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1、2022年考博英语-湖南农业大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题A burning match applied to paper will make it( ).问题1选项A.heat upB.catch fireC.disintegrateD.glow【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项“加热”;B选项“着火”;C选项“分解”;D选项“发光,发红”。句意:燃烧的火柴放在纸上会让纸()。根据生活常识,燃烧的物品放在纸上肯定是会让纸燃烧的,所以答案选B。2. 不定项选择题The Moon, which has undergone a distinct and complex geo

2、logical history, presents a striking appearance. The moon may be divided into two major terrains: the maria (dark lowlands) and the terrace (bright highlands). The contrast in the reflectivity (the capability of reflecting light) of these two terrains suggested to many early observers that the two t

3、errains might have different compositions, and this supposition was confirmed by missions to the Moon such as Surveyor and Apollo. One of the most obvious differences between the terrains is the smoothness of the maria in contrast to the roughness of the highlands. This roughness is mostly caused by

4、 the abundance of craters; the highlands are completely covered by large craters (greater than 40-50km in diameter), while the craters of the maria tend to be much smaller. It is now known that the vast majority of the Moons craters were formed by the impact of solid bodies with the lunar surface.Mo

5、st of the near side of the Moon was thoroughly mapped and studied from telescopic pictures years before the age of space exploration. Earth-based telescopes can resolve objects as small as a few hundred meters on the lunar surface. Close observation of craters, combined with the way the Moon diffuse

6、ly reflects sunlight, led to the understanding that the Moon is covered by a surface layer, or regolith, which overlies the solid rock of the Moon. Telescopic images permitted the cataloging of a bewildering array of land forms. Craters were studied for clues to their origin, the large circular mari

7、a were mapped. Wispy marks on the surface (known as rays) emanating from certain craters were seen. Strange, sinuous features were observed in the maria. Although various land forms were catalogued, the majority of astronomers attention was fixed on craters and their origins.Astronomers have known f

8、or a fairly long time that the shape of craters changes as they increase in size. Small craters with diameters of less than 10-15km have relatively simple shapes. They have rim crests that are elevated above the surrounding terrain, smooth, bowl-shaped interiors, and depths that are about one-fifth

9、to one-sixth their diameters. The complexity of shape increases for larger craters.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?2. The underlined word “undergone” in Line 1 is closest in meaning to( ).3. According to the passage, the maria differ from the terrace mainly in terms of( ).4. According to the

10、 passage lunar researchers have focused mostly on( ).5. The passage probably continues with a discussion of( ).问题1选项A.What astronomers learned from the Surveyor and Apollo space missions.B.Characteristics of the major terrains of the Moon.C.The origin of the Moons craters.D.Techniques used to catalo

11、gue the Moons land forms.问题2选项A.alteredB.substitutedC.experiencedD.preserved问题3选项A.ageB.manner of creationC.sizeD.composition问题4选项A.the possibility of finding water on the MoonB.the lunar regolithC.cataloging various land formationsD.craters and their origins问题5选项A.the reasons craters are difficult

12、to studyB.the different shapesC.some features of large cratersD.some difference in the ways small and large craters were formed【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:D第5题:C【解析】第1题:主旨大意题。A选项“天文学家从勘测者号和阿波罗号太空任务中学到了什么”;B选项“月球主要地形的特征”;C选项“月球陨石坑的起源”:D选项“用来记录月球地貌的技术”。根据题干定位到第一段第一句话The Moon, which has undergone a distinct

13、 and complex geological history, presents a striking appearance.(月球经历了独特而复杂的地质历史,呈现出惊人的外观。)第二段倒数第一二句话Strange, sinuous features were observed in the maria. Although various land forms were catalogued, the majority of astronomers attention was fixed on craters and their origins.(在月海中观察到奇怪的、弯曲的特征。虽然有各种

14、各样的地貌,但天文学家的注意力主要集中在陨石坑和它们的起源上。)从这里可以看出文章都是围绕着月球的地形地貌展开的,所以答案选B;C选项只是提及没有具体展开讲,而且文章不止讲了月球上的陨石坑还有相当一部分内容是讲的月海(maria),所以不能选,A、D选项不符合题意。第2题:词义推测题。A选项“改变”;B选项“取代”;C选项“经历”;D选项“保存”。第一段第一句话The Moon, which has undergone a distinct and complex geological history, presents a striking appearance.(月球经历了独特而复杂的地质

