Legal English 2B (for the students)法律英语

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《Legal English 2B (for the students)法律英语》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Legal English 2B (for the students)法律英语(25页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、Legal EnglishCh.2 Typical Legal English Sentence Structures(Conjunctions) and Translations Thereof: 法律翻译有一个非常重要的原则,即在法律文书中要保持法律术语、习语及相同句式结构译文的同一性和一致性,不能随意用不同形态的同义词或近义词表达相同的法律概念,也不能让同样的句式结构有许多不同形式的翻译表述,法律英译为了维护同一概念、内涵或事物在法律上始终同一,以免引起歧义,词语一经选定就必须前后统一,在翻译中只要认准并用准了某词语,就千万别怕反复使用该词语。此即法律英译的译名同一律原则。Henry W

2、eihofen 在其法律文体一书中曾告诫英语法律起草工作执笔者:Dont be afraid to repeat the right word! 其所以然,旨在保证法律文字的准确:Exactness often demands repeating the same term to express the same idea. Where that is true, never be afraid of using the same word over and over again. Many more sentences are spoiled by trying to avoid repet

3、ition than by repetition. 据有人研究,我国民法通则中同样是“法律规定”的动词“规定”,就被英译者有意识地一而再、再而三地更换译名,如stipulate (Art. 72), specify (Art. 52), prescribe (Art. 64), require (Art. 65) 和provide (Art. 107). 自然违反同一律,会使法律概念混淆,使读者不必要地去揣测不同词语之差别,从而影响法律的精确度。看下例:For the purpose of this Part-(a) an instrument is false if it purports

4、to have been-(i) made in the form in which it is made by a person who did not in fact make it that form;(ii) made in the form in which it is made on the authority of a person who did not in fact authorize its making in that form;(iii) made in terms in which it is made by a person who did not in fact

5、 make it in those terms;(iv) made in terms in which it is made on the authority of a person who did not in fact authorize its making on those terms;(v) altered in any respect by a person who did not in fact alter it in that respect;(vi) altered in any respect on the authority of any person who did n

6、ot in fact authorize its alteration in that respect;(vii) -Laws of HK, Chp.200, “Crimes Ordinance”,p.44, (the authenticated version,1996). 译文:就本部而言-(a)任何文书如有下列情况,即属虚假-(i) 该文书是以某种式样制成,并看来是由某人以该式样制成,但事实上该人并未以该式样制造该文书;(ii) 该文书是以某种式样制成,并看来是经某人授权以该式样制造,但事实上该人并未授权以该式样制造该文书;(iii) 该文书是按某些条款制造,但事实上该人并未按该等条款制

7、造该文书;(iv) 该文书是按某些条款制成,并看来是经某人授权按该等条款制造,但事实上该人并未授权按该等条款制造该文书;(v) 该文书看来曾由某人在某些方面予以更改,但事实上该人并未在该方面予以更改;(vi) 该文书看来是经某人授权在某方面予以更改,但事实上该人并未授权在该方面予以更改;(vii) 从上例中可看出,在正式程度很高的法律文件中,无论是在原文的写作中还是在翻译中,所用的词汇及句型的重复率非常高,如instrument 译成“文书”、made 译成“制成”、a person 译成“某人”,在整个条款中皆是一致,虽然,以上词汇均有若干种甚至数以十计的不同译法,句型也可五花八门,而有所创

8、新和变化也许会使条文读起来不那么刻板、单调,但法律文献的写作及翻译须恪守译名同一律要求,不允许有此种变化。法律英语中存在一些特别的句式、句型和短语,此类句式、句型和短语是法律英语神秘化、象牙塔化的主要原因,它们实际上是法律文件常用的连接词,其在法律文书中的频繁出现,使普通读者对法律文书望而生畏。在此挑选一些法律英语中用得频率较高的句式、句型和短语或者说是连接词,以备将来之用:一、otherwise:Otherwise 有若干种含义和不同搭配用法。在英文里,otherwise 的释义为:1. under other circumstances (以其他形式/在其他情况下);2. in anoth

