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1、住在富人区的她2022年职称英语-职称英语(卫生类)历年考试真题汇编(带答案)题目一二三四五六总分得分一.单项选择题(共10题)1.The police believe the motive for the murder was jealousy.A. choiceB. ideaC. decisionD. reason正确答案:D,2.正确答案:C,3. 0ld and Active It is well-known that life expectancy is longer in Japan than in most other countries. A _ (51) report als

2、o shows that Japan has the longest health expectancy in the world. A healthy long life is the result of the_(52) in social environment. Scientists are trying to work _(53 ) exactly what keeps elderly Japanese people so healthy, and whether there is a lesson to be_(54) from their lifestyles for the r

3、est of us. Should we (55) any changes to our eating habits,for instance,or gojogging (慢跑)each day before breakfast? Is there some secret ingredient in the Japanese diet_ (56) is particularly beneficial _ (57) the human body? Another factor contributing to the rapid population aging in Japan is a_ (5

4、8) in birth rate. Although longer_(59) should be celebrated,it is actually considered a social problem. The _(60) of older people had doubled in the last half century and that has increased pension and medical costs. The country could soon be_ ( 61) an economic problem,if there are so many old peopl

5、e to be looked _ (62),and relatively few younger people working and paying taxes to support them. _(63) the retirement age from 65 to 70 could be one solution to the problem. Work can give the elderly a(64) of responsibility and mission in life. Its important that the elderly play active(65)in the s

6、ociety and live in harmony with all generations.62A atB afterCintoD for正确答案:B,4. 0ld and Active It is well-known that life expectancy is longer in Japan than in most other countries. A _ (51) report also shows that Japan has the longest health expectancy in the world. A healthy long life is the resu

7、lt of the_(52) in social environment. Scientists are trying to work _(53 ) exactly what keeps elderly Japanese people so healthy, and whether there is a lesson to be_(54) from their lifestyles for the rest of us. Should we (55) any changes to our eating habits,for instance,or gojogging (慢跑)each day

8、before breakfast? Is there some secret ingredient in the Japanese diet_ (56) is particularly beneficial _ (57) the human body? Another factor contributing to the rapid population aging in Japan is a_ (58) in birth rate. Although longer_(59) should be celebrated,it is actually considered a social pro

9、blem. The _(60) of older people had doubled in the last half century and that has increased pension and medical costs. The country could soon be_ ( 61) an economic problem,if there are so many old people to be looked _ (62),and relatively few younger people working and paying taxes to support them.

10、_(63) the retirement age from 65 to 70 could be one solution to the problem. Work can give the elderly a(64) of responsibility and mission in life. Its important that the elderly play active(65)in the society and live in harmony with all generations.53A outB withC inD off正确答案:A,5.In Your FaceWhy is

11、this man so angry? We dont know the reason, but we can see the emotion in his face. Whatever culture you come from, you can understand the feeling that he is expressing.Forty years ago, psychologist Paul Ekman of the University of California, San Francisco, became interested in how peoples faces sho

12、w their feelings. He took photographs pf Americans expressing various emotions. Then he showed them to the Fore people, who live in the jungle in New Guinea. Most of the Fore had never seen foreign faces,but they easily understood Americans,expressions of anger, happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, an

13、d surprise.Then Ekman did the same experiment in reverse. He showed pictures of Fore faces to Americans, and the results were similar. Americans had no problems reading the emotions on the Fore peoples faces. Ekmans research gave powerful support to the theory that facial expressions for basic emoti

14、ons are the same everywhere. He did more research in Japan, Brazil, and Argentina, and got the same results.According to Ekman,these six emotions are universal because they are built into our brains. They developed to help us deal with things quickly that might hurt us. Some emotional triggers are u

15、niversal as well. When something suddenly comes into sight, people feel fear, because it might be dangerous. But most emotional triggers are learned. For example, two people might smell newly cut grass. One person spent wonderful summers in the country as a child, so the smell makes him happy. The o

16、ther person remembers working very hard on a farm and being hungry, so he feels sad.Once we make an emotional association in our brain, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible ,to change it. “Emotion is the least changeable part of the brain,says Ekman. But we can learn to manage our emotions bett

17、er. For instance, we can be more aware of things that make us angry, and we can think before we react.There are many differences between cultures, in their languages and customs. But a smile is exactly the same everywhere.Ekman thinks that some basic emotions are the same everywhere.A RightB WrongC

18、Not mentioned正确答案:A,6.Caffeine Caffeine is probably the most widely used drug in the world. Humans have been consuming caffeine for hundreds of years, primarily in the form of coffee, tea, and cocoa. Habitual coffee and tea drinkers had long been observed to have a lower incidence of nonmelanoma (黑色

19、素瘤)skin cancers, although no one knew why. A recent study found that caffeine affects skin cells damaged by ultraviolet radiation, a main cause of skin cancer. Caffeine interferes with a protein that cancerous cells need to survive,leaving the damaged cells to die before they become cancerous. Drink