15、历史,呈现出惊人的外观)。从这句undergone的意思是经历,这个和选项C相近,所以答案选C。第3题:词义推测题。A选项“年龄”;B选项“创造的方式”;C选项“尺寸”;D选项“成分”。第一段第三四五句话observers that the two terrains might have different compositionsOne of the most obvious differences between the terrains is the smoothness of the maria in contrast to the roughness of the highlands

16、. This roughness is mostly caused by the abundance of craters; the highlands are completely covered by large craters(观察者认为这两种地形可能有不同的组成这两种地形最明显的区别之一就是平坦的海地与粗糙的高地形成对比。这种粗糙度主要是由大量的陨石坑造成的;高地完全被大型火山口所覆盖),从这里可知因为组成成分不同所以造成了两者的不同,而两者的不同主要是粗糙程度,粗糙程度是因为陨石坑多的地方就很粗糙,而月海没有陨石坑,所以不那么粗糙,归根结底主要还是构成的地形不一样,所以答案选D。第4

17、题:细节理解题。题干:根据文章,月球研究人员主要关注的是A选项“在月球上找到水的可能性”;B选项“月球表面风化层”;C选项“各种地形分类”;D选项“陨石坑和它们的起源”。根据题干定位到第二段最后一句话Although various land forms were catalogued, the majority of astronomers attention was fixed on craters and their origins.(虽然有各种各样的地貌,但天文学家的注意力主要集中在陨石坑和它们的起源上),由此可知科学家的重点是在陨石坑及其起源,所以答案选D;其他选项文章没有提及。第5

18、题:判断推理题。题干:这篇文章可能会继续讨论。A选项“陨石坑形成的原因很难研究”,B选项“不同的形状”,C选项“一些大型陨石坑的特征”;D选项“大小陨石坑形成的方式有些不同”。定位到文章最后一段Astronomers have known for a fairly long time that the shape of craters changes as they increase in size. Small craters with diameters of less than 10-15km have relatively simple shapes. They have rim cr

19、ests that are elevated above the surrounding terrain, smooth, bowl-shaped interiors, and depths that are about one-fifth to one-sixth their diameters. The complexity of shape increases for larger craters.(天文学家很早就知道,陨石坑的形状会随着体积的增大而改变。直径小于10-15公里的小陨石坑形状相对简单。它们的边缘嵴高于周围的地形,光滑的碗状内部,深度约为直径的五分之一到六分之一。陨石坑越大

20、,其形状的复杂性就越大),文章最后一段描写了小陨石坑的一些特征,然后最后一句话说的是陨石坑越大,形状越复杂,所以从这里可以推断接下来文章会要讲大陨石坑的结构和特征了,因此答案选C。3. 单选题The newly elected president has _ $13 million to the automobile industry for its survival.问题1选项A.preparedB.promisedC.disposedD.pledged【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项“准备”;B选项“许下,应允”;C选项“处理”;D选项“保证”。句意:新当选的总统()花13亿元来拯救

21、汽车产业。根据句意,空格中意思填“保证”最合适,pledge和promise都有保证的意思,但是pledge一般表公开场合的保证,意义比较严肃,promise只是承诺。总统说的保证肯定是比较严肃的,所以答案选D。4. 单选题I wish that I( )the concert last night.问题1选项A.could attendB.could have attendedC.to attendD.attended【答案】B【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:我希望我()昨晚的音乐会。这里wish后面的内容是一种假设所以我们可知that里面要用虚拟语气。时间是发生在“昨晚”,所以答案B。A选项不

22、合逻辑;C选项会造成从句没有谓语,不符合语法;D选项会使句子产生歧义,昨天晚上到底有没有去参加音乐会,参加了为什么会在前面用wish,没参加为什么要用一般过去式表示该事已经发生过了。5. 单选题By the time he arrives in Beijing,( ) here for two days.问题1选项A.we had stayedB.we will have stayedC.we would have stayedD.We have stayed【答案】B【解析】考查时态。句意:在他到北京来的时候,我们将已经来了两天了。by the time“在时候”,这里引导的是时间状语,应当

