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1、直译与意Uh第一种:词汇总义的外延1. It iz paradoxical at we should know compantively little about the lift of the greatest Englich author.令人库 以理解的兄.我们对这位英国处伟大的作家的生平 却知之甚少.2. Shakespeaies poetry and Shakespeares people have long delighted not ju:t the Englkh but lover: of liteianiie evciywhere.莎I:比亚的诗張及兀眩卜的众 多人初.长期以

2、來不仅为英国人所称道.而11也受 到世界乞地的文学爱好溝的喜爱.盘旳 拆句3. Ne*s obsession with cozt quality and :peed of production hac enabled it to beat the competitian.耐克 公司致力于降低成本.捉爲两圮加快生产速度. 从而能够在堯争中获胜/成为乐家/立干不败Z地. obrxxion: a fixed and often unreasonable idea with which the mind ic continuaiiy concerned ft 迷.用扰人 的悄绪思也.冲动等.该句中该句

3、并没右眨义. 因此 16 译为致力干beat: To be victorious or :ucce:ful; mu.但打畋竟/争足不合理搭配-4. Hollywood suggests gkuaour. place where the young star-struck teenager: could. with a bit of luck, fulfill (heirdream:.好茨坞充满了诱悠力.一心想半明星的 年轻人.运气的话.能在那里实現II己的梦想.(To bring or call co mind by logic or ssociacion; evoke:使 人患到通过边辑或联

4、患使想起或唤起:唤起:)5. Hollywood suggests luxunou: hou:e: with palm-fimged swimming pooE. cocktail bon and funuchingc fic for a millionaiie.捉 fl 好采坞 it 令人 也到百万峦觀的簸宅大院.轴关陈设.棕相环绕的游泳池和码曜酒吧.6. The :outhw:t region suffer from weather extremes. with cloudburst: caucing flooding and %riou: drought: afflicting it.西

5、南地区冷热明两极分化.时而大雨 成灾时而赤地干里7. The decentralization of control explains the remaikablc diwrncy that chaiacterize: American education 关 Ifl 实 行分权制因此英教介多祥件待点也就不难理解了.S. There ic not much zonal snobbery or job snobbery m US. The manual worker iz usually quite at eazt in any company.在关国不大会闵为社会堆位或?所作工作 而受到轻视.

6、体力劳动者在任何公可里林心安理甜.* 诃的 译.)9. Mucic in Britain i: noc jv:t 3 highbrow mteiezt it k above all democratic.9E英国音乐不足阳春白3从 根本I:说兄胡于大众的| highbrow: a pern u-ho is thought to have more than average knowledge of; or mteie in aniscic and mtellecnial matter:)10. American football hoc a reputation for being a bru

7、tal and dangerous game. Thi: reputation iz not really deserved.人们都说关式足球又野蛮又危险.邪实并 非如此.第二种,词组盘义的外延-11. The English have never :hown thegelve: avcizc co 3 gamble, though fortunately mon of them where to draw theUne.K国人从不农示自己反対赂博.李好大藝数 人知遼适可而止.Draw the line: :et limit:, declare wine cannot be allowed r

8、efuse to go az far az or beyond. 又:5 percent raise, w will di:cu: the benefit later. I am drawing the line.加薪百分ZJi福利的邪情以点再说.我没法再往上加价了.12. Americans tend to move from the specific and 沁山 to the general and large. Many other people: tend to move th other way关国人做邪习慣由小到大山具体到 抽象许多兀它田家的人如恰恰相反- move the ot

9、her way)13. The runaway piracy harms uckec sale: and e-entually lead: tojob lo:ez of the mdu:try.由盗版半薦 tti 响 电形的粟厉收入.fit终导致很多电彫人失业. (runaway: Something that ha: eraped control or proper confmemencj第三种:比吩盘义的堆加丄j削减14. Many American finn: have taken ftigbt at the prospect of being locked out of China,

10、while compomec from Japan aiid Europe crowd in. 114*和欧洲公司犬批涌 入中国.而关国公司划将被拒Z门外.这样的前景 令关田公可深憊恐1H(metaphor 15. An extensive public :chool :tem ha: no only provided education but served as the glue for it: ethnically divene society.广泛推广的公左学t交体系不 仅普及了教介而且将齐民族朕聚在-起.Simile)16. Far from being a city paved w

11、ith gold. New York wa: a city teeming with overciouxled. unhealthy and uncafe ghetto釧约决罪遍堆黄金.城中穷街皆足. 典中拥挤肮脏危机四伏.(注慰ghetto词的选诃 HJXmetaphorj17. The checkbook will :oon be dinosnun replaced by multi-puipo cord:.(metaphor)18. Almo:t from the beginning of hi: (erm in office, presidents: dogged by nuaou o

12、f hi: marital infidelityand financial comipcion. metaphoi)19. Xiao T:e-tung wax well bred, but inside he was made of steel, of hard resistance, of tough tissue_ e kind of tissue the Boxen thought they had by magic and bared their solar plexuses co foreign bullets, (metaphor) i比 较两个译文,毛泽东有很好的数养.内部址钢.

13、有 坚罠的抗力.的材料制成的.这足义和团设 也的由于神力具有的.可以把太PH神经从榔靖给外 国人子弹的那种/东外农温文尔雅但内 心深处即钢铸镇打既坚初又抗压一一在他身上 可以看到半年义和团自信所具有的那种神力.而对 洋枪洋炮也敢袒胸廉怀丿20. A greeting card can warm a heart, hold a hand, lend an ear. pat a back light up a face, tickle a funny bone, dry an eye. 张何候卡可以温暖 如心.握參 -WT-.倾听肺腑古轻拍友人肖.它令人喜洋洋. 檢側心痒痒.体去泪汪汪.四.文中习说的总译21. He wa: a dead :hot. However、he met his Waterloo thic dme.他足个神枪可这一次如输惨了.22. After the failure of hi: last noveL hi: reputation 二【and: on slippery ground.他上一篇小说写1#了 名声从此 岌岌可危.23. Shed new again believe anything in trousers. 4fe 再也 不愿相估任何男人了.24. There wre several straws in the vind.还仃典蚊沦蚂 进可寻.

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