2020高考英语 考前30天之备战 专题二 完形填空 第二节完形填空梯度进阶训练学案(5)

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2020高考英语 考前30天之备战 专题二 完形填空 第二节完形填空梯度进阶训练学案(5)_第1页
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《2020高考英语 考前30天之备战 专题二 完形填空 第二节完形填空梯度进阶训练学案(5)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020高考英语 考前30天之备战 专题二 完形填空 第二节完形填空梯度进阶训练学案(5)(5页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、第二节完形填空梯度进阶训练 原创(5)体裁:议论文限时: 15分钟词汇量: 268难度:适中Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems. For example, too many tourists can 1 public places that were also enjoyed by the inhabitants of a country. If tourists create 2 traffic, the inhabitants will become unhappy. They begin to 3 tourists an

2、d to treat them impolitely. They forget how much tourism can help a countrys 4. It is important to think about the people of a 5 country and how tourism 6 them. Tourism should help a country 7 the customs and beauty that attract tourists. Tourism should also advance the 8 being of local inhabitantsT

3、oo much tourism 9 be a problem. If tourism grows too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the 10 industry. This means that other parts of the countrys economy will 11On the other 12, if there is not enough tourism, people will 13 jobs. Businesses will also lose money. It 14 a great deal

4、of money to build large hotels, airports, broad roads, and other things needed by places of interest. For example, a five star tourism hotel needs as 15 as 50 thousand dollars per room to build. If this room is not used most of the time, the 16 of the hotel will lose moneyBuilding a hotel is just a

5、17. There must be many support facilities(设施) 18, including roads to get to the hotel, electricity, and sewers to 19 waste and water. All of these support facilities cost money. If they are not used 20 there are not enough tourists, jobs and money are lost()1. A. destroy B. reduce C. pollute D. crow

6、d()2. A. too much B. too many C. much too D. very much()3. A. attack B.drive C.dislike D. forbid()4. A. customs B.economy C.culture D.future()5. A. foreign B.strange C.poor D.destination()6. A. affects B.attracts C.harms D.worries()7. A. throw B.improve C.keep D.change()8. A. time B.human C.well D.l

7、ife()9. A. may B. must C.will D. can()10. A. advertisementB. tourism C.traffic D. souvenir()11. A. suffer B. disappear C.develop D. benefit()12. A. side B. way C.hand D. aspect()13. A. lose B. leave C.quit D. find()14. A. spends B. offers C.pays D. costs()15. A. big B. high C.many D. much()16. A. ow

8、ners B. builders C.guests D. managers()17. A. plan B. beginning C.dream D. thought()18. A. also B. either C.as well D. in addition()19. A. handle B. pour C.collect D. solve()20. A. before B. because C.after D. whether详解详析发展旅游业是一件好事,可以促进当地经济的发展,但是如果不加控制地过度开发也会带来一些诸如交通拥挤、产业发展不平衡、失业等问题。1. D根据下文traffic一

9、词可以得出crowd这个答案。2. Atraffic是不可数名词,所以用too much修饰。而much too只能修饰形容词或副词;very much修饰动词。3. C当地居民讨厌游客过多,还不至于做出其他过激行为,所以A、B、D不妥。4. B发展旅游的直接好处就是促进经济(economy)发展。5. D对游客来说,他们要去的地方通常称作目的地。6. A该句强调搞旅游要考虑当地的百姓以及旅游给他们造成的影响。其他三个词表述不够全面。7. C发展旅游应该有助于当地风俗习惯和自然美的保持(keep),而不是改变(change)甚至破坏。improve意为“改善”,用法也不妥。8. Cwell b

10、eing是一个固定表达,意为“健康幸福”,用在此处符合文义。9. Dcan作情态动词,可以表示客观可能性,相当于“有时候”的意思,用在此处最得体。10. B本文谈的就是旅游,所以随着旅游业的发展,自然更过的人放弃原来的工作投身旅游业。11. A旅游业发展得太快,人们纷纷放弃其他行业的工作,经济的其他方面自然就遭殃了。12. Con the other hand是一个固定短语,意为“另一方面”。13. A过多的人投身旅游业,一旦旅游业发展不充分,很多人就会被迫失业。其他三个词都表示人的主动行为,不符合语境。14. D只有cost的主语可以是物,其他三个词的动作执行者都必须是人。15. D表示金钱的名词一般当作单数对待,另外钱的数量只能用多少来表示,而as much as此处意为“多达”,最符合语义。16. A根据常识即可判断。17. B经营好一家宾馆有很多事情要做,所以建造宾馆仅仅是个开始(beginning)。18. Calso不能用在句末;either用于否定句;in addition用在此处意义不符,所以只有C正确。19. Ahandle作动词,是“处理”的意思,用在此处最恰当。20. B房间的不使用和游客数量不足是因果关系。

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