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1、A Teaching Plan for Unit 2(In Integrated English Course Book 4).Teaching Aims: Text A : Technology and Happiness1. Let students acquainted with some new words and expressions:advent, isolation, boom, formal, gradual, nasty, phenomenon, productivity, rough, similarly, survey, universal, extreme, gene

2、tic, modify, opponent2. Teach students to learn to use words of the same family with the same rootText B : Who to Blame, Technology or the Person Who Uses it?1. Teach grammar : adverbial clause of concession2. Grasp the key word and phrases and complete Word Detective. Teaching Contents:Text A : Tec

3、hnology and Happiness1. Lead-in 2. Pre-reading Activities3. Structure of the Text4. Language PointsText B : Who to Blame, Technology or the Person Who Uses it?1. Grammar: adverbial clause of concession2. Reading comprehension3. Language points. Teaching TimeSix class hours : Teaching Focal Points Te

4、xt A : Technology and Happiness1. Analyze the structure of several compound sentences and comprehend them.2. Learn to use words of the same family with the same rootText B : Who to Blame, Technology or the Person Who Uses it?1. Teach grammar : adverbial clause of concession2. Enable students to gras

5、p the main idea of the text. Teaching Difficult Points Text A : Technology and Happiness1. The deep understanding of the text2. Learn to write the theme-related compositionText B : Who to Blame, Technology or the Person Who Uses it?1. Ask students to retell the story2. Grasp some CET-4/6 words. Teac

6、hing Methods1.听说交际法。2.任务教学法。3.合作学习法。 Teaching Aids 1. PowerPoint 2. Blackboard Teaching ProcedureText A: Technology and Happiness1. Lead-in:Part I Get StartedSection A DiscussionWork in pairs or groups and discuss the following questions.1) What changes have taken place in our life with the advancem

7、ent of technology?2) Do you think technology makes your life easier? Could you give some examples?3)Is the advancement of technology always a good thing? Answers for reference:1) With the advancement of technology, our health has been improved; production has been increased; human labor has been dec

8、reased; peoples mental horizons have been broadened, and what is most important is that people live longer and better.2) Yes. Take the Internet for example. With the access to the Internet I can learn what is going on all around the world. I can get the latest information about my present studies at

9、 college. And I can communicate with others via e-mail, which saves me a lot of time and money. Another example is the rapid development of various means of transportation. Planes, trains and cars have made my travel easier and more convenient.3) No. Technology is a double-edged sword which can be u

10、sed equally for good or evil. For example, technology has found wide application in the medical field. However, owing to technology, weapons of mass destruction have been invented and used in wars in which large numbers of innocent people have been killed.Section B Watching and DiscussionWatch the f

11、ollowing video clip “Inception” and do the tasks that follow:1. Fill in the missing words according to what you hear from the video clip.You create the world of the dream. Youll bring the subject into that dream, and then they feel it in their subconscious.How could you ever acquire enough detail to

12、 make him think thats reality?Our dreams. We feel real while were in them. Its only when we wake up that we realize something actually strange. May I ask you a question? You never really remember the beginning of your dreams, do you? You always wind up right in the middle of whats going on. Discuss

13、the topic with your group members: Are you sometimes troubled by your dreams? Share one of your unusual dreams with your peers.Script:InceptionCOBB: You create the world of the dream. Youll bring the subject into that dream, and then they feel it in their subconscious.ARIADNE: How could you ever acq

14、uire enough detail to make him think thats reality?COBB: Our dreams. We feel real while were in them. Its only when we wake up that we realize something actually strange. May I ask you a question? You never really remember the beginning of your dreams, do you? You always wind up right in the middle

15、of whats going on.ARIADNE: I guess. Yeah.COBB: So . how did we end up here?ARIADNE: We just came here from the.COBB: Think about it, Ariadne. How did you get here? Where are you right now?ARIADNE: Oh my God. Were dreaming.COBB: Were actually asleep in the workshop right now. This is your first lesso

16、n in shared dreaming, remember?Part II Listen and RespondScript:What Has Technology Brought Us?Technology plays a vital role in our society. It makes our life more comfortable and convenient. Without it, we couldnt evolve or cope up with the ever changing world we live in.Firstly, technology shorten

