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1、牛津版本 8B Unit2. Words.1.washbasin n. 洗脸盆 e.g. Water was pouring into the washbasin. 水正在流入洗脸盆。2. vanish v. 消失,突然不见 e.g. I thought it would rain, but the clouds have vanished and its a fine day. 我原以为天要下雨的,可是云消失了,是个好天。【常用搭配】 vanish into the air/from sight消失不见 vanish in darkness在黑暗中消失 vanish into nothing

2、化为乌有3. drain n.下水道 e.g. Your kitchen drain has become blocked by tea leaves. 你家厨房的下水道被茶叶堵住了。4. freeze v. 突然停止,惊呆 e.g. Fear made him freeze in his tracks. 恐惧使他突然停止前进。 He froze in front of the audience. 他在观众面前吓呆了。【知识拓展】 freeze v. 冷冻,冷藏(食物)e.g. Not all fruit and vegetables freeze well. 并非所有的水果和蔬菜都适合冷藏。

3、5. impatient adj.不耐烦的,急躁的e.g. As a nursery teacher, you mustnt be impatient with the children. 作为幼儿园教师,你不该对孩子急躁。【知识拓展】 patient adj. 有耐心的e.g. She is so kind and always patient with those naughty children. 她对这些淘气的孩子们是如此和蔼、有耐心。patience n. 容忍,耐心e.g. I have no patience with him again. 我对他不再有耐心了。6. obey v

4、. 服从,顺从e.g. Soldiers have to obey orders. 军人必须服从命令。 A car obeys the driver. 车子由司机控制。7. faint adj. 微弱的e.g. He felt faint for lack of food. 他因饥饿而晕倒了。 She fainted because of the heat. 她热昏了。8. float v. 漂浮,浮动e.g. Phillip, can you see something red floating in the distance on the water? 菲利浦,你看见在远处有个什么红色的东

5、西漂浮在水上吗? A feather floated down on the wind. 一根羽毛随风飘落。9. comfortably adv. 安乐地,舒适地e.g. He sat comfortably in his armchair. 他舒服地坐在扶手椅上。【知识拓展】 comfortable adj. 舒适的,舒服的e.g. She lives a comfortable life. 她过着舒适的生活。comfort v. 安慰,鼓舞 n. 安乐,舒适,安逸e.g. He lived in comfort. 他过得很舒服。She comforted the sick child. 她

6、安慰这个生病的孩子。10. view n. 景色,风景e.g. I have a very good view from the tower. 我从塔上望出去,景色非常好。 The house has a view over the sea. 这房子面向大海,视野开阔。 We came in view of the lake as we turned the corner. 我们转过弯就能看见那个湖了。11. speed v. 加速,加快e.g. The ambulance sped to the hospital. 救护车快速开往医院。 He was arrested for speedin

7、g. 他因超速行车而被捕。指点迷津: speed, hurry(1) speed指快速的运动或行动。e.g. The train sped through the countryside. 火车从乡间飞驰而过。 Postal workers laboured overtime to speed delivery of the Christmas mail. 邮电工人加班加点以加快圣诞节期间信件的发送。(2) hurry意指比通常快得多的速度,经常伴随着混乱或骚动。e.g. If you dont hurry, youll miss the plane. 如果你不迅速些,你将会错过班机了。 Do

8、nt let anyone hurry you into making a decision youll regret later. 不要在任何人的催促下作出你以后会为之后悔的决定。12. relax v. 放松,休息e.g. I relaxed there for a few days. 我在那个地方休息了几天。13. treatment n. 对待,处理e. g. His treatment of the animal was cruel.他对待这只动物很残忍。 The doctors treatment cured him. 医生的治疗使他的病痊愈了。14. works n. 工厂e.

