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1、. . 朱桥镇五里小学备课笔记教学容Unit4Road safety(Story time)课时第一课时教 学目 标1. 在情景中整体理解Story time的容。2. 在 Storytime 的学习过程中掌握有关道路交通方面的新词 road, light, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rules, follow,体会情态动词must与其否定must not 的用法,并能简单区分形容词safe,名词safety与副词safely的不同。3. 能用正确的语音语调朗读Story time。4. 能理解道路安全知识,尝试用英语说说道

2、路交通规则。5. 能牢记过马路的交通规则,树立安全意识。容分析 重点1. 能理解道路安全知识,尝试用英语说说道路交通规则。2. 在 Storytime 的学习过程中掌握有关道路交通方面的新词 road, light, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rules, follow,must,safety,safely。难点1. 体会情态动词must与其否定must not 的用法,并能简单区分形容词safe,名词safety与副词safely的不同。2. 能牢记过马路的交通规则,树立安全意识。教学重、难点突破方法交际教学法、直观教学法

3、、讲授法、任务型教学法、小组合作教学法等教学准备PPT&教学光盘教 学 活 动二次备课Step 1 Pre-readingTeach: road , safe, safety, safely, cross, rules1. Free talk: T: How do you go to school? How does your motherfather go to work? S: On foot or by bikebuscar T: 总结 : Every day, we walk or drive on the road.2. Look at some pictures. (看一些行人、司

4、机图片)1) Look and judge. Are they right? Ss: Yes, yes, yes! No. no, no!2) T:总结We must keep safe.Road safety is very important.3. Lead-in: T:揭题:Today we are going to talk about “Road safety”.There are many busy roads in the cities. How can we cross the roads safely?To keep safe, we must follow some rul

5、es.4. T:Do you know any rules?(让学生表达自己已有的生活经验,了解学生的语言基础。)Ss: 学生自由说说交通规则:eg: We must look for a zebra crossing. We must look at the traffic lights.Step 2 While-reading (Story time)1. 学习课文第一部分T: How can we cross the roads safely ?Lets learn from the storytime.1) Read freely2) Try to answer with “first

6、,then”学生自读完之后用自己的语言归纳。3) Read togetherFinish the form:At the zebra crossingfirstLook at the traffic lightsthenWait for the green manTeach: greenred manT: What is green man? What is red man? What do they mean?The policeman tells us. Lets read and act.4)Read and act the policeman.T: When the light is

7、green , that means we can cross the road When the light is red, that means we must not cross the road.What about the yellow man?Ss: (根据学生已有知识经验)It means “wait”That is to say.Red man means stop, green man means go, yellow man means wait.2. 自读课文,学习课文第二部分T:But sometimes you cannot find a zebra crossing

8、 near you.How can we cross the road safely?1) Read freely. And try to get the main imformation.2) Line down the answers of these queations.Questions:Where must we wait before we cross the road?What should we do when we wait?How should we look out for the traffic?Is it a good idea to cross the road w

9、ith other people? Why?3) Checkout the answers.回答以下问题并完成表格信息。No zebra crossingWait on the pavement.Look out for cars and bikes.Look left first, then right and then left againCross the road with other people.3. 看图讨论,学习课文第三部分呈现课文第三部分的两插图(加上一幅奔跑穿过马路的同学)T: What can you see in the pictures?Ss: Some boys a

10、re playing football by the road. A boy is skatingrunning on the road.T: Is it safe?Why?Ss: Because there are many cars and bikes on the road.So what rules do you know?Ss: We must not run or play on the road.T: We must follow the rules and stay safe on the road!4. 整理理解,巩固1) Watch and repeat.2) Readin

11、g the text.3) Think and write.( 书上P 38)Step 3 Post-reading1. Today we learnt some rules about road safety.Lets sum up.(板书并附上图片)Rule1: look for a zebra crossing,Rule2: wait on the pavement,Rule3: dont run or play on the road.(Learning tip: The pictures can help you cross the road safely.)2. Look and

12、say.(书上 P38 )T: What must you do to cross the road safely?Ss: We mustT: What must you not do on the road?Ss: We mustnt3. 回到开头提供的图片,用英语描述解释 Why yes. Why no.Step 4 Consolidation1. Learn some proverbs about the road safety.Never forget about safety.Safety is as simple as ABC- Always Be Careful.2. Homew