17、s the distance between people and makes communication much easier. Today, the Internet is widely used not only for the collection of information but also for correspondence.Secondly, modern means of transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smoother and faster. With th

18、e help of modern transportation, we can go almost anywhere we want to. To journey into outer space and other planets is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles have made the dream come true.Thirdly, modern medicine prolongs our life and relieves patients from pain. Some deadly diseases, suc

19、h as cancer and AIDS can be treated now, and we can live longer and better.Last but not least, technology expands our vision of the world. It provides us with larger possibilities by giving us ideas that never occurred to us in the past.It is hard to imagine what the world would be like without tech

20、nology.Part III Read and ExploreText A Technology and HappinessSection A Discovering the Main Ideas1. Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A. 1) Did material and technological advances make Americans happier according to the survey?2) What is the relationship between

21、 money and happiness according to Easterlin?3) How does technology affect human relationships according to the author?4) In which field does technology have the most important impact on peoples sense of well-being according to the author?5) What does the author think of the relationship between tech

22、nology and happiness? Answers for Reference:1) No. The survey showed that the majority of Americans did not become happier with the advancement of technology. In fact, the percentage of people who say they are “very happy” has fallen slightly since the early 1970s, even though their income has incre

23、ased considerably. 2) According to Easterlin, money cannot make people happier after a certain point, that is, when people are able to meet the needs for a decent life.3) According to the author, with technological inventions such as linked databases, the Internet and TV, people have less privacy an

24、d less time for real world communication. As a result, they tend to be more lonely and depressed.4) The most important impact of technology on peoples life is in the field of health care. The development of medical technology has greatly increased peoples life expectancy and improved their quality o

25、f life. So the vast majority of people are happy to be alive, and the more time they get on earth, the better off they feel theyll be.5) On the whole, the author holds that technology and happiness are not necessarily closely related. Throughout the text, the author cites examples to illustrate that

26、 the advances in technology do not necessarily make people happier.2. Text A can be divided into five Parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part.Part Paragraph(s)Main IdeaOne 1-2 Material and technological advances do not really bring h

27、appiness to people in the developed countries. Though Americans now are wealthier than they were in the middle of the last century, they are not happier than they used to be. Two 3-5 Technology and happiness are not necessarily closely correlated because people adapt to technological progress too qu

28、ickly. Three 6-9 The current comments on technology have mostly centered on the bad effects of technology on human relationships rather than particular, harmful technologies. Four 10 The most important impact of technology on peoples sense of well-being is in the field of health care.Five 11 People

29、in general claim that on a deeper level, technology cannot bring happiness to them, which is just contradictory to the fact that it has greatly improved peoples health and life expectancy. Key Words and Expressions for Text Aboom n. a (period of) rapid growth or increase 繁荣(时期),迅速增长(期),景气e.g. The bi

30、g tax cuts fuelled a consumer boom in the country.We have to realize that the economic boom in 90s is over now.我们必须要意识到90年代的经济繁荣已经结束了。productivity n. U the rate of producing goods, crops, etc.; the relationship between the amount that is produced and the work, money, etc., that is needed to produce

31、it 生产力;生产率,生产效率e.g. He has invented a new production method, which improves productivity by 10% .Productivity in the digital industry improved by 15% last year. 电子工业的生产率去年提高了15%。at the same time together 一齐;同时e.g. At the good news she laughed and cried at the same time.Thecelebrations were heldatthe

32、sametimein big cities all over the country. 庆祝活动同时在全国各大城市举行。be better off be in a more satisfactory or desirable situation 较自在;较幸运;较幸福e.g. With a substantial cut in income tax, all wage-earners are better off now than before.I feel better off living in a farm house in the countryside. 我觉得住在乡野的农舍里较自在

33、。formal a. esp. tech (of words or a style of writing or speaking) suitable for official occasions, serious writing, etc., but not for ordinary conversation 尤术语规范的;书面语要求的;正规的,正式的;公文的e.g. Government reports are usually written in formal language.We should be formal on business occasions, and never cal

34、l anyone by their first name. 我们在商务场合应该讲究礼仪, 不要对别人直呼其名。Collocations:formal curriculum 正式课程formal dress 礼服formal effectiveness 正式生效formal style 正式文体survey n. a general examination or study (of conditions, opinions, etc.), esp. carried out by asking people questions 调查e.g. I was stopped in the street

