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1、温州大学瓯江学院WENZHOU UNIVERSITY OUJIANG COLLEGE本科毕业设计(论文)外 文 资 料 译 文题 目电信运营计费系统专业电子信息工程班级08电工本一学生姓名汪江明学号08206023121指导教师王跃东职 称副教授温州大学瓯江学院教务部制外文资料翻译(译文不少于2000汉字)1所译外文资料:作者:LIU Jiao-min、FAN Tong-rang 、TONG Kuan-zhang书名(或论文题目):Research of network technology for Intelligent Circuit Breaker Controller出 版 社(或刊物

2、名称):Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A出版时间(或刊号):2007.03所译页码:4644682译成中文:智能断路器的网络技术研究关键词:CAN总线,网络控制,TCP/IP,嵌入式网络,互联网摘要:在以太网逐步朝着控制厂房和设备层网络的发展趋势下,更多的关于智能断路器(ICBC)的管理信息正变的分散化和网络化。本文介绍一种复杂的工业领域基于以太网帧控制网络的混合结构,然后主要讨论三个ICBC网络管理方法,如基于PCI的互联方法,嵌入式网关和嵌入式Web服务器。与此同时,它还提供了基本的执行互连硬件框架,主要组成部分的类型,并有支持嵌入式TCP

3、/ IP协议和Web服务器的实时操作系统。引言低压断路器(LVCB)是在分配系统下交换机的主要开关设备之一。它可以切换/关闭正常负载电流,是与发动机使用的超负荷电流一样的;另一方面,它可以连接并打破短路电流。此外,比如出现严重的电流,超载,短路,相损失等等故障时,LVCB可以自动切断电路,并且在很大范围内隔离故障。因此,它对保护网络的电路,电器和电动马达起着重要的作用,因此得到了广泛应用。因此,它在保护网络电路,设备和电动马达起着重要的作用,从而被得到了广泛应用。基于LVCB ,智能断路器(ICBC)增加了智能阻断控制功能和简单的访问路径,这可以通过给计算机数据以达到控制。随着设备控制系统通讯

4、和网络技术应用的发展,日渐增多的工业控制网络趋势为ICBC信息管理提出了新的要求,主要表现在两个方面: (1)基于异构网络实现计算机网络的通信和互联;(2)各种信息的共享,包括不同的控制信息和工作信息(例如:运行方式-开/关;准备工作,预警,故障等等;关于运行分支通道的电气参数,如电流的参数,故障参数等;控制网络工作参数)通过网络来管理。1基于以太网的结构综合控制网络 该智能设备的格架必须满足下列条件:实现互联网/内联网/以太网一级的现场总线的功能,从传统的控制方法如场开关信号转变模拟信号到由现场总线形成的英特尔控制方法;应用互联网技术到工业网络,并实现基于TCP / IP协议工业控制网络。造

5、成控制网络的核心技术是实现互联,换句话说,在不同介质,利率和交际条约之间实现相互交流,最后达到在不同子网的设备之间进行信息交换的目的。目前,控制网络互联的方法主要依赖于各种现场总线组成的广泛的网络。2给以太网连接智能断路器的方法紧接着全面开放,全分散和互操作的原则,体现在全面控制网络,现场连接到以太网设备的实现方法有三种:(1)插通讯卡到工业PC和PCI ,其中的信息交流是完整的。这些数据在以太网层通过计算机转移到计算机。(2)在不同的通信协议之间采用专门的网关,以实现转变来连接设施到以太网。(3)直接插Web服务器到PLC或控制设备。数据以Web服务器和浏览器方式的动态互相感应。2.1 基于

6、PCI模式的互联 由于基于PCI模式的技术是比较先进的,它已被广泛应用。这种模式由智能断路器,计算机,网卡和相关软件组成。 智能设施主要包括可采用的微控制器(MPU)的基本系统(英特87C196KC),控制逻辑的收集,模拟量的转变和收集,交换值的输入/输出处理者,输出控制, CAN总线接口和CAN总线收发器。CAN包括:智能型高速双内存的PCI CAN总线,直接映射到内存空间,在CAN和PC总线之间实现数据交换。嵌入式微控制器(87C592)可以减轻主机电脑的负担和能完成复杂的沟通工作。主机电脑可以通过内置的网卡或调制解调器连接到以太网,以被其他子网交换数据。图1 .基于PCI接口互联2.2

7、基于网关互联 特殊的网关是用于某些现场总线设备之间的互连,并且工业以太网是一种折中的战略,在不忽视产品情况下其是由多个总线开发商所雇用的以扩大其市场份额。整个网络采用2层结构:下面部分是低速现场总线,而较高的部分是以高速以太网为核心的现场总线网络,整合了不同的协议标准。两层异构网络之间的无缝连接,可由嵌入式网关实现。下面的部分将采取CAN总线为例,介绍智能断路器采用嵌入式网关的互连方法。嵌入式网关在应用层级别负责建设和分析完整的CAN协议数据包。那么它传输数据包给TCP / IP协议应用层作为数据。在此过程中,没有关于通讯数据实际意义的任何解释将被它提交,因此在高速以太网和相对较低的总线速度之

