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1、.摘 要指数分布是可靠性工程中最重要的分布之一,对其参数区间估计的研究有一定的理论意义和实用价值。本文主要针对小样本情况,研究指数分布尺度参数的区间估计问题。 讨论了单参数指数分布尺度参数基于选定枢轴变量的最短区间估计方法,根据假设检验与区间估计之间内在的联系,通过似然比检验推导出尺度参数在无偏估计类中最短的置信区间; 针对双参数指数分布,在位置参数未知的条件下,利用尺度参数一致最小方差无偏估计构造枢轴变量推导出该参数的置信区间,同时又利用似然比检验法求出尺度参数置信区间,两种方法所得结果相同,最后给出了尺度参数的定数截尾估计; 本文最后想对指数分布尺度区间估计进行改进,由于涉及到陌生的概念被

2、迫中止,所以将在进一步学习和研究以后再进行讨论。关键词:区间估计;单参数指数;双参数指数;尺度参数;置信区间。AbstractPonential distribution is one of the most important distributions in reliability engineering. It is both theoretically meaningful and practical to study the estimation of its parameter range. In this article the parameter range estimatio

3、n of an exponential distribution scale is studied by taking small samples.The choice of the parameter of single-parameter exponential distribution based on the selection of shortest interval of a pivot is discussed. According to the inner connection of hypothesis testing and range estimation, the sh

4、ortest confidence interval is derived via likelihood ratio testing.For double-parameter exponential distribution, the confidence interval of its position parameter is derived from the pivot constructed from the scale parameter UMVU. The confidence interval of this scale parameter is obtained using l

5、ikelihood testing. These two methods give the same results from which the truncation estimation for the scale parameter is determined. Finally, the distribution of scale index would like to improve the range of estimates, as it relates to the concept of strangers was forced to suspend, it will furth

6、er study and research in the future discussion.Keywords: range estimation;single-parameter exponent; double-parameter exponent; scale parameter; confidence interval.目录1绪论11.1 定义介绍11.2 小结32 单参数指数分布的置信区间42.1 引言42.2 尺度参数区间估计最短化42.3 似然比检验法构造置信区间92.4 小结153 双参数指数分布尺度参数的区间估计163.1 引言163.2 带冗余参数尺度参数的区间估计163.

7、3 尺度参数的定数截尾估计204 总结234.1 综述234.2 尺度参数区间估计的改进23致谢25参考文献26附录A 英文原文27附录B 汉语翻译32.1绪论1.1 定义介绍定义1.1设样本来自分布函数为F,的总体,对于给定的常数,如果存在两个统计量与满足, 则称随机区间是参数的置信水平为的置信区间。由概率性质易知即 由置信区间定义得 故可得到与定义1.1等价的定义1.2定义1.2 设总体分布函数为F,其中为未知参数,对于给定的常数,由来自总体的简单随机样本确定的两个统计量和满足,和,且,则称随机区间是的置信水平为的置信区间。说明:在定义1.1中,是事先选定的,与假设检验类似,对给定的置信水



10、近分布的精确性,要研究小样本下参数区间估计问题,故采用枢轴变量法推导参数的置信区间。欲构造参数的置信水平为的置信区间,我们首先考虑的MLE或充分统计量,然后据此得到一个统计量,并基于构造枢轴变量,然后推导的置信区间。定义1.3设样本的分布族为,其中为分布的参数,设为一统计量,若在已知的条件下,的分布与参数无关,则称是充分统计量。定义1.4设是来自分布族的独立同分布的样本,随机变量是样本与参数的函数,而它的分布又必须与参数无关的已知分布,具有这一特性的随机变量称为枢轴变量。一般地,常是充分统计量或点估计的函数。给定的枢轴变量,设其分布密度函数为,对于给定的常数,选取两个常数和,使得, 如果下面两

11、个不等式可以相互转化 那么, 则区间为参数的一个置信水平为的置信区间。对于枢轴变量T=T令PT=gdt=1- 满足式的有无穷多个值。事实上,对集合中任一元素,由等式和都能确定出满足,从而由不等式可解出无穷多个随机区间使得,即能得到参数的无穷多个置信水平为的置信区间。1.2 小结在样本数和置信水平一定的条件下进行参数区间估计时,由于置信区间不是唯一的,所以做区间估计时应尽可能使置信区间平均长度变短,能使置信区间平均长度达到最短,一般就认为比较合理。对于枢轴变量的密度函数为对称的单峰函数时如标准正态分布,t分布等,在许多经典的统计著作中所提到的左右各取概率为的分位点,这样确定的置信区间是最短的。但

