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1、. . . .阅 读 理 解在省专升本考试中,阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)所占比例最大,总分值60分,占试卷总分的五分之二。这一部分主要测试考生通过阅读获取书面信息的能力以与考生对篇章语境中的词汇理解和运用能力。阅读理解分为篇章阅读理解和篇章词汇理解。篇章阅读理解(一)一、大纲解析篇章阅读理解 (Passage Reading) 部分采用多项选择题的形式进行考查。这部分测试分两节:四篇文章和一篇7选5的文章。第一部分为仔细阅读理解,其中每篇长度为300词左右。每个篇章后有5个问题,共20题。考生根据对篇章的理解,从每题的四个选项中选择最正确答案。篇章阅读的材料均选自英

2、文原版材料,包括报刊、杂志、书籍、学术期刊等。选材的大体特点如下:1、题材广泛,包括人文科学、社会科学、自然科学等领域,但所涉与的背景知识应为学生所了解或已在文章中提供。2、体裁多样,包括记叙文、说明文、议论文等。3、阅读篇章难度适中,整体的难度大致介于省大学英语三级考试与全国英语四级考试之间。二、做题步骤与解题技巧根据专升本考试的时间安排,做一篇篇章阅读的时间大致需要控制在10到12分钟之。要在这个时间完成一篇阅读,需要合理的安排做题的时间和做题的步骤。建议的做题步骤可以分为以下几个阶段:1、 审清题目 阅读一开始的时候,首先应该读题,可以用一到两分钟的时间,理解题干的意思,并且可以圈出题目

3、中出现的关键词。圈出关键词非常重要,这样有助于考生能迅速的找到题目所问的相关容,使学生了解文章结构,让他们明白哪些是重点,哪些是次要点。通过审题,考生可以对题目大致有个了解,这样便能在阅读文章的过程中,读到相关容时提高注意力,能更加着力分析其所含意义,有利于加深印象。2、 阅读文章 在阅读文章的时候,考生需要以较快的速度从大量材料中捕捉相关的重要信息,这就便要求考生必须养成良好的阅读习惯。切忌不要逐字逐词阅读,理解每一个单词、词组或句子的意思,这样很花费考试时间,没有效率。而是应该根据中心词和重点词连贯阅读,把握每段的中心句或中心思想,根据题干中标出的定位词在文章中定位关键信息,把握文章的大意

4、。 在阅读整篇文章时需注意以下几点:(1) 注重段落首末。近几年省专升本的阅读理解题目增加了对段落首末容的考查。在每段首末处,文章容都会经常出现一些很具有代表性的观点和总结性的概括,这经常会成为阅读主旨和总结的考查地方。读文章时特别要注意首段的首尾两句话,大多数情况下,这两句话回事全文的主旨,会说明整篇文章所表达意思的基调和方向。 (2) 注意转折性连接词。文中的转折性的词汇经常会成为阅读考点的标志性词汇,这类词汇是考题的解题题眼所在。例如however、but等词汇,跟在这些词汇后面的容通常就是考题的答案所在。 (3) 略读例句。阅读中经常出现一些例句,只用来补充说明文章所述的观点,这些句子

5、通常是由for example、for instance、e.g.等短语或词语来引导。对于这些例句,除非阅读文章涉与的题目中有所提与,否则往往可以快速过掉甚至可以忽略不读,这样也能更加的提高阅读的速度。(4) 忽略某些研究所说明的观点。阅读文章中,作者在给出某个观点后,有时会在观点之后加上某些研究说明(常出现research、survey、study等词汇),那么同样,除非阅读文章后的题目中有所提与,否则这些research、survey、study等所述的具体容通常也可忽略不读。因为通常情况下,这些都只是作者在说明他的观点后面,为了进一步论证这一观点,使文章更具有说服力,使他的观点更加鲜明。

6、然而,这些例子或者研究其本身对文章的主旨大意并没有任何影响,因此可以忽略。 3、理解解题在阅读完整篇文章之后,考生能了解和理解其大致意义,对文章也有了整体把握,这么更能有助于他们解题。解题时通常可以通过之前审题圈出的关键词,找出关键词所在原文的句子或者段落。对这句话或者段落重点理解和分析,然后再联系考生自我对文章的整体把握,逐一排除选项,最后选出最正确答案。三、主要题型(一)主旨大意题主旨大意题主要是考察学生概括、综合的能力。从整体上来说,主旨大意题是阅读题型中要求算高的,因为它要求考生看完文章后,能对文章的大概框架作一个宏观把握,归纳文章的要点,概括文章的中心思想和分析文章的章篇结构,从而解

