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1、-Unit 1 Language and Culture in municationTheory munication is something we do every day. It takes place so naturally that we simply fail to notice it until it hiccups or breaks down. Though it is monplace, it is no e*aggeration to say that munication is life and life is munication.1.When you join a

2、 social gathering, you must be aware of rules and procedures that govern the way things are going to proceed. There is a technical term for such rules and proceduresschema. 2. Face and politeness are two other areas which are e*tremely valuesensitive. One of the distinctive features of Chinese polit

3、eness is selfdenigration and otherelevation.Case 1: Litz is a professor of crosscultural munication in a university in Finland. She invited her Chinese students home for an evening party.The schema from Litzs point of view includes the following:1. Giving invitation: by phone / by mail2. Prepare eve

4、rything before the arrival of guests3. Receiving guests: open the door / e*press wele / take their overcoats / introduce guests / offer them drinks / make them fortable4. Serving food: set the table / soup first / main course / desert 5. Post dinner activities: chat / play music / offer more drinks6

5、. Seeing guests off: thank them for ing / good nightLitzs evening party was not very successful, because she was upset by one of her guests. Here was the initial conversation between Litz and Lin:Litz: (opens the door) Oh, Lin, how nice you could e!Lin: Its not difficult to find your house.Litz: e o

6、n in.Lin: (es in)Litz: Can I take your coat?Lin: No, thanks.Litz: Ok, this way please.Lin: (take off her coat and hangs it)Analysis: Litz was hurt because Lin did not let her hang her coat. Litzs offering to hang Lins coat is one of Litzs ways (its on Litzs schema). On Lins side, she thought that Li

7、tz was her supervisor and that it was inappropriate to let her supervisor hang her coat. Here we have an instance of one action attached with different cultural values.Case 2:Finding an Interested BuyerGeorage Hall was in Beijing attending a trade fair and looking for an opportunity to do business i

8、n China. He had been very successful in his business dealings in the US and prided himself on his ability “to get things moving. His first day was going well .He looked around at the displays of sporting equipment to get some idea of whom he might approach. He was sure that his products, tennis rack

9、ets with an unusual new design, would arouse some interests. On the second day he approached the pany which he felt would be most responsive to his products. He introduced himself to the general, a Mr. Li. Since he had read that Chinese find getting down to business immediately too abrupt and rude,

10、he began a casual conversation, eventually leading up to the topic of his products and suggesting how Mr. Lis pany might benefit from using them. George then suggested that he could arrange to get together with Mr. Li and provide more specifics and documentation on his products.Mr. Li responded in f

11、airly good English, That would be interesting.Knowing that he had only a few days left in Beijing, George wanted to nail down a time, When can we meet? asked George. “Ah. This week is very busy, replied Mr. Li. “It sure is, said George, How about 10 oclock? Meet you here. “Tomorrow at 10 oclock? ask

12、ed Mr. Li thoughtfully. “Right, said George, “Ill see you then? “Hmm, yes; why dont you e by tomorrow, was the reply. “OK, responded George, It was nice meeting you.The ne*t day at 10 oclock he approached Mr. Lis panys e*hibit only to find that Mr. Li had some important business and was not able to

13、meet with George. He called back later in the day and was told that Mr. Li was not available.Analysis: 英美人士做事情讲究守时。而中国人不太重视这方面。本案列中,先生不仅没有准时接见预约的客户,甚至放了他“鸽子。Case3: Professor Liang has written a book on Chinese culture in Chinese. His book is put on display in Beijing International Book Fair 96. Prof

14、essor Liang would like to have his book translated into English and submitted to Thompson Publishers. Professor Liang has asked Li Yan, whom he meets regularly in the English Corner, to help him to talk to Peter Allright, a Thompson representative.Prof. Liang:奥莱特先生,这是鄙人的拙作。Li Tan: Mr. Allright, this

15、 a clumsy book written by your humble servant.Mr Allright: No, no, no, youre not my humble servant. We do not publish books in Chinese.Li Yan (to Professor Liang): 不,不,不,你不是我的仆人,我们不出中文书。Professor Liang: 我要请艳翻译成英文。Li Yan (to Mr. Allright): Professor Liang will ask me to translate it into English.Mr.