35、by a girl doing a marketing survey.The recent survey found that students wanted to spend more time practicing speaking in class.最近的调查发现学生希望在课堂上有更多的时间练习口语。CF: inquiry, investigation & survey这些名词均有“调查”之意。inquiry普通常用词,指正式调查,也指一般的打听或查询。例如:*Out of curiosity, she made inquiries about the guy who dated her

36、 sister. investigation一般指系统的调查,以了解希望发现或需要知道的事。例如:*An investigation by airline officials has shown that the crash was caused by human error. survey多指为写书面报告而进行的民意测验或调查。例如:*This report was based on a survey our group carried out in the past two months. on average in most cases; usually 大多情况下;通常;平均e.g.

37、On average, men still earn more than women in our society.Adults in our country smoke on average five cigarettes every day.我国成年人平均每天抽烟五根。critic n. a person who gives judgments about the good and bad qualities of sth., esp. art, music, films, etc., esp. sb. who does this as a job (尤指文学、艺术)评论家,批评家e.g.

38、 The critics review of the play contains just a short paragraph of disapproval.The movie has been well received by the critics. 这部电影赢得评论家们的好评。advent n. the arrival or coming of (an important event, period, invention, etc.) (事件、时期、发明等的)出现,来临e.g. People are much better informed since the advent of tel

39、evision.Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with theadventof agriculture.至今,历史学家们认为日历是随着农业的出现而产生的。prosperity n. U good fortune and success, esp. in money matters 发达,兴隆,昌盛,繁荣e.g. The new government is expected to usher in a period of economic prosperity.A closed economy

40、will not put a country on the way toprosperity.闭关自守的经济不会使一个国家富起来。when it comes to when it concerns 当提到 e.g. When it comes to politics, I just feel so incompetent.At the press conference, when it came to his personal life, the movie star always kept silence.在记者招待会上,当提到这位影星的私人生活时,他总是保持沉默。close to almo

41、st; nearly 接近于;差不多e.g. The population of the city is close to one million now.He came close to losing his temper. 他差一点就发脾气了。universal a. of or for everyone or everything; wide-spread; general 普遍的,一般的e.g. Problems such as high blood pressure are a universal feature of old age.Weather is a subject of

42、almost universal interest. 天气是普遍感兴趣的话题。phenomenon n. (pl. phenomena) a fact, event, type of behavior, etc., that exists and can be experienced by the senses, esp. one that is unusual and / or of scientific interest (尤指不寻常或具科学性的)现象e.g. International terrorism is not just a recent phenomenon.A thoroug

43、h understanding of mathematics helps explain a wide range of natural phenomena.对数学的透彻理解有助于解释各种各样的自然现象。make no difference not matter at all 没有影响;都一样e.g. Prices make no difference to him because he really wants to purchase a new-model car for her daughter as a birthday present.It makes no difference t

44、o me whether you go or stay. 你是去是留对我都一样。for good or ill whether the results are good or bad 不论好歹e.g. He always goes in for various competitions, for good or ill.I would find her out by any means, for good or ill. 不论好歹,我要千方百计找到她。come to mind make (one) suddenly think of 使想到e.g. During the stay in my

45、hometown, childhood memories kept coming to mind.At sight of this picture, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?看到这幅图,你第一个会想到什么东西?gradual a. happening or developing slowly and by degrees; not sudden 逐渐的,逐步的e.g. The cart began its gradual climb up the hill.The gradual recovery is encouragi

46、ng not only to the patient but to the doctors as well.逐步的恢复对病人和医生来说都是鼓舞人心的。isolation n. U the act of keeping apart or separating from others; the quality or condition of being kept apart or separated from others 隔绝,孤立,隔离e.g. He chose to live in complete isolation in the country after retirement.The

47、patients need to be kept in isolation for a few days. 这些病人需要被隔离几天。similarly ad. as is similar 同样地,相同地e.g. The son followed his fathers example and, similarly, the daughter modeled herself on her mother.Men must wear a jacket and tie; similarly, women must wear a skirt or dress, not trousers.男子必须穿夹克并

48、打领带;同样地,女士必须穿裙子或连衣裙,不能穿裤子。for certain without doubt 肯定地e.g. I dont know for certain what I will be after graduation.Taxation is for certain going to be the key issue to the Presidents campaign.毫无疑问,税收将会成为总统竞选的关键问题。be stuck with have or deal with sth. unwanted unwillingly 被缠住无法摆脱e.g. Will you help me