13、ork.1) Read the story time fluently( Read well ).2) Collect more rules about “Road Safety.”板书设计Unit 4 Road Safety (story time)Rule1:We must look for a and look at the .Rule 2:We can wait on the and look out for cars and bikes.We can also cross the road with .Rule 3:We must not or on the road.教后反思朱桥镇

14、五里小学备课笔记教学容Unit4Road safety(Grammar time&Fun time)课时第二课时教 学目 标1.能对storytime进行自主复习,并认识更多交通标志,掌握安全知识,做遵守交通规则的社会公民。2.能理解并运用情态动词must与其否定must not(mustnt)的用法,复习已学过的情态动词canshould与否定用法。3.能使用更多关于规则和规定的表达法,如Please Dont 容分析 重点认识更多交通标志,掌握安全知识,做遵守交通规则的社会公民。难点能理解并运用情态动词must与其否定must not(mustnt)的用法,复习已学过的情态动词cansho

15、uld与否定用法。教学重、难点突破方法交际教学法、直观教学法、讲授法、任务型教学法、小组合作教学法等教学准备PPT&教学光盘教 学 活 动二次备课Step 1 Revision1. Free talk Talk about some signs on the road.Traffic lights: green means go,red means stop.(左转弯标志 停车) It means you can turn leftpark here.(禁止左转弯 停车标志)Can you turn leftpark here? You mustnt turn leftpark here.2.

16、 Review the storytimeT: What do we learned last lesson?Ss: last lesson , we learned some rules .T: What are the rules ? How can we cross the roads safely?(用图片复习巩固Storytime ,强化learning tip)Ss: Rule 1:First, we must look for the zebra crossing, then we must look at the traffic lights.T: Sometimes we c

17、annot find a zebra crossing, how can we cross the road?Ss: Rule 2:We can wait on the pavement and look out for the cars and bikes.We must look left ,then right and then left again.We can also cross the road with other people.T: What must you not do on the road?Ss:We mustnt play or run on the road, i

18、ts not safe. Step 2 Grammar time 1.PPT 展示Q: How can we cross the road safely?What must you not do on the road?学生根据Storytime中的容进行自由回答,PPT 展示答句。Rule 1:First, we must look for the zebra crossing, then we must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man.Rule 2:We can wait on the pavement and w

19、e can cross the road with other people.Rule 3:We mustnt play or run on the road.2.自主发现语法规律T:Look at these rules, how can we talk about the rules?(what words do we usually use in the sentences?)Ss: We usually use canmust do or cantmustnt do. We also can use should or shouldnt doT: After these words,w

20、e use do or doing?Ss:do3.运用语法规律T: Can you name some rules?Ss:We canshouldmust We cantshouldntmustnt (parkturn leftplayrun)4.总结语法规律描述规则和规定有以下三种句式:canshouldmust加动词原形名词、名词短语祈使句DontStep3 Fun time1.The policeman knows a lot about the rules on the road.Lets play a game about the rules on the road.2.游戏规则:(

21、Explain the game)将学生分成五人一小组,仿照Fun time例,开展“红绿灯”游戏问答,一人演交警,提出问题,指定某人回答,其他人要给予反馈。3.示游戏:(make a model)S1:Red man, stop. Green man, go! What must you do on the road? S2: I must look out for cars.(可有其他回答)S3: Right.S1: What must you do on the road?S4: I must run quickly on the road. (可有其他回答)S5: No,you mus

22、tnt run quickly on the road!4.小组游戏:(Play the game in groups.)Step 4 Consolidation1. Practice1)Sam,Bobby and Tina want to visit our city-Changzhou.There are many interesting places in Changzhou: BRT and many parksTheir schedule(日程表) is in the form.In the morningThe shopping center (Tina)The Dinosaur

23、Park(Sam and Bobby)At lunchtimeRestaurant(Sam,Bobby and Tina)In the afternoonThe cinema(Sam,Bobby and Tina)2). Ask and answer.Can you tell Bobby and Tina what rules they must follow in different places?Model:T:What must Tina do in the library?Ss:She must keep quiet.T:What must she not do in the libr

