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1、2022年考博英语-西北农林科技大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题When Spanish explorers first entered the area now known as Hollywood, Native Americans were living in the canyons of the Santa Monica Mountains. Before long, the Indians had been moved to missions and the land which Hollywood now occupies was divided in two by

2、 the Spanish Government. Acreage to the west became part of Rancho La Brea and settlements to the East became Rancho Los Feliz.By the 1870s an agricultural community flourished in the area and crops ranging from hay and grain to subtropical bananas and pineapples were thriving. During the 1880s, the

3、 Ranchos were sub-divided. In 1886, H. H. Wilcox bought an area of Rancho La Brea that his wife then christened Hollywood. Within a few years, Wilcox had devised a grid plan for his new community, paved Prospect Avenue (now Hollywood Boulevard) for his main street and was selling large residential l

4、ots to Wealthy Midwesterners looking to build homes so they could winter in California.Prospect Avenue soon became a prestigious residential street populated with large Queen Anne, Victorian, and Mission Revival houses. Mrs. Daeida Wilcox raised funds to build churches, schools and a library and Hol

5、lywood quickly became a complete and prosperous community. The community incorporated in 1903, but its independence was short-lived, as the lack of water forced annexation in 1910 to the city of Los Angeles, which had a surplus supply of water.In 1911, the Nestor Company opened Hollywoods first film

6、 studio in an old tavern on the comer of Sunset and Gower. Not long thereafter Cecil B. DeMille and D. W. Griffith began making movie in the area drawn to the community for its open space and moderate climate.The needs of this thriving new industry created radical changes in the community, causing a

7、 clash between older and newer residents. Acres of agricultural land south of what-is-now Hollywood Boulevard were subdivided and developed as housing for the enormous numbers of workers that movie-making required.High-rise commercial buildings began to spring up along Hollywood Boulevard, three com

8、peting real-estate interests caused concentrations of development at Highland, Cahuenga, and at Vine. It wasnt long before nearly all the homes along the Boulevard were replaced by commercial buildings linking the three comers.Banks, restaurants, clubs and movie palaces sprang up, catering to the de

9、mands of the burgeoning film industry during the 1920s and 1930s. The architectural styles of the buildings were representative of those most popular between the World Wars. Banks were typically designed in the more formal Beaux Arts styles, but other buildings in the community took on more playful

10、personalitiesThe ornamental Spanish Colonial Revival style reflected Hollywoods self-conscious extravagance while the new Art Deco and Modern styles fit the communitys aspirations for glamour and sophistication.Hollywood has been anything but static, however, and after a few decades as the capital o

11、f film glamour, the neighborhood changed again. Although much of the studio work remained in Hollywood, many stars moved to Beverly Hills, and the elegant shops and restaurants left with them.In the 1960s, music recording studios and offices began moving to Hollywood, an offshoot of the nightclubs f

12、urther west on Sunset Boulevard. Other businesses, however, continued to migrate to different parts of the city. Hollywood today is a diverse, vital and active community striving to preserve the elegant buildings from its past. Much of the movie industry remains in the area, although the neighborhoo

13、ds outward appearance has changed.In 1985, the Hollywood Boulevard commercial and entertainment district was officially listed in the National Register of Historic Places protecting the neighborhoods important buildings and seeing to it that the significance of Hollywoods past would always be a part

14、 of its future.1.The area now known as Hollywood was first inhabited by Native Americans. T/F2.By the 1870s, people who settled down in that area began to grow all kinds of crops and fruit. T/F3.Wilcox bought an area of Rancho La Brea and named it Hollywood after his wife. T/F4.Wealthy Midwesterners

15、 bought residential lots along the Prospect Avenue to build winter homes in California. T/F5.Hollywood had to become part of the city of Los Angeles because of its short supply of water. T/F6.Cecil B. DeMille and D. W. Griffith began making movies in Hollywood before Nestor Company opened its first

16、film studio there. T/F7.The thriving Film industry in the 1920s and 1930s led to the appearance of large numbers of banks, restaurants, clubs and movie palaces in Hollywood. T/F8.The ornamental Spanish Colonial Revival style reflected Hollywoods aspirations for glamour and sophistication. T/F9.Holly