8、间,互联才能实现,并且在TCP / IP和各种现场总线之间,协议转让就可能发生。嵌入式网关是由三个部分组成:通信处理器,CAN总线控制器和以太网控制器。运作模式如下:在微控制器的调度下,使用以太网控制器交换操作站之间的数据;嵌入式CAN控制器可以与CAN总线中每个的智能断路器的节点或与其他现场设备交换数据。微控制器的选择可以是嵌入式CAN通信模块MC68HC05X16 或DPS的系列,如TMS320F206DSR或嵌入式CAN通信模块的S320F243DSP芯片。通常以太网控制器的选择是由Realtek生产的RTL8019AS。RTL8019AS是高级密码系统,其支持该芯片IEEE802.3标

9、准和微软即插即用标准。它也提供8位,16位和32位微处理器,并且它的软件与NE2000兼容。它可用于以太网二, IEEE802.3,10Base5,10Base2,10BaseT。发送和接收速度可以达到每秒10MB 。静态存储器(内置16 KB的)负责接收和发送缓冲存储器;它减少了主处理器的速度需求。此外,以太网控制器可以使用AMD公司生产的AM7790或AM7794 ;Crystal生产的CS8900 ,或英特尔生产的82596。图2 .基于嵌入式网关连接2.3 基于嵌入式Web服务器的互联嵌入式技术的发展使嵌入式网络技术成为异构网络的主要解决方法。有Web服务器软件的智能现场设备勘探将成为


11、这个配置,改变以太网控制机器和微控制器的数据能直接地应用在CMOS芯片里;因此,通信效率提高了,同时,反干扰能力和稳定性比分离的设备更好。形成以太网的微控制器或微处理器可以采用由摩托罗拉生产的68K系列,如MPC860,MPC8260,或由三星生产的NetARMD。以太网发射器可以用AMD生产的AM7991,Level生产的LXT901和LXT907或者由摩托罗拉生产的68160。有多重功能的CMOS切片的软件部分主要由嵌入式实时多任务操作系统组成RTOS和Web服务器软件。实时操作系统可以采用由风河生产的VxWorks,由3Com生产的OS平台,由微软生产的Windows CE;另外,一些外

12、国公司,像风河,微软,0NX和原子核,生产嵌入到Web上的软件开发平台。由CoreTleck公司开发的DeltaSystem平台在家里使用比较成熟。图3 基于嵌入式以太网连接图在以太网嵌入式Web智能断路器和个人电脑之间的数据转换通常采用客户/服务器的方法,即一个客户随着几个服务器转变数据。PC,作为一个客户,在线监测整个系统状态。每一个监测代码,由位智能单元形成并且嵌入网络服务器,接收由客户发出的控制命令,而且给客户提供所需的系统参数。这基本上反映了请求/相应,即是,客户给服务器发出信息和数据请求,然后服务器运行它并且返回进程结果给客户。随着集成电路,工业以太网技术和嵌入式Internet技

13、术的发展,基于以太网组合模式的工业控制网络将逐渐被互联网控制网络所取代。在TCP / IP协议组基础上,嵌入式Web服务器和即插即用功能的智能现场设备在信息集成和控制的网络架构的革命中起着重要作用。智能断路器网络技术的研究具有重要的意义和实用价值。参考文献Li, Z.J., 2002. Design of intelligent node of can bus based distributed measuring and control system. Journal of Shandong University of Technology, 32(5):465-468.Liao, L.Q.

14、, Ling, Y.H., Yang, X.R., 2001. An intelligent protecting and monitoring system based on CAN field-bus for high voltage switchboard. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 32(5):532-535.Ni, Y.P., 2003. The Modern Low Voltage Apparatus and Control Technique. Chongqing University Press, Ch

15、ongqing, p.18-24 (in Chinese).Shen, G., Wei, Z., Cai, Y.Z., 2003. Delivery delay analysis of a real-time Ethernet MAC protocol. Acta Electronica Sinica, (3):175-179.Wu, Z.J., Hu, M.Q., Du, Y.S., 2003. Application of embedded Ethernet to communication networks in substations. Power System Technology,

16、 27(1):71-75.Yang, X.H., 1999. Fieldbus Technology and Application.Qinghua University Press, Beijing p.309-347.Yin, J.W., Zou, J.G., Zhu, S.Y., Yuan, Y.D., 2003. To observe the development trend of low voltage electrical apparatus in the world from Germany industry exhibition. Low Voltage Apparatus,

17、 (1):3-7; (2):3-6.Zhang, J.D., Zhang, W.D., Xu, X.M., 2001. Research of fieldbus interconnection with Ethernet. Computer Engi- neering, 27(5):19-21.学生签名 汪江明 . 2011 年 10月 31 日指导教师审阅意见指导教师签名 .年 月 日附:Research of network technologyfor Intelligent Circuit Breaker Controller*LIU Jiao-min1, FAN Tong-rang1,

