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1、阅读英语材料整理归纳英语阅读理解带翻译:电视节目Television gives the American people a wide variety of programs from early morning until late at night. Operas, orchestral performances, chamber music and jazz concerts are often presented on television. So most of the leisure at home is used for watching television. Many Ame

2、ricans are so fond of their TV programs that they often have cold luncheon in front of their receiving sets. Television has given people newer and deeper understanding of history, art, music, literature, the ballet, the theater, the discoveries of modern science and the wonders of the universe. Tele

3、vision viewers pay no tax or charges for receiving programs on their sets. The cost of the programs is paid chiefly by those who are given the opportunity to advertise their goods or services during the mercial breaks.美国人从清晨直到深夜都能看到形形色色的电视节目。电视屏幕上经常播放歌剧、管弦乐、室内音乐和爵士音乐演奏。所以家庭中大局部空闲时间都花在看电视上。许多美国人热爱电视节

4、目,经常在电视机前边看电视边吃冷餐。电视使人们对历史、艺术、音乐、文学、舞剧、戏剧、现代科学的新发现和宇宙的微妙有较新和较深切的理解。电视观众看电视节目既不用缴税,也不必付款,节目费用主要是由那些借此为其商品和效劳做插播广告的人支付的。英语阅读理解带翻译:篮球Interest in basketball in the United States peaks around three big chionship events in the spring: the college chionships for men and women in late March or early April a

5、nd the professional playoffs that climax in June.But thats only organized basketball. Informally, the game has been learned by generations of American youths on city playgrounds and schoolyards, on lonely baskets put up in backyards of rural homes and on the driveway basketball courts of countless s

6、uburban homes. Here, playing on teams, going one-on-one against a single opponent or just shooting the ball hour after hour alone, some of the finest basketball players have developed their skills to incredible levels.But as brilliant as some players may be, basketball requires coaching to teach ath

7、letes skills they are deficient in and to blend a group of individuals into a team. Styles of coaching vary. Some coaches favor an extremely disciplined game with each player having a specific role while others are more inclined to let their players dictate the style of play.美国人对篮球的兴趣在春季三大锦标赛期间到达高潮。

8、这包括三月底或四月初举行的大学男篮锦标赛和大学女篮锦标赛,以及在六月份进入决赛高潮的职业篮球赛。上面说的只是有组织的正式比赛。在市内的运动场和学校的操场上,在农舍后院的简易篮球筐下,或是在无数市郊住宅的自家车道上划出的篮球场上,一代代的美国青少年的学习打篮球。一批秀的篮球选手,就是在这种队与队的对抗,单与单的比赛,或是一个人数小时的投篮练习中,练就一身出神入化的球技的。尽管有些球员很有天赋,篮球运动还是需要有教练指导的,帮助球员学习他们掌握欠佳的技术,并把一个个球员熔合成一个队,教练的风格各异。有些教练部署严谨,队员各司其职;有的那么倾向于让队员去决定比赛的打法和风格。英语阅读翻译Dear K

9、ittyI am sorry that I did not write to you earlier because I have been very busy.亲爱的kitty 很抱歉我没有早点给你写信,因为我一直很忙。I was helping with a charity show to raise money for Project Green Hope.我正在为一场慈善演出帮助,想为绿色希望工程筹款。A lot of work needed to be finished, so I did not have much free time.因为有很多工作要完成,所以我没有太多的空余时间

10、。I felt very happy when I was chosen to be the host. It was exciting, but I was also very nervous because of the TV cameras.中选我做主持人的时候,我感到很快乐。那是令人兴奋的事,但我也会因电视镜头而紧张。I knew that lots of people would watch the show and that many famous pop stars would e too.我知道许多人会观看演出,并且许多的流行歌星也会来。We started working o

11、n the show two months ago, so we could do everything on time.我们两个月前就开场准备演出工作,以便我们能按时做好一切。It was my job to introduce each star. I also had many other duties. It was hard work but was happy to do it.介绍每个明星是我的工作。我也有许多其他的任务。那是很辛苦的工作,但是我很快乐去做。We practiced a lot before the show. I had to remember to look

12、at the right camera at the tight time.在演出之前我们进展了大量的练习。我必须记住在合适的时间对准镜头。In the beginning, I thought I would never be abele to remember all the words and do everything right at the same time. Slowly, everything became easier.开场我认为我无法记住所有的台词并同时把每件事做好。渐渐地,一切变的容易了。The big day e every quickly, and suddenly

13、 it was the night before the charity show.这浩大的一天来的很快,不知不觉就到了慈善演出的前一天晚上。I couldnt sleep at all that night because I was so excited. Will it be a success? I kept asking myself.因为我很兴奋,所以在那天晚上我一点也睡不着。“演出会成功吗?”我一直在问自己。Twenty minutes before the big event, the doors opened and many people came into the the

14、atre. No time to be nervous any more. This is it, I told myself.在这浩大演出前20分钟,门开了,许多人进入剧场。“没有时间紧张了,就这样了,”我告诉自己。A lot of people came to watch the show. The fans of the pop stars were making a lot of noise, so I had to speak loudly.许多人来看演出。流行歌星的歌迷们也欢声四起,所以我必须大声说话。Everything seemed to happen so fast, and

15、 now it is all over. A lot of money has been donated to Project Green Hope.一切似乎来的太快,如今一切都完毕了。人们给绿色希望工程捐了很多钱。Everyone was very generous and we had a lot of support from local businesses.人人都很大方,我们也得到了当地企业的支持。I hope more events like this will be organized to raise money for charity and I think more people should be invited to take part in them.我希望我们多举行些像这样为慈善机构筹钱的活动,我认为更多的人应当被邀请参加这样的活动I hope to see you soon. 我希望很快见到你。Best wishes最美妙的祝愿第 8 页 共 8 页

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