17、wood has remained in constant change. T/F10.Hollywood Boulevard commercial and entertainment district was officially listed in the National Register of Historic Places to protect its old but elegant buildings.T/F问题1选项A.TB.F问题2选项A.TB.F问题3选项A.TB.F问题4选项A.TB.F问题5选项A.TB.F问题6选项A.TB.F问题7选项A.TB.F问题8选项A.TB.F

18、问题9选项A.TB.F问题10选项A.TB.F【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:A第6题:B第7题:A第8题:B第9题:A第10题:B【解析】1.该表述的含义为“这个地区现在被称为好莱坞,首先居住的是美洲原住民。”原文第一段中提到 “When Spanish explorers first entered the area now known as Hollywood, Native Americans were living in the canyons of the Santa Monica Mountains. 当西班牙探险家第一次进入现在被称为好莱坞的地区时,美洲

19、土著人住在圣莫尼卡山脉的峡谷里”可推断该陈述不正确。2.该表述的含义为“到了19世纪70年代,定居在那个地区的人开始种植各种作物和水果。” 原文第二段提到 “By the 1870s an agricultural community flourished in the area and crops ranging from hay and grain to subtropical bananas and pineapples were thriving. 在19世纪70年代,一个农业社区在这个地区蓬勃发展,从干草和谷物到亚热带香蕉和菠萝等作物都在蓬勃发展。”可推断该表述中的“all kind

20、s of crops and fruits所有种类的农作物及水果”与原文内容不符;故该表述不正确。3.该表述的含义为“威尔考克斯买下了兰乔拉布雷亚的一个地区,并以他的妻子命名为好莱坞。”,原文第二段提到“In 1886, H. H. Wilcox bought an area of Rancho La Brea that his wife then christened Hollywood. 1886年,H.H.Wilcox买下了Rancho La Brea的一片土地,随后他的妻子将其命名为“好莱坞”,可知并非以妻子的名字命名,而是他妻子为该地区命名为“好莱坞”,由此知该陈述不正确。4.该表述

21、的含义为“富有的中西部人沿着前景大道买了很多住宅,在加利福尼亚建造冬季住宅。” 原文第二段提到“Within a few years, Wilcox had devised a grid plan for his new community, paved Prospect Avenue (now Hollywood Boulevard) for his main street and was selling large residential lots to Wealthy Midwesterners looking to build homes so they could winter in

22、 California.几年内,威尔科克斯为他的新社区设计了一个网格计划,为他的主要街道铺设了前景大道(现在是好莱坞大道),并向富有的中西部人出售大量住宅,希望建造房屋,以便他们可以“在加利福尼亚过冬”可推断该表述正确。5.该表述的含义为“由于水供应短缺,好莱坞不得不成为洛杉矶的一部分”,原文第三段提到“.as the lack of water forced annexation in 1910 to the city of Los Angeles, which had a surplus supply of water.由于缺水,1910年好莱坞社区不得不并到洛杉矶市,因为水供应过剩”,可

23、推断该表述正确。6.该表述的含义为“在内斯托公司在好莱坞开设第一家电影制片厂之前,Cecil B.De Mille和D.W.Griffith就开始在好莱坞制作电影”,原文第四段提到 “In 1911, the Nestor Company opened Hollywoods first film studio in an old tavern on the corner of Sunset and Gower. 1911年,内斯托公司在日落大道和高尔街拐角处的一个老酒馆里开设了好莱坞的第一个电影制片厂。及“Not long thereafter Cecil B.DeMille and D. W

24、. Griffith began making movie in the area 随后不久,Cecil B.DeMille和D. W. Griffith也开始在此地拍摄电影。”可推断“Cecil B.DeMille和D. W. Griffith在好莱坞拍摄电影是在Nestor公司来好莱坞开设第一个电影工作室之后发生 的”,故该表述不正确。7.该表述的含义为“二十世纪二三十年代蓬勃发展的电影业导致好莱坞出现了大量的银行、餐馆、俱乐部和电影院。”原文第七段提到“Banks, restaurants, clubs and movie palaces sprang up, catering to t