9、er manner/ differently (其他方式;别样;以另外方式);3. in other respects (其他方面;除此之外)。在法律英语中,otherwise 通常跟unless 引导的子句(让步状语从句)连用或放在连词or 之后使用。还有一种用法是跟than 一起,通常用来否定句子的主语。e.g.1 In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires, “state” means a territory or group of territories having its own law of nationali

10、ty. 在本条例中,除文意另有所指外,“国家”指拥有本身国籍法的领域或一组领域。 Unless the context otherwise requires 这一句型在法例的释义部分最为常见。汉译一般译成“除另有外”。根据此类条例的上下文,otherwise 的意思是“不同地”,用来修饰unless 从句中的动词requires。 被动语态中,otherwise通常放在主语与动词之间或放在被动句的助动词be与分词形式的动词之间。汉语中的译法与主动语态相同。e.g. 2. Unless in any enactment it is otherwise provided, the period o

11、f imprisonment, which may be imposed by a magistrate exercising summary jurisdiction, in respect of the non-payment of any sum of money adjudged to be paid by a conviction, whether it be a fine or in respect of the property the subject of the offence, or in respect of the injury done by the offender

12、, or in respect of the default of a sufficient distress to satisfy any such sum, shall be such period as, in the opinion of the magistrate, will satisfy the justice of the case, but shall not exceed in any case the maximum fixed by the following scale.除成文法另有规定外, 对于因不缴付根据定罪裁定须缴付的款项(不论是罚款或就作为犯罪主体的财物而须

13、缴付的款项),或因犯罪者所造成的损害,或因无足够扣押物以抵偿此等款项,则行使简易程序审判权的裁判官,可判处其认为就案情而言是符合公正原则的监禁刑期,但无论如何不得超过下表所定的最长刑期。 e.g. 3. A notice under subsection (1) shall, unless it otherwise provides, apply to the income from any property specified therein as it applies to the property itself.根据第(1)款发出的通知书,除其中另有订定外,亦适用于通知书内指明的财产的收

14、入,一如适用于该项财产本身。被动语态中的otherwise 句式,常简写成Unless otherwise +V(p/pp) 形式,如:e.g. 4. Unless otherwise stipulated in L/C, the expression “shipment” used in stipulating an earliest and/or latest shipment date will be understood to include the expression “loading on board”, “dispatch” and “taking in charge”.除信用

15、证另有规定外,用于规定最早(或最迟)装运期的“装运”一词应理解为包括“装船”、“发运”和“接受监管”。e.g. 5. Unless otherwise specified herein, neither Party may transfer its capital contribution to any third party. 除非本合同另有规定,任何一方均不得向任何第三方转让其出资。需要指出,“unless otherwise ”structure is more formal than “if not” and “otherwise”. 在汉语中并无一成不变的“对等词”,在不同上下文中,

16、应有不同的译法。“otherwise”用在正式文体中,其基本意思是in another or a different way。而or otherwise 是一固定短语 used to refer to sth that is different from or opposite of what has just been mentioned (或相反,或其反面) 如:the attractive ness or otherwise of a suit of clothes 一套衣服吸引人或招人嫌的特性 It was necessary to discover the truth or othe

17、rwise of these statements. 用别的方法,通过别的途径;出现相反的情况:Fine or otherwise, we shall have to go. 不管天气好坏,我们非去不可。We insure against all damage, accidental or otherwise. 但在法律文件中,有人认为:若otherwise 与or 连用,其意思与起连接作用的连词or 之前的短语相同, 如:e.g. 6. If 2 or more persons are defendants to a claim, as partners or otherwise, a pr

18、ocess may be served on any of them and an award may be obtained and execution issued against any person so served notwithstanding that any other persons jointly liable may not have been served or been a party or may not be within the jurisdiction of the Board.如有2名或以上的人以合伙人或其他身份而属同一诉讼的被告人,传票可送达至其中任何一