12、是当枢轴变量的密度函数为非对称的单峰函数时如卡方分布,F分布等,用上述方法所确定的置信区间显然不是最短的,而根据Neyman置信区间理论可求得平均长度最短的无偏置信区间,如果没有无偏性的保证,置信区间并不是唯一的,受参数估计理论CR不等式的启发,如果我们能得到置信区间平均长度较好的下界,那么对于衡量一个置信区间的优劣是极其有益的。2单参数指数分布的置信区间2.1 引言历史上指数分布是第一个寿命模型,应用很广,所以该模型的统计方法得到广泛发展,早期的Sukhatme的工作,随后的Epstein和Sobel1953,1954,1955等工作给出了许多结果,并把指数分布当作寿命在推广使用,特别在工业

13、寿命试验领域内的应用更是这样,很多专家学者致力于该分布统计方法的研究定义2.1:设总体服从尺度参数为的单参数指数分布,其密度函数为2.2 尺度参数区间估计最短化引理2.1设是来自单参数指数分布的一个简单样本,则。7由引理2.1知,对于给定的常数,有令,其中表示的密度函数。所以尺度参数的置信水平为的一个置信区间为。在样本数和置信水平都固定的条件下,尺度参数置信区间的平均长度越短越好,而枢轴变量的概率密度函数显然是单峰非对称函数,故用上述方法得到的置信区间不是最短的,下面我们将在上述置信区间的基础上寻找最短置信区间。对于给定的置信水平,设分位点满足 其中是的概率分布函数。由此我们得到尺度参数的置信

14、水平为的置信区间。该区间的平均长度为根据Neyman区间估计理论的基本思想,我们需要解下述的条件极值问题:寻找和使得 由于上述条件极值的约束条件比较特殊,很难确定解析解,故先证明此条件极值驻点唯一,以便给数值解法提供方便。定理2.2当时,上述条件极值问题有唯一驻点。证明:采用乘子法令由此可解出即 我们所求的驻点就是式与式的解,这样仅需证明式与式有解而且解是唯一的即可。考虑函数,令,可求出的最大值点。当时,是严格单调递增的;当时,是严格单调递减的,即是单峰非对称函数,而当趋于正无穷大或零时趋于零。为了保证和式成立,应该有,。根据的单峰性易知,对于任意的都可唯一地解出。容易看出与的性质相似,它的峰

15、值在处达到。由单峰性质知,当增大到,将减少至,所以当时,是随严格单调增加的,另外当趋于无穷大时,从大于零的一侧趋于零。而当在大于的一侧趋于时,从小于的一侧也趋于,因此有而,由介值定理知:存在唯一的使得不妨取,所以是条件极值问题的唯一驻点。证毕推论2.3设随机变量的密度函数是单峰函数,如果区间满足: 那么区间是满足条件的所有置信区间中最短的。证明:根据的单峰性及条件知,必然存在极值点满足,反证法:假设存在区间满足条件,并且。则导致矛盾证明:根据的单峰性及条件知,必然存在极值点满足,假设存在区间满足条件,并且。设,对于同理可证。若,那么,则有又因为显然矛盾,即不成立。若,那么,则有而又因为,所以,

16、显然与已知矛盾。综上所述,区间是满足条件的所有置信区间中最短的。 证毕引理2.5设为任意实数,为正整数,则有下式成立:证明:令显然是定义在上的连续可导函数,且有所以在内恒为常数,而,故。证毕由式得即 令,代入上式得由引理2.4得所以尺度参数基于枢轴变量的置信水平为的最短置信区间为。其中满足 对于求解上述非线性规划问题可用MATLAB或LINGO软件进行数值求解。说明:我们知道,对于指数分布,尺度参数的枢轴变量不是唯一的,例如在容量为的样本中,令为最小的次序统计量,由的密度函数知,显然也是尺度参数的枢轴变量。由于枢轴变量的不唯一性导致置信区间也不尽相同,所以无法确定最优置信区间。但假设检验和区间

