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1、经典三国故事双语阅读英语故事书经典三国故事双语阅读经典三国故事双语阅读 经典三国故事双语阅读:走马荐诸葛 u Shu was much valued by Liu Bei for his strateg talents.After several vtories on the battleground against Cao Cao, u was made the chief military advisor.At the news, Cao Cao was begrudng(忌妒的) .If you want this person. one of his advisors said, yo

2、u can bring his mother to uchang and send a forged letter in his mothers handwriting, asking u Shu to desert Liu Bei and e here.As u is well-known for a strong filial(孝顺的) affection, surely he will e. This plot worked, for u, on receiving the letter, cried tearfully, asking Liu Bei for an immediate

3、departure.Feeling sad, though, Liu persisted in his stay for another night, during whh the two aired their sad feelings.徐庶反奔刘备后,很得刘备重用。曾帮助刘备几次打败曹兵,被封为 军师。曹操得知此事很惊讶。曹操的谋士程昱献计说:丞相假设想用此人,召来 不难,徐庶是个孝子,丞相派人把他母亲接到许昌,再仿他母亲的笔体写信让他 来许昌,他必来。徐庶接信,果然大哭一场,拿信找刘备辞行。刘备见信也哭, 强留徐庶叙情一夜。 The day Liu laid a banquet(盛宴)

4、outside the city for u.Holding the latters hand, Liu said, After we separate today, only heaven knows when and where we will meet again. He wept bitter tears.After setting off on his way, u suddenly turned his horse and returned.I almost forgot an important matter, he said to Liu.Ten kilometers from

5、 iangyang City, in a place called Long zhong.Do you want to meet him Liu epressed his willingness at once, but also aired doubt about whether Zhuge Liang was as talented as u.He tells configurations of stars in the heavens, u assured him, and recognizes everything on earth.He knows a persons real na

6、ture at the first meeting-the number one talent under the heaven.If you have him as your military advisor, youll have the country under your name. Liu suggested a visit to Zhuge by u on his behalf, at this, the latter shook his head in disroval.You must go and offer your invitation personally, and h

7、is acceptance depends entirely on your sincerity. With these words said, u turned his horse and left.Later, Liu paid three trips to Zhuges straw house, another favorite story among Chinese people.第二天,刘备在城外排宴替徐庶饯行。刘备拉着徐庶的手说:先生这 一走,你我天各一方,不知何时才能再见说完又痛哭流涕。徐庶行数里又拍马返 回对刘备说:忘了一件大事,襄阳城外二十里的隆中,有一位天下奇人叫诸葛亮,

8、将军想不想见他刘备说:我当然愿意见他,不知他能比上先生吗徐庶说:他抬头 能知天文,低头能察地理,见面能识人心,是天下第一才人,如他能出来帮助胸,将军就可以稳坐天下了。刘备见徐庶这样理解诸葛亮,想请徐庶辛苦一趟把诸葛 亮请来。徐庶摇头说:这样的人才,只能将军亲自去请,他愿不愿出来,还得看 将军的诚意。徐庶说完,策马离去。之后引出刘备三顾茅庐的故事。 经典三国故事双语阅读:蒋干盗书 This is an episode from the Three Kingdoms.Cao cao sent a letter to Zhou Yu to summon him to surrender.Zhou Y

9、u tore Caos letter to pieces.Zhou Yus classmate, Jiang Gan, was working for Cao Cao as an adviser, Jiang offered to travel to Wu to persuade Zhou Yu to surrender.One day while Zhou Yu was discussing with his subordinates(下属) how to defeat Cao Cao, he was told that Jiang Gan had e to see him.Zhou imm

10、ediately figured out that Jiang must have e to persuade him to surrender.Zhou Yu devised a clever plan to thwart(挫败,反对) his efforts and enlisted the help of his subordinate to carry it out.Then he went to meet Jiang Gan all smiles.Zhou Yu took Jiang Gans hands and marshaled him into his tent and tre

11、ated him to a banquet(盛宴) .When all his generals and subordinates came for dinner, Zhou Yu told those around the table: This is an old friend or mine.Though he came from the Cao Cao c, he did not e to persuade me to surrender.Please do not suspect him. After the banquet, Zhou Yu pretended that he ha

12、d too much and invited Jiang Gan to his bedroom for a rest.Zhou Yu soon pretended to have fallen asleep.Jiang Gan took this chance to thumb through Zhou Yus documents.He was shocked to find a letter from Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, two generals of the Cao c, who had written Zhou Yu to surrender.Jiang hid

