2016届高三英语二轮专题强化训练 任务型阅读(真题 模拟)

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1、2021届高三二轮专题强化训练:任务型阅读真题+模拟 (一)(2021江苏)Quiet Virtue: The ConscientiousThe everyday signs of conscientiousness (认真尽责)being punctual, careful in doing work, selfdisciplined, and scrupulous (一丝不苟的) in attending to responsibilitiesare typical characteristics of the model organizational citizen, the peopl

2、e who keep things running as they should. They follow the rules, help out, and are concerned about the people they work with. Its the conscientious worker who helps newcomers or updates people who return after an absence, who gets to work on time and never abuses stick leaves, who always gets things

3、 done on deadline.Conscientiousness is a key to success in any field. In studies of job performance, outstanding effectiveness for almost all jobs,from semiskilled labor to sales and management, depends on conscientiousness. It is particularly important for outstanding performance in jobs at the low

4、er levels of an organization: the secretary whose message taking is perfect, the delivery truck driver who is always on time.Among sales representatives for a large American car manufacture, those who were most conscientious had the largest volume of sales. Conscientiousness also offers a buffer (缓冲

5、) against the threat of job loss in todays constantly changing market, because employees with this quality are among the most valued. For the sales representatives, their level of conscientiousness mattered almost as much as their sales in determining who stayed on.There is an air around highly cons

6、cientious people that makes them seem even better than they actually are. Their reputation for dependability influences managers evaluations of their work, giving them higher evaluations than objective measures of their performance would predict.But conscientiousness in the absence of social skills

7、can lead to problems. Since conscientious people demand so much of themselves, they can hold other people to their own standards, and so be overly judgmental when others dont show the same high levels of model behavior. Factory workers in Great Britain and the United States who were extremely consci

8、entious, for example, tended to criticize coworkers even about failures that seemed unimportant to those they criticized, which damaged their relationships.When conscientiousness takes the form of living up to expectations, it can discourage creativity. In creative professions like art or advertisin

9、g, openness to wild ideas and spontaneity (自发性) are scarce and in demand. Success in such occupations calls for a balance, however, without enough conscientiousness to follow through, people become mere dreamers, with nothing to show for their imaginativeness.答案:1strict2helpful/good3Functions/Roles/

10、Importance/Significance4running/working/going/operating/functioning5performance(s)6fired/dismissed/jobless7problems/troubles8higher/subjective/unfair/prejudiced9tense/damaged/poor/bad10discourage/affect/damage(二)(2021安徽)Traveling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier. We live in a globa

11、l village,but this doesnt mean that we all behave in the same way.How should you behave when you meet someone for the first time? An American shakes your hand firmly while looking you straight in the eye. In many parts of Asia, there is no physical contact (接触)at all. In Japan, you should bow, and t

12、he more respect you want to show, the deeper you should bow. In Thailand, people greet each other by pressing both hands together at the chest. In both countries, eye contact is avoided as a sign of respect.Many countries have rules about what you should and shouldnt wear. In Muslim countries, you s

13、houldnt reveal (显露)the body, especially women, who should wear long blouses and skirts.In Korea, you should take off your shoes when entering a house. Remember to place them neatly together where you came in.In Spain, lunch is often the biggest meal of the day, and can last two or three hours. For t

14、his reason many people eat a light breakfast and a late dinner. In Mexico, lunch is the time to relax,and many people prefer not to discuss business as they eat. In Britain, its not unusual to have a business meeting over breakfast.In most countries, an exchange of business cards is necessary for al

15、l introductions. You should include your company name and your position. If you are going to a country where your language is not widely spoken, you can get the back side of your card printed in the local language. In China,you may present your card with the writing facing the person you are giving

16、it to.答案:1. behavior2. Greeting3. Bowing4. Muslim/Moslem5. door/entrance6. lunch7. Britain/England/UK8. introducing9. with10. abroad/about/around/worldwide题型2 高考模拟题组(三)(2021安庆市三模)There are many TV programs on Chinese food, but few are like China at Your Tongue Tips. The latest sevenpart documentary

17、(纪录片) offers insights into the geographical, historical and cultural aspects of what Chinese eat.Made by Chen Xiaoqing, an awardwinning documentary maker, China at Your Tongue Tips is filled with varieties of food, which tells us the beautiful process of foodmaking. The program is sure to attract bo

18、th food experts and ordinary audiences.Television is filled with food programs these days, especially introductions of top chefs and close looks at the complicated and refined (精制的) cooking processes of a feast (盛宴), but how to create dishes is only one aspect of food culture, according to Chen.“The

19、 program tries to bring something new by presenting more cultural elements related to dishes, like eating habits of eating.The surprise is that the show is not only about dishes. Every part focuses on different people, who tell stories about their adventures with food.“As a saying goes, You are what

20、 you eat. Chen says. “Food is always connected with people. Behind the documentary, they are stories that reflect peoples living situations and attitudes. Thats another section which makes it special.To get enough good stories, the production team spent three months doing researches and interviews i