19、人,而判定该收件人败诉的裁定可由原告获得,执行令亦可向该收件人进行,即使任何其他共同有责之人可能未获传票,或不属当事人,或不在仲裁处的管辖范围内,均无例外。上例中,otherwise 的语法作用与介词短语as partners 完全相同。我认为,语法功能虽然相同,但意思还是取“不同、相反或别的(方式、方法、手段、身份等)”为准。e.g. 7. Any person who by threats, persuasion or otherwise induces a witness or a party not to give evidence in any hearing before the

20、Board commits an offence.任何人藉恐吓、怂恿或以其他手段诱使证人或一方当事人不在仲裁处聆讯中作证,即属犯罪。在本句中,otherwise 是一个副词,意为by any other means (以其他手段),用来修饰动词induces.e.g.8. Where a court is satisfied in proceedings for an offence under subsection (1) (b) that, having regard to the closeness of his relationship to the accused and to ot

21、her circumstances, there is reason to believe that any person was holding pecuniary resources or property in trust for or otherwise on behalf of the accused or acquired such resources or property as a gift from the accused, such resources or property shall, until the contrary is proved, be presumed

22、to have been in the control of the accused.在因第(1)(b)款所订罪行而进行的法律程序中,法庭经顾及任何人与被控人关系的密切程度及其他情况后,如信纳有理由相信该人为被控人以信托形式持有或以其他方式代被控人持有金钱资源或财产,或因被控人的馈赠而获取该等金钱资源或财产,则在相反证明成立之前,该等金钱资源或财产须推定为由被控人控制。e.g. 9 A person who disposes of or otherwise deals with any property specified in a notice under subsection (1) or

23、 a bank or deposit-taking company which pays any money to a person specified in a copy of a notice served on it under subsection (1A) other than in accordance with the consent of the Commissioner shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $50,000 or the value of the

24、 property disposed of or otherwise dealt with, whichever is greater, and to imprisonment for 3 years.任何人并非经由专员同意而将根据第(1)款所发通知书中指明的任何财产处置或以其他方式处理,或任何银行或接受存款公司并非经由专员同意而将款项付予据第(1A)款向其送达的通知书副本中指明的人,即属犯罪,一经定罪,可处罚款$50,000, 或处以所处置或以其他方式处理的财产价值的罚款,两款额以较大者为准并监禁3年。在例8、9中,otherwise 意为in another way/manner, dif

25、ferently, 均译成“以其他方式”。此外,otherwise 之后跟上than,可形成otherwise than 句式结构,其作用相当于unless,其中的otherwise 起一个方式状语的作用,且一般只用在否定句中,如:e.g.10 No claim shall be recoverable hereunder if the benefit of the contract herein contained shall become vested in any other person or persons at law or in equity otherwise than by

26、will or operation of law, unless the written consent of the Insurer thereto shall have first been obtained.如果本单所含合约利益不用遗嘱或不运用法律的方式归于在普通法或衡平法上享有权益的其他任何人,就不能取得所索之赔偿,除非事先得到承保人对此的书面同意。e.g. 11 No will or any part thereof shall be revoked otherwise than-(a) by marriage as provided by section 13; or(b) by

27、another will executed in accordance with section 5; or(c) by a written revocation executed in the manner in which the will was executed; or(d) by the burning, tearing or otherwise destroying of it by the testator, or by some person in his presence and by his direction, with the intention of revoking

28、 it.除藉以下方式外,任何遗嘱的全部和任何部分,均不得撤销(a) 根据第13条的规定因缔结婚姻而撤销;或(b) 藉按照第5条签立的另一份遗嘱而撤销;或(c) 藉依照签立遗嘱方式签立的遗嘱撤销书而撤销;或(d) 由立遗嘱人、或由其他人在立遗嘱人当面并依其指示,将遗嘱烧毁、撕毁或以其他方法毁灭,而其意愿是撤销遗嘱。e.g. 12 No will or any part thereof, which is in any manner revoked, shall be revived otherwise than by the re-execution thereof or by a codici