25、he demands of the burgeoning film industry during the 1920s and 1930s. 银行、餐馆、俱乐部和电影宫殿层出不穷,迎合了二十世纪二三十年代新兴电影业的需求”可推断该表述正确。8.该表述的含义为“装饰性的西班牙殖民复兴风格反映了好莱坞对魅力和高雅的渴望。”原文第八段提到 “The ornamental Spanish Colonial Revival style reflected Hollywoods self-conscious extravagance西班牙殖民复兴风格的装饰性体现好莱坞的自我意识奢侈”可推断该表述不正确。9

26、.该表述的含义为“好莱坞一直在不断变化。”,原文第九段提到“Hollywood has been anything but static,.好莱坞一直都不是静态的”及文中提及的好莱坞在各个时期的变化知该表述正确。10.该表述的含义为“好莱坞大道的商业和娱乐区被正式列入国家史迹名录,以保护其古老而优雅的建筑。”原文最后一段提到“.protecting the neighborhoods important buildings and seeing to it that the significance of Hollywoods past would always be a part of it

27、s future.保护住宅区内的重要建筑,让人们记住好莱坞的过去的重要意义将永远是其将来的一部分”可推断该表述不正确。2. 填空题Acting is such an overcrowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a young person thinking of going on the stage is Dont! But it is useless to try to discourage someone (1) feels that he must act, although the chance

28、s of his becoming famous are (2) . The normal way to begin is to go to a drama school. Usually only students who show promise and (3) are accepted, and the course lasts two years. Then the young (4) or actress takes up work with a play company, usually as assistant stage manager. This means (5) ever

29、ything that there is to do in the theatre: painting scenery, looking after the furniture, taking care of the clothes, and even acting in very small parts. It is very (6) work indeed, the hours are long and the salary is tiny. But young actors with the stage in their blood are (7) ,waiting for the ch

30、ance of working with a better company, or perhaps in films or television.Of course, some people have unusual chances, which lead to (8) and success (9) this long and dull training. Connie Pratt, for example, was just an ordinary girl working in a bicycle factory. A film producer happened to (10) sig

31、ht of her one morning waiting at a bus stop, as he (11) past in his big car. He told the bus driver to stop, and he got out to speak to the girl. He asked her (12) she would like to go to the film company to do a test, and at first she thought he was joking. Then she got angry and said she would cal

32、l the police. It took the producer (13) minutes to tell Connie that he was serious. Then an appointment was made for her to go to the company the next day. The test was successful. They gave her some necessary lessons and within a few weeks she was playing the leading(14) in a film, which made her w

33、ell-known overnight (15) the country. Of course, she was given a dramatic name, which is now world famous. But chances like this happen once in a blue moon!【答案】1.who2.small3.talent4.actor5.doing6.hard7.happy8.fame9.without10.catch11.drove12.if13.twenty14.part15.throughout【解析】1.后文“feels that he must

34、act” 为someone 的后置定语, 此处缺关系代词,故选“who”。2. 整句话的含义为:试图阻止那些自认为他必须演戏的人是没用的,尽管成名的机会“Although” 表转折关系,由此可推断“成名机会很小”符合逻辑,故选 “small” 。3.“and”表并列,故此处应选择与 “promise希望” 同类名词,选项中“talent天赋”符合要求。4.“or或者”表并列,故此处应选择与“actress女演员”的同类名词,故选“actor男演员”。5.“mean doing sth.意味着做某事”,故此处选“doing”。6.前文提到作为舞台监督助理需要承担的一系列工作,以及后文提到工作时间

35、长,薪水少,可知“这份工作很辛苦”, 故选“hard辛苦的”。7.“But但是”表转折,此处填入的词应与前文“辛苦的工作”形成反差,“happy”符合逻辑,整句话的含义为:但是这些将演戏融入自己血液的年轻人是快乐的,他们在等待机会去一个更好的公司或者出演电影电视。故选“happy”。8.“and”表并列,此处应选择与“success成功”同类名词,故选“fame名气”。9.前文提到“有些人因获得不寻常的机会而成名”和后文普通女孩Connie Pratt的例子可知她“没有经过漫长且枯燥的训练”,故选“without没有”。10.“catch sight of sb.看见某人”为固定短语,故选“c