24、ary?Ss:She must not eat or drink.Work in pairs3) Group workRule:将学生分成五人一组,仿照Fun time例,三人分别演Sam, Bobby 与 Tina提出问题,由另外两人演小导游替他们解决问题。Model:S1,2:Welcome to Changzhou!S3,4,5: Thank you!S3:What must I do at the shopping center?S1: You must put the rubbish in the bin.S4: What must I do at in the Dinosaur p

25、ark?S2: You must be careful.S5: What must we do in the cinema?S1,2:You must keep quiet.Work in groups2.Summary1)Different places, different rules.We must follow different rules in different places.You know so many rules in the public places. and you should follow these rules, too.2)HomeworkLook for

26、more rules in public places.Write down the rules, the more the better. 板书设计Unit 4 Road Safety Canshouldmust +doDangerBe carefulDontDifferent places, different rules.教后反思朱桥镇五里小学备课笔记教学容Unit4Road safety(Sound time, culture time &cartoon time)课时第三课时教 学目 标1. 了解句子重音的作用,并能进行积极的尝试运用;2. 知晓英国和中国汽车行驶的方向不同,并有兴趣

27、了解更多国家交通规则的异同点;3.通过Cartoon time的学习,增强分析和提炼信息的能力,并能进行准确的朗读和较为生动的表演;4. 进一步提升公民素养,知晓交通规则和礼让行人的重要性。容分析 重点1. 通过Cartoon time的学习,提升学生的自主学习能力;2.了解中西方国家交通规则的异同点。难点句子重音的理解和尝试运用。教学重、难点突破方法交际教学法、直观教学法、讲授法、任务型教学法、小组合作教学法等教学准备PPT&教学光盘教 学 活 动二次备课Step 1 Warm up1. Greetings: Date/ weather2. Play a game:( Fun time)TS

28、s; In groups.Step 2 Sound time1. Try to know something about stress.T: What is the most important rule on the road? Ss:Red man, stop. Green man, go. T: Who can read it for us? S1: Red man, stop. Green man, go. T: You read .more loudly. Why? S1: 突出重点/ T: In English, we call this “ Stress”. It has two

29、 functions.1.表达句子的节奏感和韵律感。2.突出重点,使听者更容易理解。 So, you need to read some words in a sentence more loudly.2. Learn the rhyme1) Listen to the rhyme and try to find out the stress.Learning tip: 在一般情况下,句子中比较重要的词要重读,如名词、动词、形容词和副词等。重读单词的发音听起来相对响亮而且清晰。2) Check the answers. 3)Read the rhyme.Follow the tape; Rea

30、d together; Read in pairs.6) Try to read some other sentences.T: How to read them? Please try, you can discuss in groups.Bobby and Tina go to see their aunt by bus.There are so many cars on the road.The bus stops again and again.Step 3 Cartoon timeT: These sentences are about an interesting story in

31、 cartoon time. Lets enjoy it.1.Talk about Picture 1.1) Show Picture 1 to the Ss, let them try to ask some questions. 2) Read and answer the questions.2. Talk about Picture 2. 1) Show Picture 2 to the Ss. Let them try to ask some questions.2) Read and answer the questions.3. Talk about Picture 3&4.1)

32、 Read the story quickly, then answer the question: How many times does the bus stop?2) Watch the cartoon, and find out the reasons of stopping the bus.The first time Ss: Because theres the red man, they must stop the bus. T: This is the most important rule on the road. When can they go? Ss: When the

33、y see the green man. T: Do you know more rules on the road? Ss: We must not play on the road./T: We must follow the rules on the road.The second time T: Why do they stop the bus again? Is there a red man, too? Ss: No, some elephants are crossing the road. They must stop and wait. T: No, I see. This

34、is another important rule on the road. Who can tell us? Ss:礼让行人T: Yes, we should give way to pedestrians.3. Read the text.1) Listen and pay attention to the stress.2) Read together.3) Give a title to the story.4. Act it. 1) Act the story.2) (接最后一组表演) The bus stops again. What happened? Please imagin

