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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她天津大学22春“公共课”大学英语离线作业(一)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _ a day.A.customersB.supportersC.guestsD.clients参考答案:D2.If you want to learn something, you had better pay_in class.A.careB.respectC.attentionD.notion参考答案:C3._, he is not a man wor

2、thy of trust.A.To be frank with youB.Being frank with youC.Be frank with youD.To have been frank with you参考答案:A4.The play_already_when we got to the theatre.A.hasstartedB.wasstartedC.havestartedD.hadstarted参考答案:D5.The blue whale is_largest animal in the world.A.aB.theC.不填D.the most参考答案:B6.In China,

3、children _ school at seven.A.has to startB.must to startC.have to startD.can start参考答案:C7.A quantity of heroin has been found at an address in South London, and police are _ the matter.A.examiningB.surveyingC.investigatingD.exploring参考答案:C8.Show me your_hand. Can you move it like that?A.anotherB.the

4、 otherC.otherD.the others参考答案:B9._ his examination of the patient, the doctor wrote out a prescription.A.Having finishedB.FinishingC.FinishedD.Having been finished参考答案:A10.He _ his life to the service of his country.A.determinedB.decidedC.dedicatedD.distinguished参考答案:C11.Some of the citizens have be

5、en_medals for bravery.A.givenB.offeredC.awardedD.paid参考答案:C12.For tonights homework, do passage 40 and 41 in the workbook. I think that is _ work.A.too muchB.much the moreC.too hardD.hardest参考答案:A13.A.Fine. How are you?B.How do you do? Glad to meet you, too.C.How are you? Thank you!D.Nice. How are y

6、ou?参考答案:B14.Could you _ yourself to the fact that you have nothing to do with all day long?A.reconcileB.recognizeC.receiveD.reflect参考答案:A15.A pair of spectacles _ what I need at the moment.A.isB.areC.hasD.have参考答案:A16.It is assumed that students at an intermediate level will have a good _ of the bas

7、ic structures and vocabulary of English.A.commandB.commandingC.to commandD.commanded参考答案:A17.My parents are teachers. They_teach English.A.eitherB.all.C.bothD.Are参考答案:C18.Cook the onion until it has _.A.softingB.softenedC.softD.softed参考答案:B19.As long _ we keep practising, we can make it.A.andB.butC.

8、allD.as参考答案:D20.The bedroom needs _.A.decoratingB.to decorateC.decorateD.decorated参考答案:A21.Cryonics movement is trying to find ways to _ human beings so they can be revived in the future.A.conserveB.reserveC.preserveD.deserve参考答案:C22.Im leaving for New York _ three days time.A.forB.inC.atD.on参考答案:B2

9、3.Children are very curious _.A.at heartB.in personC.on purposeD.by nature参考答案:D24.Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have _ of fat.A.a large numberB.the large numberC.a large amountD.the large amount参考答案:C25._ her and then try to copy what she does.A.MindB.SeeC.Stare atD.Watch参考答案:D26.I wonder if I

10、 could use your dictionary?Sure. _.A.Go on.B.Here you are.C.Go up.D.Here are you.参考答案:B27.She _ talking when I am watching TV.A.alwaysB.keepsC.foreverD.still参考答案:B28.Although the pay is not good, people usually find social work _ in other ways.A.payableB.respectfulC.gratefulD.rewarding参考答案:D29.My au

11、nt has lived in New York _ 1995.A.forB.duringC.inD.since参考答案:D30.In the fifties last century many, new cities_in the desert.A.bring upB.make upC.grew upD.build up参考答案:C31.She was very concerned _ her mothers illness.A.aboutB.forC.withD.on参考答案:A32.Ive heard that you are going to Thailand? Yes, Ill le

12、ave on Sunday. Thats great! _. Thank you!A.Have a nice journey!B.Watch out!C.How are you!D.You are so smart!参考答案:A33.A fire on board a cargo ferry in the English Channel had been _.A.astonishedB.distinguishedC.punishedD.extinguished参考答案:D34.The refrigerator is _; we must buy some food.A.bareB.blankC

13、.hollowD.empty参考答案:D35.Barbara was beginning to panic because she was so _ with the wedding preparations.A.ahead of scheduleB.ahead scheduleC.behind scheduleD.behind of schedule参考答案:C36.It is assumed that students at an intermediate level will have a good_of the basic structures and vocabulary of En

14、glish.A.commandB.commandingC.to commandD.commanded参考答案:A37.A 15-year-old boy was _ for stealing 22 charity boxes from local shops.A.convictedB.sentencedC.arrestedD.attacked参考答案:C38._ I know, the new library will be completed in two months.A.So far asB.So long asC.So farD.As long as参考答案:A39._ the War

15、 of Independence, the United States was an English colony.A.BeforeB.AtC.InD.Between参考答案:A40._ with you, I have a long way to go.A.ComparedB.comparingC.to compareD.compare参考答案:A41.Contrary _ all guesses, he got the No.1.A.toB.atC.inD.about参考答案:A42.The beef I ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicio

16、us. Id like to have it again even if it costs _.A.as twice muchB.much as twiceC.as much asD.twice as much参考答案:D43._! Welcome to the party. Merry Christmas! Its very kind of you to invite us.A.Happy birthdayB.Merry ChristmasC.CongratulationsD.Have a good day参考答案:B44.She has two best friends. _ of the

17、m is in the country.A.AllB.BothC.No oneD.Neither参考答案:D45.The summer vacation is coming in a few days. Ill share the holidays with my daughter by traveling._.A.Congratulations!B.Nice to meet you!C.Have a good trip!D.Its very kind of you.参考答案:C46.The definition leaves_for disagreement.A.a small roomB.

18、much roomC.great deal roomD.not so big a room参考答案:B47.Why didnt you come to my birthday party yesterday? _.A.Excuse me, my friend sent me a flower.B.Fine, I never go to birthday parties.C.Haha, I dont like birthday parties.D.Sorry, but my wife had a car accident参考答案:D48.Would you mind changing seats

19、 with me? _.A.Id rather stay here if you dont mind.B.Sorry, I dont like neither.C.Certainly, why not?D.Yes, we like these two places参考答案:C49.Since they have no children of their own, they decided to _ a little girl.A.adaptB.adoptC.applyD.add参考答案:B50.Aside _ that little mistake, you have done wellA.offB.toC.fromD.toward参考答案:C

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