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1、GRE写作高分写法技巧和备考经历分享GRE写作高分写法技巧和备考经历分享GRE写作高分技巧介绍1.找到GRE写作的关键 你也能获得高分我们都知道,GRE写作高分并不是那么容易获得的。很多考生都会因为某些原因导致失分,比方说语法问题或者举例不当等。1)词汇。很多人在问,终究需要不需要在写作前背词汇书。我们知道,词汇书是针对笔试里的语文局部搜集整理的,与作文的关系不大。作文需要的高级仍然是那几个,机器或者考官一见,马上会锁定,懂得写议论文,就靠它们几个。另外一些常用动词名词等实词的同义词要多背几组,英语的修辞不在华美,在变幻。句型要多变,表达同种意思的词当然也要变幻。本来就单调的英语,重复是大忌。

2、2)模板。模板怎么用,不是不用而是要合理利用。因为这是一个可以让初学者一目了然,直奔主题的好东西。什么是构造,模板就是构造。模板是骨架,是支撑,但不是灵魂。灵魂的局部当然是文章的主旨,要靠自己在不懈的写作,不断的钻研中去探索和寻找的。千万不可以依赖模板。一篇没有灵魂的骨架子是没法得高分的。2.GRE写作复习方案重视新GRE作文题库,Arg题库如何准备?每个GRE考试题目都要看,把逻辑错误找出来,提取【关键词】:p 或者信号词。Issue题库的准备,按照传统分类形式可以分成社会、科技、行为、教育、历史、媒体、艺术、国际化等几个大类。但是在后期复习中这样的分类方式无法满足高效复习的需求。所以,一开


4、充分展示自己观点的GRE作文,一般应在600字左右,或者是600字以上。由此可见,一篇400字左右的文章在内容上是不够充实的。论证不够吸引人在阐述思想观点之后,缺乏有力的例证去支持所阐述观点。或者总是引用每个人都耳熟能详的例证,例如目前最流行的例证有两个B和两个E,两个B即Bill Gates和Bill Clinton。两个E即Einstein和Edison.并不是这些例证不恰当或缺乏以说明问题,而是假如每一位GRE考试的考生都把爱迪生创造电灯作为例证,都引用爱因斯坦所说的成功是百分之九十九的勤劳加上百分之一的天分,那么自己的文章就显得平庸乏味,不吸引人。同时,也说明考生的知识面狭窄,视野不开

5、阔4.五个GRE写作考试高分技巧1.GRE考试积极改写GRE作文: 必须多修改,假如不勤修改自己的文章,就不知道自己原来的破绽和缺乏在哪,闷头写,只能导致lose the stake! 当认真学习一段时间写作之后,再回头改第一篇习作,肯定会发现自己很多缺点,这说明:我们在进步!2.从别人的GRE作文上汲取经历:必须学习别人的文章,不管是老外280,还是版主们组织的同主题习作,都是非常珍贵的学习,参考资料,看到别人的文章和写作思路,是进步自己程度的有效途径!小站教育建议大家看看版主们原来写的习作和互拍,真的会受益匪浅。例如:among,needle,pooh,鬼谷子等牛人的,不一一列举了。3.G

6、RE考试多考虑多动脑:必须多考虑,多写不如多改,多改不如多想,当然这种想不是fantasy and daydream.二是针对写作思路和自我总结!4.研究GRE考试作文范文:必须研究范文,尤其是5分和6分的范文,他们真的非常重要,因为那是最权威的辅导资料!不是简单的熟读和背诵,而是逐字逐句的体会作者的意思及修辞。还有提醒一点,ETS对范文的评论也都非常精彩,建议!这会非常有利于理解考试所考的重点。5.复习GRE写作考试必备攻略写作练习要趁早对于任何的考试都是一样,练习不仅要趁早,还需要在练习的时候加强对写作形式的总结。有很多人都以为刚开场写好一点花多长时间都值得其实到后来发现根本不是这样,限时


8、势。所以,在复习GRE写作的时候,一定要多加练习。GRE优秀作文范例参考Although innovations such as video,puters,and the Inter seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students,these technologies all too often distract from real learning.尽管诸如电视、电脑和互联网这样的创造似乎给学校教育提供了进步的手段,但是所有这些技术往往也是在偏离真正的学习。正文:Nowadays there is a growi

9、ng concern about the role that innovations have played in the field of learning. While most people think that innovations benefit learning process in various ways,different opinions arise that these technology advancements actually distract students from real learning. On balance,according to my per