13、 letter of surrender in his pocket and returned to the bed, pretending that he was sill asleep.After midnight, someone sneaked into Zhou Yus tent and woke him up, telling him A messenger came from the Cao c to say that Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were not yet a position to carry out their plan. After he h

14、eard the news, Zhou Yu went back to sleep.Jiang Gan got up again silently and snuck out of Zhou Yus c.He crossed the river immediately and handed the letter of surrender to Cao Cao.Cao was enraged(暴怒的) and he had Cai Mao and Zhang Yun eecuted.When the news spread to Wu, Zhou Yu burst into laughter a

15、nd said, Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were the two generals I feared most.Now I fear no one. Before long, Cao cao realized that he was cheated by Zhou Yus stratagem(策略) of sog distrust in Caos c.这个故事发生在三国时期。 赤壁大战前夕,曹操亲率百万大军,驻扎在长江北岸,意欲横渡长江, 直下东吴。东吴都督周瑜也带兵与曹军隔江对峙,双方箭拔弩张,准备大战一场。 蒋干,字子翼,是曹操手下的谋士。他因自幼和周瑜同窗读书,便向

16、 曹操毛遂自荐,要过江到东吴去作说客,劝降周瑜,免得大动干戈。曹操闻知大喜,亲自置酒为蒋干送行。 这天,周瑜正在帐中议事,部下传报“故人蒋干相访”。周瑜闻讯,已 经猜出蒋干来意,他眉头一皱,计上心来,连忙吩咐众将依计而行,随后带着众 人亲出帐门迎接。二人相见,应酬一番,周瑜挽着蒋干手臂同入大帐,设盛宴款 待蒋干,请文武官员都来作陪。席上,周瑜解下佩剑交给太史慈,命他掌剑监酒, 吩咐道:“蒋干和我是同窗契友,虽从江北到此,却不是曹操的说客,诸位不要 心疑。今日宴席之上,只准共叙朋友旧交,有人提起两家战事,即席斩首!”蒋干 听了,面色如土,哪敢多言!周瑜又对蒋干说道:“我自领兵以来,滴酒不饮,今

17、日故友相会,正是:江上遇良友,军中会故知。定要喝它个一醉方休!”说罢,传 令奏起军中得胜之乐,开怀畅饮。 酒至半酣,周瑜举杯祝酒道:“在座各位,都是江东豪杰,今日之会, 可称作群英会!真是同窗契友会群英,江东豪杰逞威风!”随后,乘着酒兴,起 身舞剑作歌:“丈夫处世兮立功名,立功名兮慰平生,慰平生兮吾将醉,吾将醉 兮发狂吟。” 直喝得酩酊大醉。 宴罢,蒋干扶着周瑜回到帐中,周瑜说道:“很久没和子翼兄共寝, 今夜要同榻而眠。”说着,朦朦胧胧地睡去。蒋干心中有事,想起在曹操面前曾 经夸下海口,不知回去如何交代,听听外面鼓打二更,哪里还睡得着他见周瑜鼾 声如雷,便摸到桌前,拿起一叠文书偷看起来。正翻着

18、,忽见里面有一封书信, 细看却是曹操的水军都督蔡瑁、张允写给周瑜的降书。蒋干看罢,大吃一惊,慌 忙把信藏在衣内。再要翻其它文书,却听周瑜梦中呓语:“子翼,我数日之内, 定叫你看曹操首级!”蒋干口中模糊容许着,连忙吹了灯,匆匆睡下。 清晨,有人入帐叫醒周瑜,说道:“江北有人来”周瑜急忙止住他, 看看蒋干,蒋干只装熟睡。周瑜和那人轻轻走出帐外,又听那人低声说道:“蔡 瑁、张允说,如今还不能下手”声音越来越低。蒋干心中着急,可又不敢乱 动。不一会儿,周瑜回来躺下睡了。蒋干怕惊动周瑜,等周瑜睡熟,偷偷地爬起 来,径直走出军营,守营军士也不阻拦。他来到江边,寻着小船,飞一般驰过长 江,回见曹操。 其实,这一切都是周瑜定下的反间计。他知道曹军中只有蔡、张二将 精通水战,便设下此计,想借曹操之手杀掉这两个人。曹操果真上了当,斩了蔡瑁、张允。等到众人蔡瑁,张允的头送上时,曹操才省悟过来,已经晚了,只好另 换了两个水军都督。结果,赤壁一战,曹操水军一败涂地。第 5 页 共 5 页

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