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1、Unit 1squarev. to set straight or at approximate right angles使成方形discreetlyad. carefully谨慎地,小心地reserven. self-restraint in expression; the habit of not showing ones feelings or thoughts矜持,拘谨;寡言whereaboutsn. the place where somebody or something is下落, 去向anthologyn. a collection of literary pieces, su

2、ch as poems, short stories, or plays (诗、文等的)选集gropev. to search blindly or uncertainly暗中摸, 摸索tip offto give an advance warning or hint to暗示, 警告,因倾斜而使掉下来goodyn. something attractive or delectable, especially something sweet to eat特别吸引人的东西, 美味的食品puddlen. a small pool of liquid水坑; (尤指道路上的)雨水坑ketchupn.

3、a thick cold red sauce made from tomatoes, used for giving a pleasant taste to food番茄酱flailv. to (cause something to) wave or swing about wildly鞭打;抽打maneuvern. skillful or careful movement策略reara. of the back part后面的;后部的sandaln. a light open-sided shoe worn in warm weather凉鞋brigaden. a group of pers

4、ons organized for a specific purpose 旅sneakv. to go or move in a quiet, stealthy way偷偷溜走junk food(informal and derogative) food (e.g., potato crisps) eaten as a snack and usually thought to be not good for ones health垃圾食品crunchya. making a crunching or cracking sound, as when chewed; crisp发嘎吱嘎吱声的,易碎

5、的spaghettin. a type of pasta in long strings意大利面条somebodys heart goes out to somebodyused to say that someone feels a lot of sympathy towards another person 十分同情,怜悯claspn. a grasp or grip of the hand紧握;紧攥;紧抱slinkv. to move as if one feels guilty or ashamed, or does not want to be seen; to sneak偷偷溜走m

6、aliciousa. having the wish to hurt others恶意的, 恶毒的shacklen. a metal fastening, usually one of a pair, for encircling and confining the ankle or wrist of a prisoner or captive; (figurative) a restraint or check to action or progress, often used in the plural form 手铐,脚镣,镣铐,束缚Unit 2tyrannyn. undue harsh

7、ness暴虐; 专横hauntv. to be persistently and disturbingly present, especially in somebodys mind缠绕, 萦绕, 经常出没于allotmentn. an amount of share of something such as money or time that is givento someone or something分配, 份额dilemman. a situation in which one has to make a difficult choice between two courses of

8、 action, both perhaps equally undesirable左右为难,窘境wearinessn. tiredness, especially as a result of effort or endurance疲倦;困乏misgivingn. (a feeling of) doubt, distrust, or fear, especially about a future event疑虑, 担心reefn. a line of rocks or sand just above or just below the surface of the sea, often dan

9、gerous to ships礁, 暗礁confessv. to say or admit, often formally (that one has done wrong, committed a crime, etc.) 承认, 供认(错误或罪行)maximn. a short saying that expresses a general truth or a rule for good and sensible behavior格言;座右铭rebukev. to speak angrily to (somebody) because one disapproves of what th

10、ey have said or done责难或指责breachv. to make an opening in a wall or fence攻破,违反imperiousa. (too) commanding; expecting obedience from others专横的;蛮横的devourv. to use up all of something耗尽perspective n. the way in which a situation or problem is judged, so that (proper) consideration and importance is give

11、n to each part观点, 想法,deceptivea. giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading 骗人的,虚伪的prominencen. the fact or quality of being well-known and important .声望, 杰出fadev. to disappear gradually (使)褪去 - 英语口译- 英国社会与文化- 英国文学- 汉英语言对比- 交际英语- 跨文化交际- 国际贸易实务- 国际金融- 国际金融- 行政管理学- 中国古代

12、文学- 古代汉语Unit 3attend toto deal with, take care of, look after处理,照顾gourmetn. a person who knows a lot about food and cooking, and who enjoys eating high-quality food讲究吃喝的人, 美食家gluttonn. a person who regularly eats and drinks more than is needed贪吃者;饕餮derive fromto come from a source or origin由起源sagen.