17、估计之间存在非常密切的联系,正因为如此,Neyman才可以将Neyman和Pearson假设检验理论的基本思想推广到区间估计。似然比检验是构造检验法的常用方法,NP基本引理告诉我们,在简单原假设对简单备择假设的检验问题中,最大功效检验可由似然比检验给出,事实上,似然比检验法也可用在复合假设的检验问题中构造检验,因此由似然比检验构造出的置信区间也将具有较好的性质,和6证明了似然比检验是切实可行的。2.3 似然比检验法构造置信区间定义2.1考虑假设检验问题: 设样本有概率函数,统计量 称为上述检验的似然比统计量。形如:的检验称为检验问题似然比检验,其中为某常数。说明:当时,由定义2.1知显然有,这

18、里是参数在整个参数空间中的极大似然估计。在得到样本观测值后,似然性最大的参数值是最大似然估计,与参数真值相当接近。若原假设成立,即的真值为,则等于或离很近,使得,从而;当显著地小于1时,显著地有,即离很远,因与的真值很接近,故的真值为的可能性极小,即原假设极可能不成立。综上所述,当时接受;当时拒绝。若要寻求参数置信水平为的置信区间,则要考虑关于的检验问题:设的一个水平为的检验相应的拒绝域与接受域分别为与,则,设,又设,则有这样就得到的置信水平为的置信区间,反之亦然。设是来自的一个简单样本,则样本的似然函数为由可知尺度参数的极大似然估计为。对于检验问题: 该检验问题的似然比检验为似然比统计量:取

19、,则当成立时,服从分布,设其密度函数为。在和内,关于分别是严格单调递增和严格单调递减函数。所以真实水平为的似然比检验为其中为常数,且由下式确定由引理2.4得 由此我们获得尺度参数的置信水平为的一个置信区间,其中满足式。由于区间估计与假设检验存在内在联系,可以预计,最优区间估计与最优假设检验也存在内在联系,按照这一思路来寻求最优区间估计,即Neyman的置信区间。由双边假设检验问题的水平为的检验可以得到的置信水平为的置信区间,但在文献6中已证明了该检验的一致最大功效检验是不存在的,为了研究双边检验问题的最优性,只需在满足无偏性要求这个较小的检验类中寻求最大功效检验,由参数UMPU检验可导出该参数



22、理2.6知该检验问题的水平为的UMPU检验可表示为并应满足、式,显然有,的密度函数为故检验的功效函数为 又由、式,故式中可由 来确定,易证此方程组有解,所以是检验问题的UMPU检验,由定理2.7知似然比检验是检验问题的UMPU检验。证毕由引理2.5知,通过似然比检验所确定的尺度参数的置信区间为一致最精确无偏置信区间。2.4 小结在小样本条件下,当枢轴变量的密度函数为非对称单峰函数时,传统方法采用概率分布对称来推导参数置信区间显然不是最优的,但随着样本容量的增加,置信区间长度缩短的幅度将呈递减趋势。根据Fisher定理6,收敛于正态分布,它是对称分布,所以当样本容量增大时,两种方法差异就缩小。由

23、于枢轴变量不唯一,无法求得指数分布尺度参数最优置信区间,所以只能在小范围内求取参数最优置信区间,因此我们将置信区间的范围缩小到无偏类中,利用区间估计与假设检验之间内在的联系,通过似然比检验求取尺度参数的一致最精确无偏置信区间。3双参数指数分布尺度参数的区间估计3.1 引言与单参数指数分布等常见分布一样,双参数指数分布也是一类应用非常广泛的分布。它被用于保险精算模型,也常常被用于建立各种经济模型和用于工程技术问题中,所以对该模型的研究已取得显著进展。 很多人讨论了位置参数与尺度参数的置信区间及其改进, 对双参数指数分布做过相关研究。随机变量服从双参数指数分布,其密度函数为其中为未知的位置参数,也