21、n about 60 cities before they started shooting in last July. Filming lasted about nine months.China at Your Tongue Tips shows social changes while presenting food culture, such as showing the elderly are in their hometowns while other members of this family work outside. In those cases, food serves

22、as reminders of happy times and centerpieces of reunions.Title: A Hit about Chinese FoodThe program consists of seven parts.Characteristics of China at Your Tongue TipsExperts and ordinary people are 3._ by the program 4._ of delicious food.5._ elements are presented to bring something new.Every par

23、t draws our 6._ to persons who tell stories about their adventure with food.Stories can 7._ peoples living situations and attitudes.Background and significance of the programIt took the production team 3 months to go to about 60 cities to do 8._ and interviews before shooting.9._ lasted more than ni

24、ne months.The program shows social 10._.答案:10changes(四)(2021合肥市第三次质检)Relationships make or break us. From the quality of our family time to our interactions at work, our relationships are largely responsible for our career success or failure. Here are some guidelines.People who focus on themselves w

25、hen interacting with others rarely build positive lasting relationships. Instead,they should become good listeners and encourage others to talk about themselves.All the skills and education in the world will never impress anyone as much as sincere, heartfelt care for them. Plus, few things have a mo

26、re positive effect on others than finding out and remembering things about them. Knowing a lot about people is a real display of your care for them,and it creates a lasting bond.Give your relationship something positive when you meet,such as ideas,opportunities,and resources. Besides giving, be will

27、ing to receive from the other person. In fact, one of the best ways to start a relationship is to ask for advice or a favor. Everyone loves to show his expert knowledge and authority on a subject, because it makes him feel honored and respected.Try to use conflict as a tool,not a weapon. The presenc

28、e of conflict in a relationship is natural and healthy. Damage only occurs when we react inappropriately to it. To learn more about the other person and find a solution that serves both of you, relationships could become stronger and deeper.Relationships break up quickly when others cant count on yo

29、u, so say what you mean and stick to your word. Few things damage a friendship more severely than breaking a trust.If people know more about the value of good relationships, they can achieve both personal satisfaction and professional success. If you arent naturally gifted in this area, dont worry.

30、You can learn to improve them in your life and career.Title:Develop positive interpersonal 1._ skillsTipsContentBe a good listenerTaking the 2._ off yourself Encouraging others to talk about themselvesCare for othersCaring about others to 3._ them greatly 4._ your care by knowing a lot about othersG

31、ive and receiveBringing something 5._ while meeting 6._ to others to make them feel neededUse conflictHandling conflict in an 7._ manner Finding best solutions to help 8._ relationshipsSaying what you mean and keeping your wordConclusion:Good relationships benefit people both personally and 10._.答案:

32、1relationship2focus/concentration/center3impress4Displaying/Showing5positive6Turning/Referring7appropriate8strengthen/improve/enhance9reliable/honest10professionally(五)(2021马鞍山市第三次质检)Ask any group of teenagers in the UK what they most like to eat, and foods like pizzas, hamburgers and chips are sure

33、 to get a mention. But what teenagers like to eat is not necessarily what they should be eating. According to the National Diet and Nutrition Survey, far too many young people in the UK between the ages of 4 and 18 consume too much fat, sugar and salt in their diet. Meanwhile, their intake of fibre,

34、 iron and calcium (钙) is too low.For a growing body, eating foods containing plenty of calcium, such as milk, yogurt and cheese, is important as calcium is completely necessary for the development of healthy, strong bones. Similarly, foods that are rich in iron are good for young, rapidly developing

35、 bodies, so red meat, bread, green vegetables, and dried fruit are also recommended.It is during our teenage years that lifestyle habits can be formed, so it is vital that young people are educated about what foods are good for them. In 2005, and in an attempt to change eating habits and open teenag

36、ers minds to new tastes, the famous chef, Jamie Oliver started a “Feed Me Better campaign. He worked with teachers and cooks in a number of schools across the UK to provide more healthy, nutritious school meal choices. Although some teenagers and parents resisted it, the campaign was in general beli

37、eved as a huge success and helped to influence governmental policy on nutritional standards for school meals.No one expects to end the teenage love affair with fast and junk food but, hopefully, if projects like “Feed Me Better continue to give out the right messages, more young people will understa

38、nd the importance of balancing several treats with healthier food choices.Title: A Little of What You FancyTeenagers 2._ has too much fat, sugar, salt and calories.They dont 3._ in enough fibre, iron and calcium.RecommendationTeenagers eat foods which 4._ plenty of calcium.Foods rich in iron should

39、be eaten for the young bodies in 5._ development.“Feed Me Better CampaignIt is important for young people to have the 6._ about good lifestyle habits.Jamie Oliver 7._ to change teenagers eating habits.More healthy, nutritious meal choices were 8._ for schools.The campaign was 9._ believed successful

40、 though resisted.ExpectationYoung people can find a 10._ between their treats and healthy food choices.答案:10balance(六)(2021黄山市二模)When a customer finds that a purchased item is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the producers claim for it, the first step is to give the warranty,or any ot

41、her records which might help, to the store of purchase. This action will often produce results. However, if not, there are various means to gain satisfaction. A simple and common method is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the “higher up the consumer takes their complaint, the f