16、Allright: Mm thats interesting.Analysis: Chinese authors almost always belittle their works by describing them as clumsy writings, and they use the same description when they present them to Chinese publishers. But this will be counterproductive in English. Instead, authors should point out the meri

17、ts of their works rather than “clumsiness.Unit 2 Culture ShockTheory: 1. Culture shock can be described as the feeling of confusion and disorientation that one e*periences when faced with a large number of new and unfamiliar people and situations. 2. There is a desire for independence and separatene

18、ss, found in foreigners needs for their own privacy and autonomy 3. Hospitalitymeans thecordial and generous reception of or disposition toward guests. 4. Politeness refers to the consideration for others, tact, and observance of accepted social usage. 5. Privacy could be understood as the right of

19、an individual to self-determination as to the degree to which the individual is willing to share with others information about himself.Case 1: Jane, an American teacher in the US, had just started teaching English to a group of Japanese students. She wanted to get to know the students more formally,

20、 so she invited them to her house for party. The students all arrived together at e*actly 8:00 p.m. They seemed to enjoy the party: they danced, sang, and ate most of the food. At about 10:00 p.m, one of the students said to the teacher, “I think its time for me to leave. Thank you very much for the

21、 party. Then all the other students got up to go, and all left at the same time. Jane decided she would never invite them again!Analysis: 在日本以及其他很多的亚洲国家里,年轻人通常成群结队的一起去参加一些社交聚会,然后一道离去。在他们看来这是很正常不过的事。然后Jane认为这是一种侮辱,因为他们在同一时间里一下子全部离开了。在美国以及其他一些英语国家,晚上10点离开一个聚会相对来说是比较早的。Case 2: Four Secretaries and Thei

22、r Jobs Four classmates from a top Chinese university all took jobs as secretaries after graduation. Five years later the four former classmates had a reunion and discussed their jobs. Chen Qi and Dai Yun both work as bilingual secretaries for a Finnish pany in Beijing. Chen Qi is secretary to the Fi

23、nn general manger, and Dai Yun is secretary to the Chinese local manger, a position only slightly lower than that of the Finn manger. Zhang Ying is from a politically prominent family and was hired as the secretary to the leader of a small government bureau in the capital city of her home province.

24、Lu Yan works for a state run enterprise in the same city where she was hired as the secretary to the new manager for international marketing. The pany has never marketed its products abroad before so this office and Lu Yans position are new to the pany. Five years later Chen Qi is satisfied with her

25、 job with the Finnish pany but Dai Yun is not. The Finn manager receives orders from the panys home office in Finland, and he gives orders to those below him in China, including his secretary Chen Qi. He tells her how he wants his time scheduled and she then makes appointments for him according to h

26、is instructions. She translates memos and other documents and interprets from Chinese to English to Chinese. If the manager does not think Chen Qi has done her work well, he tells her right away. He is very demanding, but Chen Qi feels that she knows what her duties are and knows what her manager e*

27、pects. She is confident that she is doing a good job. Dai Yun often does not have as much work to do as Chen Qi does, because her boss schedules his own appointments and does a lot of the office paperwork himself. When he is out of town she has time to study for the graduate entrance e*am. However,

28、she is not sure whether or not she is doing a good job. Her manager tells her what she is e*pected to do, but he does this day by day. When people call or e to the office to see her boss, she greets them in English or Chinese as necessary. She receives their memos and other messages as well as their

29、 questions and requests and passes them on to her manager. Dai Yun thinks of her job as doing what her manager wants her to do. She pays close attention to his moods and behavior, and sometimes she is able to anticipate what he would like without him telling her.Analysis:许多中国人在外企工作,不同国家的外企领导有不同的工作作风

