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1、山东省邹城一中2020高二英语9月份月考试题第I卷 (共65分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the man doing now?A. Drinking milk. B. Making a shopping list. C. Working on a school paper.2. When does the school bus

2、usually leave this place?A. Around 7:30 am. B. Around 7:35 am. C. Around 7:40 am.3. What does the woman like about Sydney?A. Its food B. Its traffic C. Its environment4. Which language does the man think is the most difficult?A. French B. German C. Spanish.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. A

3、 movie B. A book C. A character.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间来阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What mistake did the man make?A. He missed a test B. He spelled a name wrongC. He called a wrong number.7. What do we know abou

4、t the woman?A. She is patient B. She is worried C. She is annoyed听第7段材料,回答第8-10题。8. What will the man order?A. Wine B. Apple juice C. Beer9. What does the man enjoy reading most?A. Romance B. Science fiction C. Historical novels.10. When does the woman often read books?A. Every night B. On weekdays

5、C. At weekends.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Who will the man buy a gift for?A. His mother B. His wife C. His mother-in-law12. What does the man decide to buy?A. A pair of gloves B. A necklace C. A scarf13. How much will the man pay?A. $90 B. $100 C. $110听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. How long will the show go on?A. F

6、or 2 days B. For 3 days C. For 4 days15. How did the man get the tickets?A. He booked them online B. He got them from a friendC. He called the ticket office.16. Why did the man find his theater experience bad last Friday?A. The seat was terrible B. The show was boring C. The theater was noisy17. Wha

7、t will the speakers do next?A. Go to check in B. Go to have a drink. C. Go to some stores.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What can help a baby Koala find its mothers pocket?A. Its smell and touch B. Its sight and hearing C. Its hearing and smell.19. What will a baby koala normally do after six months?A. Learn

8、 how to climb a tree B. Look for leaves on its ownC. Ride around on its mothers back.20. What does the speaker want to express at last?A. The number of koalas has been decreasing.B. We should protect the living places of koalas.C. Australia is a very friendly place for wild animals.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分3

9、5分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIf youd like to go travelling, the following World Heritage Sites may be your best choices.Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest AreaThe Jiuzhaigou valley, which lies in the northern part of Sichuan Province, reaches

10、 a height of more than 4,800m, with a series of diverse forest ecosystems(生态系统). Its particularly well-known for series of narrow land forms and excellent waterfalls. Some 140 kinds of birds live in the valley, as well as a number of endangered plants and animals, including the giant panda.For more

11、information, please visithttp:/whc.unesco.org/en/list/637.Khami Ruins National MonumentThe city of Khami, which developed after the capital of Great Zimbabwe had been given up in the mid-16th century, is of great archaeological(考古的) interest. The discovery of objects from Europe and China shows that

12、 Khami was a major centre for trade over a long period of time.For more information, please visit http:/whc.unesco.org/en/list/637.Henderson IslandHenderson Island, which lies in the eastern South Pacific, is one of the few atolls(环礁) in the world whose ecology has been untouched by human beings. It

13、 is particularly famous for the 10 plants and four land birds that can only be seen on the island.For more information, please visit http:/whc.unesco.org/en/list/487.Old City of JerusalemAs a holy city for three different religions in the Middle East, Jerusalem has always been of great religious imp

14、ortance. It was given a World Heritage Status in 1981 and placed on the “World Heritage in Danger List” in the following year.For more information, please visit http:/whc.unesco.org/en/list/148.21. Which of the following is TRUE about the Jiuzhaigou valley?A. It has the most beautiful forests.B. Won

15、derful waterfalls can be seen there.C. About 140 kinds of animals live there.D. You can find most of Chinas endangered plants there.22. From the passage you can learn that Henderson Island _.A. hasnt been influenced by human activitiesB. is made up of a few large atollsC. isnt suitable for humans to

16、 live onD. is open to visitors free of charge23. If you want to learn about religions, you may visit _.A. http:/whc.unesco.org/en/list/637 B. http:/whc.unesco.org/en/list/365C. http:/whc.unesco.org/en/list/487 D. http:/whc.unesco.org/en/list/148BNot everyone can sit around and daydream while twirlin

17、g (旋转) hair or worrying about how they are going to style it for school pictures or a special event. Some kids have no hair at all due to illness. Locks of Love is an organization that helps kids deal with their hair lossby providing real hair wigs (假发) from donors.来 Jessica Moon, a photo editor, do

18、nates (捐献) her hair whenever she cuts it, waiting each time for it to grow the necessary 10 inches.“I dont miss my hair at all,” Moon said. “And it grows really quickly.”At Locks of Love, the focus is on helping kids who have gone bald (秃顶) and feel embarrassed to go out in public to go on with the

19、activities they normally enjoy. Lauren Kukkamaa, who works for the organization, believes that it is important for kids to live out their lives as normally as possible.“Many times, a lot of children feel embarrassed by their baldness,” she said. “They have low self-confidence, so they may want to st

20、op playing sports or going to summer camps. When they get the hair wigs, they feel confident to start doing these things again.”“For a donor, I think its a very personal donation,” said Kukkamaa. “Youre giving of yourself. If youre looking for a way to get involved and give back, I think its a great

21、 opportunity for someone.”Moon, who first donated her hair when she was 15 after she found out her father had cancer, said donating is a good way to make a difference.“The best part is that its helpful for someone and it does make a difference for patients who need the hair,” she said.24. One of the

22、 reasons why Moon is glad to donate is that _.A. her hair could grow back very quickly B. she looks more beautiful with short hairC. she could earn extra money by doing itD. she neednt worry about how to style it25. What is the main task of Locks of Love?A. Encouraging kids to get rid of shyness. B.

