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1、第三节段落写作第一段:1. 图画型As is subtly depicted in the given drawing, a father is talking to his daughter, with the dialogue between them thought-provoking. What can be clearly seen in it is that when asked how her school was today, the daughter replied to her dad that all about it was in her blog. However s

2、imple this image may seem at first glance, its intended meaning goes undoubtedly far-reaching: the internet has exerted significant influence on interpersonal communications.2.表格型As is apparently illustrated in the statistics provided in the chart/graph/table above, the unemployment rate is in oppos

3、ite proportion to the level of education - the higher the degree, the lower the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate is 1.9% for those with a doctoral degree, while it is 14.9% for those without even a high school diploma.3. 评论一种社会现象The previous couple of years has witnessed the prevalence of a

4、widespread social phenomenon - an increasing number of youngsters are crazy about participating in many a tests. It has already been brought into public concern and we can easily find bulk of relevant discussions among the mass media. Obviously this is an issue that most people are not only interest

5、ed in, but also hold opinion about.Nowadays, people in mounting numbers are very much concerned about the problem that . Indeed, the past few years has witnessed the growing incidence of such happenings. Its so widespread that a great deal of attention is being paid today to such a Trend.4. 对引言评论型Wh

6、en it comes to Abraham Lincolns famous observation - “It takes years to build trust, and a few seconds to destroy it.” - a heated discussion has come up among the general public. The vast majority of people are in strong favor of maintaining trust deliberately, while still others seem to contend tha

7、t we dont have to spend too much time on trust maintenance. I am strongly convinced that trust is one of the most important relationships among people and thus deserves sustained attention.5、观点对比型When it comes to the popular trend of long public holidays, a heated discussion has come up among the ge

8、neral public. A majority of people are in strong favor of taking long holidays, while still others seem to contend that this holiday style is not suitable for a developing country like China. I am strongly convinced that the benefits of long holidays outnumber its disadvantages in various ways.第二段:1

9、. 不同观点2. 分析利弊Is this phenomenon a blessing or a curse? The mass media and the general public have focused on the advantages of this phenomenon, but few have looked at the side-effect. The following list of advantages and disadvantages can well explain everything. Indeed, Moreover,. Given all these d

10、isadvantages, it seems to have a host of strengths. To begin with,. Furthermore,3. 分析因素What might account for the phenomenon mirrored by the chart / picture ? It is no difficult job for us to come up with some possible factors that underlie the above complicated phenomenon (event / changes). For one

11、 thing, . For another, Besides, one more important factor worth our concern is that 或Why should this phenomenon take place? There are generally three factors accounting for it. Initially, Whats more, Finally,第三段1. 刊登自己旳见解As any coin has two sides, the above issue can also be approached from a differ

12、ent perspective. Therefore it is quite normal for people to hold rather opposite opinions. However, its my firm belief that Any action concerning the issue should be highly encouraged (discouraged) in the present case.2. 提出建议Confronted with ,we should take a series of effective measures to cope with

13、 the situation. Initially, 解决措施一。In the second place, 解决措施二。或Considering the current issue, we should call for immediate actions imposed by the authorities(universities). In other words, our government of various levels (they) must make relevant plans or rules to guarantee a proper order and justice

14、. Besides, as citizens, we should also be aware that any prompt solution is of benefit to all. Therefore, its the duty of ordinary people to actively participate in the action.第四章篇章写作(一) 图画或漫画,就可以这样套写(以6月6级旳漫画为例):As is subtly portrayed in the given drawing, a father is talking to his daughter, with

15、the the implications thought-provoking. What can be clearly seen in it is that when asked how her school was today, the daughter replied to her dad that all about it was in her blog. However simple this image may seem at first glance, its intended meaning goes undoubtedly far-reaching: the internet

16、has exerted significant influence on interpersonal communications.What might account for the phenomenon mirrored by the picture ? It is no difficult job for us to come up with some possible factors that underlie the above complicated phenomenon. For one thing, . For another, . Besides, one more impo