24、称为冗余参数。3.2 带冗余参数尺度参数的区间估计枢轴变量法设是来自双参数指数分布的一个简单样本,则样本的概率函数为其中。由因子分解定理得分别为的充分统计量。下面根据充分统计量来寻找尺度参数的一致最小方差无偏估计,可以验证为的无偏估计。定理3.1设是来自指数分布的一个简单样本,则统计量是的一致最小方差无偏估计。证明:设,满足,即,即,表明函数的变换为0,按变换的唯一性,得,即,故对是完备的。因为是的充分统计量和无偏估计,根据定理14可知统计量是的一致最小方差无偏估计。 证毕在位置参数未知的条件下,对于尺度参数的区间估计,本章也采用枢轴变量法,因为枢轴变量不唯一,所以构造枢轴变量的方法的好坏将直

25、接影响到区间估计的优劣。参数的一致最小方差无偏估计作为充分统计量的函数,并且具有完备性,由它构造出的枢轴变量所确定的置信区间也将具有较好的性质。定理3.2 设是来自指数分布的一个简单样本,令,则。证明:令而,根据分布可加性知。令,故所以的密度函数为,即,则,由分布可知。证毕设分位点满足即 则尺度参数的置信水平为的一个置信区间为该区间的平均长度为根据区间估计理论的基本思想,即需要解决下述条件极值问题:将看作的函数,对积分两边关于求导得令,则取最小值时有,整理得。所以尺度参数基于枢轴变量的置信水平为的最短置信区间为其中满足易证此方程组解存在且唯一,证明过程可参考定理2.2。3.2.2似然比检验法在

26、第二章,我们通过似然比检验法构造单参数指数分布尺度参数的置信区间,并且证明该区间为一致最精确无偏置信区间,本节将继续利用似然比检验构造在位置参数未知的条件下双参数指数分布尺度参数的区间估计。由样本概率函数式易知是的极大似然估计,由知是的极大似然估计对于检验问题:似然比统计量令,则易知关于为单峰函数,这里取作为检验统计量,检验函数下面讨论的概率分布当成立时,由定理3.2知统计量,所以的概率密度函数为。当接受原假设时,则有所以尺度参数的置信水平为的一个置信区间为,其中满足式。显然通过似然比检验法所确定的置信区间与用枢轴变量法所确定的置信区间相同。3.3 尺度参数的定数截尾估计在实际问题中经常会遇到

27、数据缺失问题,譬如在产品寿命实验中,由于实验设备、观测手段或其它方面的困难造成某些数据丢失或未观测到的现象等,这样我们得到的是缺失数据。若由于部分数据缺失重做实验一般是不值得的,有时甚至是不可能的,如何对缺失数据后的现有数据进行统计分析是一个特殊的、有较大难度的问题。因此,寻找在缺失数据条件下对不完全数据进行科学、有效的可靠性分析方法现已成为可靠分性分析中一个新的十分重要的领域。假设将随机抽取的n个产品在时间t=0是同时投入试验,试验进行到有m个产品失效停止,m个失效产品的失效时间分别为 0,这里是第m个产品的失效时间,是随机变量。所得的样本t称为定数结尾样本。设是来自指数分布的一个简单样本,

28、是该样本中前个次序样本,下面我们通过尺度参数的最佳线性无偏估计来构造该参数的枢轴变量,首先寻找尺度参数的最佳线性无偏估计。引理3.3 设是来自的前个次序样本,记,则相互独立,且,。5引理3.4 设是来自指数分布的前个次序样本,记,则,。5定理3.5 设是来自双参数指数分布的前个样本,则。根据尺度参数最佳线性无偏估计来构造尺度参数的枢轴变量,令由引理3.3知 尺度参数的枢轴变量。设分位点满足 即 所以尺度参数的置信水平为的定数截尾估计为,该区间的平均长度为根据Neyman区间估计理论的基本思想,问题转化为求条件极值:通过乘子法得:所以尺度参数基于枢轴变量的置信水平为的一个定数截尾估计为,其中满足

29、式。4 总结4.1 综述参数的置信区间表示该参数的取值范围和可信程度,在置信水平给定的条件下,置信区间的平均长度越短,估计的精确度就越高。如何构造合适的统计量,使得构造出的置信区间的平均长度尽可能短是一个重要的统计学问题。本文分别对单参数指数分布参数和双参数指数分布尺度进行了讨论。对单参数指数尺度分布的讨论,根据来自它的一个小样本,首先构造枢轴变量求出它的置信区间,由于所构造的枢轴变量的概率密度函数显然是单峰非对称函数,所以得到的置信区间不是最短的,于是对给定的置信水平设分位点a,b,将分位点a,b带入所求出的置信区间,得出新的置信区间,问题就转化为求满足置信区间最小的条件极值问题。本文又给出