7、答后面的题目。一般来说主旨大意题的考点都会很明显在出现在文章之中,通常的位子会是首段的首句或者尾句,更或者主题就存在与文章末尾段。在读文章的时候,特别要注意首尾两端有转折性的引导词,引导词后面的语句大多数会是作者想表达的观点,切忌注意。1、主旨大意题常见设问方式What is the main idea of the passage?What does the passage mainly discuss?What is the main topic of the passage?Which of the following can best sum up the passage?Which

8、of the following can best express/ summarize/ convey the main idea of the passage?This passage is mainly/ primarily concerned with _ .This passage is mainly about _ .This passage mainly discusses/ deals with _ .The purpose/ aim of the passage is to _ .The purpose of the author in writing this passag

9、e is to _ .The passage is intended to _ .2、主旨大意题解题技巧(1) 文章首尾,首段首尾成为常见命题点。对于整篇文章来说,中心句、主题句通常就是在首尾的位子。同样,对于段落也是如此,段首和段末一般是该段的主旨句。对于阅读时间紧的同学,有的时候实在是为了节约时间,可以通过仔细分析主题句、忽略其他部分去理解文章或者段落大意。(2)标志性引导词。常见的标志性引导词有but, however等转折性的连接词和表因果的连词because, therefore, for, as a result等。它们所引导的句子往往会标明作者的意图和观点,需要着重分析理解。(3

10、)特殊标点符号。在文章的首段或者尾段带有冒号和破折号的语句通常是作者的想法,说明文章的容和主体。For example:2010年工商大学阅读理解Text 5第51题:The word religion is derived from the Latin noun religion, which denotes both earnest observance of ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence. In modern usage, religion covers a wide spectrum of meaning th

11、at reflects the enormous variety of ways the term can be interpreted. At one extreme, many committed believers recognize only their own tradition as a religion, understanding expressions such as worship and prayer to refer exclusively to the practices of their tradition. Although many believers stop

12、 short of claiming an exclusive status for their tradition, they may nevertheless use vagueoridealizing terms in defining religion for example, true love of God,orthe path of enlightenment. At the other extreme, religion may be equated with ignorance, fanaticism,orwishful thinking. By defining relig

13、ion as a sacred engagement with what is taken to be a spiritual reality, it is possible to consider the importance of religion in human life without making claims about what it really isorought to be. Religion is not an object with a single, fixed meaning,oreven a zone with clear boundaries. It is a

14、n aspect of human experience that may intersect, incorporate,ortranscend other aspects of life and society. Such a definition avoid the drawbacks of limiting the investigation of religion to Westernorbiblical categories such as monotheism (belief in one god only)orto church structure, which are not

15、universal. For example, in tribal societies, religion unlike the Christian church usually is not a separate institution but pervades the whole of public and private life. In Buddhism, gods are not as central as the idea of a Buddha. In many traditional cultures, the idea of a sacred cosmic order is

16、the most prominent religious belief. Because of this variety, some scholars prefer to use a general term such as the sacred to designate the common foundation of religious life.Religion in this understanding includes a complex of activities that cannot be reduced to any single aspect of human experi

17、ence. It is a part of individual life but also of group dynamics. Religion includes patterns of behavior but also patterns of language and thought. It is sometimes a highly organized institution that sets itself apart from a culture, and it is sometimes an integral part of a culture. Religious exper

18、ience may be expressed in visual symbols, dance and performance, elaborate philosophical systems, legendary and imaginative stories, formal ceremonies, and detailed rules of ethical conduct and law. Each of these elements assumes innumerable cultural forms. In some ways there are as many forms of re

19、ligious expression as there are human cultural environments.51.What is the passage mainly concerned about?A.Religion has a variety of interpretation.B.Religion is a reflection of ignorance.C.Religion is not only confined to the Christian categories.D.Religion includes all kinds of activities.解析:答案A。