13、 a very wise man圣人, 智者, 哲人primala. chief, main, primary原始的; 最初的, 首要的,ecstasyn. sudden intense feeling or excitement狂喜smotherv. to cover closely or thickly (使)窒息, 闷lavishv. to give a lot, or too much of something过分给予;滥施cuisinen. a style of cooking烹饪艺术, 风味bedeckv. to hang decorations, jewels, flowers,

14、 etc. on装饰,打扮某物/某人exotican. pl. things that are unusual and exciting, especially because they comefrom foreign countries异族事物,新奇事物auberginen. egg-plant; a large (almost egg-shaped) dark purple fruit, used as a vegetable茄子infamousa. deserving of or causing an evil reputation丑恶的, 臭名昭著的jointn. a large p

15、iece of meat, usually containing a bone一块烤肉sensualityn. preoccupation with, or indulgence in, sensual pleasures喜爱感官享受,淫荡sensuala. of the feelings of the body rather than the mind肉体上享乐的texturen. the way that a particular type of food feels in your mouth口感part and parcelan essential part that must not

16、 be ignored重要的部分fastidiouslyad. with excessive care or delicacy过分讲究地braisev. to cook (meat, fish or vegetables) slowly in a little fat and liquid in a closed container 炖battern. a mixture of flour, eggs and milk, used to make pancakes or to cover food before frying it面糊contrivev. to make or invent s

17、omething in a skillful way巧妙地策划palaten. the sense of taste味觉buffetn. a meal where people serve themselves from a variety of types of usually cold food 自助餐fowln. a bird, such as a chicken, that is kept for its meat or eggs鸟, 家禽elusivea. difficult to express, define, or remember难以捉摸的; 不易记住的piquanta. h

18、aving a pleasantly sharp or strong taste开胃的,刺激的enterprisen. readiness to embark on what is new; initiative事业心, 进取心Unit 4nurturinga. providing physical and emotional nourishment and care 培育attendantn. a person whose job is to serve or help people, especially in a public place服务人员, 侍者peern. an equal i

19、n rank, age, quality, etc. 同龄人,身分(或地位)相同的人ramblinga. (of a speech, essay, etc.) not keeping to the subject; disconnected 漫无边际的entertainv. to give people food and hospitality, for example by inviting them to your house 款待ashtrayn. a small dish or container, sometimes decorative, in which smokers leav

20、e ash and cigarette ends 烟灰缸replensihv. to fill up again 重新装满,补充adherencen. the act or quality of binding oneself to observance; faithful attachment 遵守monogamyn. the custom or practice of having only one wife or husband at one time 一夫一妻制libertyn. freedom to live ones life in the way that one wants,

21、without interference from other people or the authorities自由solelyad. not including others; only 唯一地;仅仅 Unit 5obituary n. a published notice of a death, sometimes with a brief account of the dead persons life 讣告,讣闻coronary thrombosisn. blocking of a coronary artery by a clot of blood, damaging the he

22、art and possibly causing death; heart attack冠状动脉血栓形成workaholicn. a person who works obsessively and finds it difficult to stop 工作狂conceivablyad. in a manner that can be imagined or believed可想像地,有理由相信地executiven. a person or group having administrative or managerial authority in an organization主管领导,管

23、理人员,行政领导survivev. to live longer than; to outlive比活得长,幸存boardv. to pay to sleep and eat meals in somebodys house搭伙(并寄宿) widown. a woman whose husband has died, and who has not married again 寡妇deceasedn. somebody who has died, especially recently 已故的人lineupn. a line of people that is formed for inspe

24、ction or identification 列队 - 英语口译- 英国社会与文化- 英国文学- 汉英语言对比- 交际英语- 跨文化交际- 国际贸易实务- 国际金融- 国际金融- 行政管理学- 中国古代文学- 古代汉语Unit 6correlativea. having or showing a relation to something else 相关的ceasev. to come to an end 停止,结束promotev. to help the process of (something); to encourage or support 促成,促进,推动contribute

25、toto help to cause or bring about有助于,促成proportionn. the correct relation in size, degree, etc. between one thing and another or between the parts of a whole 比例;均衡duea. proper, adequate 适当的,充分的populousa. (of a place) having a large population, especially when compared with size 人口稠密的spectaculara. str