20、ing caffeinated coffee has also been associated with a decreased incidence of endometrial (子宫内膜的)cancer that is, cancer of the cells lining the uterus (子宫). The strongest effect appears to be iin overweight women, who are at greatest risk for the disease. Researchers believe blood sugar, fat cells,

21、and estrogen (雌性激素)may play a role. Although the mechanism remains unknown, people who drink more than two cups of coffee or tea a day reportedly have about half the risk of developing chronic liver disease as those who drink less than one cup of coffee daily; caffeinated coffee has also been associ

22、ated with lowered risk of cirrhosis (肝硬化)and liver cancer. While many of caffeines undesirable,effects such as elevated heart rate and blood pressure, are brief, some short-term been ncluding pain relief, increased alertness, and increased physical endurance, have JiPien attributed to caffeine. As a

23、 component of numerous over-the-counter diet piks and pain relievers, caffeine increases their effectiveness and helps the body absornfhem more quickly. By constricting (收缩)blood vessels in the brain,it can alleviate hffifaches even migraines (偏头痛)and can help counter the drowsiness (眩晕)causde by an

24、tihistamines (抗组胺药). Caffeine does not alter the neefjor sleep, bumit does offer a temporary solution to fatigue for people who need to alert. Research has shown that sleep-deprived individuals who consumed caffeine hMimproved memory and reasoning abilities, at least in the short term. Studies of ru

25、nners am cyclists haveiown that caffeine can improve their stamina hence its addition to ener|-boosting drinks. People who consume a lot of |M8ine regularly may develop temporary withdrawal symptoms, headache being the momIf they quit or cut back on it abruptly. Fortunately, these symptoms last only

26、in most cases. Individuals who are more sensitive to the stimulatory sidemay want to avoid it, but most doctors agree that the equivalent of threrups of coffee a day does not harm healthy people. There is no medical basis to give up daily caffeine and many reasons to include a moderate amount in one

27、s diet.Caffeine withdrawal symptomsA can become an ongoing problem.B may last as long as a week.C are usually short-lived.D are weight loss and mental disorder.正确答案:C,7.Trying to Find a PartnerOne of the most striking findings of a recent poll in the UK is that of the people inter-viewed, one in two

28、 believes that it is becoming more difficult to meet someone to start a family with.Why are many finding it increasingly difficult to start and sustain intimate relationships? Does modern life really make it harder to fall in love? Or are we making it harder for ourselves?It is certainly the case to

29、day that contemporary couples benefit in different ways from relationships. Women no longer rely upon partners for economic security or status. A man doesnt expect his spouse to be in sole charge of running his household and raising his children.But perhaps the knowledge that we can live perfectly w

30、ell without a partnership means that it takes more to persuade people to abandon their independence.In theory,finding a partner should be much simpler these days. Only a few generations ago, your choice of soulmate (心上人)was constrained (限制)by geography, social convention and famjly tradition. Althou

31、gh it was never explicit, many marriages were essentially arranged.Ncwthose barridirs have been broken down. You can approach a builder or a brain surgeon in any bar in any city on any given evening. When the world is your oyster (牡贩), you surely have a better chance of finding a pearl.But it seems

32、that the old conventions have been replaced by an even tighter constraint: the tyranny of choice.The expectation of partners are inflated (提高)to an unmanageable degree: good looks, impressive salsry. kind to grandmother, and right socks. There is no room for error in the first impression.We think th

33、at a relationship can be perfect. If it isnt, it is disposable. We work to protect ourselves against future heartache and dont put in the hard emotional labor needed to build a strong relationship. Of course, this is complicated by realities. The cost of housing and child-rearing creates pressure to

34、 have a stable income and career before a life partnership.Which of the following is NOT expected of a partner according to this passage?A Good looks.B An impressive careenC A high salary.D A fine sense of humor.正确答案:D,8. Relieving the Pain Exercise may be the best treatment of chronic pain, say doc

35、tors at a new clinic for dealing with pain. “Peopte with chronic pain need to stop lying around,go out more,and start exercising. ” The instinctive reaction to acute pain is to stop moving and to try to protect the source of pain. But it seems that this is often not productive,especially in the case

36、 of back pain. Back pain,after headaches and tiredness,has become the third most common reason for people to visit their doctors. Painful backs now account for millions of days off work. Lumbar (腰部的)pains are partly the price humans pay for taking their forelimbs off the ground,but they are made wor

37、se by a sedentary (久坐不动的)lifestyle. Lack of exercise slowly decreases the flexibility and strength of museles,so that it is more difficult to take pressure off the site of pain. Exercise is essential.It releases endorphins (内啡肽),the bodys “feel-good” chemicals,which are natural painkillers. In fact,

38、these are so important that researchers are now looking for drugs that can maintain a comfortable level of endorphins in the body. Most people who go to a family doctor complaining of pain are prescribed pain-killing drugs rather than exercise. Since finding the cause of backache is not so easy,doct

39、ors frequently do not know the precise cause of the discomfort,and as the pain continues,sufferers end uptaking stronger doses or a series of different dugslts crazy, Mys Dr. Brasseur,a therapist at the International Association for the Study of Pain. “Some of them are taking different drugs prescib