36、atch”。11.后文提到“in his big car在他的大车中”,可推测此处应选择与“车子”相关的词,“drive past”即“驾车驶过” ,符合原文,本句描述过去发生的事件,故选drive的过去式“drove”。12.根据语境及整句话含义“他问她(Connie Pratt)想去电影公司做测试,开始Connie Pratt觉得他在开玩笑”推断此处选“if是否”。13.由下文 “minutes分钟”可知这里需要选择一个描述时间的量词,故选数词“twenty”。14.“play the leading part担任主角”为固定短语, “part”此处为“角色”的意思。15.“through

37、out the country全国”为固定短语,故选“throughout遍及”。3. 单选题A Professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was fu

38、ll. They agreed that it was.So the Professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.The Professor next picked up a

39、box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous Yes.The Professor then produced two cans of beer from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively fillin

40、g the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.“Now,” said the Professor, as the laughter subsided, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.”The golf balls are the important thingsyour family, your children, your health, your friends, your favorite passions things that

41、if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything elsethe small stuff.“If you put the sand into the jar first”, he continued, there is no room for the pebbles or t

42、he golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your p

43、artner out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house, and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.When he had finished, there was a profound silence. Then one of the students raised

44、her hand and with a puzzled expression, inquired what was the beer represented.The Professor smiled. Im glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, theres always room for a couple of beers.Lesson: When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when

45、24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar.and the beer.1.The professor illustrated his point by( ) .2.When the professor poured the beer into the jar, the students most probably would not( ) .3.The author tends to compare house cleaning to ( ).4.The professor employed the beer to

46、 signify( ) .5.By writing the story, the author intends to be( ) .问题1选项A.analogyB.exemplifyingC.punningD.personification问题2选项A.find it unexpectedB.be amazed by himC.appreciate his wisdomD.understand his intension问题3选项A.the golf ballsB.the pebblesC.the sandD.the beer问题4选项A.tricks to make life more be

47、autifulB.relaxation no matter how full life isC.things that are unnecessary for lifeD.that we can always find leisure time问题5选项A.philosophicalB.enlighteningC.encouragingD.informative【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.判断推理题。A项“类比”;B项“举例;例示”;C项“双关”;D项“拟人法”。短文第六段 “The golf balls are the important thing

48、syour family, your children, your health, your friends”高尔夫球好比我们生活中重要的东西家庭、孩子、健康、朋友”以及第七段“The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, your car”鹅卵石好比其他重要的东西工作、房子、车子作者运用一系列类比,故选A。2.判断推理题。A项“觉得意外”;B项“感到吃惊”;C项“欣赏他的智慧”;D项“理解他的意图”。注意题干要求“当教授将啤酒倾倒进蛋黄酱罐子,学生们最不可能会”。短文第五段中教授说“我想你们认识

49、到这个蛋黄酱罐代表你们的生活”可推知“学生们不可能明白教授将啤酒倾倒进蛋黄酱罐子的意图”;从学生们对于教授几次将不同东西填充到罐子中的反应可以推断出学生们“意外、吃惊、欣赏教授的智慧”,故选D项。3.事实细节题。A项“高尔夫球”指“生活中重要的东西家庭、孩子、健康、朋友及喜好”;B项“鹅卵石”指代“工作、房子和汽车”;C项“沙子”指“生活中其他一切琐事”;D项“啤酒”指代“生活中的休闲”。短文第八段第一句“如果你先用沙子将蛋黄酱罐子装满,那么里面就没有放鹅卵石和高尔夫球的空间”以及第八段中“There will always be time to clean the house, and fi