29、l executed in accordance with section 5 and showing an intention to revive it.遗嘱的全部或任何部分,无论以任何方式撤消后,除非按照第5条重新签立或加入依第5条签立的遗嘱更改附件,并表明意愿是恢复遗嘱的效力,否则该遗嘱的全部或任何部分均不能恢复效力。在例10、11、12中,otherwise than 意思等同于by other means than或unless, 词性仍为副词。通常译为“除了之外”或“除非”。 otherwise than 与 other than 的比较:二者词性结构相似,意思也十分相近,但用法很

30、不相同:前者修饰的总是句子中的动词,后者可修饰名词。虽然在普通英语里,other than 词性上仍然是副词,用来修饰动词,如We cant collect the rent other than by suing the tenant, 意思相当于differently(“除非”),又如在例9中,pays any money to a person other than in accordance with the consent of the Commissioner, 修饰的是其中的动词pays。但在法律英语中,other than 也常用来修饰名词,可译成“除之外”、“非”。如:e.g

31、. 13 Any person guilty of an offence under this Part, other than an offence under section 3, shall be liable-(a) on conviction on indictment-(b) on summary conviction-除第3条所订罪行外,任何人犯了本部所订罪行,可遭处罚如下(a) 一经循公诉程序裁定(b) 一经循简易程序裁定e.g. 14 Subject to this section, where an order is made under section 12AA in r

32、espect of pecuniary resources or property held by a person other than the person convicted, that other person may , within 28 days after the date of making the order, appeal against the other of the Court of Appeal.在符合本条规定下,凡法庭根据第12AA条对并非被定罪之人持有的金钱资源或财产做出命令,该人可在命令作出的日期后28天内就该命令向上诉法院提出上诉。总之,otherwise

33、 是一个使用频率很高、用途相当广泛的法律英语用词,通常与置前的unless 或or 、或置后的than 连用。在所有例子中,otherwise 都只起一个副词的作用。如上各例所示,otherwise 的结构在汉语里一般译成“除了以外”,或“以其他方式”。至于何种译法较为合理,须依上下文及词语习惯搭配而定。二、subject to 该短语在法律英文中一般都跟agreement, section, contract 等法律文件名或文件中特定条款名配合使用。常译为“以为条件”、“根据规定”、“在符合的情况下”、“除另有规定外”以及“在不抵触下”等。例如:e.g. 1 Subject to this

34、section, an appeal shall be brought in such manner and shall be subject to such conditions as are prescribed by rules made under subsection (5).在符合本条的规定下,上诉须按根据(5)款订立的规则内订明的方式提出,并须受该规则所订明的条件规限。e.g.2 Subject to subsection (2), there shall be payable and recoverable by way of rent of premises to which

35、 this Part applies such amount as may be agreed between the landlord and tenant在符合第(2)款的规定下,本部适用的处所的应缴付与可追收的租金,须为业主与租客双方所可能议定的款额e.g.3 This Contract is subject to the approval of the Examination and Approval Authority before the same may become effective.本合同须经审批部门批准方能生效。Subject 一词作n.主要解作“主题”和“臣民”等;作v

36、.解作“使服从”和“使蒙受”。但这两种用法通常出现在普通英语之中,一般都不会有理解困难和翻译上的疑惑。此处的subject 为adj. 多用在法律英语中,其在汉语中译法较多,但核心意思大同小异。不管译成“以为条件”、“根据规定”,还是译成“在符合情况下”、“在规限下”,其中心意思是“受制于”有关条款或须“依照”有关条款办事,翻译时可进行词性转换,将subject 由形容词变为动词,可根据情况译为“适用”、“遵守”、“遵循”、等。如:This credit is subject to UCP600. 又如:The parties to the contract are subject to Ch

