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1、人教新目标八年级上册 课文填空练习 (全册)Unit 1 2b I _ ( arrive ) in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It _( be ) _( sun ) and hot, so we decided _( go ) to the beach near our hotel. My sister and I _( try ) paragliding . I _( feel ) I was a bird. It was so _ ( excited ) ! For lunch, we _( have ) somethi

2、ng very special Malaysian yellow noodles. They _( be ) delicious! In the afternoon, we _( ride ) bicycles to Georgetown. There _( be ) a lot of new _( build ) now, but many of the old buildings _ ( be ) still there. In Weld Quay, a _( real ) old place in Georgetown , We _( see ) the _( house ) of th

3、e _( China ) traders from 100 years ago. I wonder what life _( be ) like here in the past . I really enjoyed _( walk ) around the town. What a _( different ) a day _( make )! My father and _( I ) decided _ ( go ) to Penang Hill today. We wanted _( walk ) up to the top, but then it _( start) _( rain

4、) a little so we _( decide ) to take the train. We _( wait ) for over an hour for the train because there _( be ) too many _( people ) . When we _ ( get ) to the top it _( rain ) really _( hard ). We _( have ) an umbrella so we _( be ) wet and cold. It was _( terribly)! And because of the bad weathe

5、r , we _( can ) see _( something ) below. My father _( bring ) enough money, so we only _( have ) one bowl of rice and some _( fish ). The food _( taste ) great because I _( am ) so hungry!2e Today _( be ) a beautiful day. My father and I _( go ) to Penang Hill again, but this time we _( walk ) to t

6、he top. We _( start ) at 9:30 a.m and _( see ) lots of special Malaysian _(flower) along the way. About one hour _(late), we _( stop ) and _( drink ) some tea. Then we _( walk ) for another two hours before we _( get ) to the top. I _( be ) quite tired , but the city _( look ) wonderful from the top

7、 of the hill!Self Check Last August , our class _( do ) something very special on _( we ) school trip. We _( go ) to Mount Tai. We _( start) our trip at 12:00 at night. Everyone in our class _ ( take ) a bag with some _( food ) and water. After three hours , someone _( look ) at the map and _( find

8、) out we _( not be ) anywhere near the top. My legs _( be ) so tired that I _( want ) _( stop ). My classmates _( tell ) me _ ( keep ) _( go ) , so I _( go ) on . At 5:00 a.m , we _( get ) to the top! Everyone _( jump ) up and down in _ ( excite ) . Twenty minutes _( late ) , the sun _( start ) _ (

9、come ) up . It _ ( be ) so beautiful that we _( forget ) about the last five hours!Unit 2 2b Last month we _( ask ) our students about _( they ) free time _ ( activity) . Our _( question) were about exercise, use of the internet and _( watch ) TV. Here _( be ) the results.We _( find ) that only fift

10、een percent of our students exercise every day. Forty- five percent exercise four to six _ ( time) a week. Twenty percent exercise only _( first ) to three times a week. And twenty percent _( do ) exercise at all.!We all know that many _( student ) often _( go ) online , but we were _( surprise ) th

11、at ninety percent of _( they ) use the Internet every day. The other ten percent use it at _( little ) three or four times a week. Most _( student ) use it for fun and not for homework.The answers to our questions about _( watch ) television _( be ) also _( interest ). Only two percent of the studen

12、ts watch TV one to three times a week . Thirteen percent watch TV four to six times a week . And eighty- five percent watch TV every day! _( although ) many students like to watch sports , game shows are the _( popular ).It is good _ ( relax ) by _( use ) the Internet or _( watch ) game shows , but

13、we think the best way _ ( relax ) is through exercise . It is _( health) for the mind and the body. Exercise such as _ ( play ) sports is fun , and you can _( spend ) time with your friends and family as you play together. And remember, “old habits die hard. So start _( exercise ) before its too lat

14、e!Unit 3 My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. Im _( quiet ) and _( serious ) than most kids. Thats why I like _( read ) books and I study _( hard ) in class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we enjoy _( study ) together. Im shy so it_( be ) easy for me _( make ) friends. But I th

15、ink friends are like booksyou dont need a lot of _( they) as long as theyre good. Its not necessary _( be ) the same. My best friend Larry is quite_( difference ) from _( I ) . He is _( tall ) and _( outgoing ) than me. We both like sports, but he _( play ) _( well ) , so he always _( win ). However

16、 , Larry often _( help ) to bring out the _( good ) in me . So Im _( get ) better at tennis. Larry is much _( little ) hard-working , though. I always get _( good ) grades than he _( do ) , so maybe I should _( help ) him _( much.) I dont really care if my friends are the same as _( I ) or _( differ

17、ence )My favorite saying is “A true friend _( reach ) your hand and _( touch ) your heart. My best friend Carol is _( real ) kind and very funny. In fact , shes _( funny ) than anyone I know. I _( break ) my arm last year but she _( make ) me _( laugh) and feel _( good ) We can talk about and share