50、x the disposal.打扫房间和处理废物的时间总是有的”等细节可知作者将打扫房间比作沙子,故选C。4.判断推理题。A.项“让生活变得更美好的小窍门”;B项“不管生活多满也要放松”;C项“生活中不必要的事情”;D项“我们总能找到闲暇的时间”。短文倒数第二段“.no matter how full your life may seem, theres always room for a couple of beers.不管你的生活看起来多满(即忙碌);总会有喝杯啤酒的时间”可推断出“教授用啤酒暗示我们总能找到闲暇的时间”, 故选D。5.判断推理题。A项“哲学的”;B项“使人启发的”;C项“

51、鼓励的”;D项“提供有用信息的;使人增进知识的”。由最后一段“教训:当生活中的事情多到似乎无法掌控时,当一天24小时都不够用时,请记住蛋黄酱罐子和啤酒”可推断出作者写这个故事是为了启发人们,让人们懂得把最重要的事情放在首位,而小事情总能找到时间来做,故选B。4. 单选题Over the last 25 years, British society has changed a great deal or at least many parts of it have. In some ways, however, very little has changed, particularly wher

52、e altitudes are concerned(1) .In the past, the working-class tended to be paid less than middle class people, such as teachers and doctors. As a result of this and also of the fact that workers jobs were generally much less secure, distinct differences in life-styles and attitudes came into existenc

53、e. (2) , having given his wife her “housekeeping”,would go out and squander the rest on beer and betting.The stereotype of what a middle-class man did with his money was perhaps nearer the truth. He was and still is inclined to take a longer-term view. Not only did he regard buying a house as a most

54、 important thing, but he also considered the education of his children as extremely important. Both of these provided him and his family with security. Only in very few cases did workers have the opportunity (or the education and training) to make such long-term plans.Nowadays, a great deal has chan

55、ged. In a large number of cases factory workers earn as much, if not more, than their middle-class supervisors. Social security and laws have made it less necessary than before to worry about tomorrow. (3) .In fact there has been a growing tendency in the past few years for the middle-classes to fee

56、l slightly ashamed of their position. (4) . They generally tend to share very similar tastes in music and clothes, they spend their money in having a good time, and save for holidays or longer-term plans when necessary. There seems to be much less difference than in previous generations.(5) As long

57、as this gap exists, there will always be a possibility that new conflicts and jealousies will emerge, or rather that the old conflicts will reappear, but between different groups. 问题1选项A.Working-class people seem slowly to be losing the feeling of inferiority they had in the pastB.Nevertheless, we s

58、till have a wide gap between the well-paid (whatever the type of job they may have) and the low-paidC.Idea about social class whether a person is working-class or middle-classis one area in which changes have been extremely slowD.The changes in both life-styles and attitudes are probably most easily

59、 seen amongst younger peopleE.Class differences have been eliminated for centuries in almost all societies around the worldF.The typical working man would collect his wages on Friday evening and then, it was widely believed问题2选项A.Working-class people seem slowly to be losing the feeling of inferiori

60、ty they had in the pastB.Nevertheless, we still have a wide gap between the well-paid (whatever the type of job they may have) and the low-paidC.Idea about social class whether a person is working-class or middle-classis one area in which changes have been extremely slowD.The changes in both life-st

61、yles and attitudes are probably most easily seen amongst younger peopleE.Class differences have been eliminated for centuries in almost all societies around the worldF.The typical working man would collect his wages on Friday evening and then, it was widely believed问题3选项A.Working-class people seem s

62、lowly to be losing the feeling of inferiority they had in the pastB.Nevertheless, we still have a wide gap between the well-paid (whatever the type of job they may have) and the low-paidC.Idea about social class whether a person is working-class or middle-classis one area in which changes have been

63、extremely slowD.The changes in both life-styles and attitudes are probably most easily seen amongst younger peopleE.Class differences have been eliminated for centuries in almost all societies around the worldF.The typical working man would collect his wages on Friday evening and then, it was widely

64、 believed问题4选项A.Working-class people seem slowly to be losing the feeling of inferiority they had in the pastB.Nevertheless, we still have a wide gap between the well-paid (whatever the type of job they may have) and the low-paidC.Idea about social class whether a person is working-class or middle-classis one area in which changes have been extre

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