37、inese laws.三、without prejudice to 此连接词的功能相当于普通英文中的without affecting。与subject to的句法结构相同,跟在without prejudice to之后的通常是一个指代某项法律条款的名词,但其对有关事物或条款的规限程度,没有前者那么强硬。前者规限的程度是必须“符合”或“依照”有关条款或规定,后者指不要影响或损害其规限的事物。汉语中,其意思常译为“在不损害的原则下”、“在不影响的情况下”、“不受影响”、“不妨碍”等。e.g.1 Without prejudice to section24, the following shal

38、l be treated as properly executed在不影响第24条规定的原则下,以下的遗嘱须视为正式签立e.g.2 If, upon the hearing of a claim, the claimant does not appear, the Board may strike out the claim, without prejudice, however, to the restoration of such claim by the Board, on the application of the claimant, on such terms as it may

39、think just.如原告不出庭聆讯,仲裁委可剔除该诉求,但此举对仲裁委在原告提出申请后,按其认为公正的条款恢复该诉求并无影响。e.g.3 Without prejudice to your powers and discretions, we hereby authorize you or your agents to take any actions including but not limited to the following :在贵行权力和任意决定权不受影响的情况下,本公司兹授权贵行或贵行代理采取包括但不限于下列的任何行动:e.g.4 Without prejudice to

40、the rights of the Attorney General every complainant or informant shall be at liberty to conduct the complaint or information respectively and to have the witnesses examined and cross-examined by him or by counsel on his behalf.在不损害律政司权利的原则下,每名申诉人或告发人可进行其申诉或告发,并亲自或由代表律师讯问及盘问证人。可见,该连接词指的是“对法定利益或要求无影响

41、或无损害”。通常译为“在不损害的原则下”或“在不受影响的情况下”。四、引导法律英语条件句的连接词:1、“If ”的引导与翻译:严格来讲,通常会发生的事件,应该用 if 作为条件句的引导词,如:e.g.1 If any Schedule Goods are found not to conform to the warranty requirement, the University may, in addition to any other remedies at law or in the Contract, return such Schedule Goods to the Contrac

42、tor, at the Contractors expense, for correction, replacement or credit, as the University may direct.如果交付的表列货品与保证规定不符,大学除了寻求其他合法的或合约规定的补偿外,可将表列货品退还给承包商,由承包商根据大学可能做出的指示予以纠正、替换或记入货方账户,退货费用则由承包商承担。e.g.2 If you fail to pay the Tuition Fees (or any part of the Tuition Fees) within 14 days of the date whe

43、n are due the University shall be entitled to charge interest at the rate of 3%per year above the base rate of the Bank of England from time to time on the amount of the Tuition Fees outstanding.如果你在规定的到期期限的14天内未支付学费(或部分学费),大学有权按照高于英格兰银行不时规定的基本年利率的3%向你收取未付学费部分的利息。e.g.3 If your studies with the Unive

44、rsity are terminated as a result of disciplinary action taken against you in accordance with the disciplinary procedures of the University this Agreement shall end automatically without the need for any notice, unless the University agrees otherwise in writing.如果你由于大学根据其惩戒程序对你采取的惩戒行为而中止学业,本合约在毋须通知的情

45、况下自动终止,但若大学另有书面同意书则属例外。e.g.4 Therefore, in general, if a tenant is late in paying the rent for 15 days, the landlord is entitled to terminate the tenancy.因此,一般而言,如果租客迟付租金超过15天,业主有权终止租约。说明:其一,上述四例中的“情况”因货不対版而退货;学生没有按时交学费;学生由于违纪而被停止学籍;房客迟交房租,或属贸易往来中或日常生活中司空见惯之事,此类条件句的引导词一律用“if”, 实属情理之中。一般译成 “如果”,为体现法律

46、语言的严谨或保守,一般不宜缩略成 “如”,尤其在中央一级的或全国性的法律法规中极少使用(如该用“或者”的地方不用“或”;该用“应当”的地方不用“应”;该用“可以”的地方不用“可”等);其二,原文中用了“you”等来表示假设的法律主体,现在简明英语写作都提倡使用you 和 we 拉近政府机构(法规制定者)和群众间的距离,虽然用you翻译避免了he or she ,使译文更简洁,但在我国的立法还没有这种格式,也无人试图这样翻译,且据统计,英语使用if 表示条件是最多的。美国国家档案和记录管理局出版的写作手册Drafting Legal Documents中这样规定,如果只有一个if,一个then,