17、rtant factor worth our concern is that Considering the current issue, we should call for immediate actions imposed by the whole society. Our government of various levels could make relevant plans or rules to guarantee a proper life. Moreover, as citizens, we should also be aware that any prompt solu

18、tion is of benefit to all. In other words, its the duty of ordinary people to actively participate in the campaign to curb similar practices.(二) 表格,就可以这样套写(以12月4级旳表格为例):As is apparently illustrated in the statistics provided in the chart/graph/table above, the unemployment rate is in opposite propor

19、tion to the level of education - the higher the degree, the lower the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate is 1.9% for those with a doctoral degree, while it is 14.9% for those without even a high school diploma.What might account for the phenomenon mirrored by the chart/graph/table? It is no di

20、fficult job for us to come up with some possible factors that underlie the above complicated phenomenon. For one thing, . For another, . Besides, one more important factor worth our concern is that Considering the current issue, we should call for immediate actions imposed by the whole society. Our

21、government of various levels could make relevant plans or rules to guarantee a proper life. Moreover, as citizens, we should also be aware that any prompt action is of benefit to all. In other words, its the duty of ordinary people to actively participate in the campaign to promote education.(三) 评论一

22、种社会现象,可这样套写(6月四级作文题、6月以及之前旳所有四级作文题都属这种类型;6月及此前旳所有6级作文题都属这种):The previous couple of years has witnessed the the growing incidence of an upsetting social phenomenon - an increasing number of people are crazy about participating in many a tests. Its so widespread that a great deal of attention is being

23、 paid today to such a trend and we can easily find bulk of relevant discussions among the mass media. Obviously this is an issue that most people are not only interested in, but also hold opinion about.What might account for the phenomenon ? It is no difficult job for us to come up with some possibl

24、e factors that underlie the above complicated phenomenon. For one thing, . For another, . Besides, one more important factor worth our concern is that Considering the current issue, we should call for immediate actions imposed by the whole society. Our government of various levels could make relevan

25、t plans or rules to guarantee a proper life. Moreover, as citizens, we should also be aware that any prompt action is of benefit to all. In other words, its the duty of ordinary people to actively participate in the campaign to curb such happenings.(四) 评论一句名人名言或格言,就这样套(最新六级样题、12月六级作文题、12月六级作文题都属于这种;

26、12月旳四级作文题属这种类型):When it comes to Abraham Lincolns famous observation “It takes years to build trust, and a few seconds to destroy it”, the general public may come up with different arguments. The vast majority of people are in strong favor of maintaining trust deliberately, while still others seem t

27、o contend that we dont have to spend too much time on trust maintenance. I am strongly convinced that trust is one of the most important relationships among people and thus deserves sustained attention.The previous couple of years has witnessed the the growing incidence of such cases - trust is diff

28、icult to build yet easy to destroy. Similar happenings are so widespread that a great deal of attention is being paid today to such a trend and we can easily find bulk of relevant discussions among the mass media. Obviously this is an issue that most people are not only interested in, but also hold

29、opinion about.Considering the current issue, we should call for immediate actions imposed by the whole society. Our government of various levels could make relevant plans or rules to guarantee a proper life. Moreover, as citizens, we should also be aware that we should maintain trust purposedly in o

30、ur daily life.附录1:其她也许要用到旳句式模板一、如果是“对比观点型”,也可以写成:When it comes to _,opinions may vary. Some tend to claim that 观点一. They point out that 换个说法. (Additionally, 补充阐明. )On the contrary, others hold the view that 观点二. They argue that 换个说法.A case in point goes to , who/which 举例. Therefore, . 或者 may serve a

31、s a convincing illustration. She 举例. Accordingly, 小结.I am strongly convinced that 我旳观点. The reason is that 理由一. And also, 理由二. So, 总结自己旳观点.二、 如果阐明利弊,也可以写成:Whenever we hear people say that 主题,well instantly have the idea that it is a good/bad thing. Indeed, its advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