20、题目就是一个典型的主旨大意题,问与全文的主要容,考查考生的总结和归纳能力。整篇文章是都是围绕“religion”这个单词展开说明,介绍这个单词的起源以与它的含义和解释。从第一段第二句和文章最后一句话可以看出,“religion”的解释和表现形式有很多种,全文其他部分都是在对此进行说明和补充,因此答案为A。2008年工商大学阅读理解Passage 1第81题:Science is guided by the vast body of scientific laws that have been established through careful experimentation over th

21、e past 300 years. Although there is no precise prescription for doing science, there is a general scheme for doing science. Science begins when a natural phenomenon is observed that raises a question for which there is no known answer. Doing science involves thinking of ways to explain the natural p

22、henomenon and answering the question raised. The various explanations invented by a scientist involve a creative process that is based on ones own personal experiences as well as known scientific laws and theories. Thinking of the initial question to ask about the observed phenomenon, and all concei

23、vable(能想得出来的)explanations (or hypotheses) to explain the phenomenon are among the most creative moments in doing science.A hypothesis is based on ones personal life experiences, and can also embody a known scientific theory or law. The combination of a theory or law that applies to the phenomenon un

24、der study plus the scientists proposed hypothesis to explain the phenomenon is called a model. A model can be a statement of a concept, a physical model, a diagram, or a mathematical expression. The process of explaining the patterns and trends in data based on known scientific theory is called mode

25、ling the data. A reason that a model is always simpler than the actual phenomenon observed is that the theories and laws are simplifications and generalizations of the patterns observed in nature. The basic premise in science is that knowledge is advanced when a correspondence is found between the m

26、odel and the observed phenomenon. The foundations of scientific inquiry in the physical sciences rest on developing the skills to pose a scientific question, to develop, to test and to apply a scientific model that adequately accounts for the observed phenomena.85. Which of the following is the best

27、 title of the passage?A. Hypothesis and Model in Science.B. The Function ofa Hypothesis.C.How is Science Done?D. Phenomenon and Scientific Inquiry.解析:答案C。这道题考查的也是考生对文章主旨的把握。这道题还是需要通读全文之后才能选出正确的答案,A这个选项表示科学中的假说和模型,这个只是文章第二段的描述和归纳,不全面。B项表示假说的运用,也只是文章第二段的一个容,并非全文的主旨。D项说明是科学探究与现实现象,这个只是第三段的概括说明。全文是阐述了科学

28、是怎么形成的,故答案为C。(二) 短文细节题短文细节题考查信息查找能力和句子的理解能力。细节题在阅读理解考试中所占的比重相当大,细节题的容包含广阔,很细小的点都会成为细节题的考点。这类问题要求考生需要认真仔细的理解与文章有关的容,正确把握文章的情感,以与找出其他有关的细节或具体的数据等。短文细节题有个很明显的特点就是问题答案能在文章中直接找出。很多时候答案都是原句换了一个表示的词汇,但是意思仍与作者意图相同。由于考试时间非常紧,对于考生来说,做好细节题,首先是要在原文找到相关信息。首先就需要理解题干的意思,找出关键词,然后再到文章中定位到相关语句,对此句再进行认真分析和理解。1、短文细节题常见

29、设问方式 Which of the following is true/false? Which of the following is not the result of _?What causes _?Why does the author mention _?The author gives this example to illustrate _?Which of the following are people allowed to do?What do we know about _?Which of the following best characterizes the mai

30、n feature of _ ?The question in lines # is based on which of the following assumptions? The author uses which of the following in the # paragraph? In line # the author distinguishes between_?2、短文细节题解题技巧(1) 关键词定位,利用题干中的关键词或者关键短语快速在文中找到相应的词或句子,在对应的词或句子所在的句子中认真理解分析,再选出答案。(2) 在重要、关键的词语或短语下做上记号,如表示时间与年代的

31、词;表示条件、目的、方法、步骤、原因等词;表示人名、地名或其他的专有名词;数据;某些副词(如:always, seldom, absolutely, entirely, relatively, particularly, hardly, merely, virtually等等),这些词汇或短语都有可能成为答案所在的标志。(3) 注意留意复合句,如同位语、插入语、定语、不定式等,往往这种复合句能使考生更加明了作者的意图。(4) 圈出表示条件、递进、转折、例证、原因、总结等语标词,它们所引导的句子很有可能藏有考点,它们均与短文细节有所关联。For example:2012年省专升本阅读试题Pass