26、ikingly large and obvious 壮观的,引人入胜的atomn. the smallest part of an element that can exist chemically 原子lunaticn. a person who is mad, foolish, or wild 疯子,狂人eminenta. (of people) famous and admired 出众的,卓越的inculcatev. to fix (ideas and principles, etc.) in the mind of (somebody) 反复灌输emancipationn. the

27、action or state of setting or being free from political, moral, intellectual or social restrictions 释放,解放prejudicen. an unfair and often unfavorable feeling or opinion not based on reason or enough knowledge 偏见,成见elixirn. an imaginary substance with which medieval scientists hoped to make people liv

28、e for ever 长生不老药conferv. to give or grant 授予,赋予appallinga. horrifying, shocking 骇人的,可怕的vicen. (a) moral fault or weakness in somebodys character 缺点,恶习admixturen. a thing added, especially as a minor ingredient 混合物,附加剂egoismn. the state of mind in which one is always thinking about oneself and what i

29、s best for oneself 自我主义,利己主义horizonn. the limit of a persons knowledge, experience, interest, etc.见识,眼界impartialityn. the condition of treating all rivals or disputants equally 不偏不倚,公平- 英语口译- 英国社会与文化- 英国文学- 汉英语言对比- 交际英语- 跨文化交际- 国际贸易实务- 国际金融- 国际金融- 行政管理学- 中国古代文学- 古代汉语Unit 7chasern. a milder drink tak

30、en after a strong drink of liquor (饮烈酒后喝的)淡酒creakya. of a harsh, scraping sound嘎吱作响的peerv. to look carefully or with difficulty凝视, 盯着看, 端详, 仔细看buffn. a pale yellowish-brown color浅黄褐色make somebodys acquaintance与某人初次相见;结识某人to meet somebody for the first time与某人初次相见;结识某人laxativen. medicine, food or dri

31、nk that causes or helps the bowels to empty轻泻药imperceptiblea. very difficult to notice or feel感觉不到的,细微的, 难以察觉的autopsyn. the examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death; postmortem验尸apprehensivelyad. with uneasiness or fearfulness (about the future) 担心地potionn. a drink supposed to have

32、 magic power魔力药水obligev. to do a favor or service for(根据要求或需要)帮忙,效劳 ,迫使做; 使负义务,confidentiala. trusted with private matters; showing full trust受信任的,委以机密的bountifullyad. generously; in large quantities慷慨地,大量地substitutev. to put something or somebody in place of another以.代替,取代scornn. strong and sometime

33、s angry disrespect towards a person or thing that is regarded as worthless; contempt鄙视; 轻蔑giddya. not serious; too interested in amusement眩晕的,轻浮的,不稳重的rapturen. great joy and delight极度欢喜draughtn. a current of air blowing through a room通风overwhelmv. to cause to feel sudden strong emotion覆盖, 淹没; 使某人不知所

34、措ferventlya. with deep sincere feelings热情地phialn. (also vial) a small bottle, especially for liquid medicines小药瓶better offhaving more money than one used to have or more money than most other people比较富裕,更有余裕 Unit 8puritann. a person who practices or preaches a more strict moral code than that which

35、exists清教徒overshadowv. to make insignificant by comparison; to dominate使(某人)相形见绌fetishn. something regarded with extravagant trust or respect迷恋,盲目崇拜flunkv. to fail, especially (in) a course or examination (使)(考试、某学科的成绩等)不及格bumpern. a usually metal or rubber bar attached to either end of a motor vehic

36、le, such as a truck or car, to absorb impact in a collision (汽车上的)保险杠, 缓冲器traipsev. (informal) to walk wearily漫步,拖曳licentiousnessn. a lack of moral restraint, especially in sexual conduct放肆;无法无天swillv. to drink greedily or grossly大口喝,痛饮(尤指酒类)epitomen. a representative or an example of a class or typ

37、e代表,缩影dampern. (informal) something that stops an occasion from being as enjoyable as it was intended to be扫兴reverentlyad. with a feeling of respect and admiration恭敬地;虔诚地,mirthn. laughter, amusement or happiness欢乐;欢笑,blasphemev. to swear; to use words which show a lack of respect for God or religion亵渎; 咒骂scanv. to examine closely粗略地读;浏览;翻阅

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