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1、2018年福州市初中毕业班质量检测英语试题. 选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题给出的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。21. I cant find my pen. Is the white one_?A. mine. B. yours C. ours 22. There is no chance for you to enter the best high school_ you study harder.A if B. since C. unless 23. What kind of books do you like reading? I like

2、the books_ animals.A. about B. near C. with 24 _ children love playing ball games, but a few dont.A Must B. Few C. Each 25. Have you ever seen movie Ready Player One? Sure. It_ for several week.A. hat come out B. has been on C. has put on 26. whats the resultofyour_ ? Weve found that most people lik

3、e our products very much.A. survey B. competition C. though27. _ do you go to the self-service library? About twice a month.A. How long B. How often C. How many 28. Why are you so angry? My father to buy me a new bike, but he didnt.A. failed B. promise C. forgot29. How does your mother like the apar

4、tment? She the price, but she says the community is dirty and noisy. A. Is popular with B. is strict with C. is satisfied with30. Lets go swimming right now! Sorry, I cant. I for the English test tomorrow.A. have studied B. was studying C. am studying 31. a good sleep. Martin drinks a glass of milk

5、before going to bed.A. Have B. Having C. To have32. Mr. Lin is very patient to the student have trouble learningmath. A. who B. which C. who33. There were no rabbits in Australia before. They to Australia about 100 years ago.A. brought B. will be brought C. were brought 34. Could you tell me_, Mr. G

6、reen?A. what is your family nameB. why the train hasnt arrived yetC. how can I get on well with my parents 35. Youre moving to Japan. You must be kidding! No. . My dad is going to work there, and we were going there with him.A. Im serious B. Go ahead C. youd better not.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)从每小题给

7、出的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。Froggie was a frog who never remember where he had been. His biggest 36 was to find the best pond to swim lively without worrying about water snakes. One day, Froggie hopped to a kitchen and jumped into a pot full of 37 water. Froggie felt the burning belt and burned out o

8、f the water 38 his legs could carry him. “Im almost died there!” Froggie thought.A few days later, Froggie went back to the same 39, totally forgetting he had been there. He again hopped into the same pot. This time, the water inside was cool. He looked around and thought, ” theres no 40 trying to e

9、at me and I can have this place all to myself?” 41 , Froggie knew it was his dream pond. What he didnt know was that the water was warming up over a low 42 .After thirty minutes of swimming. Froggie felt the water was warmer, he thought of this as a nice surprise “This sure is the best place for swi

10、mming. I get to have a hot bath,too.” 44 his comfortable bath, the water kept warmer and warmer. Froggie was so comfortable that he 45 . And he never woke up.36. A. mistake B. dream C. achievement 37. A hot B. salty C. dirty 38. A as long as B. as often as C. as fast as 39. A pot B. pond C. kitchen4

11、0 A. water snake B. human being C. flying 41 A. At last B. At that moment C. At times 42. A. voice B. heat C. price 43 A. but B. or C. because 44 A. After B. Before C. During45 A. fell asleep B. fell behind C. fell down.阅读理解(共两节,25小题,满分45分)第一节 阅读下面四篇短文,从题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选項中选出最正确案(共20小题;每小题2 分,满分40分)AHa

12、ve a Date with Us!Have you ever flown a sky lantern at night with lots of people? We plan to set an interesting world record - the most sky lanterns flying in the night sky! Are you interested in our activity? If you are, please join us!Date: Friday, June 1st, 2018Time: 9: 00 p. m.Place: Youth Squar

13、e on Jungbin Road Price: 20 per person 16 per person with a student card 12 per pc non for groups of over 25 people Notice: You do not need to bring anything. We will prepare sky lanterns for you all. And whats better, we will give away a T-shirt with a picture of sky lanterns on it to the first 50