23、遵循主将从现的原则。而从句在这里是一般现在时,所以主句要用一般将来时,所以答案选B。6. 单选题A recent survey suggested that if money were not an issue, most mothers _ not to work at all.问题1选项A.should preferB.preferC.would preferD.preferred【答案】C【解析】考查虚拟语气的用法。选项里面都有prefer,句意是:一项调查显示如果不是因为经济问题,多数母亲更愿意选择不工作。从if可以联想到条件句,后面接的是were,可知这是个虚拟的条件,否则be动词形

24、式我们会选was或者is,因虚拟语气的主句谓语形式是would+原形或者would have done,所以B和D不能选,should的本意是“应该”,would的意思是“将会”,选would句意会更加贴切,所以我们应该选C。7. 单选题After several nuclear disasters, a( )has raged over the safety of nuclear energy.问题1选项A.quarrelB.suspicionC.verdictD.controversy【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项quarrel“争执”;B选项suspicion“怀疑”C选项ver

25、dict“结论,裁定”;D选项controversy“辩论,论战”。句意:在几次核事故后,()在关于核能源安全问题上的()开始激烈。这里根据关键词rage,固而答案选D。quarrel是指人与人之间相互产生了不愉快的事情产生的争论、吵架,所以不能选。8. 单选题When the time for Janes( )came, there was great sorrow in the household.问题1选项A.separationB.departureC.depressionD.expedition【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项“离别,分别”;B选项“离开,出发”;C选项“沮丧,

26、不景气”;D选项“远征,探险队”。句意:当时间到(),整个家庭都陷入到一种沉重的悲伤中。一般亲人启程去某个地方就会产生悲伤,所以答案选B。A选项后面应该填人,或者主语为复数,所以不选。9. 不定项选择题Every artist knows in his heart that he is(1)something to the public. Not only(2)he want to say it well, but he wants it to be something which has not been said before. He hopes the public will liste

27、n and understand he wants to teach them, and he wants them to(3)him.What(4)artists like painters want to teach is easy to(5)but difficult to explain, because painters translate their(6)into shapes and colors, not(7). They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors, out of the countle

28、ss billions possible, is(8)interesting for them and worth(9)to us. Without their work, we(10)these particular shapes and colors, or have felt the delight which they brought to the artists.Most artists take their shapes and colors from the world of nature and from human bodies(11)and repose (休眠). The

29、ir choices indicate that these aspects of the world are worth looking at, that they contain beautiful(12). Contemporary artists might say that they(13)choose subjects that provide an interesting pattern, that there is nothing more in it. (14)even they do not choose entirely(15)reference to the chara

30、cter of their subjects.If one painter choose to paint a gangrenous(坏疽的) leg and(16)a lake in moonlight, each of them is directing our attention to(17)of the world. Each painter is telling us something, showing us something, emphasizing something all of(18)means that,(19), he is trying to(20)us.问题1选项

31、A.takingB.drawingC.singingD.saying问题2选项A.willB.doesC.shouldD.shall问题3选项A.learnB.learn ofC.learn fromD.learn about问题4选项A.visibleB.viewingC.viewableD.visual问题5选项A.take outB.make outC.do outD.speak out问题6选项A.happinessB.sadnessC.experiencesD.experience问题7选项A.sentencesB.textsC.phrasesD.words问题8选项A.except

32、ionallyB.excessivelyC.exaggeratedlyD.exactly问题9选项A.to showB.showC.showingD.shown问题10选项A.will never noticeB.never noticeC.have never noticedD.should never have noticed问题11选项A.in motionB.in workC.in walkD.in mobile问题12选项A.paintingsB.sightsC.picturesD.writings问题13选项A.alwaysB.neverC.merelyD.will问题14选项A.