32、age Four中第16题:TheU.S.TravelAssociationconfirmedinasurveywhatmanyfrustratedfliersalreadyknow: TheNo.1airportheadacheispassengerswhopulltoomanycarry-onbagsthroughsecurityandonto flights.Thatnumberhasskyrocketedinrecentyears86millionmorebagswerecarriedonintheyearthan during the same period twoyears ear

33、lier,the Transportation SecurityAdministration estimates.Thereasonforthecarry-onjumpisnomystery:Allthemajordomesticairlinesnowchargetocheck (托 运) evenonebag,generally $25.Tosavemoneyandtimeatthebaggageclaim, passengers carry asmuchasthey can onboard,withpredictable consequences.At securitycheckpoint

34、s, thesemillionsof extrabags,manyofthem denselypacked, meanlongerlines.Oncepastsecurity,thefuncontinuesatboarding.Onatypicalflight,theresafierce fightforscarceoverheadbinspace,extendingtheboardingprocess.Bagsthatarestuffedunder seatsmakepassengersevenmoreuncomfortable.Therehasgottobeabetterway.Infac

35、t,thereis.Hereswhatamoresensiblesystemwould look like:No feeforthe firstpieceofcheckedluggage.Itwouldbebetterif airlinessimplyraisedfares( 机票)insteadoffees.Limitthecarry-onsizeandchargeforlargecarry-ons.Usetemplates( 标尺)atthesecuritycheckpointstocutoffthemonsterbagsthatnowoftenescapeairline staffsno

36、tice until theyrerightatthe dooroftheplane.Taxtheairlinesincome fromfeesthe samewaythatfaresaretaxed. Currently,thefeesare taxfree, encouragingairlinestogenerate incomethroughfeesratherthan fareincreases.Weresympathetic to the airline industrys need to make money,but the baggagefeespreviouslyintende

37、d tooffset risingfuel costshavebecome an interruption that slows down the security check,offloads costs onto fliers and makestheboarding process even more unpleasantthan italreadyis.1 What makestheairtravelers mostfrustrated at the airport?A. Thelimited overhead binspaceforbags.B. Thenumberofbags th

38、ey carryonboardC. Thelonglineat thebaggageclaim.D.Theextrafeethey haveto pay forcarry-ons.解析:B。根据关键词frustrated可以定位到文章第一段。得知:让乘客最为头痛的就是安检和登机的时候携带过多的行。故答案为B。(三) 词义猜测题词义猜测是指在阅读理解中,考生需要根据上下文的意思和自己所学的容去推测不熟悉或者陌生的词汇或者短语的大意,要求考生就词汇或者短语找出近义词或者合理的解释说明。词义猜测题主要考查以下几个方面:(1) 考查考生熟悉词汇的生僻含义,即很多词汇考生了解其通常含义,但是在具体的情境

39、和语境之中,词汇会有一些不常用的陌生意义。(2) 考查考生对指代词的理解,例如文章中所出现的it, this, that等指代词,考查这些词汇所指代的意思。(3) 考查考生通过对其近义词、反义词甚至是修饰词的理解去猜测词汇意思。(4)考查考生理解文中俚语、谚语的意思。1、词义猜测题常见设问方式 The word “” in the passage means _ .The word “” (Line ) could be best replaced by _ .According to the passage, the word “” is referred to as _ .As used

40、in the passage, the phrase “” suggests _ .The sentence “.” means that _ .The sentence “” can be paraphrased as _ .What does the sentence “” mean?What does the sentence “” imply?The word “it” (Line ) refers to _ .The word “one” could be best replaced buy which of the following words?Which of the foll

41、owing is nearest in meaning to “”?The term “” in paragraph can be best replaced by_ .2、词义猜测题答题技巧(1) 可根据所考查词汇与整篇文章主旨的关系来猜测,与主题基调和意义相近或者相符合的,通常就是词汇的适当解释。(2) 通过文章中对词汇或者短语的定义和解释来猜测语义。在阅读中,有的所考词汇作者会对其进行定义或者解释说明,这样考生就能够直接的正确理解词汇的意思。(3) 利用文章中的同义词和反义词来猜测语义。在很多情况下,考生可以通过理解所考词汇的同义词或者反义词,来判断词汇的意思。(4) 通过逻辑关系来猜测