47、则先说if,再说then。这样做的好处是假如if表示 then的适用对象,读者读完if 后就知道是否需要往下读了。如:If you invested in Class A shares, then如果读者不投资于A股,就不用读下去了。如果有一个if,数个then,则先说if,再把then以清单形式列举出来;如果只有一个then,有几个if,则先说then,把if 的内容以清单形式列举出来。如果有多个if 多个then,可能就需要把一个句子断为几个句子,分清哪个if对应哪个then;或者列表说明。清单式列举可使逻辑清楚,避免and/or 引起的歧义,下面对这条规则(列举)的英语说明本身就体现了这

48、一规则的用法:When you list, use the following rules:Use parallel structure.List each item so that it makes a complete thought when read with the introductory text.If the introductory language for the list is a complete sentenceEnd the introduction with a colon; andMake each item in the list a separate sen

49、tence.If the introductory language for the list is an incomplete sentence End the introduction with a dash;End each item in the list except the last item with a semi-colon;After the semi-colon in the next-to-last item in the list, write “and” or “or” as appropriate; andEnd the last item in the list

50、with a period.e.g 5据此规则, 试比较下列译文有何不妥:第十条 有下列情形之一的,婚姻无效:(一)重婚的;(二)有禁止结婚的亲属关系的;(三)婚前患有医学上认为不应当结婚的疾病,婚后尚未治愈的;(四)未到法定婚龄的。 Article 10 Marriage shall be invalid under any of the following circumstances:(1) if one party commits bigamy;(2) if the man and the woman are relatives by blood up to the third degr

51、ee of kinship;(3) if, before marriage, one party is suffering from a disease which is regarded by medical science as rendering a person unfit for marriage and, after marriage, a cure is not effected; and(4) if the legally marriageable age is not attained. (中国法制出版社)译文违反了列举的两条规则:List each item so that

52、 it makes a complete thought when read with the introductory text.(“Marriage shall be invalid under any of the following circumstances” 与“if one party commits bigamy”不构成完整的句子)and 用得不对;应当用or改译:Article 10 A marriage is invalid if (1) One party commits bigamy;(2) The two parties are blood relatives tha

53、t may not be married under law;(3) Either party before marriage suffered from a disease considered by medical science as rendering a person unfit for marriage and that is not cured after marriage; or(4) Either party has not attained the legal age for marriage.2、“where”的引导与翻译:在英语法律文本中,可以用“if”但却用了“whe

54、re”去表达的情形,通常是由于撰写人希望文本在语体上更加正式一点,译成“那里”绝对为错。虽然二者并无本质上的差别,但在译成中文时未必皆可译成“如果”,对应的中文主要是“凡”(香港用的多)、“的”(内地用的多),如:e.g.1 Where a defendant is fined and the same is not forthwith paid, the magistrate may order the defendant to be searched.凡被告人被判处罚款,但没有随即缴付罚款,裁判官可命令搜查被告人。用“where”替代“if”在我国英文版本的各类法律条文中随处可见,如:e.

55、g.2 前款规定的人员,索取他人财物或者非法收受他人财物,犯前款罪的,处五年以上十年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金。Where a person stated in the preceding paragraph extorts money and goods from others or illegally accepts money and goods from others to commit the aforementioned crime, he or she is to be sentenced to more than five years but not more than ten y

56、ears of fixed-term imprisonment and a fine.如果汉语文本中是含有“在该种情形之下,该人应当负有何种责任或应当给予何种奖惩”的条文,用“where”去引导其中的条件句,既能恰到好处地表达原文的内涵,又能使句子符合法律文体的风格。3、“when”的引导与翻译:法律条文中的条件句如果含有时间上的寓意即是将来某一天可能会去做或会发生的事情,通常可用“when”来做引导词,如:e.g.1 When one Party removes and replaces any directors whom it has appointed, it shall give w