30、和标准。本案列中,戴云给不同的外国上司做秘书,在工作中出现由于不同的文化冲突而引起的各种工作以及沟通中的问题就很常见了。Case 3: One cold winter day in a Chinese city, Wang Lin on his way to the library met an American professor who knew very little about China. After greeting him, Wang said: “Its rather cold. Youd better put on more clothes. But the professo

31、r didnt appear happy on hearing this.Analysis: 美国人以及大局部西方国家的人们不喜欢被告知要怎么做怎么做,他们比较喜欢独立,然而中国人则习惯关心别人,这个案例中王林的建议表达的就是一种对他人的关心,可是美国教授却不习惯这样的表达。Case 4: In a good restaurant, fourteen people are gathered to say goodbye to their professor, who is moving to another university.Steven: May I have your attentio

32、n please? Id like to call upon Ben to say a few words.Ben: Thank you, Steven. ProfessorShore, colleagues: Tonight is one of those parado*es - its a sad time and yet its a happy time. Sad, because.We are losing one of our best professors; happy because we are pleased to see ProfessorShoregain the rec

33、ognition that he richly deserves.Im not sure who will be able to control us and keep usin line. I think the new professor will have a difficult time. And surely no one will be able to telljokes in the same way as you, Professor. Seriously, we all know that you will be difficult toreplace. Your schol

34、arly approach and your dedication will always be remembered. I wouldtherefore like to propose a toast. Colleagues, pelase charge your glasses. ProfessorShore, mayyour future be filled will great success, and may you always remember us. We know we will neverforget you. To ProfessorShore!All: (Standin

35、g up) To ProfessorShore! (Everyone drinks. ProfessorShore remains seated andsmiles at them all.)Analysis:就餐时总是要在各种缘由下向人敬酒:可以是非正式的,向朋友或同事敬酒;也可以是正式的,向全体聚会的人敬酒。与中国式的敬酒大不一样的是,在西方正式的敬酒时,受敬的人是不能喝酒的,而是正襟危坐,两眼睁睁看别人喝酒。另一个不同是:无论正式还是非正式,敬酒的人不必走过去敬酒,而是在自己的座位处站起来敬酒。敬酒时开场的语言永远是:“向,而其他随敬酒的人重复敬酒人的第一句话即“向, 然后喝一口酒。敬酒

36、时如果举了杯,说了敬词,而实际上没有喝酒,就会被看做十分不恭的行为,在很久以前甚至于被认为是一种侮辱,是不想参加敬酒的仪式。Case 5: An American went to Chinese home. He was offered some tea. Just when the first cup was about to finish, more tea was added. The visitor drank the second cup. Then the cup was filled the third time. Then he drank it, then until the

37、 visitor was quite full. Why?Analysis: 在中国的传统文化习俗里,主人通常会不断给客人倒水倒茶,或者不断地给客人的盘子里加食物以表示他的热情好客。面对的这样的情况,中国客人知道如何处理,在他们觉得吃饱喝足之后,就会随它放在桌上。而美国客人就不懂了,在美国,在自己的盘子里剩下食物是不礼貌的,于是他出于遵循美国文化理念可能会在这样的招待中吃的过多。Case 6:Dinner with FriendJanice is a young American engineer working for a manufacturing joint venture near N

38、anjing. She and her husband George, who is teaching English at a university, are learning Chinese and enjoying their new life .They have been eager to get to know Chinese people better so they were pleased when Liu Lingling , Janices young co-worker invited them to her home for dinner.When Janice an

39、d George arrived,Lingling introduced them to her husband Yang Feng , asked them to sit down at a table containing 8 plates of various cold dishes, served them tea and then disappeared with her husband into the kitchen. After a few minutes Lingling came back and added water to their tea. Janice offer

40、ed to help in the kitchen but Lingling said she didnt need help. She invited the couple to look at their new CD player and their colorful TV and then disappeared again.A half-hour later she came back and sat down and the three began to eat. Yang Feng came in from time to time to put dish after hot d