35、e and act. Step 4 Culture timeT: Bobby wants to know more about the rules on the road. The next day, he goes to the library and read some books about them. 1. Show the Ss the book “ How to drive in different countries?”T: Which side of the road do people drive in China?Ss: They drive on the left sid

36、e of the road.T: Do people drive on the left side of the road in all the countries?Ss:2. Read and choose.Page1 : In the UK, people drive on the left side of the road.Page 2: In fact, in most of the countries, people drive on the left side of the road. For example: Australia, Japan, Singapore, New Ze

37、alandPage 3: In China, except Hong Kong and Macau, people drive on the right side of the road. Page 4:In these countries, American, Canada, France, Germany(德国),people drive on the right side of the road,too.1) In ( ), people drive on the left side of the road.2) In ( ), people drive on the right sid

38、e of the road.Australia, China,Japan,America, Canada, English3.1)Show the Ss the book “ The month in history” First traffic light! 20 October, 1923: People in American first use a traffic light. It is a little different from todays traffic light. It has two parts. One says”Go” and the other says “St

39、op”. When people see Go, they can cross the road. Safe crossing!31 October, 1951: People first walk over a zebra-crossing in England. A zebra-crossing is white and black. People can see it easily. People walk over a zebra-crossing when they want to cross the road. This can keep them safe from cars.2

40、) Read and choose.1. people first use the traffic light.A. Chinese B. English C. American 2. The first traffic light has part(s).A. one B. two C.three3. People can see a zebra-crossing easily because .A. it is white and blackB. it is in EnglandC. many people like zebrasStep 4 SummaryHomework:1.熟读Cul

41、ture time 和Cartoon time, 试着标出重音。2.表演Cartoon time, 并进行续编。3. 通过上网浏览等多种方法,了解更多的交通知识。 板书设计Unit 4 Road Safety the red man some elephant are crossing Bobby头像 Tina 头像 see their aunt教后反思朱桥镇五里小学备课笔记教学容Unit4Road safety(Checkout time & Ticking time)课时第四课时教 学目 标1.准确运用句型We must/mustnt 谈论交通安全;2.能结合语境,准确运用must, mu

42、stnt, can, cant.;3.准确运用含有must, mustnt 的句型,谈论班级规则等,并尝试写一写,制作成海报。4.进一步强化规则意识,做一个懂规则,守规则的人。容分析 重点1.准确运用含有must, mustnt 的句型,谈论班级规则等,并尝试写一写,制作成海报;2.能结合语境,准确运用must, mustnt, can, cant。难点含有must, mustnt 的句型的准确表达与正确运用。教学重、难点突破方法交际教学法、直观教学法、讲授法、任务型教学法、小组合作教学法等教学准备PPT&教学光盘教 学 活 动二次备课Step 1 Lead-in 1. Greetings:

43、Date/Weather.2. Revise the story in Cartoon timeYesterday Bobby and Tina went to see their aunt , they took a bus. But the bus stopped twice, why?3.PK time. Talk about the rules on the road and at home. Boys use the sentence: We must. Girls use the sentence: We mustntStep 2 Presentation Read and cir

44、cle.1.T: What rules do they need to observe? Please read and circle.2. Check the answers.Picture1: T: The first picture, which pair wants to try? S1: Can I watch TV? S2: No, you cant . You must go to bed.T: Can you watch TV every day?S: No, we cant . We can watch TV at weekends.3.Discuss the differe

45、nces between must and can.(must 表示说话人“不许”和“禁止”某人做某事,有很强的劝告语气。Can表示有能力或有权利做某事。)Step 3 Writing T:When were at home, we should follow some rules. When we go to school, in order to keep safe on the road, we should follow the traffic rules. When we are at school ,we should also follow the classroom rules

46、, right?1.Match and say: 1) T: What are they doing ? S: Theyre talking to each other. T: What do you want to say to them? S: You must keep quiet./ You mustnt talk to each other. / You must listen to the teacher.2)T: How about other students? Which class rules are the students breaking? Write the num

47、bers in the circles in pairs.Classroom rules1 We must not eat or drink in the classroom.2 We must keep quiet.3 We mustnt play in the classroom.4.We must not chase(追赶)each other.5.We must not be late for school.6. We must not draw on the desks.7. We must listen to our teachers in class.3) Check and d