57、ritten notice to the other Parties, the former and newly appointed directors and the Joint Venture Company, and state the reasons therefor.如果一方要撤换任何董事,应向其他各方及原任董事、新任董事和合营公司发出书面通知,并说明撤换情由。合营公司的某一方要撤换董事,不似上班下班、吃饭睡觉此类天天发生的事情一样,一般一定是合同订立后的将来某时间可能出现的情况。在我国法律文本中,“的”的这个万能的句式结构也可用来表述含有时间寓意的条件句,如:e.g.2 申请发明或

58、者实用新型专利的,应当提交请求书、说明书及其摘要和权利要求书等文件。When a patent application is filed for an invention or utility model , relevant documents shall be submitted, including a written request, a specification and an abstract thereof, and a patent claim.不难发现其中蕴含的时间寓意:法律要求,申请人将来在申请发明或者实用型专利时,同时应当提供其他一系列文件。可见,在英文法律条文中,遇到“

59、when”作为引导词的条件句时,要细心辨析,不能按普通英文那样一概将其译成“当时”;若能确定其所引导的是条件句,译成“如果”、“凡”、“的”更为准确。4、“in case” 和“in the event that”的引导和翻译:此二者引导的条件句,通常指不太可能或不容易发生的事件,如:e.g.1 In the event that any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid or void by statute or judicial decision, or when an appropriate administrative ag

60、ency has issued a final decision, such action shall not invalidate the entire Agreement.万一本合约的任何条款被法令或司法机构判定无效,或者有关的行政机构已经做出最终决定,整个合约不得因为此类诉讼而失效。虽然这两个短语在普通文体的翻译中没有定译,如“如果”、“万一”、“一旦”或者“若”的,随处可见;但在法律文件中,译成“万一”、“一旦”较为妥帖。如:In case the house burns down, well get the insurance money.万一房子烧掉,我们会得到保险公司的赔偿。需要

61、注意的是,虽然该两词之后跟的都是一个完整的从句,但就该两个短语结构而言,in case 之后一定不可跟代词that, 再带出一个完整的从句,如果要引出一个从句,必须直接跟在in case 之后;而in the event that 这个短语的构成正好相反,其中的that 在较规范的法律文句中不可以省略。 与in case of, in the event of的比较:In case of , in the event of 与 in case, in the event that 不同之处是,这两个短语之后只跟名词,不跟从句。就翻译而言,二者相同:如:Always keep a bucket

62、of water handy in case of fire.附近常备一桶水,以防万一失火。 In the event of emergency we may make off. 万一发生紧急情况,我们可以逃走。e.g.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, PCBS may immediately take corrective action, including disconnection or discontinuance of any and all Services, or terminate this

63、 Agreement in the event of notice of possible violation by Customer of the TANGIBLES Acceptable Use.尽管有与本合约中内容相反的情形,但万一发现客户可能违犯TANGIBLES准许使用条款的情况,PCBS可立刻采取纠正措施,包括截断或中断所有服务,或终止本合约。说明:从上述例子中,发生火灾或紧急情况,或就该有关合约而言发生客户违约的情形,皆属罕见状况。且“in case”及“in case of”在美国英语里较常使用;而“in the event that”及“in the event of”在英式

64、英语和美式英语中都广泛使用。5、“should”的引导与翻译:“Should”引导的条件句,指的是将“should”当作“if”放在条件从句的句首使用的句子。此类句子中“should”并无“应该”或“应当”的含义。它所表示的是一种语气较强的虚拟或假设状态,在销售合约中通常指天灾人祸。虽然天灾人祸随处可见,天天发生,但要让这类事件与某一特定合约中的当事人联系在一起,实属罕见,故将其译成“假如”或“万一”皆可,如:e.g.1 The Seller shall be liable for any dead freight or demurrage, should it happen that he has failed to have the commodity ready for loading after the carrying vessels has arrived at the port of shipment on time.假如

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