31、致最小方差无偏估计作为充分统计量的函数,由它构造枢轴变量,来确定最短置信区间,这也是传统的方法。与单参数指数置信区间求法相同,也是转化为球条件极值的问题。第二种是通过似然比检验法构造在位置参数未知的条件下双参数指数分布尺度的区间估计。最后得出这两种方法所确定的置信区间相同。在双参数指数置信区间讨论的最后,又讨论了一个特殊的情况,即定数结尾估计,这是在实际问题中常会遇到数据缺失的问题。先找出尺度参数的最佳线性无偏估计,根据它来构造尺度参数的枢轴变量,依旧把问题转化成求条件极值,最后给出了一个定数结尾估计的区间。4.2 尺度参数区间估计的改进设是来自指数分布的一个简单样本,令,显然是的充分统计量,

32、由引理3.3知,且与独立。下面根据Pitman准则下点估计改进思想,讨论尺度参数的置信区间。通常,我们采用枢轴变量法推导参数的置信区间,这里我们使用统计量作为尺度参数的枢轴变量,显然,由此我们可以得到基于充分统计量的置信水平为的置信区间为,其中满足 满足式的有无数组解,这样我们就得到置信区间集由于置信区间的随机性,要使区间平均长度最短当且仅当。在置信区间集中获得尺度参数最短置信区间,根据Neyman区间估计理论的基本思想,问题转化为求条件极值由Lagrange乘子法易得满足 显然同时满足、式的是唯一确定的,由此我们在置信区间集中获得尺度参数的最短置信区间。通过对比不难发现置信区间集的性质与等价

33、估计类类似,对尺度参数的估计只考虑自身的充分统计量,而忽视了位置参数所包含的信息。由于改进过程中需要用到变换子群的概念,这个问题还需要进一步学习和研究,所以这个改进未能完成。下一步,我将研究在在变换子群下所得尺度同变区间中寻找优于的置信区间。参考文献1 正云. 双参数指数分布尺度参数变化幅度的区间估计J, 应用数学, 1995, 8: 345-348.2 Rao.C.R. Discussion of minimum chi-square,Not maximum likelihood by BerksonJ, Ann. Stat. 1980, 8: 482-485.3 Stavros.K. Es

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36、dom phenomenon In nature and real life, some things are interrelated and evolving. In their mutual relations and development, according to whether they have the necessary causal link can be divided into two distinct types: one with the phenomenon of uncertainty. This phenomenon is under certain cond

37、itions, will lead to a determined result. For example, the standard atmospheric pressure, water heated to 100 degrees Celsius, is bound to boiling. Such a link between things is a necessity. Usually the subjects of natural sciences is devoted to the study and understandi- ng of this necessity, an in

38、evitable phenomenon for this kind of causal relationship, grasp the number of law between them. The other is the phenomenon of uncertainty. This phenomenon is under certain conditions, its result is uncertain. For example, a worker with the same processing machine parts with a number of months, and

39、their difference in size there will always be that. In another example, under the same conditions for the artificial wheat germination tests, seed germination of the trees are not the same situation, there are strong or weak, and so sooner or later, respectively. Why in the same circumstances, this

40、uncertainty will be the result? This is because, we are talking about the same conditions means in terms of some of the main conditions, in addit- ion to these key conditions, there will be a number of secondary conditions and causal factors and is not available prior to January 1. That is why we in

41、 this type of phenomenon can not be a causal relationship with the inevitability of the outcome of individual cases to determine the answer in advance. The relationship between things is a chance, and this phenomenon is calle- d the accidental or random phenomena is called. In nature, in the product

42、ion, life, random phenomenon, meaning that a large number of rando- m phenomena exist. For example: each sports lottery winning numbers, with a production line of the life of the bulb, are random phenomena. Therefore, we said: random phenomenon is this: under the same conditions, repeated the same t