14、people who arrive. What an; you waiting for? For more information,please visit 2O18 skylanterns.Judy and her three classmates want to join Have a Date with Us! Here is their chat history about this activity on .46 “Have a Date with Us! will be held .A. at night B. in a park C. on the Internet D. for

15、 students only 47. The T-shirt mentioned in the material looks like .4S. “Have a Date with Us!” is destined to _.A. set an interesting world record B. raise money by selling sky lanterns C. encourage students Io give away their T-shirts D. invite young couples to have a date at the same time 49. Fro

16、m the chat history, we know_.A. Judy asks her friends to take student cards.B. Cindy will bring her own sky lanterns.C. Debby has got a free t-shirt D. Nick is sure to be late50. If Cindy forgets her student card, the four students will have to pay _ for the activity A. 80 B. 68 C. 64 D. 4SBTwenty-t

17、wo-year-old Timothy Doner from New York City has been able to speak 23 different languages, including some rare African ones.Timothy began his foreign language education at the age of 13. Attracted by in Israeli(以色列)musical band. Timothy listened to their album every morning. A month Later, he kept

18、about 20 of their songs in his mind, though he didnt know what the Hebrew(希伯来语) words mean. But once he learned the translation. it was like he had a dictionary in his head.Then Timothy moved on to Arabic (阿拉伯语)which he studied every morning by reading newspapers with a dictionary and by talking to

19、street vendors (小贩). After that he learned Persian, then Russian, then Mandarin. and about twenty others and developed a crazy low for languages.Now, Timothy is still teaching himself new languages. With the help of language books and word-learning Apps on his iPhone. He can master a language in a f

20、ew weeks or months.What has Timothy got from learning so many languages? By learning languages, you are learning a lot more. You arelearning about culture, everything from cooking to TV,poetry and whatever it may be. That helps you better understand the language,” he said. 51. How old is Timothy Don

21、er?A 13 B 20 C. 22 D. 2352. The first foreign language Timothy Doner learned was A. Hebrew B. Arabic C. Russian D. Mandarin 53. The underlined word “others” refers to .A. other newspaper B. other street vendors C. other dictionaries D. other foreign languages 54. According to the passage. Timothy Do

22、ner learns so many languages by _reading news papers joining in language clubs listening to foreign musicusing apps and dictionaries travelling around the world keeping diaries in different languages A. B. C. D. 55. From the passage, we can know Timothy Doner _.A. is good at singing B. has a diction

23、ary in his headC. comes from Africa D. learns a lot beyond languagesC.Unlike most restaurants, the Enoteca Maria Restaurant in New York offers only home-cooked food by grand mas coming from across the world.Joe Scaravella, a 61-yeir-oId Italian-American born and raised in New York, opened a restaura

24、nt in 2007. Having lost almost all his family members, he tried to recreate the feeling of home-cooked meal in his restaurant.He employed (雇佣) grandmas from different parts of Italy at first, and later, he begin hiring grandmasfrom other countries like Brazil, France and Greece. He built two kitchen

25、s in the restaurant: one for Italian grandmas to cook during lunchtime and the other for grandmas from other countries to cook every evening. The menus in the restaurant are constantly (不断地) changing because what is being served depends on the grandmas who are on duty.The restaurant opens five a wee

26、k from Wednesday to Sunday. At present, there are more than 40 grandmas working in it. Most of them came to the U. S. with their children, helping take care of their grandchildren Scaravella give them the chance to express themselves in a culinary (烹饪的)way.The Enoteca Maria Restaurant has received p

27、ositive reviews since its opening. Customers are ingested by its delicious food, comfortable environment and mostimportantly, the grandma who may remind them of their own. 56 Why did Mr.Scaravella open the Enoteca Maria Restaurant?A. To express himself in a culinary M-ay.B. To help the grandma cooks

28、 raise their families. C. To meet grandmas coming from across the world.D. To recreate the feeling of a home-cooked meal in his restaurant.57. Why are the menus in the restaurant constantly changing?A. Because the cooks on duty change B. Because Joe Scaravella likes different foodsC. Because the ing