40、ed by different doctors, Ive just seen a patient who was taking two drugs which turned out to be the same thing under different names. ” A generation of new pain clinics now operates on the basis that drugs are best avoided. Once patients have undergone the initial physical and psychological check u

41、p,their medication is cut down as much as possible. Taking patients off drugs also prepares them for physical activity. In some pain-relief clinics,patients begin the day with muscle contraction and relaxation exercises,followed by an hour on exercise bikes. Later in the day, they practise tai chi (

42、太极),self-defense, and deep thought. This compares with an average of two-and-a-half hours physiotherapy (理疗)a week in a traditional hospital program. “The idea is to strengthen and to increase long-lasting energy,flexibility, and confidence, explains Bill Wiles, a consultant pain doctor in Liverpool

43、. “Patients undergoing this therapy get backwork and resume healthy active lifestyles much sooner than those subjected to more conservative treatment. ”Doctors often use drugs such as endorphins to treat patients.A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned正确答案:B,9.Be Aert to Antimicrobial(抗微生物的)Resistance Th

44、e ability of micro-organisms to find ways to avoid the action of the drugs used to cure the infections they cause is increasingly recognized as a global public health issue. Some bacteria have developed mechanisms which make them resistant to many of the antibiotics (抗生素)normally used for their trea

45、tment. They are known as multi-drug resistant bacteria,posing particular difficulties,as there may be few or no alternative options for therapy. They constitute a growing and global public health problem. WHO suggests that countries should be prepared to implement hospital infection control measures

46、 to limit the spread of multi-drug resistant strains (菌株)and to reinforce national policy on prudent use of antibiotics,reducing the generation of antibiotic resistant bacteria. An article published in the Lancet infectious Diseasas on 11 August 2010 identified a new gene that enables some types of

47、bacteria to be highly resistant to almost all antibiotics. The article has drawn attention to the issue of antimicrobial resistance,and,in particular, has raised awareness of infections caused by multi-drug resistant bacteria. While multi-drug resistant bacteria are not new and will continue to appe

48、ar, this development requires monitoring and further study to understand the extent and modes of transmission, and to define the most effective measures for control. Those called upon to be alert to the problem of antimicrobial resistance and take appropriate action include consumers, managers of ho

49、spitals,patients,as well as national governments, the pharmaceutical (制药的)industry,and International agencies. WHO strongly recommends that governments focus control and prevention efforts in the following areas like surveillance for antirriicrobial resistance; rational antibiotic use,including educ

50、ation of healthcare workers and the public in the appropriate use of antibiotics; introducing or enforcing legislation related to stopping the selling of antibiotics without prescription; and strict adherence to infection prevention and control measures,inducting the use of hand-washing measures,par

51、ticularly in healthcare facilities. Successful control of multidrug-resistant microorganisms has been documented in many countries,and the existing and well-known infection prevention and control measures can effectively reduce transmission of multi-drug resistant organisms if systematically impleme

52、nted. WHO will continue to support countries to develop relevant policies,and to coordinate international efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance. Antimicrobial resistance will be the theme of WHOs World Health Day 2011. We learn from the passage thatA. antimicrobial resistance was not noticed un

53、til 2010.B. further study is needed to deal with the transmission of multi-drug resistant bacteria.C. without WHO, no country will be safe in the war against antimicrobial resistance.D. WHO will focus its prevention and control efforts in poor countries.正确答案:B,10. Food Safety and Foodborne Illness F

54、ood safety is an increasingly important public health issue. Governments all over the world are intensifying their efforts to_ (51) food safety. These efforts are in response to an increasing number of food safety problems and_ (52) .consumer concems. Foodbome illnesses are defined as diseases, usua

55、lly either infectious or toxic (有毒的) in nature,caused by agents that_ (53) the body through the ingestion (摄取)of food. Every person is _ (54) risk of foodbome illnesses. Foodbome diseases are a widespread and growing public health_ (55),both in developed and developing countries. The global incidenc

56、e of foodborne diseases is difficult to _ (56),but it has been reported that in 2005 alone 8 million people diedfrom diarrhoeal (腹泻)diseases. A great proportion of these _ (57) can be attributed to contamination (污染)of food and drinking water. Additionally,diarrhoea is a_ (58) cause of malnutrition

57、(替养不良)in ihfants and young children. In industrialized countries,the percentage of the population suffering from foodbome diseases each year has been _ (59) to be 10% up to 30%.In the United States of America,for example, around 76 million cases of foodbome diseases,resulting _ (60) 325,000, hospita

58、lizations and 5,000 deaths,are estimated to occur each year. _ (61) less well documented,developing countries bear the brunt (首当其冲)of the problem due to the presence of a wide _ (62) of foodbome diseases,including those caused by parasites (寄生虫). The high prevalence of diarrhoeal diseases in many de

59、veloping countries suggests major_ (63) food safety problems. In partnership with other stakeholders,WHO is developing_ (64) that will further promote the safety of food. These policies (65) the entire food chain from production to consumption and will make use of different types of expertise (专长).A. toB. inC. fromD. of正确答案:B,

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