42、aster they can expect a settlement. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumers favor, assuming they have a just claim. Consumers should complain in person whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the store, it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in a letter. Complaining is

43、usually most effective when done politely but firmly, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate the problem with the item. If this cannot be done, the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements. For example, “The

44、 left speaker does not work at all and the sound is unclear is better than “This stereo does not work. The store manager may advise the consumer to write to the producer. If so, the consumer should state the complaint as politely and firmly as possible. If a polite complaint does not achieve the des

45、ired result, the consumer can go a step further. They can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to an organization responsible for protecting consumers rights.答案:(七)(2021安徽名校联盟最后一卷)Family structure had changed dramatically over the last 50 years. The following are the types of fa

46、milies existing today.Nuclear FamilyThe nuclear family is a traditional type of family structure. This family type consists of mother, father and children. The nuclear family was long held in esteem by society as being the ideal in which to raise children because children in nuclear families receive

47、 strength and stability from the twoparent structure.Single Parent FamilyThe single parent family consists of one parent raising one or more children on his own. When only one parent is at home, it may be a struggle to find childcare, as there is only one parent working. This limits income and oppor

48、tunities in many cases, although many single parent families have help from relatives and friends.Extended FamilyThe extended family structure consists of two or more adults who are related, either by blood or marriage, living in the same home. This family includes many relatives living together and

49、 working toward common goals. This type of family structure may be formed due to financial difficulties or because older relatives are unable to care for themselves alone. Childless FamilyWhile most people think of family as including children, there are couples who either cannot or choose not to ha

50、ve children. Many childless families take on the responsibility of pet ownership or have extensive contact with their nieces and nephews as a substitute for having their own children.StepfamilyOver half of all marriages end in divorce, and many of these individuals choose to get remarried. This crea

51、tes the stepfamily, which involves two separate families merging into one new unit. Stepfamilies tend to have more problems, such as adjustment periods and discipline issues. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to what is the best type of family structure. As long as a family is filled w

52、ith love and support for one another, it tends to be successful and thrive.TitleTodays family types IntroductionFamily structure is quite 1._ from what it was fifty years ago.Nuclear FamilyThe nuclear family is a 2._ family structure which consists of mother, father and children.It is seen as an ide

53、al type of family structure because of its being good for 3._ children.Single Parent FamilyA single parent family is 4._ up of one or more children and a parent.The income and opportunities of single parent family are 5._.Extended FamilyThe extended family is one in which two or three related adults

54、 live in the same home by blood or 6._.Lacking in money or attending to the older members account for the formation of extended family. Childless FamilyChildren are not born in childless family.StepfamilyStepfamily is 7._ when two divorced individuals choose to get married.It has a 8._ of having mor

55、e problems.Love and support can always 10._ to a successful and thriving family regardless of family structure.答案:(八)(2021皖南八校第三次联考)Do you love traveling? If the answer is yes, then have you ever thought about why? You may maintain that traveling can help you expand your scope of knowledge, especial

56、ly geographical and historical learning. It will provide more chances for you to enjoy food and try on clothes that you otherwise cannot possibly have. A famous English author Francis Bacon (15611626) makes a point when he says that, “Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder

57、, a part of experience.Evidence of leisure travel can be traced (追溯) as far back as ancient Babylon. This year, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council, the 1 billionth tourist will cross an international boundary before the end of this month. That means that one in seven people on the plane

58、t traveled this year, something that would not have been possible a few decades ago. Around 20 years ago only the rich could travel.While the US and France remain the two largest destinations for world travel, experts say much of the explosive growth in tourism has been to countries like Guatemala,

59、the Dominican Republic, and the Ivory Coast, which werent even on the world tourism map a decade ago. The top five destinations in the world, according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, are Paris, London, New York, the Mediterranean, Turkey.Several factors have led to the boom in wor

60、ld travel. The prosperity (富裕) of people in Asia is one factor. People in Asian developing countries have lifted their incomes above middleclass levels in the past few years. And a lot of them have used their new wealth to travel. In addition, travel costs have been reduced thanks to the rapid devel

61、opment of transportation, and competition between airlines to give customers the best prices.TopicTravellingAdvantagesEnrich knowledge, especially in 1._ and history.Taste different 2._ and buy different clothes.Francis Bacon thinks that travel is a part of education and a part of experience.Develop

62、ment3._ from ancient Babylon, travel only really took off after World War .Only the wealthy people could go on a trip about two 4._ ago.The number of people travelling abroad will 5._ as many as 1 billion before the end of this month.Tourist6_The US and France remain the two most popular countries f

63、or world travel.Tourism has developed 7._ in countries like Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, and the Ivory Coast.The top five destinations in the world are Paris, London, New York, the Mediterranean and Turkey.Factors8_ inthe popularity ofglobal tourismAsian people have got 9._ than before.People have 10._ less money on travel because of convenient transportation and price competition between airlines.答案:(九)(2021皖北协作区联考)In 2000, the worlds first mobile phones with cameras were put on the market in Japan. Two years later, these phones

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