33、YetB.ThereforeC.BecauseD.So问题15选项A.withB.withoutC.because ofD.because问题16选项A.otherB.anotherC.otherwiseD.also问题17选项A.the natureB.a conclusionC.the same thingD.a certain aspect问题18选项A.whichB.whatC.thatD.them问题19选项A.unconsciouslyB.intentionallyC.consciouslyD.consciously or unconsciously问题20选项A.drawB.te

34、achC.observeD.study【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:D第5题:B第6题:C第7题:D第8题:A第9题:C第10题:D第11题:A第12题:B第13题:C第14题:A第15题:B第16题:B第17题:D第18题:A第19题:D第20题:B【解析】第1题:考查上下文文意义。A选项“拿”; B选项“画”;C选项“唱”;D选项“说”。句意:每一个艺术家在心底都知道他想向公众()什么。Not only( ) he want to say it well, but he wants it to be something which has not been said bef

35、ore.(他不仅想把它说得好,而且想让它成为以前没有说过的东西)。这里出现了两个say,所以答案应该选D。第2题:考查上下文文意。A选项“将”;B选项助动词;C选项“应该”;D选项“将要,应该”。句意:他不仅想把它说得好,而且想让它成为以前没有说过的东西。这里后面半句的时态是一般现在时,所以前面句子也要用一般现在时。Not放于句首要用部分倒装,有情态动词或系动词应该把情态动词或系动词提前,没有情态动词或者系动词可以在主语之前加助动词do/dose/did(根据时态和主语人称选择)。把情态动词选项代入句中,不符合逻辑,所以只需要加一个助动词。第3题:考查动词辨析。A选项“学习”; B选项“听说,

36、听到”;C选项“向学习”;D选项“得知关于;学习关于”。句意;他希望他们()他。根据上文“他希望公众能倾听并理解他想要教育他们(he wants to teach them)”可知“他”想要教育公众,即希望“他们(公众)”向他学习,因此C选择正确。第4题:考查形容词辨析。A选项“看得见的;可见的”; B选项“察看,观看;收看”;C选项“值得一看的”;D选项“视觉的,视力的;栩栩如生的”。句意:像画家这样的()艺术家想要教的东西很容易。可知空格处是修饰艺术家,只有D选项能和修饰艺术家,表示“视觉艺术家”,其他选项均不可,因此D选项正确。第5题:考查词组辨析。A选项take out“去掉,拿走”;

37、B选项 make out“理解,辨认”;C选项do out“打扫,收拾”D选项speak out“畅所欲言”。句意:画家想要教的东西很(),但是很难解释。从句中的but可以看出来前面句子的意思要和后面相反,由此可知答案选B选项。句中想表达的意思是很容易理解但是难以明说。第6题:考查名词辨析。A选项happiness“幸福”;B选项sadness“悲伤”;C选项experiences“经历”;D选项experience“经验”。句意:因为画家把他们的()翻译成形状和颜色。从句意可以把答案D排除;而A、B选项是同级反义词,选了A就可以选B,所以答案选C最合适。画家把他们的经历描述成形状和颜色。第7



40、“休眠”,这里应该填一个近义词或反义词;结合选项我们这里只能选A:画家笔下的形状和颜色来自自然和人类的一举一动。第12题:考查上下文文意。A选项“画”;B选项“眼光,景色”;C选项“图片”;D选项“写作”。句意:他们的选择表明这个世界的这些方面是值得一看的,它们包含着美丽的()。空格前面的they是指的these aspects of the world,这里指的是世界包含美丽的景色,所以答案选B。第13题:考查上下文文意。句意:当代艺术家可能会说,他们()选择一种提供了有趣模式的主题,这种主题里面没有更多的东西。从后面的which there are nothing more in it 可

41、知答案选C。第14题:考查上下文文意。 A选项“然而,但是”;B选项“因此,所以”;C选项“(说明原因)因为,由于;(作出解释)因为”;D选项“所以;因此”。句意:(),即使是他们也做出选择,根据上文提到“当代艺术家可能会说,他们只是选择了提供有趣模式的主题,没有其他东西”,说明他们会做选择,而下文说不会做选择,因此判断出上下文之间是转折的关系,而不是因果关系。A选项正确。第15题:考查上下文文意。A选项“和在一起;随着(表伴随)”;B选项“没有,缺乏;不使用,不借助(表示不伴随)”;C选项“因为;由于(后接名词或者短语)”;D选项“(说明原因)因为,由于;(作出解释)因为”。句意:然而,即使