9、g. The steel works is closing down. 那家钢铁厂要关闭了。 There has been an accident at the works. 那家工厂出了一次事故。15. thorough adj. 彻底的,完全的e. g. They made a thorough search for the lost ring, but didnt find it. 他们仔细地寻找过那枚丢失的戒指,可是没有找到。【知识拓展】 thoroughly adv. 十分地,彻底地e. g. The work had not been done very thoroughly. 这

10、个工作做得不太彻底。16. sewage n. 污水,污物e. g. chemical treatment of sewage对下水道污物的化学处理 If we love Shanghai, we must stop dumping sewage into the water. 如果我们热爱上海,我们必须停止往水里倒污水(物)。17. plant n. 工厂,车间e.g. When the plant closed down, many factory workers lost their jobs. 工厂关门了,很多工人失业了。【知识拓展】 plant n. 植物e. g. Trees an

11、d vegetables are plants. 树和蔬菜是植物。18. pump v. 用泵输送e. g. The villagers had pumped the well dry and could get no more water. 村民们已把井水抽干了,再也抽不出水来了。 He pumped up his tyres. 他给车胎打足了气。【知识拓展】 pump n. 泵;水泵e.g. in flat tyres with a pump用气泵给轮胎充气19. precious adj. 宝贵的,贵重的e. g. Nothing is more precious than friend

12、ship. 没有什么比友情更宝贵的了。 She talks about nothing except her precious car. 她句句离不开她那宝贝汽车。20. liquid n. 液体 e. g. Water is both a fluid and a liquid. 水既是流体又是液体。 If you add too much liquid, the mixture will not be thick enough. 如果你加入的液体太多,混合液的浓度就不够。21. reply n. 答复,回复 v. 回答,答复e. g. Adrian nodded in reply to my

13、 question. 对于我的提问,阿德里安点头表示同意。 A lot of people replied to our advertisemen. 有许多人对我们的广告作出了反应。【常用搭配】 in reply (to)为答复;作为对的答复make (no) reply(不)作答复 reply for sb. 代表某人作答辩答谢祝酒 reply to回答,答复指点迷津:anwser, replay(1) answer较常用,如:answer a question (the door bell, the phone, the letter, etc.) e.g. He has answered

14、 my letter.(此句仅表明他回了我的信。说明他已经收到我的信。)(2)而reply则较正式,意指经过深思熟虑后答复对方的问题和论点。 e.g. He has replied to my letter.(此句表明他将我信中的问题都一一回答了。)22. there n&adv. 那个地方,那点 e. g. I thought I heard a voice in there. 我想我听到了里面有声音。 If John sits here, Mary can sit there. 约翰要是坐在这儿,玛丽可以坐在那儿。23. strange adj. 奇怪的,奇特的 e.g. My mothe

15、r told me not to talk to strange men. 我妈告诉我不要和陌生男人交谈。. Daily expressions. 日常表达1. pour into倒入,涌入 e.g. Please pour some water into my glass. 请帮我的杯子里倒点水。 Pour the milk into a jug. 把牛奶灌进壶里。 People poured into the hall. 人们涌进大厅。2. look round=look around环顾四周 e. g. He looked around but saw nobody. 他往四周看,可是没

16、看见任何人。【知识拓展】look at看,朝看 look after照料look back(与on,to连用)回想,记起 look down on轻视,看不起look for寻找 look forward to盼望,期待look like看起来像 look on/upon看作look out注意,当心 look out of朝外看look over翻阅,浏览 look round环视look through从头看完,透视 look up在书中查到,查阅(词典)look up and down上下打量3. enjoy the view欣赏风景e.g. Foreigners like enjoyi

17、ng the night-views in Shanghai when they travel to China. 外国人到中国来旅游就喜欢到上海来赏夜景。4. finish with完成,结束e.g. He finished with the work. 他完成了这项工作。 He finished the performance with a song. 他以一首歌曲结束了表演。5. dropinto 把扔到e.g. Dont drop rubbish on the ground, you should drop it into the litter bin. 不能把垃圾扔在地上,你应该把垃

18、圾扔到废物箱里。【知识拓展】 drop into sth. 偶然访问(某人或某地),顺便访问e.g. Sorry, were late-we dropped into a pub on the way. 对不起,我们迟到了我们中途到酒馆去了。6. speed down快速下滑 e.g. That young climber sped down the cliff into the valley. Luckily, he didnt lost his life, 那个年轻的登山者顺着悬崖跌至了山谷,所幸的是,他没有死。7. carry to 把带到 e.g. Simon carried the