32、We can take _for an example. It will benefit 好处一. In addition, 好处二.Given all these advantages, it has a variety of disadvantages. First of all, 害处一. Moreover, 害处二. To sum up the above arguments, I think a proper attitude towards 主题 is that 我旳观点.附录3:话题与例文分析Exercise 1: Scientific Discoveries, Curse or

33、 Blessing ?As the science develops, there has been a strong debate on what on earth scientific discoveries can bring to our society, curse, or blessing? Nowhere in history has the issue of whether scientific discoveries can contribute to happiness or disaster been talked about so much as in our soci

34、ety today.When it comes to the pros and cons of scientific discoveries, opinions differ owing to their respective point of view and diverse backgrounds. The majority of people may claim that scientific discoveries are blessings. To them, scientific discoveries do enjoy an indispensable role in every

35、 part of our life and society, and the past decades has witnessed dramatic changes in our county, where all people are living a well-off life. However, still others argue that the reverse seems to be the case. The scarcity of resources, deforestation, greenhouse effect, and the list goes on, they do

36、 believe, are the aftermath of scientific discoveries. Just as the proverb goes,“every coin has two sides”, there is likely some truth in both arguments. Yet, personal experience and actual observation convince me that the benefits from scientific discoveries outweigh the harms.Judging from all argu

37、ments offered above, we can safely arrive at the conclusion that if we can make full use of the scientific discoveries to serve our society, life and work, and meanwhile, do our utmost to avoid their side-effects, we will surely benefit tremendously from them. Only when the problems attached to the

38、scientific discoveries are well handled can we maintain a harmonious and prosperous society.With the rapid development of the nowadays society, there has been a strong debate on scientific discoveries, which are, virtually, of great controversy.(或:What on earth can scientific discoveries bring to us

39、? With the rapid development of the nowadays society, there has been a strong debate on whether scientific discoveries, which are, virtually, of great controversy, are curse or blessing.)When it comes to this topic, opinions vary owing to peoples respective point of view and diverse backgrounds. Mos

40、t people tend to claim that scientific discoveries are of great benefit. To them, scientific discoveries not only make their lives more comfortable, but also make their work more effective. Whats more, it is scientific discoveries that prompt considerably the development of society. Yet, still other

41、s argue that the reverse seems to be the case. Scientific discoveries are , they believe ,not so optimistic . They maintain that many discoveries are employed by the evil to develop things such as weapons which have threatened peoples life and work, and the environment is ruined fiercely too. Howeve

42、r, personal experience and actual observation convince me that scientific discoveries have advantages as well as disadvantages, just as every coin has two sides.On my part, great importance should be attached to the proper use of scientific discoveries. As long as we take advantage of the scientific

43、 discoveries to serve our society, life and work, and meanwhile, strive to avoid their side-effects, we will surely benefit tremendously from them.Exercise 2:Directions: Migrant workers (外地民工) have made a great contribution to the prosperity of cities. In this part, you are to write within 40 minute

44、s a composition of 200 words about The Role of Migrant Workers. You can agree and/or disagree, completely or partially to above statement. But no matter which position you take, you should give sound supporting reasons.As is known to all, migrant workers have made a great contribution to the prosper

45、ity of cities. They are an indispensable part of our work force. Most of them work on construction sites. There is no doubt that without migrant workers many of the construction projects would have to be held up for lack of manpower. In addition, a large number of migrant workers are a beneficial fa

46、ctor, which enhances the consumption of food and daily items. This in turn helps to develop food industry and service trades in cities. All these are positive aspects of migrant workers in cities.However, as a popular saying goes, “Everything has two sides”. The same is the case with migrant workers

47、. Firstly, most of them are not well educated and professionally trained. Some of them have had very little schooling. As you know, illiterate people, who are usually ignorant of the law, tend to make trouble, thus endangering social order. Secondly, most of the migrant workers swarm into big cities

48、 just to make money. Being illiterate or unskilled, some of them would stop at nothing to get what they are ambitious for. Therefore, they are a potential threat to the peace and stability of society.In my opinion, in the appraisal of migrant workers, it is one-sided to affirm everything or to negat