43、,因为和and前面的谓语动词一样,所以空格这句话省略谓语choose to paint,这里选another另一个,other指三者及以上。第17题:考查上下文文意。A选项the nature“本质”;B选项a conclusion“结局,结论”;C选项the same thing“同一件事”;D选项a certain aspect“某一方面”。句意:他们每个人都在引导我们注意世界的()。根据上文第三段第三句话Their choices indicate that these aspects of the world(他们的选择表明了这个世界的这些方面)所以这里空格处应该和前文保持一致,答案选

44、D。第18题:考查定语从句。句意:所有这些意味着。破折号不能连接两个句子,所以不能选D。能够和all of连用的关系代词只有A选项which,所以答案选A。第19题:考查上下文文意。A选项unconsciously“无意识地”;B选项intentionally“故意地”;C选项consciously“有意识地”;D选项consciously or unconsciously“有意或者无意地”。句意:所有这些意味着,他正在努力的。根据上文Each painter is telling us something, showing us something, emphasizing somethin

45、g,我们也不能分辨出画家是否是有意还是无意地在表达些什么,所以答案选D。第20题:考查上下文文意。第一段最后一句he wants to teach them,全文上下应该保持一致,所以答案选B。10. 单选题Although I had been invited to the opening ceremony, I was unable to attend _ such short notice.问题1选项A.toB.inC.withD.on【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:尽管我被邀请去参加了开幕式,但是我没能够参加。根据关键词such short notice,结合选项可知考查点是固定

46、搭配on such short notice“刚约就要见(没有给对方充裕的时间)”,所以答案选D。attend to是“照顾,处理”的意思,代入句子中间不符合逻辑。11. 不定项选择题What do video cassettes, ice cream, pizzas, whisky and bouquets of flowers all have in common? The answer is that in Japan they can all be bought from a vending machine. Japan boasts more vending machines per

47、 person than any other country in the world, with one for every 22 people. America, by contrast, has one for every 46; the European Community only one for every 200.Japanese vending machines are also more productive. Sales per machine are almost two-thirds higher than in America, because the Japanes

48、e machines sell high-value products, like whisky, as well as the usual Coca-cola and gum.Craving a cigarette or bar of chocolate? In America or Britain the nearest vending machine is probably vandalized, empty, or accepts only the right money in the wrong coins. Thanks to its low crime-rate and soph

49、isticated electronics, Japans vending machines are much reliable. They are also less likely to run out, thanks to on-line monitoring of stocks.Despite what looks like saturation by anyone elses standards, the number of vending machines in Japan is set to grow. This is because the labor-saving advant

50、ages of vending machines have yet to be fully exploited. Declining birth rates, an aging population and tight controls on immigration are creating a shortage of low-wage workers in Japan and boosting the demand for ever cleverer machines. One of the fastest growing sectors is heated food such as piz

51、zas. A vending machine can replace waitresses in hamburger joints, ticket vendors in cinemas and counter staff in all-night stores.The latest craze is vending machines that sell love. Men looking for a girl-friend pay to have their vital statistics fed into the love machine including their name, tel

52、ephone number and, most important of all, the kind of car they drive. Women drop in a few coins, and then choose the take-away man of their dreams.1. There is a vending machine for every 46 people( ).2. Which of the following items can be considered as high-value product?3. Implied but not stated( )

53、.4. The shortage of low-wage workers in Japan is caused( ).5. Which of the following may be the title of the article?问题1选项A.in AmericaB.in JapanC.in FranceD.in the United Kingdom问题2选项A.Video cassetteB.PizzaC.Ice creamD.Whisky问题3选项A.The crime-rate of America is higher than that of JapanB.The crime-ra

54、te of the United Kingdom is higher than that of JapanC.The crime-rate of Japan is higher than that of BritainD.Both A and B问题4选项A.by tight controls on immigrationB.by an aging populationC.by declining birth ratesD.all above问题5选项A.Push-Button LoverB.Clever MachineC.Vending Machine in JapanD.Convenien