42、语义。上下文的逻辑关系是个很好的推理依据,根据上下文的因果关系、转折关系、论证关系、递进关系和对比关系等,来确定词汇语义。(5) 利用某系词缀可以猜测词语的意思。考生需要掌握常见的前缀和后缀,例如看到un, im, in, ab等开头的词汇,通常就是表示反义的意思。For example:2012年省专升本阅读试题Passage Three中第12题:We covet(垂涎)their food, their wine and their ability to stay slim while consuming both but should we be admiring the French

43、 for their parenting skills, as well? In her very buzzy new book, “BringingUp Bebe,” American mom and Paris resident Pamela Druckerman makes the argument that the French have a leg up on rearing their children. “Theres something about the way the French parent that makes it less of a grind and more

44、of a pleasure,” writes Druckerman, a former Wall Street Journal reporter. She cites a 2009 study finding mothers in Ohio think caring for their children is far less pleasant than mothers in Rennes, France.What exactly do Frenchparents do thats so different from American parents? A few examples: Teac

45、hing kids patience and self-control through delayed gratification: French parents teach their children to wait for what they want from an earlyagefor a few minutes, usually instead of immediately giving into kids demands. “ Im now convinced that the secret of why French kidsrarely whine or collapse

46、into tantrums(发脾气)or at least do so less than American kidsis that theyve developed the internal resources to cope with frustration,” Druckerman writes. Sleep training often begins at birth: In France, babies are expected to be sleepingthrough the night by the time theyre four months old. Parents do

47、nt ignore their babies cries but they do pause before responding to them. “French parents believe its their job to gently teach babies to sleep well,” she writes. “They dont view being up half the night with an eight-month-old as a sign ofparental commitment.” They dont give in to guilt over spendin

48、g time away from their kids: French women believe that “its unhealthy for mothers and children to spend all their time together. Childreneven babies andtoddlersget to cultivate their inner lives without a mothers constant interference.” 12. The underlined words “have a leg up” in Paragraph 2 probabl

49、y means _. A. offer help B. gain advantage C. act fast D. stand up 解析:B。根据短语中的up一词,就可以推测其意思应该是正面积极的。由第一段的最后一句should we be admiring the French for their parenting skills, as well? 我们是否也该羡慕法国人养育子女的能力?有下文可知法国人在养育子女方面是有很多优势的,故答案B符合。(四) 推理判断题推理判断题是要求考生通过阅读完文章后,根据所读容、文章主旨、逻辑分析以与文化背景等对所考查容进行推敲和判断,从而理解作者的想表

50、达的深层含义。阅读理解中涉与推理判断的面很广泛,凡是没有明确表达的意思,属于字里行间隐含的意思都属于推理的围。这部分题往往出题量较大,难度较大,错误率也比较高,考生在做这类题时首先要尽量避免其他项的干扰。1、推理判断题常见设问方式 The passage implies / suggests / shows that _.It is implied / suggested / indicated in the passage that _.It can be inferred / seen /concluded from the passage that _.The author implie

51、s / suggests / indicates that _.We can learn / conclude from the passage that _.Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?Which of the following conclusions could best be drawn from the passage?Based on the passage, we can assume / presume that _.The writer implies but not directly st

52、ates that _.2、推理判断题答题技巧(1) 推理和判断题一般都会根据全文主题的背景,所以考生在做推理判断题的时候,一定要注意选项的含义应该与全文的基调保持一致。基于原文适宜的推理和深刻的理解都有可能是正确的诠释,反而那种照抄原文的通常不会是正确的选项。(2) 在选项中用词过于绝对的,一般不会是答案(3) 推理判断的原文大多数会是对某一论点的论证或者进一步的说明,所以在分析推断的时候可以反复去理解主要的论点。(4) 语义转折的地方仍会是出题点,着重注意。For example:2012年省专升本阅读试题Passage Two中第8题:Lloyd Slocum was unemploye

