山东省淄博市淄川般阳中学高中英语 Module 3 Language points导学案(无答案)外研版必修3

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《山东省淄博市淄川般阳中学高中英语 Module 3 Language points导学案(无答案)外研版必修3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省淄博市淄川般阳中学高中英语 Module 3 Language points导学案(无答案)外研版必修3(7页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、Book3 Module 3 Language points学习目标: To learn some key language points 学习重点: experience, bury, occur, strike, pick up【学情调查、情景导入】1.The 2020 earthquake was the worst natural _ (灾难) to hit China for decades.2.Children need to (经历) things for themselves in order to learn from them.3.The possibility that

2、she might be wrong never (发生) to her.4.In the (热带的) districts, the temperature is always high.5.A _ (激烈的) clash between the police and the criminals happened.【问题展示、合作探究】P23课文部分知识点1.Have you ever experienced a flood ?experience n.经验;体验;经历,阅历;v.经历,体验;感受;遭受注意 experience当“经验”讲时,是_名词;当具体的某一次“经历”讲时是_名词;当动

3、词讲意为“体验,经历”时,是及物动词。活学活用He was talking about his _ in America, where he got a lot of _ of travelling.A. experiences; experience B. experience; experienceC. experiences; experiences D. experience; experiences2.bury v.埋葬;埋藏;用覆盖bury oneself in _ be buried in work/studies _(回归课本P23)The cemetery where Cog

4、hlan was buried was destroyed by the hurricane and Coghlans coffin ended up in the area. 翻译:_活学活用All the students in our class buried themselves _ studies, _the coming exam.A. in; preparing B. in; preparing for C. for; prepared D. for; prepared for3.occur vi.出现;发生观察思考A:The event which occurred yeste

5、rday affected the hospital greatly.翻译:_It occurred to me that I would travel to Europe. 翻译:_The excellent idea occurred to me in a dream. 翻译:_归纳拓展occurrence n.发生;出现;事件;发生的事情It occurred to me that.我刚刚想到sth.occurs to sb.某事浮现在某人的脑海中;某人想到C级知识拓展 易混辨异occur/happen/take place/break out(1)occur属正式用语,它可以指偶然地“

6、发生”,也可以指在指定的时间“发生,出现”,还可以表示抽象事物,如思想等的“产生”。在以具体事物、事件作主语时,可与happen互换。(2)happen为常用词语,指“事物或情况偶然或未能预见地发生”;其后接不定式或用在It happened that.句型中,意为“恰好/碰巧/偶然发生”。That accident happened yesterday.事故发生在昨天。(3)take place指“发生了事先计划或预先想到的事情”。The meeting took place at 800 as planned.按计划会议在8点举行了。(4)break out指(战争、火灾、疾病等)突然发生

7、。A fire broke out during the night. 夜里失火了。注意 以上四个短语均无被动形式。活学活用I _ along the street looking for a place to park when the accident.A. went; was occurring B. went; occurredC. was going; occurred D. was going; had occurred(回归课本P23)The worst tornado of all time _ in the 1925, _ three US states:翻译:_affect

8、ing three States. affecting 作_状语.读下面两个句子,体会他们之间的不同:(1) On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and1500 injuries.(2) He hurried to the station only to find the train had left.活学活用:(1)时速200多公里的大风袭击了这座城市,毁了3000多座房屋。Winds of 200 kilometers per hour hit the city,

9、_(2) 一场威力巨大的地震袭击了我的家乡,导致了巨大的经济(financial)损失(loss)。A powerful earthquake hit my hometown, _(3) 放学后我们去图书馆,结果发现它正在装修。After school we went to the library, _ it is being decorated.4.strike v.打;击;撞;敲;擦;打动;突然想到;n.罢工;袭击(回归课本P23)By the late 1890s, he had moved to Galveston,where he died in 1899, a year befor

10、e theHurricane .翻译:_ _观察思考: 理解并翻译下列句子,注意strike的用法:A stone struck the little boy on the head. 翻译:_Ive struck on a plan for solving the problem. 翻译:_The workers are on strike for better pay. 翻译:_The visitors were struck by the beauty of the country. 翻译:_C级知识 归纳拓展strike sb.on/in the+身体部位 打某人的某处My fathe

11、r was so angry that he hit me in the face. 翻译:_6.pick up 捡起;接人,(无意中)学会;好转;接收;收拾;加(速度等)(回归课本P23)Tornadoes can _ cars, trains and even houses and put them down in the next streetor even in the next town. 翻译:_观察思考The economy is finally beginning to pick up again. 翻译:_You are great to have picked up Fre

12、nch when you were in France.翻译:_ _The bus gradually picked up speed and disappeared. 翻译:_My radio can pick up BBC. _归纳拓展pick out选出;认出当代词作pick up的宾语时,须把代词置于动词与副词之间。7.end up以结束,以而告终(回归课本P23)The ceremony where Coghlan was buried was destroyed by the hurricane and Coghlans coffin ended up in the sea. 翻译

13、:_观察思考The ceremony ended up with fireworks. 翻译:_ _I ended up spending the night in the airport. 翻译:_Hell end up in prison if hes not careful. 翻译:_注意 end (up) in failure/victory/a draw以失败/胜利/平局结束(强调在某种结果中结束用in)【三、达标检测、巩固提升】1.短文改错:What Is a Tornado? A tornado is the rotating column of air from a thund

14、erstorm to the ground. The most violent have winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour. Almost all of them occurred in the US, in the area from Texas in the southeast until South Dakota in the north. Tornadoes can pick out cars, trains and even houses and put them down in the next street-or even in

15、 the next town. They can take the fur down the back of a cat and the feathers off a chicken. They can destroy houses, but leaving the furniture inside exactly it was. On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, caused about 80 death and 1,500 injuries. The worst tornado of all time occu

16、rred in 1925, affecting three US states: Missouri,Illinois and Indiana. By the time it had ended, more than 700 people had been killed and 2,700 had been injured.2.语法填空. (All)A big earthquake _(strike) our city at 3 am on 13 December, 2020. Fires caused by the earthquake _ (do) the most damage. The

17、fires _ (burn) for a whole day, _ (destroy) a number of houses and buildings, which made 80,000 people homeless. The electrical and water lines _ (cut off), which made peoples life more difficult. By the time it _ (end), more than 4,000 people _ (injure) or killed. And there are still many people mi

18、ssing. Luckily, the army _ (send) here to help dig out people who _ (bury) under the ruins. At present, fresh water, food and shelters are badly needed. The government _ (call) on people to take an active part in helping the victims.【四、知识梳理、归纳总结】What have you learned from this class?【五、预习指导、新课链接】预习目标:预习本模块语法部分,认真自学过去完成时的被动语态,完成相关练习。预习难点:过去完成时被动语态的应用。

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