41、ish on the table. Most of the food was wonderful but neither George nor Janice could eat the fatty pork in pepper sauce or the ea cucumbers, and there was much more than they could eat. They kept wishing Yang Feng would sit down so they could talk to him .Finally he did sit down to eat a bit ,but qu

42、ickly turned on the TV to show them all its high teching features. Soon it was time to go home.George and Janice felt slightly depressed by this e*perience, but returned the invitation two weeks later. They decided to make a nice American meal and felt lucky to find olives, tomato juice, crackers an

43、d as appetizers. For the main course they prepared spaghetti and a salad with dressing made from oil, vinegar, and some spices they found in the market.When Liu Lingling and Yang Feng arrived they were impressed by the apartment and asked the price of the TV, video player, vacuum cleaner and other t

44、hings. Janice politely refused to answer their questions. They took small tastes of the appetizers and seemed surprised when both George and Janice sat down with them. They ate only a little spaghetti and did not finish the salad on their plates. George urged them to eat more but they refused and lo

45、oked around e*pectantly. Junice and George talked about their families and jobs and asked the table and served coffee and pastries. Yang Feng and Lingling each put four spoons of sugars into their coffee but did not drink much of it and ate only a bite or two of pastry.After they left, George said t

46、hat at least they had a chance to talk, but Janice was upset. “We left their place so full that we couldnt walk and theyre going to have to eat again when they get home. What went wrong?Analysis:中西方饮食习惯大大的不同。中国人邀请客人会准备一大桌子的菜,并在就餐过程中使劲劝说客人多吃点,吃完之后, 还有剩菜,就说明主人的盛情款待。而西方人一不劝吃,二就餐完毕后,盘子最好是空的。本案列中的两对中外夫妇不

47、明这个文化差异,发生误解就是自然而然的事了。Case 7: After the meal and after the table has been cleared. Liu is not sure what to do, but wants to help in some way. At least he wants to offer.Helen: Thanks for your help, Huang.Liu: Pleasure. What can I do now?Helen: Nothing. Its fine. Ill rinse these dishes then stack the

48、m. Itll only take a minute.Liu: Does the family usually help?Helen: Well, at special times. Jack sometimes rinses the dishes but you can see hes really tired tonight.Liu: Let me do it for you.Helen: No truly, its okay.Liu: Maybe I can wipe the table then.Helen: That would be helpful. Thanks. Youre r

49、eally kind, Huang.Analysis:在西方人家中的就餐的时间里,大家都设法插手帮一下忙,即便是男士也不例外,不要一点不动着开饭。所有家住者要能帮者摆摆餐具,或餐后收拾洗碗,把餐具放进洗碗机,倒垃圾,站在一边帮着擦干洗好的餐具。虽然都是小忙,却说明你对别人的操劳非常在意,是个用心的人。Case 8: Two strangers have been chatting.A: So youre been here for a year?B: Yes. One more year to go, then Ill go back to china.A: What will you do

50、back home?B: Its hard to know. Theres a lot change at the moment.A: Yeah. Everything is changing, everywhere. Sometimes its difficult to keep up.B: Thats true. Maybe Ill(As mobile phone rings.)A: E*cuse me, Id better answer this. Its probably work.B: Sure. Take your time.Analysis:有时在与人交谈中,难免要有什么原因要离

51、开一会儿,或是去接一个,或要去洗手间。礼貌再此被提出来。出于礼貌起见,要记住做一些恰当解释再离开。不管理由是什么,即便是要接一个手机,在翻开回话前,向对方说声对不起。如果只离开几分钟,没有必要找一个理由。你说了对不起,就说明你确实是有事要离开一会儿。Case 9: Liu Huang is calling his friend Steven at his home.Person: Hello. John is speaking.Liu: Hello? Im looking for Steven.Person: Sorry, theres no one here called Steven.Li