53、d for 18 months, but like hundreds of thousands of Americans, hes working part time this holiday shopping season, unloading trucks and stocking shelves for a Bealls store in Port St. Lucie, Fla. “It gives you something to look forward to,” says Slocum, 29. He plans to use cash to buy his father a Ch

54、ristmas present and hopes to move on to a full-time position with Bealls/Burkes stores, a Sunbelt chain. Black Friday, the official start of holiday shopping heat, also kicks off theless-celebrated season of the part-time worker. Retailers (零售商)alone are hiring about 500,000 seasonal employees thisy

55、ear, most of whom are part time, according to the National Retail Federation. Retailersrecent shift to opening on Thanksgiving or midnight on Black Friday has intensified the need for part-time workers. Holiday jobs offer financial and emotional lifeline for many of the nations jobless. They also po

56、int up a troubling reality: A near-record number of Americans are working part time throughout the year, even though they would prefer full-time jobs. It is not just because of the recession (经济衰退). Economists cite a broader, longer-term shift toward part-time work as employers cut expenses and more

57、 precisely match staffing with ups and downs of customer demand. The number of part-timers who really want full-time positionsso-called involuntarypart-time employeeshas risen from 8.4 million in January to 8.9 million last month, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The total has hung at 8.

58、5 million to 9 million since early 2009 double the pre-recession level. By contrast, the total of unemployed Americans has stayed flat at about 13.9 million this year and is down from about 15 million in late 2009 as employers had added 2 million or so jobs. The gap shows how the nations official 9%

59、 jobless rate doesnt fully reflect the effect caused by a half-speed economic recovery. 8. In America, “Black Friday” usually marks the beginning of _. A. 24-hour work shifts B. Thanksgiving dinner C. Christmas celebrations D. a holiday shopping season 解析:D。由关键词Black Friday定位到原文第四段的第一句话,Black Friday

60、后面的同位语正好是对其意思的解释说明:黑色星期五是假期购物热的开始,故D正确。(五) 观点态度题阅读理解中的题目有的时候会问与作者对于某一事件或者某一问题的观点或者态度是什么,以与作者对文章继续展开的容判断等,这样的题就是观点态度题。解答这种问题时,考生首先应请注意篇章中的连词,这些连词的运用都暗含着作者的态度和观点,从中可以推敲出作者的意图。然后需要注意有些说明作者观点的词汇和语句,考生就可以根据这些词汇和语句的情感来判断作者的态度。总体来讲,观点态度的题比较难,对于这类问题的回答,考生应从篇章的体裁和风格入手,再从文章的论述方法、语气和措辞中把握作者对事物的喜好,从而了解作者的情感与态度。

61、1、观点态度题常见设问方式 Whats the tone of the passage?Which of the following best describes the authors attitude toward?How does the author feel about?Whats the authors opinion of/ about ?What is the authors overall attitude towards ?What does the author think of?Which of the following is the author most like

62、ly to agree with?The author seems to be in favor of the idea of _.The author probably feels that _.The authors attitude towards might be best summarizedas _.In the writers opinion, _.According to the author, _.The author of the passage seems to be _.The tone of the author is _.2、态度观点题的解题技巧(1) 对于态度观点

63、题的解答,把握文章的体裁非常重要。如果文章是说明性文章,介绍某一事物或者是说明某一现象,由于说明文本身的客观性,通常情况下作者所持的态度会是中立的。如果是记叙文的话,作者的观点态度不会很明显的显示出来,但是会暗含于述的语句之中,这就要求考生好好推敲某些词汇的情感,找出那些渲染气氛和表现情感的语句。(2) 注重表示观点或者态度的引导词,例如:in my point, as far as I am concerned, in my opinion, I think/ suppose/ argue/ believe/ claim等。它们后面所接的语句会是作者的观点,切忌注意。(3) 注意转折和对比的地方,也会是作者观点态度的表现。转折或者对比处,也就是作者强调的地方,此处会反应作者的情感和倾向,考试的题目依据通常就会出现在此处。(4) 掌握和熟悉一些表示观点的词汇和短语,例:A. 表示赞同的positive adj.肯定的, 实际的, 积极的, 确实的 favorable adj.赞成的, 有利的, 赞许的, 良好的 approval n. 赞成, 承认, 正式批准 enthusiasm n.狂热, 热心, 积极性 supportive adj.支持的,支援的 defensi

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