19、suitcase to the Smiths. 西蒙把手提箱送到史密斯先生家。 You neednt carry the luggage to your room, our removal will help you. 你不用把行李亲自搬到房间,我们的搬运工会帮你的。8. pumpinto 把抽吸到 e.g. Push the button, the water in the toilet will be pumped into the drain. 按下这个键,马桶里的水就会被抽到管道里。9. remember not to do sth. 记得不要做某事 e.g. You must rem

20、ember not to pollute the environment. 你必须记住不能污染环境。10. mean by 意思是 e.g. What do you mean by saying that? 你那样说是什么意思?【随堂小练】I.Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.1. The boy is lying on the bed(comfortable) and listening to music.2.My brother is always(patient) when he is doing

21、his homework, so he always makes mistakes.3. The mans(work) became famous after he died.4. The boss has a plan to use fewer workers to do(much) work.5. Kens voice sounded(puzzle) when he heard a strange voice.II.Choose the right word to complete the sentence.1. It is unhealthy for children to add to

22、o much sugar (to / for) the milk.2. Do you know the chemical symbol (to / for) Oxygen?3. What do the women tourists mean (in / by) saying that?4. Our English teacher told us what the word meant (in / by) English.5. Professor White is talking (about / with) Simon about his plan.【keys】I. 1. comfortabl

23、y 2. impatient 3. works 4. more 5. puzzled .1.to 2. for 3. by 4. in 5. with Step 4: Important Sentences structures.1. Its not easy for me to get here. It is十adj. +for sb. (of sb. )to do sth.(对事加以评论对人加以评论) 在这个句型中,it是形式主语,而句子真正的主语是后面的不定式短语 e.g. It is difficult for you to read through this book in a we

24、ek or so. 对你来说一星期左右看完这本书有困难。 It is useful for you to learn how to use the computer. 学习使用计算机对你有益处。2. I waited there until you called me, and here I am.until表示持续做某事,用延续性动词。notuntil表示“直到才”,可以用瞬间动词。e.g. The baby didnt stop crying until he saw his mother. 那个婴孩直到看到妈妈才不哭。 We had dinner until 8:30 p.m. 我们吃晚

25、饭一直到8点半。3. Then it was time to get cleaned up.Its time to do sth. 表示“是做什么事情的时候了”。它也可以用另外一种句式表达:Its time for sth.e.g. Its time to have dinner. =Its time for dinner. 是吃晚饭的时候了。 Its time for you to go to bed. 你该睡觉了。 Its time to go to school. =Its time for school. =Its time for us to go to school. =Its t

26、ime for going to school.该上学了。4. When youve finished with me, Ill go to a sewage plant.用will表示将来发生的动作或状态。e. g. -Will you join us?你要加入我们吗? -Yes, we will./ No, we wont. 是的,我们要。不,我们不要。 Janes father will give her a beautiful skirt as her birthday present. 珍妮的爸爸要给她一件漂亮的裙子作为她的生日礼物。【知识拓展】 注意will与be going to

27、的区别:(1) be going to表示事先打算,有意图要发生的事。e. g. I am going to play table tennis with my friends this afternoon.(2) be going to还表示客观情况下(非主观打算)即将要发生的动作。e. g. The weatherman says it is going to rain tomorrow.【随堂练习】Read and choose the best answer.()1.Tai Mountain is the most famous mountain in Shandong.A. TheB

28、. AnC. AD. /()2. There aretrees in my neighbourhood. We should plant some more.A. a lot ofB. fewC. a littleD. little()3. Its timea rest. You have read the story book for a long time.A. to haveB. havingC. hasD. had()4. Dontharmful chemicals into the river or lake.A. bring B. take C. rushD. pour()5. T

29、he lights are still on in the lab. Please remember before leaving.A. turning them offB. to turn them offC. turning off themD. to turn off them.Rewrite the sentences as required.1. The man cut down a magnolia tree. (改为否定句) The man down a magnolia tree.2. He enjoyed the view on the thirtieth floor of Jinmao Building. (就划线部分提问) heon the thirtieth floor of Jinmao Building?【keys】.1.A 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B . 1. didnt cut 2. What; did; do

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