29、redients change with the seasons.D. Because customers dont like the menu. 58. Karl wants to try French cuisine (法国菜) ,he had better come to the restaurant A. on Monday evening B at lunchtime on Wednesday C. on Friday evening D. at lunchtime on Sunday 59. Which of the following cook may probably get

30、a job in the restaurant?60. The best title for this passage may be .A. Italian Grandmas B.home-cooked FoodC. American CooksD. Grandmas RestaurantDIn one way, it is the “greatest” drone ever. In another, though, it is the opposite of what a drone should be. Drone should be very lazy. They dont have t

31、o work. Only their sister should be busy pollinating (给传授花粉) and producing honey. However, for this drone, pollination is the very reason for its existence (存在).The drone, in fact is an invention of Ejiro Miyako. Miyako is a scientist from Japan. Many people, including Miyako have been worried about

32、 the future of food industry. Pollinating insects, especially bees, are falling in number. As a result, some plants cant get pollinated and there will be fewer plants for us to eat. Scientists have been working hard to increase the number of bees. Unfortunately, they have had little success. Perhaps

33、, Miyako thinks, it is time to build some robot bees instead.Miyakos bee, in fact, does not look much like a bee. It is based on a quad-copter. Miyako has put some brush hair on it. The hairis covered in special glue. They are able to pick up and hold grains of pollen ( 花粉)until they brush up agains

34、t something else.At the moment, Miyakes robot bee still needs help from human operators. Thats because it cant see where its target (目标) are. In the next step. Miyako will install visual recognition(视觉识别)software on his bee. After that the robot bee will be able to see by itself. 61. In the first pa

35、ragraph, the underlined “drone” refers to a kind of _.A. flower B. bee C. honey D. robot 62. Ejiro Miyako is worried that_ in the future.A. we may be short of food B. natural bees may not produce honeC. his robot bee cant see D. natural drones cant pollinate plants63. Eijiru Miyakos invention is use

36、d to .A. produce honey B. watch natural bees workC. pollinate plants D. increase the number of natural bees64. Which of the follow tog is a must for Eijiru Miyakos invention?A Pollen B. Drones and their sisters.C. Brush hairs D. Visual recognition software.第二节 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能够填入短文空白处的最正确选项,使短

37、文通顺、连贯、意思完整.(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)EA man came to see a doctor“Put out your tongue,” the doctor said. 66 “OK. You can put it back now.” the doctor said. Its clear whats wrong with you 67 ” “But, doctor, the man said. I dont think.Dont tell me what you think.” the doctor said. I am the doctor, not you. 68

38、They sit all day long and get no exercise. What you need is to walk quickly for at least 20 minutes a day.“But I walk every day, the patient said. “Oh, yes . You walk a few meters to the metro station 69Im talking about a walk in the park for 20 minutes every day.“Please listen to me, doctor!” the p

39、atient shouted. He got angry with this doctor who thought he knew everything. Im a postman 70 ”A. The man put out his tongue.B. I walk for seven hours every day. C. You need more exercise. D. I see hundreds of people like you E. thats not real walkingFor a moment the doctor was silent. Then he said

40、quietly. “Could you please put your tongue out again?V .情景交际(共5小题,每小题2 分,满分10分)根据情景提示,完成以下各题。7 1 你想把 Ann介绍给 Bill,你可以这打说:Bill,_7 2 .你想请对方帮你把门打开,你可以这样说 :_ mind_ _?7 3 .你想劝诫对方不要在电梯里抽烟,可以这样说 Please_7 4 你想祝愿对方好运,可以这么说:_7 5 当你看到满屋狼藉时,你可以这么感叹:_V I.看图与话 (共5小题:每小题2分.满分10分)VI.短文填空 (共10小题,每小题1分.满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据