10、sonal observation,whether innovations can be beneficial or detrimental to real learning depends on the students and the teachers,not on these innovations themselves.To begin with,technological innovations do help teaching and learning in various ways.With the aid of these technologies,the process of

11、 teaching and learning can be shorter and easier than before. For instance,if a student want certain published papers of an academic discipline,he/she may look through considerable catalogs to find the ones he/she needs. However,with the help of Inter innovation,at present most of these papers are p

12、ublished online. Consequently,to find certain paper the procedure is much easier and shorter,the students just type the key words and other information of the paper,and then the system will search the database,and the papers are there waiting for them. As this new approach can save a lot of time for

13、 the students,he/she could have more time reading the papers and absorbing the knowledge rather than checking and looking for the papers that could be a waste of his/her time. This exle aptly illustrates how technology advancement benefited the students and their learning process.Secondly,while inno

14、vations can help learning in various ways,it is more important that the central role of the pursuit for knowledge and wisdoms are maintained. What real matters is not the approach but the purpose of learning. In India,where modern technologies are less applied to the learning process than in the US

15、and other developed countries,still a lot of distinguished students achieved their academic goal with their hard work and desires to knowledge. In the US,where the software engineering students are given the most advanced facilities and apparatus for their learning and research,however,it is wildly

16、accepted that they are far less outstanding pared to the Indian students of software,who may share puters in groups. From this parison we can see that the real and core push of learning is the desire for knowledge,not the help of innovations.In addition,if not guided properly,the technology advancem

17、ent might inhibit learning.In other words,innovation can distract the students from real learning than helping them. It is obvious that a puter can help students of science to calculate mathematical equations but can also be used for recreation such as surfing or puter games. It is highly possible t

18、hat these students can spend more time and energy on recreations rather than learning when using a puter. Thus,learning is inhibited. Under this circumstance,guidance and restrictions are needed to ensure the right use of innovations for learning,or the consequence may be on the contrary to the stud

19、ents and teachers desire.To conclude,technological innovations are beneficial to learning in many ways,but when using these technologies,one should not forget the real purpose of learning and remember not to be distracted for other usages of these innovations that are irrelevant or detrimental to le

20、arning. On balance,innovation here serves as a double-edges sword,and its right use is dependent on the students and the teachers.GRE写作范文精选“The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has bee a more important form of documentation than written record

21、s.”According to the speaker, the video recording is a more important means of document hag contemporary life than a written record because video recordings are more accurate and convincing. Although I agree that a video provides a more objective and accurate record of an events spatial aspects, ther

22、e is far more to document ha life than what we see and hear. Thus the speaker overstates the parative significance of video as a documentary tool.For the purpose of documenting temporal, spatial events and experiences, I agree that a video record is usually more accurate and more convincing than a w

23、ritten record. It is impossible for anyone, no matter how keen an observer and skilled a journalist, to recount ha plete and objective detail such events as the winning touchdown at the Super Bowl, a Ballanchine ballet, the Tournament of Roses Parade, or the scene at the intersection of Florence and

24、 Normandy streets during the 1992 Los Angeles riots. Yet these are important events in contemporary life the sort of events we might put ha a time capsule for the purpose of capturing our life and times at the turn of this millennium.GRE写作范文精选题目Writes an essay, considering and assessing arguments fo

25、r and against the following view: As reading is important for a good education, we should encourage our children to read whatever appeals to them.范文The famous English philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Reading makes a full man”. Reading books can strongly shape you inclination, mature your thoughts, w

26、iden you horizon and enrich your personality. Life is limited, but knowledge is boundless. The more books we read, the more knowledge we get. Hence, We should encourage our children to read more books.However, books can also be harmful, particularly the pornographic books. Bad books contain evil tho

27、ughts. In them, there might be much description about violence, superstition, and sex. Lets suppose that you are in the position of a parent. Would you allow your children to read whatever appeals to them? If your answer to the question is “yes”, you are either extremely permissive or just plain irr

28、esponsible. If children read bad books, the evil thoughts would poison their mind gradually. They will be dispirited and perhaps mit a crime.Good books, on the other hand, teach and help children to do good things. Good books are childrens real panions, and they are both instructive and inspiring. C

29、hildren know past events from history books, study munication by language book, learn space and numbers through mathematics books. In a word, different kinds of good books can give them a large amount of ideas and knowledge.Consequently, those who read good books can be inspired to grow healthily, while those who read bad ones will lead a wicked life and meet with miserable failure. So before we encourage our children to read books, we should teach and help them to identify good and bad books.第 14 页 共 14 页

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