23、 Teaching people how to style hair well.C. Finding out why some people lose hair.D. Helping bald children to live normally.26. What would be the best title for the text?A. You can make a differenceB. Donating your hairC. Bald kids are very poor D. Wearing real hair wigsCI travel a lot, and I find ou

24、t different “styles” of directions every time I ask “How can I get to the post office?”Foreign tourists are often confused in Japan because most streets there dont have names; in Japan, people use landmarks (地标) in their directions instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to trave

25、lers, “Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop.”In the countryside of the American Midwest, there are not usually many landmarks. There are no mountains, so the land is very flat; in many places there are no t

26、owns or buildings within miles. Instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distances. In Kansas or Iowa, for example, people will say, “Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile.”People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map; they measure distanc

27、e in time, not miles. “How far away is the post office?” you ask. “Oh,” they answer, “its about five minutes from here.” You say, “Yes, but how many miles away is it?” They dont know.Its true that a person doesnt know the answer to your question sometimes. What happens in such a situation? A New Yor

28、ker might say, “Sorry, I have no idea.” But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers “I dont know.” People in Yucatan believe that “I dont know” is impolite. They usually give an answer, often a wrong one. A tourist can get very, very lost in Yucatan!27. When a tourist asks the Japanese the way to a certa

29、in place they usually _.A. describe the place carefully B. show him a map of the placeC. refer to recognizable buildings and places D. tell him the names of the streets28. What is the place where people measure distance in time?A. Los Angeles. B. New York. C. Kansas. D. Iowa.29. People in Yucatan ma

30、y give a tourist a wrong answer _A. in order to save time B. so as to be polite C. as a test D. for fun30. What can we infer from the text?A. People have similar understandings of politeness.B. Its useful for travelers to know how to ask the way properly.C. Its important for travelers to understand

31、cultural differences.D. New Yorkers are generally friendly to visitors.第二节:(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文的内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项第二节:(共5小题;每小题2分,满分l0分)How to Be an Effective Member of a TeamWorking in a team can be rewarding, but at times it can be difficult. To create a successful team, effect

32、ive communication methods are necessary. Here weve outlined some ways to avoid some common team mistakes as well as some helpful advice.1. Communicate31 Letting bad feelings brew(酝酿) will only make you feel bad and want to isolate yourself from the group. Not only does it feel good to get the bad fe

33、elings out, but it will be better for the team in the long run.2. 32People in your group will lose respect for you if youre constantly blaming others for not meeting deadlines. Group members understand if you have a heavy workload and arent able to meet a deadline. Saying something like, “Im really

34、sorry, but Ill get it to you by the end of today.” will earn you a lot more respect than trying to make it seem like its everyone elses fault thatyoumissedyourdeadline.3. Support group members ideasIf a teammate suggests something, always consider it! 33 And this makes you a good team member. After

35、all, nobody likes a know-it-all.4. Listen activelyLook at the person whos speaking to you, nod, ask questions and acknowledge whats said by paraphrasing points that have been made. If youre unclear about something thats been said, ask for more information to clear up any confusion before moving on.

36、Effective communication is a vital part of any team. 345. Get involvedShare suggestions, ideas, solutions and proposals with your team members. Take the time to help your fellow teammates. You can guarantee there will be a time in the future when youll need some help or advice. 35A. Thus, the value

37、of good listening skills shouldnt be underestimated(低估).B. If you have a problem with someone in your group, talk to him about it.C. Dont Blame othersD. Have faith that people will recognize when good work is being done.E. Avoid showing offF. Considering the groups ideas shows youre interested in ot

38、her peoples ideas, not just your own.G. And if youve helped them in the past, theyll be more than happy to lend a helping hand.第三部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分85分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Its always been a dream for Alex to take a trip with her mother,

39、but it was a death in the family that 36 made them both realize how precious life really is.“After losing my grandma, I 37 that neither I nor my mum will 38 be here, and that I cant 39 the right time to come,” the 27-year-old girl told The Huffington post.“After a week of 40 , my amazing mum and I a

40、re off to travel around the United States. We will be travelling from New York to Los Angeles interviewing 41 who are changing the world for the better and 42 the dream I had for a very long time: to travel together with my mother. I have taken a month off work and we are on our way. 43 are waiting!