55、t Machine【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:D第4题:D第5题:C【解析】第1题:事实细节题。根据题干定位到第一段最后一句:Japan boasts more vending machines per person than any other country in the world, with one for every 22 people. America, by contrast, has one for every 46; the European Community only one for every 200.(日本拥有世界上人均最多的自动售货机,每22个人就有一台。相

56、比之下,美国每46人就有1台,而欧共体每200人中只有1台。),从这里可以看出答案选A“美国”。B选项“日本”,日本售卖机是每22人一台,不符合题意,这里属于反向干扰。C选项“法国”,法国是欧洲国家,欧洲人是每200人一台,不符合题意,这里属于反向干扰。D选项“英国”,英国是欧洲国家,欧洲人是每200人一台,不符合题意,这里属于反向干扰。第2题:事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到第二段第一句话because the Japanese machines sell high-value products, like whisky, as well as the usual Coca-cola a

57、nd gum(因为日本的机器销售高价值的产品,如威士忌,以及通常的可口可乐和口香糖)。第二步,综合理解,文章有明显的指向,威士忌属于高价值产品,所以答案选D。A选项“录像磁带”,第一步,精准定位,定位到第一段第二三句话What do video cassettes, ice cream, pizzas, whisky and bouquets of flowers all have in common? The answer is that in Japan they can all be bought from a vending machine.(录像带、冰淇淋、披萨、威士忌和花束有什么共

58、同之处?答案是,在日本,它们都可以从自动售货机买到),这里虽然有提到A项,但没有说这三种物品是高价值产品不符合题意,这里属于出处错误。B选项“披萨”,见A选项解析。C选项“冰淇淋”,见A选项解析。第3题:事实推理题。第一步,寻找句内线索,定位到第三段第二三句话In America or Britain the nearest vending machine is probably vandalized, empty, or accepts only the right money in the wrong coins. Thanks to its low crime-rate and soph

59、isticated electronics, Japans vending machines are much reliable.(在美国或英国,最近的自动售货机很可能遭到破坏、空无一物,或者只接受用错硬币装对的钱。由于日本的低犯罪率和先进的电子设备,自动售货机非常可靠)第二句讲到英美两国的售货机很可能遭到破坏,而第三句直接说日本的犯罪率低,所以这里就暗指英美两国的犯罪率会要比日本的高,所以答案选D选项“A、B都对”。A选项“美国的犯罪率比日本高”;由上可知,美国的犯罪率的确比日本的要高,但是没有说完全,属于以偏概全。B选项“英国的犯罪率比日本高”;由上可知,英国的犯罪率的确比日本的要高,但是

60、没有说完全,属于以偏概全。C选项“日本的犯罪率比英国高”;由上可知,英国的犯罪率的确比日本的要高,这里属于反向干扰。第4题:事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到第四段第三句话Declining birth rates, an aging population and tight controls on immigration are creating a shortage of low-wage workers in Japan(出生率下降、人口老龄化以及对移民的严格控制,造成了日本低薪工人的短缺)第二步,综合理解,由此可知A选项“通过严格控制移民”;B选项“人口老龄化”;C选项“出生率下降”

61、三个选项都是正确的,选择任意一个都会犯以偏概全的错误,所以答案选D选项“以上都是”。第5题:主旨大意题。第一步:文章行文结构,文章以疑问开始,讲述了自动贩卖机在日本的运用及普及,然后第二、三段讲述日本售卖机可以贩卖的商品,第四段讲述贩卖机在日本迅猛发展的原因,第五段讲的是贩卖机能够卖的匪夷所思的商品,全文是总分结构,都是围绕着日本的售卖机而来,所以答案选C选项“日本的自动售货机”。A选项“按钮的情人”是文章最后一段的内容,犯了以偏概全的错误。B选项“聪明的机器”只是在文章第四段有提及,犯了以偏概全的错误。D选项“方便的机器”。全文没有提到,属于无中生有。12. 单选题No matter how angry he was, he would never( )to violence.问题1选项A.resolveB.resignC.exertD.resort【答案】D【解析

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