52、u: Is that 6577 8868?Person: No. I think youve got the wrong number. This is 6578 8868.Liu: Oh, Im sorry.Person: No problem. Good luck.Liu: Thanks.Analysis:失手拨错是常有的事。如果在国外,即便有语言障碍,害怕说英语,也还是要先与对方核对是不是拨错了,然后再抱歉。如果发现拨错了就马上挂,是不礼貌的行为。Case 10: Lin: Thank you so much for a wonderful night. Ive had a great

53、time. Erica: Its been a pleasure having you. We hope you can e again, soon.Lin: Id like that. You both know how to make me feel at home. Thanks for everything.Analysis:在动身离去的时候,找到主人,当面说一声,是有礼貌的行为。Case 11:Off to a Bad StartDavid Hu had just started working for the foreign owned pany. He was sitting a

54、t his workstation but had not been given any assignment that he should be doing at this moment. He was rela*ing and waiting and then thought he would take the opportunity to have a look around. He poked his head into several offices just to see what there was to be seen.Suddenly Mr. Parker came up t

55、o him and angrily asked him what he was doing. David Hu was embarrassed. He laughed and quickly started to move back toward his workstation. This did not seem to satisfy Mr. Parker who started to talk rapidly and angrily. Hoping to calm him down, Mr.Hu smiled and apologized, trying to e*plain that h

56、e was trying to learn more about the department. However, Mr. Parker got even angrier. Finally, another worker came by and calmed him down, but Mr. Parker left, he still looked angry. Mr.Hu sighed; he knew he had made a bad start but still didnt understand why.Analysis:外国人很讲究隐私权,一般不允许自己的私人空间受到打搅。而中国

57、人比较喜欢看热闹,想知道别人在做什么。所以在本案列中,吴先生未经允许就在公司四处走动,引起其他员工的强烈不满。Case 12:Sharing the WealthAnna Bilow had been working for a Chinese-owned and operated pany in Nanjing for about si* months. The division she was working in had a small collection of Chinese-English dictionaries, English language reference books

58、, and some videos in English including a couple of training films and several feature films that Anna had brought at her new employers request when she came from Europe. Anna knew that some of the other sections had similar collections. She had sometimes used her friendship with one of the women in

59、another department, Gu Ming, to borrow English novels and reference books and in turn had let Gu Ming borrow books from her sections collection. On other occasions, she had seen friendly, noisy e*changes, where one of the other workers in her division had lent a book or video to a colleague from ano

60、ther section. Anna thought it was a great idea when a memo was circulated saying that the panys leaders had decided to collect all the English language materials together into a single collection. The plan was to put them in a small room that was currently being used for storage so that all employee

61、s could have equal access to them. Now she would no longer have to go from department to department trying to find the materials she needed.Anna was surprised to hear her co-workers plaining about the new policy. When the young man in charge came to the department to collect their English language m

62、aterials, she was astounded to see them hiding most of the books and all but one of the videos in their desks. When she checked out the new so-called collection, she found that the few items were all outdated or somehow damaged. She also noticed that none of the materials she had borrowed from Gu Mi

63、ng were in the collection. She asked her friend why the Chinese were unwilling to share their English language materials with all their co-workers, when they seemed willing to share them within their departments.Analysis: 西方人对隐私方面有许多禁忌,中国人对自我隐私的保护也十分注重,但是两者之间存在较大差异。西方人乐于将自己的书籍和整理的资料拿出来让朋友和同事共享,而在中国,

64、即便是朋友间,人们也不愿意与人共享自己的书籍和资料。由于这种资料共享的观念不同,案例中Anna才会难以理解顾明等同事将自己的资料,书籍藏起来的做法。Unit 3 Whats in a Name?Theory: 1. Chinese and British people call each other with titles in different ways. 2. Kin terms are used in family members, but it differs between westerns and Chinese people.Case 1: A British tourist is traveling by train in China. Sitting opposite him is a Chinese passenger. They introduce themselves to each otherBritish tourist: Hello, Im Eric Jackson. Glad to meet you.Chinese passenger: Hello, my name is Liu *in. Im glad to meet you, too. Where do you e

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