49、 with this mathematical problem? Im stuck with it.We were stuck with him for the entire journey. 整个旅程他都缠着我们不放。build into make (sth.) a part of a system, agreement, etc. 使成为组成部分e.g. For centuries racial discrimination was built into their social system, which deprived black people of their human righ

50、ts.The rate of pay was built into her contract. 她的薪金额已订入合同。nasty a. very ugly or unpleasant to see, taste, smell, etc. 丑恶的;令人不愉快的;令人作呕的e.g. Her stories are very nasty, full of murder and violence.Theres a nasty smell has something turned sour? 有股难闻的味道,有什么东西馊了吗?rough a. (of food and living conditions

51、) not delicate or comfortable; simple (食物)粗制的;(生活环境、条件)简陋的,不舒服的e.g. I made a rough table out of some wood.Life was rough out in the American West in the last century. Difficult Sentences for Text A1. But its been left largely unexamined by economists and social scientists. (Para. 3)Q: Paraphrase thi

52、s sentence.A: But economists and social scientists have hardly examined the relationship between happiness and technology at all.2. But for the most part, modern critiques of technology have focused not so much on specific, bad technologies as on the impact of technology on our human relationships.

53、(Para. 6)Q: Paraphrase this sentence.A: However, current comments on technology have mostly centered on the bad effects of technology on our human relationships rather than particular, harmful technologies.3. The notion that technology disrupts relationships and fractures community gained mainstream

54、 prominence as an attack on television. (Para. 7)Q: What do people blame television mainly for?A: Television is to blame mainly for interfering with the smooth development of relationships between people and breaking up community unity.4. what the technological improvement of our health and our long

55、evity emphasizes is a paradox of any discussion of happiness on a national or a global level(Para. 11)Q: What does this sentence imply?A: the fact that technology has greatly improved peoples health and life expectancy is just contradictory to the general claim at any level that technology cannot br

56、ing happiness to people.Extended Questions Extended questions (Para. 2)Q: Do you agree with the author that ones happiness does not always relate closely to ones wealth?A: I used to think that happiness could be measured by the amount of wealth one has accumulated. With enough money, one could live

57、with abundance and enjoy a decent life. Now Ive come to realize that wealth alone does not necessarily bring us happiness.Im fully aware that wealth is not the only source of happiness. It is true that money or wealth is essential to a happy and fulfilling life. But happiness is not something that c

58、an only be measured by money or wealth. True happiness means both material well-being and spiritual well-being, and I attach more importance to the latter. Extended questions (Para. 3)Q: Do you think there is something in what Easterlin said?A: Yes. I think there is some truth in it. When people bec

59、ome comparatively well off, they tend to pursue spiritual well-being. Money can satisfy ones material needs, but it cannot buy spiritual well-being. For example, money can buy you rich food, but it cannot buy a good appetite; money can buy you a grand bed, but it cannot buy you a sound sleep; money

60、can buy you a splendid house, but not a sweet home full of true love, genuine care and close family ties; money can buy you insurance, but not safety; money can buy you good medicine, but not good health. Money can buy a wonderful clock, but it cannot buy time; money can even buy social position som

61、etimes, but it cannot buy respect. Extended questions (Para. 4)Q: Can you give an example to show that “people adapt very quickly to good news”?A: Yes. For example, the moment I got the admission notice from the university, I was so excited that I couldnt calm down for the whole day and night, but m

62、y excitement faded away in the following days and pretty soon I took it for granted. And now I just regard it as one of the many events in my life. Extended questions (Para. 5)Q: Can you list some gadgets which you have already taken for granted?A: Yes. Computer, mobile phone, digital camera, MP3 pl

63、ayer, to name just a few. Extended questions (Para. 6)Q: Can you name some of the bad things technology has brought about besides telemarketing, traffic jams, and identity theft?A: Spreading viruses across the Internet; sending garbage messages via e-mails or to mobile phone users; online banking theft; hearing damage caused by excessive use of cell phones and earphones; video game violence, and so on. Extended questions (Para. 7)Q: Whats your opinion about TV and the Internet?A: I think both TV and the Internet can be regarded as double-edged swords. On the one hand, they p

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