48、iscussion.2. Think and write.1) T: Liu Tao wants to make a poster about his classroom rules. Lets help him.Please complete the poster with “must” and “must not”. Ss: Try to write down the answers.2) Check the answers. S1:You mustnt run in the classroom.T: Its easy to bump into someone(撞到别人).(教师在学生回答

49、的过程中,注意追问和拓展。)3.Talk and write.1)T: I think classroom rules are important for us. So lets find out our class rules.First, discuss in groups. Then, write down the rules on the paper. (每位学生写出一条自己觉得最重要的班规。)2) Make a poster together.Talk about the rules, choose some of them and stick on the poster.T: Sh

50、ow us your paper and read it loudly, please.S1: We must/mustntT: Is this a good rule?S1: Yes. T: Who has the same idea?3) Let the Ss read their classroom rules together. 4) Take an oath: This is our classroom rules. I will abide by them.3. Talk about the rules in different places.T: We have rules on

51、 the road, in the classroom. Where else do we have rules?Ss: We have rules in the library/ in the park1)Read, think and match.T: Therere ten rules. Where do we have them? Please think and match in pairs.a. In the library b. In the classroom c. On the road d. In the park1. We mustnt walk on the grass

52、. 2. We mustnt play basketball. 3. We mustnt throw rubbish. 8. We mustnt draw on our desks.4. We mustnt eat or drink. 5. We must wait for the green man. 6. We must keep quiet. 7. We must listen to our teacher. 9. We mustnt run fast on the road.10. We mustnt pick the flowers. Get the Ss try to say li

53、ke this: We mustnt walk on the grass in the park.2) Show the students some pictures about impolite behaviors.T:When you are in public places, Please follow the rules, to be a polite student. If you observe some impolite behaviors, do you have courage to warn them? How to warn them? What to say?Tips:

54、 When we give advice to others, we should pay attention to our tones. 3)Make posters.To keep our life more beautiful, we need rules. For example, the park rules, the bank rules , the hospital rules , the library rules, family rules and so on. Choose one , Make a poster in your team. Homework:1.通过调查、

55、观察等方式,进一步完善相关场所的规则。2. 依据Ticking time ,自主复习相关知识点。 板书设计Unit 4 Road Safety Our classroom rules1.教后反思朱桥镇五里小学备课笔记教学容Unit4Road safety(Review and check)课时第五课时教 学目 标1. 熟练掌握本单元的生词,短语、句型和日常交际用语。2. 理解情态动词can, must, cant, mustnt 的用法,并能熟练运用。容分析 重点1. 熟练掌握本单元的生词,短语、句型和日常交际用语。2. 理解情态动词can, must, cant, mustn

56、t 的用法,并能熟练运用。难点含有must, mustnt 的句型的准确表达与正确运用。教学重、难点突破方法交际教学法、直观教学法、讲授法、任务型教学法、小组合作教学法等教学准备PPT教 学 活 动二次备课Step 1 Review复习本单元单词和短语,与语法点。听写,背诵,核对Step 2. practice 一、中英文互译过马路寻找 斑马线跟我来在人行道上等 look out for carsrun quicklygo to bed keep your desk cleango to the doctor二、情景配对。()1. Can I watch TV?A. Some porridge

57、.()2.How do we get to the zoo?B. You can take a bus.()3.What must you do on the road?C. Yes, we can .()4.Can you see the red man?D. Look out for cars.()5.What do you have for dinner?E. No, you cant.三、用所给词的正确形式填空There (be) any cola in the fridge.You shouldnt talk (loud) in the office.Your mother (do)

58、 housework at weekends.Give (I) your notebook.I (buy) a mobile phone last week.四、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.我必须去看医生吗?I the doctor?2.你生病不能上学。You go to school youre .3.一些大象正在过马路。Some elephants the road .六、改错。()We mustwaitingfor the green man. A B C()What do we get to your house ? A B C()It mean we must stop. A B C()Why dothe bus stop here ?A B CStep 3 Homework继续复习本单词的课本容,与时巩固任未掌握的容。21 / 21

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