43、est or survey the same phenomenon, the results are not exactly the same, but can not accurately predict the outcome of the next phen- olllmenon. The results of random phenomena such uncertainty, is due to some minor, accide- ntal caused by factors. Random phenomenon of the surface, appears to be cha

44、otic, there is no law of the phenom- enon. But practice has proved that if such a large number of repeated random phenomenon, it shows the general on a certain degree of regularity. A large number of similar phenomena were presented by such a law, as we observed an increase in the number and more cl

45、early. Throwing objects such as coins, throwing each time that it is difficult to judge is facing, but if the objects being thrown from a repeat of the coin, they will increasingly find that they clear up the same number. We have such a large number of similar phenomena were shown by the regularity

46、of the collective, called the statistical regularity. Probability theory and mathematical statistics is to study a large number of similar statistical regularity of random phenomena in mathematics disciplines. Probability of the emergence and development of Probability arising from the seventeenth c

47、entury, it is also the development of insurance bus- iness generated, but comes from the request of gamblers, mathematicians thinking it is the probability of the source of the problem. As early as 1654, there was a plum tired gamblers to the then proposed a mathematician Pa- scal distress for a lon

48、g time made him the question: two gamblers bet the same number of B- oard, the Board even if the first m win win, all gambling on the return of the Who. But when one of them won a a Board, another person won the b b when the Board, gambling suspension. Q: How can bet the only reasonable method? whic

49、h has in 1642 invented the worlds first mechanical computer adder. Three years later, that is, in 1657, the Netherlands famous astronomy, physics and math- ematician Huygens attempted to solve this problem, the results written in the On the calcula- tion of the opportunity to play a book, and this i

50、s the first book of the probability theory. In recent decades, with the rapid development of science and technology, a large number of probability theory applied to the national economy, and industrial and agricultural production areas. Many of the rise of applied mathematics, such as information th

51、eory, game theory, que- uing theory, control theory, are based on probability theory. Probability theory and mathematical statistics is a branch of mathematics random, they are closely related to similar subjects. It should be noted, however, probability theory, mathema- tical statistics, statistica

52、l methods are also included in each of their own different content. Probability theory - is based on a large number of similar statistical laws of random phenol- mena, the results of a random phenomenon to the possibility of an objective scientific assess- ment, the possibility of such a size to mak

53、e the description of the number; comparison of the- se may be of the size, study the links between them to form a set of mathematical theory and methods. Mathematical statistics - is the application of probability theory to study the regularity of a large number of random phenomena; arrangements thr

54、ough a number of scientific experime- nts have been given rigorous statistical methods to prove the theory; and the application of various methods to determine the conditions and methods, formula, the reliability of the conc- lusions and limitations. So that we can a group of samples to determine wh

55、ether or not to a significant probability of a judge to ensure that is correct, and can control the probability of error. Statistical methods - is a way to provide a variety of specific issues in the application, it did not pay attention to the theory of these methods based on mathematical proof. It

56、 should be noted that the probability of statistical methods in the study has its own partic- ularities, and other mathematical disciplines, the main differences are: First, as a result of random statistical phenomenon is a collective rules of law, must be ran- dom in a large number of similar pheno

57、mena can be revealed, therefore, to observe, test, pro- bability and statistics in this survey is the subject of the cornerstones of research methods. Ho- wever, as a branch of mathematical disciplines, it is still the definition of the disciplines, axi- oms, theorems, and these definitions, axioms,

58、 theorems are derived from the laws of nature, random, but these definitions, axioms, theorems are established, there is no randomness. Secondly, probability and statistics in the study, the use of the inferred from the part of the whole method of statistical inference. This is because it is the obj

59、ect of study - a random phenomenon is a big scope, conducting experiments, observing the time for all is neither po- ssible nor necessary. However, this part of information from a number of the findings, it is necessary to infer the whole range of the reliability of these conclusions. Third, the ran

60、domness of a random phenomenon is the test, in terms of investigation. And real results for every test, it may be the result of these uncertainties in determining the outco- me of a certain type. We study this phenomenon, attention should be given before the trial of this phenomenon can find its own

61、 inherent laws. Content of probability theory Probability theory as a branch of mathematics, it is generally taken to include the contents of the study the probability of random events, statistics and more higher level of independence of the law. The probability of occurrence of random events is the possibility of the quantitative indica- tors. I

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