18、_( anything) . I know she _( care ) about _( I ) because shes always there to listen.Unit 4. Everyone _( be ) good at something, but some are _( true ) _( talent ) . Its always interesting _( watch ) other people _( show ) their _( talent ) . Talent shows are getting _( popular) . _( one ) , there w

19、ere shows like American Idol and _ ( America) Got Talent, Now, there are similar shows around the world , such as _( China ) Got Talent.All these shows have one thing in common. They try _( look ) for the _( good ) singers, the most talented _( dance ) , the most exciting _( magic ) , the funniest _

20、( act ) and so on . All kind of people join these shows. But who can play the piano the _ ( well ) or sing the _( beautiful ) ? Thats up to you _( decide ) . When people watch the show, they usually play a role in _( decide) the winner. And the _( win ) always gets a very _( good ) prize . However,

21、not everybody _( enjoy ) _( watch ) these shows. Some think that the _( life ) of the _( perform ) are made up. For example, some people say they are poor _( farm ) , but in fact they are just _( act ) . However, if you dont take these shows too _( serious ) , they are fun _( watch ) . And one great

22、 thing about _( their ) is that they give people a way _ ( make) their dreams come true.3a Greenwood Park is the _( good ) place _( go ) to on weekends. I always finish my breakfast the _( fast ) on Saturdays because I want _( get ) to Greenwood Park before 10:00 a.m _( meet ) my friends. The park i

23、s the _( crowded ) place on weekends because almost everyone _( go ) there _( see ) the street performers. Some think they are boring ,but I think they are the _( create ) people. However, the place where you can enjoy your time the _ ( quiet ) is at one of the small coffee _( shop ) near the park.

24、You can read or _( relax ) there . There is something for everyone at Greenwood Park.Unit 5. 2b When people say “culture, we think of art and history. But one very famous symbol is _( America ) culture is a cartoon. We all know and love the black mouse with two large round _( ear ) -Mickey Mouse. Ov

25、er 80 years ago , he _( one ) _ ( appear ) in the cartoon Steamboat Willie. When this cartoon _( come ) out in New York on November 18 , 1928, It was the _( once ) cartoon with sound and music. The man behind Mickey _( be ) Walt Disney. He _( become ) very rich and _( success ) . In the 1930s, He _

26、( make ) 87 cartoons with Mickey.Some people might _( ask ) how this cartoon animal _ ( become ) so _ ( popular ) . One of the main _( reason ) is that Mickey _( be ) like a common man, but he always tried _ ( face ) any _( dangerous ). In his early films, Mickey was _( lucky ) and _( have ) many pr

27、oblems such as _( lose ) his house and or girlfriend, Minnie. However, he was always ready _ ( try ) his best . People went to the cinema _( see ) the “little man _( win ). Most of them wanted to be like Mickey.On November 18, 1978, Mickey _( become ) the first cartoon character _ ( have ) a star on

28、 the Hollywood Walk of Fame. _( today ) cartoons are usually not so _ ( simple ) as little Mickey Mouse , but everyone still knows and loves him. Who has a pair of ears _( famous ) than Mickeys.Unit 6. I am going to study computer science?Do you know what a resolutions is ? Its a kind of promise. Mo

29、st of the _( time ), we make _( promise ) to other people.( Mom, I promise I _( tidy ) my room when I get back from school. However , Promises you make to _( you ) are resolutions, and the most common kind is New Years resolutions. The start of the year is often a time for _( make ) resolutions. Whe

30、n we make resolutions at the _( begin ) of the year , we hope that we _( improve ) our _( life ) Some people write down _( they ) resolutions and plans for the _( come ) year. This _( help ) them _ ( remember ) their resolutions . Others tell their resolutions and friends about their _( wish ) and p

31、lans.There are different _( kind ) of resolutions. Some are about _( physic) health. For example , some people promise _( they ) they _( start ) an exercise program or eat _( little ) fast food. Many resolutions have to do with self- improvement . These are about _ ( make ) yourself a _( good ) pers

32、on . Some people might _ ( say ) they are going to _( take ) up a hobby like _( paint ) or _( take ) photos, or learn _( play ) the guitar. Some resolutions have to do with better _( plan ) , like _( make ) a _( week ) plan for schoolwork. For example , a student may have to find more time _( study)

33、.Although there are _( different ) , most resolutions have one thing in common. People _( hard ) ever keep them! There are good reasons for this. Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult _( keep ) . Sometimes people just forget about _( their ) . For this reason, some people say the _( good )

34、resolution is _( have ) no resolutions! How about youwill you make any next year?Unit 7. Will people have robots?When we watch movies about future, we sometimes see robots. They are usually like human _( servant) .They help with the housework and _( do ) jobs like _( work ) in dirty or _ ( danger )

35、places.Today there are already robots _( work ) in factories. Some can help to build cars , and they do simple jobs over and over again. _( few ) people will do such jobs in the future because they are _( bored ) but robots will never get _( bore).Scientist are now _( try ) to make robots look like