41、语境、音标、所给单词的首字母提示,在每个空格后填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意思准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。After three years of drought, Cape Town (开普敦), the second 81city in South Africa, is experiencing its worst water shortage within more than a hundred years. The use of water in the city has dropped to 82 bllau 550 million liters per day. T

42、wo years 83 , it was more than a billion liters.Car washing and filling up swimming Pools are certainly not allowed, and 84(family) have been asked to turn off their toilet cisterns (水箱). Whats more, local people have been forced to 85.tend their habits of using water. Some people 86.use the shower

43、any more; others use recycled water to clean their toilets.A local beer Company, which has a natural spring nearby, has 88.(open) taps to the public. People are allowed to get the clean and running water from 5:00 a.m. to I:00 p. m. every day.However, as there are too many people 88 to get water, so

44、me of them choose to collect water from 89mauntn streams outside the city.People are afraid that Cape Town will run out of water in the near future. They call the day when the citys tap run dry “Day Zero”. 90 in the city is trying to save every drop of water to push back the date.V.书面表达(满分15分)91. 假如

45、你在上学的路上看到一起交通事故,请写一篇80词左右的英语日记描述事故发生的经过与你的感想,文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。2018年福州市初中毕业班质量检测英语试题参考答案与评分标准I. 听力(共三节,满分 30分)第一节听句子选图(7.5 分) 1-5 C CABA第二节对话理解(15 分) 6-10AAB CA 11-15 C B C B B听短文填表(7.5 分) 16. Trapp 17. May 18.single 19.south 20. 560 II. 选择填空(15 分) 21-25 BCAAB 26-30 ABBCC 31-35 CACBAIII完形填空(15 分)36-40

46、BACCA 41-45 BBACAIV. 阅读理解(共两节,满分45 分)第一节(40 分) 46-50 ACAAB 51-55 CADBD 56-60 DACCD 61-65 BACCD第二节(5 分) 66-70ACDEBV. 情景交际(10 分)71. this is Ann 72. Would you; opening the door for me 73. dont smoke in the lift 74. Good luck 75. What a mess评分标准:每小题能按要求写出正确的内容,得2分;能写出主要句子结构的得1-1.5分;能传递个别信息的得0.5 分。VI. 看图

47、写话(10 分)76. The girl is reading now. 77. Hangzhou is in the north of Zhejiang (Province). 78. He can play the piano. 79. Sandy used to run faster than Beth. / Beth used to run more slowly than Sandy. 80. He has a stomachache because he ate too much.评分标准:每小题能写出一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子,得2分;能基本说明图意,写出主要句子结构的得 1

48、-1.5 分;能传递个别信息的得 0.5分。VII. 短文填词(10 分)81. largest 82. below 83. ago 84. families 85. change 86. dont 87. opened 88. waiting 89. mountain 90. Everyone / Anyone VIII. 书面表达(15 分)I saw a traffic accident on my way to school. A young man was looking at his mobile phone while riding his bicycle fast. Meter

49、s away, there was an old woman walking across the road. The young man didnt notice the woman and ran into her. The woman was hurt and sent to the hospital soon.I think its really important for everyone to pay attention to the traffic around them. I hope the old woman will get well soon.书面表达评分标准第五档13 一15 分包含所有信息,内容完整,语句通顺,意思连贯。没有或基本没有语法、拼写错误,书写规范,词数符合要求。第四档10 一12 分包含大部分信息,内容较完整,表达基本清楚,语句较通顺,有少量语法、拼写错误。书写规范,词数基本符合要求。第三档7 一9 分写出基本信息,语句基本通顺;但句子较简单,表达不够清楚,有部分语法、拼写错误。书写基本规范。第二档4 一6 分写出部分信息,表达不清楚,有较多语法和拼写错误。第一档1 一3 分仅能传递个别信息,通篇只有个别句子可读。0分只字未写,或写的内容与所要求的内容无关。9 / 9

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