【托福写作提分】托福综合写作详细实例解析 教你写好托福作文

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《【托福写作提分】托福综合写作详细实例解析 教你写好托福作文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【托福写作提分】托福综合写作详细实例解析 教你写好托福作文(6页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、【托福写作提分】托福综合写作详细实例解析 教你写好托福作文在以下内容中小编为大家实例解析一篇托福综合写作文章,希望通过详细的解析,大家能够更了解如何去写,该注意些什么,希望能为大家的备考带来帮助。【原文】When a company needs to hire someone for a managerial position, there is often a choice between promoting an employee who is already working inside the company or bringing in a person from outside.

2、Hiring a qualified outsider is often to a companys advantage for several reasons.【中文释义】当一个公司需要雇佣管理人员的时候,常常有两个选择。一是内部提拔,二是外部聘用。从外部雇佣资深的管理人员对于公司来说更有利,有以下几个原因。【词汇注释】hire 雇佣,聘用managerial 管理的,经理的promote 提拔,晋升qualified 有资格的,有资历的,合格的outsider 外人,局外者【同义词扩展】1. hire:employ,take on 雇佣,聘用2. position:location,sta

3、nd, standing 位置,地位,立场3. qualified:eligible 合格的【写作实用句型积累】1. there is often a choice between A and B. A和B常为热议的两种选择,解决方法等,这个句型在写作中很常见2. A is to ones advantageA对于。来说更有利,更有优势。写作中如果在A和B之间选了A的话,可以用这个句型。【原文】An important reason for hiring outsiders as managers is that they bring a new perspective. This contr

4、ibutes to the diversity of ideas and allows company practices to be seen in a new light. Often, an outsider hire will ask, “Whats the reason for doing things that way?” This question may lead to a reevaluation of practices that are actually inefficient but have become so much a part of the routine t

5、hat it is difficult for insiders to question them.【中文释义】一个重要的原因就是从外部聘请的管理者会带来一种新的视角。这样的话可以使想法更加多样化,且可以用新的角度来审视公司的举措行为。比如,外部管理者会常常问,”为什么要用这种方式来处理问题?”这个问题会让公司的老员工重新审视一些做得不到位的事情,而这些事情对于老员工来说已经是一种例行公事,很少有人会去质疑它。【词汇注释】perspective 角度,视角diversity 多样化reevaluation 重新评估inefficient 不足的,不够的question 质疑contribute

6、 to 导致,贡献【同义词扩展】1. important:necessary, essential, vital, imperative 重要的,必要的2. perspective:viewpoint,outlook,aspect,standpoint 角度,层面3. diversity:difference,multiplicity 多样化4. inefficient:inadequate,helpless 无效的,效率低的5. question:doubt,query 疑问,质问【写作实用句型积累】1. bring a new perspective (to) sth 为。带来新的视角,理

7、解2. do(think, consider, see, view, evaluate) sth in a new light 从新的角度去思考,审视,评估某事3. an important reasons for sth/doing sth is that+从句 做。的一个重要理由是。 此句型可以引出分论点哦【原文】Another major factor to be considered is the cost of on-the-job training. Hiring outsiders allow a company to look for people who already ha

8、ve the particular skills and experience required for the job. The company will not have to spend time and money training an internal employee for the new job-something that has to be done when, for example, an employee is promoted from a technical position to a managerial one. In such a case, usuall

9、y the employee would be sent to classes to help learn needed managerial skills.【中文释义】另外考虑到的一个重要因素是在职培训的费用。如果外部征聘的话,公司完全可以雇佣一个在相关领域有成熟技能和经验的人。相反,如果从内部提拔老员工的话,公司不得不重新花时间和精力来培训他。比如说,如果将公司的一名技术人员晋升为管理层人员,他必须要参加和管理相关的培训班。【词汇注释】major 主要的factor 因素particular 特别的,独有的,详细的internal 内部的on-the-job training 在职培训【同

10、义词扩展】1. factor:element,basic,essential 因素,元素2. particular:special,exclusive,detailed 特别的,详细的,专门的3. consider:think,find,view 考虑,认为4. internal,inner,inherent,inside 内部的,内在的5. training:education,cultivation,drilling 培训,教育,操练【写作实用句型积累】1. another major factor to be considered is sth/that+从句 另外一个要考虑的因素是。

11、此句型可用于引出第二个分论点哦【原文】Finally, managers hired from the outside will often have business contacts with suppliers, customers, and technicians that they have developed in their previous job. Clearly these contacts can be a valuable asset for the company that hires managers from the outside.【中文释义】最后来讲,外部聘用

12、的管理者有相关工作和领域的供应商,客户和技术员的人脉关系,这些关系在他之前的工作中就建立起来了。显而易见,这些人脉关系对于现在雇佣他的新公司来说无疑是一笔宝贵的财富。【词汇注释】contact 接触,联系?supplier 供应商technician 技术人员previous 之前的,先前的asset 资产,财产【同义词扩展】1. contact:touch,link,meet 联系,接触2. business:commerce,trade 商务,商业3. customer:consumer,client 顾客,客户4. previous:ago,fore 之前的,先前的5. asset:pr

13、operty,virtue,finances 资产,财产【阅读听力要点点睛】READING PASSAGE LECTUREAn important reason for hiring outsiders as managers is that they bring a new perspective.一个重要的原因就是从外部聘请的管理者会带来一种新的视角。 The new perspective an outsider brings into the companys corporate structure often leads to conflict in the managerial t

14、eam.外部聘用的管理者的新想法常常会引起公司原来管理团队之间的冲突。Another major factor to be considered is the cost of on-the-job training.另外考虑到的一个重要因素是在职培训的费用。 Another point to note is that hiring outsiders may entail an additional cost that perhaps isnt obvious.从另外一个角度来讲,从外部雇佣管理者可能会产生新的费用,虽然这些费用不会很高。Finally, managers hired from the outside will often have business contacts with suppliers,customers and technicians.最后,外部聘用的管理者有相关工作和领域的供应商,客户和技术员的人脉关系, When key employees leave, they will also take their valuable business contacts away with them to their new employer.也有一种可能,就是公司原来的员工因得不到提拔而离开公司,那他们就把手上拥有的人脉带到新的公司去了。

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