36、humans do the same things as we do . Some robots in _( Japanese ) can _ ( walk ) and dance . They are fun _( watch ) However , some _( science ) believe that although we can make robots _( move ) like a human . It will be difficult _( make ) them really think like human. For example , scientist Jame

37、s White thinks that robots will never be able to _( wake ) up and know where they are . But many scientists _ (agree) with Mr. White . They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years.Some scientists believe that there _( be ) more robots in the future. However, they ag

38、ree it may _( take ) _( hundred ) of years. These new robots will have many different _( shape ) . Some will look like humans. and others might _ ( look ) like animals. In India, for example , scientists _( make ) robots that look like snakes. If _( build ) fall down with people inside, these snake

39、robots can help look for people under the buildings. This _( be ) possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed _( possible ) 100 years ago. We never know what _( happen ) in the future.Section B 3aIn 20 years, I think I_( am ) a newspaper _( report) . I _( live ) in Shanghai, because

40、 there will be _( many ) in that city. As a reporter, I think I _ ( meet ) lots of interesting people , so Ill have _( little ) free time . And my apartment will be no good for pets because itll be too small . So Ill probably just _( keep ) a bird . During the week, Ill less smart but Ill be _( comf

41、ortable ) . In the future, people _ ( work ) more so theyll probably have _( few ) vacations, but I think Ill _( take ) a holiday in Hong Kong when possible . One day I ll even _( go ) to Australia. Unit 8In most _( country ) , people usually eat _( tradition ) food on special holidays. A special da

42、y in the United States is Thanksgiving. It is always on the _( four ) Thursday in November, and is a time _( give ) thanks for food in the autumn. At this time, people also remember that the _( one ) _( travel ) from England who came to live in America about 400 years ago . These travelers had a lon

43、g , hard winter, and many of them _( die ) , In the next autumn, they _( give ) thanks for life and food in their new home. These days , most Americans still celebrate this idea of _ ( give ) thanks by _( have ) a big meal at home with their family . The main dish of this meal is almost always turke

44、y , a large bird.Making a turkey dinnerHere is one way _( make ) turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.First , mix together some bread _( piece ) , onions, salt and pepper.Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix .Then , put the turkey in a hot oven and _( cook ) it for a few _( hour )When it is ready,

45、_( place ) the turkey on a large plate and _( cover ) it with gravy.Finally, cut the turkey into thin _( piece ) and eat the meat with vegetables like carrots and potatoes.Unit 9 Can you come to my party?What a great idea! I really like Ms Steen a lot . She helped me _( improve ) my English so _( mo

46、re ). Im sad _( see ) her _( go ), and this party is the _( good ) way _( say ) “Thank you and goodbye. I can help _ ( buy ) some of the food and _( drink ) . I can also help _( bring ) Ms Steen to the party. I already have a great idea about how _( do ) that.Thanks so much for _( plan ) this. Id lo

47、ve _( come ) to the party, but Im not available. My family is _( take ) a trip to Wuhan at the end of this month _( visit ) my aunt and uncle. However, Id still be glad _( help ) out with any of the party_( prepare), like _( plan ) the games . Let me _( know ) if you need my help.As Im sure you know

48、 by now, our favorite teacher, Ms Steen , is leaving soon _( go ) back to the US. Were very sad that shes leaving because she is a fun teacher. _( show ) how much were going to miss her, Lets _( have) a _( surprised ) party for her next Friday the 28the!1) Buy food and drinks. 2) Think of games _( p

49、lay). 3) Prepare things we need for the games ( glue, paper , pens) 4) Bring Ms Steen to the party without _( tell) her so that she can be _ ( surprise ) . I look forward to _( hear ) from you all .3A I would like_( invite ) you to the _ ( open ) of our new library at No. 9 High School . The opening

50、 _( is ) on the morning of Wednesday, January 8th at 9:00 After this , you can enjoy our school concert. Then lunch will be in the school hall at 12:00 . I would also like _ ( invite ) each parents _( bring ) on book as a gift for the new library. Please _( reply ) in _ ( write ) to this _( invite )

51、 by Friday, December 20th. Unit 10 If you go to the party , youll have a great time!3aI dont know what _( do ) about _( go ) to Mikes birthday party tomorrow night. My parents _( think ) I should study for my English exam next week. If I _( go ) to the party, they _( be ) upset . Mike _( tell ) us _

52、 ( wear ) nice clothes, but I _( have ) any . If I _( wear ) jeans, I _ ( look )the worst . Also , Im not sure how _( go ) to the party. If I _( walk ) , it _( take ) me too long . If I _( take ) a taxi , it _ ( be ) too expensive, Can you give me some _( advice ) please? Section B 2bStudents these

53、days often have a lot of _( worry ) . Sometimes they have problems with _( they ) schoolwork , and sometimes with their _ ( friend ) . What can they do about this? Some people believe the _ ( bad ) thing is _( do ) nothing. Laura Mills, a teenager from London, agrees. “ Problems and worries are normal in life, says Laura. “ But I think _( talk ) to someone _( help ) a lot. Unless we talk to someone, we _ _certai

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