41、” Alex said.So in August,Alex and her 63-year-old retired mother,Halina, traveled to the United States for a three-week 44 that took them from coast to coast.Alex is the 45 of Looking For Heroes, a social media project, in which she photographs many of the interesting people she meets with, 46 uniqu

42、e tidbits (花边新闻) of their life stories at the same time. The 47 mother and daughter traveled across the nation, visiting cities48 Knoxville, Tennessee, New York City, Los Angeles and Washington. Along the way they took photos 49 famous backdrops (背景) in each city, making some 50 memories.Meanwhile,

43、Alex 51 much from her mother. Her mother often said “My 52 to young people would be to learn new things, and what you have learned will be your biggest 53 in life. With age you stop 54 about things that dont matter. With your priorities (优先) changing, 55 and health become the most important.”36. A.

44、finally B. simply C. mildly D. secretly37. A. promised B. realized C. guessed D. hoped38. A. thus B. even C. ever D. forever39. A. think of B. put aside C. wait for D. give away40. A. preparation B. work C. consideration D. rest41. A. friends B. relatives C. reporters D. influencers42. A. connecting

45、 B. describing C. achieving D. imagining43. A. Troubles B. Dreams C. Results D. Dangers44. A. adventure B. campaign C. business D. gathering45. A. actress B. model C. editor D. student46. A. inventing B. sharing C. preparing D. hearing47. A. frightened B. amused C. astonished D. excited48. A. includ

46、ing B. arranging C. containing D. expecting49. A. into B. above C. against D. from50. A. unbelievable B. unforgettable C. unbearable D. unthinkable51. A. received B. saved C. separated D. learned52. A. position B. example C. advice D. experience53. A. goal B. wealth C. success D. change54. A. talkin

47、g B. bringing C. setting D. worrying55. A. family B. identity C. beauty D. job第卷(共65分)第三部分 英语知识运用第二节 单词拼写(共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)56. I admire Edison a lot because he _(贡献) a lot to the world.57. Most customers were satisfied with the way their complaints were _ (处理).58. Ive come to the c_ that he has not

48、the right person for the job.59. _(暴露) to the sunlight for a long time, youll get sunburnt.60. The rescue team, _(组成) of more than 20 soldiers, are looking for the missing pilot in the mountains.61. Thousands of foreigners were _(吸引) to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.62. More and more hig

49、h-rise buildings have been built in big cities for l_ of space.63. My new English teacher was well prepared for her every lesson and left a good i_ on us.64. Though he doesnt make much money, he is still _(乐观的) about his life.65. To his great d_, he was admitted into Tsinghua University.第三节 语法填空(共10

50、小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。“Why are you unwilling to accept this opportunity in space? Have you read the 66 _ (describe) carefully?” Wang Ping asked me. “You will live in a 67 (furnish) house with all modem equipment and robots will be able to clarify any problems. You are only

51、 needed to become familiar with the administration and rules for such a project. It will be an 68_ (enjoy) experience for you.”Many people need to be reminded of the job opportunities in space stations, which 69_ (constant) need space cooks, cleaners, teachers, stewards and stewardesses. You can be

52、swiftly trained for your new job from using previous skills. At first people may find new surroundings difficult 70 (tolerate). However, they will be able to overcome the difficulties if their families encourage them to take 71 the job. There are lots of advantages 72_ come from a period of time in

53、space. But for health reasons only one stay of three years 73_ (allow), because 74 link between illness and length of stay may be strong. It is a little disappointing, 75 the rules cannot be changed for anyone.第四部分 写作(满分40分)第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)Mr. Smith 的公司招聘英文打字员,请你以李华的名义写一封求职信。1. 年龄;2. 在校表现和获奖经历;3. 性格

54、特点。注意: 1. 词数80左右2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯Dear Mr. Smith,_Yours sincerely,Lihua第二节 读后续写 (满分25分)注意:1所续写短文的词数应为100-120左右;2应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。A merchant sent his son to learn the Secret of Happiness from the wisest of men. The young man wandered through the desert

55、 for forty days until he reached a beautiful castle at the top of a mountain. There lived the wise man that the young man was looking for.However, instead of finding a holy man, our hero entered a room and saw a great deal of activity; merchants coming and going, people chatting in the corners, a sm

56、all band playing sweet melodies, and there was a table with different kinds of dishes on it.The wise man talked to everybody, and the young man had to wait for two hours until it was time for him.The wise man listened attentively to the reason for the boys visit, but told him that at that moment he

57、did not have the time to explain to him the Secret of Happiness. He offered him the suggestion that the young man take a walk around his castle and come back in two hours time.“However, I want to ask you a favor,” he added, handling the boy a teaspoon, in which he poured two drops of oil. “While you

58、 walk, carry this spoon and dont let the oil spill.”(溢出)The young man began to climb up and down the castle, always keeping his eyes fixed on the spoon. At the end of two hours he returned to the presence of the wise man.“So,” asked the wise man, “did you see the beautiful curtains hanging in my din

59、ing room? Did you see the garden that the Master of Gardeners took ten years to create? Did you notice the beautiful furniture in my in my library?”Embarrassed, the young man admitted that he had seen nothing. His only concern was not to spill the drops of oil that the wise man had entrusted to him.“So, go back and see the wonders of my world,” said the wise man. “You cant trust a man if you dont know his house.”Para1:Now more at ease, the young man took the spoon and walked around the castle again._

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