49、e everything. We should appreciate the great contribution made by them, and at the same time pay enough attention to the problems caused by them.Exercise 3Recently, museums in mounting numbers become admission-free to the public both home and abroad. The purpose of this practice is to offer more opp

50、ortunities for citizens to explore and get easy access to the world of history, culture and knowledge。Although free admission to museums enjoys distinct advantages, it also brings harmful effects. In the first place, these valuable cultural relics displayed may be damaged or destroyed consciously or

51、 unconsciously by the crowds. In the second place, it becomes a huge economic burden for museums to run as usual without any profits from the visitors。It is my view that free admission to museums is of utmost significance. For one thing, we should appeal to our authorities to legislate strict laws a

52、nd regulations to protect these museums. For another, we should cultivate the awareness of people that museums are extremely vital to us humans. It is high time that we attached great importance to our motherlands splendid and glorious culture of more than five thousand years。Nowadays, an increasing

53、 number of museums are admission-free to visitors home and abroad. The hidden reason behind this is not hard to analyze as theres a growing awareness for the authorities regarding the urgency of popularization of culture, knowledge and history with every average person in our society. Only with free

54、 access to this live database, can most people fully enjoy what museums could offer to them。However, free admission to museums might lead to some social problems as well. The most obvious problem is that it might give museums a very heavy economic burden which directly impedes the sustainable develo

55、pment of these organizations. As a result, our government has to work out other ways to collect funds from different channels, which might be difficult to operate or control. On the other hand, free admission attracts too many visitors, some of which might not be well-purposed and do some conscious

56、or unconscious damage to the valuable treasures which used to be well-preserved in the museums。As a university student, I am in favor of the free-admission conduct. Yet it is proposed that some measures should be taken to solve the potential problems caused by it. For example, museums can make some

57、regulations to guide the behavior of visitors or set some closed days for museums for regular maintenance. Only in this way can free-admission to museums become a long-lasting phenomenon and have sustainable development。Exercise 3: Are Big Cities the Best Choice for Young People?Should young people

58、settle down in first-front cities for a subsistence? Some hold it that it is of great benefit to their career development. While others take a different stand, arguing middle-sized cities are more suitable. On my part, big cities may seem ideal, but conditions and potentials of areas out of big citi

59、es also deserve special attention.First, big cities usually have a higher requirement of their residents in various aspects like educational background, living skills, personal capabilities. Second, the authority set many limitations to newcomers in terms of household register, availability of educa

60、tion and welfare, etc. Also, big-city dwellers are confronted with huge pressure from the fast pace of work and material interpersonal relationships. By contrast, situations of medium and small size are different. People live cosily and less competitively. And with the booming economy and developmen

61、t, these places tend to hold considerable advantages and opportunities for young people.To put in into a nutshell, opportunities exist everywhere, regardless of different regions, what matter is what we choose whether really satisfies us in the true sense.Exercise 4: On Studying AbroadOn Studying ab

62、roadWhen talked about the issue studying abroad, some hold that it is not good for teenagers.However, others believe that its a good opportunity to learn more things. Personally, Im standing on the second view.Studying abroad will bring immense benefits for us. First, with no one wake our up for bre

63、akfast and no laundry, it develop our ability of independence. Second, it provides a good circumstance for us to learn a foreign language, and will broaden our horizon to understand the local culture. Third, with more extracurricular activities, its better for us to develop creativity. While it also

64、 has some disadvantage aspects. On one hand, the tuition is so high that some families cant afford it. On the other hands, the students are under an uncontrolled situation, whether they study or not totally depends on themselves.Taking all these factors into consideration, I hope that everyone will

65、have the chance to study abroad. And every student should cherish the opportunity when studying abroad.On Studying AbroadThe recent time has witnessed that a growing number of people choose to study abroad, even including a few children who are set abroad by their parents. The issue on Study Abroad is highly debatable, and ideas vary from person to

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