的完整性和连贯性。(基础写作参考范文one po

2、ssible version)The Hong Kong Book Exhibition, which is held once a year, is the largest book exhibition in Asia and now its around the corner on July 18th.The book exhibition is not only a collection of Chinese books from the inland cities, Hong Kong and Taiwan, but also contains the foreign books f

3、rom many other countries. The Hong Kong Book Exhibition has been running since 1990 and now comes its 18th.It has witnessed the development of the print industry, culture and education of Hong Kong. Every time this book fair was held before, large quantities of both domestic and foreign readers were

4、 attracted to come, thus causing a sharp flow of shopping books.第二节 读写任务阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Recently I took part in an English speech contest and successfully went into the final. That day, I thought I had done a good job. At that moment I even had a strong feeling of being the champion. Bu

5、t my dream was soon shattered when my final score was announced. I stood in the hall, feeling empty-minded and puzzled. My memory went back to when I was in junior middle school. I took part in a similar speech contest. I was too proud of myself. I was not well prepared, so it ended up as a total fa

6、ilure. But this time should be different! I had spent a lot of time tailoring each word. Why was it all in vain and I had to be a loser again? Very frustrated, I swore not to take part in this kind of competition again.I was just about to leave when a well-known TV host suddenly said to me he did ap

7、preciate my speech. On hearing this, I was filled with mixed feelings-partly surprised, partly excited, partly sad, but there was one thing I am certain about-I did feel something warm and comforting floating inside my body. I never knew a few words and a kind smile could be so inspiring that I sudd

8、enly realized that frustration, sorrow, happiness and inspiration are treasures to make life more meaningful. It is these elements that make life real.【写作内容】1. 以约30词概括原文的内容要点;2. 以约120词描写一次你失败的经历,至少包含以下的内容要点:a) 叙述你曾经经历的一件失败的事;b) 因事情的结果导致的当时的心情;c) 最后自己的感悟。【写作要求】(1) 你可以使用实例或自行组织故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材

9、料中的句子;(2) 标题自定。评分标准概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。(读写任务参考范文one possible version)A Real Touch of LifeThe author tells us a story that he failed again in his well-prepared speech competition, which threw him into desperation. But finally he got encouragement and realized the sadness, pleasure and frustration in

10、real life.In fact, everyone has an uncountable number of experiences of failure. I went through a failure, from which I learned a lot. It was at the beginning of the term. The time I received the first-time test paper, I was shocked for I had never got such few points before. Surprised and confused,

11、 I felt the world like a maze without way-outs. Just then my new teacher came to me and said that she still found merits in me and wished me not to give up advancing. That did me a great favor and helped me know that a failure was nothing but a failure, and so many failures in life couldnt beat me.From then on, I have got a better understanding of life where we have to accept what we cant change and always try to be active, not willing to give up any hope. Whether we win or lose, we are feeling great. This is the life we are longing for real and beautiful.

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