18、2, TONG Kuan-zhang2 (1Electrical Apparatus Research Institute, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin300130,China) (2Department of Information Engineering, Shijiazhuang Railway Institute, Shijiazhuang 050043, China)E-mail: fantrReceived Dec. 19, 2006; revision accepted Jan. 5, 2007Abstract: With th

19、e current development trend of Ethernet gradually towards the control network of plant-floor layer and devices layer, much management information on Intelligent Circuit Breaker Controller (ICBC) is becoming distributed and networked. This paper describes a mixing structure of complex industrial fiel

20、d control network based on Ethernet frame, then mainly discusses three network management methods of ICBC, such as the interconnection method based on PCI, embedded gateway and em- bedded Web server. At the same time, it also gives the basic hardware framework of implementing interconnection, the ty

21、pe of main components, and the real-time operation system supporting the embedded TCP/IP protocols and Web server.Key words: CAN bus, Control network, Ethernet , TCP/IP, Embedded WebINTRODUCTIONLow Voltage Circuit Breaker (LVCB) is one of the main appliance switches in the distributing system. It ca

22、n switch on/off the normal-loaded current, the current used by motor as well as overload current; on the other hand, it can connect and break short-circuit current. Besides, when faults such as serious over-current, overload, short circuit, loss of phase and so on appear, LVCB can cut-off the circui

23、try auto- matically and cause the breakdown to be isolated to great extent. As a result, it plays important role in protecting network circuitry, appliance and electric motor, and thereby has been widely applied.Based on LVCB, Intelligent Circuit Breaker Controller (ICBC) adds intelligent breaking c

24、ontrol function and simple communicative access, which can pass data to computer for control (Ni, 2003). With the development of application of communicative and network technology to appliance control systems, and the increasing trend that the industry controls network as well, new demands are put

25、forward for information management of ICBC, which are mainly manifested in two aspects:(1) Realization of computer network communi- cations and the interconnection based on heteroge- neous networks;(2) Sharing of various information including diverse control information and working information (e.g.

26、 operating modeon/off, ready to work, warning, breakdown, and so on; the electric parameters on operating branching channels such as current pa- rameter, fault parameter, etc.; control network work- ing parameter), was managed through network.COMPREHENSIVE CONTROL NETWORK BAS- ED ON ETHERNET FRAMEWO

27、RKThe latticing on intelligent devices need to meet the following conditions: realizing the function of Internet/Intranet/Ethernet at the level of field bus; transferring from the traditional control method such as field switch signals, analog signals to Internet control method formed by field bus;

28、adopting Internet technology to industrial network and realizing indus- trial control network based on TCP/IP protocol (Yin et al., 2003). The core technology is to cause the control network to realize interconnection, in other words, the realization of intercommunication between different media, ra

29、te and communicative treaties, and finally reach the goal that information can be ex- changed between the facilities in different subnet (Shen et al., 2003). At present, the way to control the interconnection of the network mainly depends on the comprehensive network made up of various field bus.WAY

30、 TO CONNECT INTELLIGENT BREAKER TO ETHERNETFollowing the principle of full-opening, full-de- concentration and interoperation manifested in the comprehensive control network, the facilities on the spot connecting to Ethernet are realized in three ways: (1) Plug the communication card into the indus-

31、trial PC and PCI, in which the information exchange is completed (Liao et al., 2001). The data are trans- ferred to the computer in Ethernet layer through the computer.(2) Adopting specialized gateway to realize the shift between different communication protocols, to connect facilities to Ethernet.(

32、3) Plugging directly the Web server into PLC or control facilities (Wu et al., 2003). The data are interacted dynamically by means of Web server and common browser.Interconnection based on PCI modelAs the technology based on PCI model is rela- tively advanced, it has been widely used. This kind of m

33、odel consists of intelligent breaker, computer, card and relevant software. Fig.1takes CAN (Controller Area Network) for example to show the framework of the hardware in the interconnection (Yang, 1999).Intelligent facilities mainly including the basic system of MPU may adopt (Intel 87C196KC), the c

34、ollection of control logic, analog quantity shift and collection, switching value input/output handlers, output control, CAN communicative interface and CAN transceiver (the selected pattern is shown in Table 1).CAN includes: intelligent PCI-CAN with high-speed double RAM, direct mapping into the me

35、mory space, realizing the data exchange between CAN and PC. The embedded MPU (87C592) can lighten the burden to the host computer and fulfill the complex communicative work.The host computer can be connected to Ethernet through built-in network card or modem, in order to exchange the data by other s

36、ubnet.Interconnection based on gatewayThe special gateway is used for interconnection between certain field bus equipment and industrial Ethernet is a kind of compromising strategy employed by many bus developers to enlarge their market share without neglecting the products. The frame with dotted li

37、ne in Fig.1 demonstrates the detail of this kind interconnection. The whole networkadopts 2-layer structure: the lower part is thelow-speed field bus, while the higher part is the fieldbus network with the high-speed Ethernet as the core,integrating different protocol standards. The seamless connect

38、ion of heterogeneous networks between two layers can be realized by the embedded gateway. The following part will take the CAN bus as an example to introduce the interconnection method of intelligent breaker controller by adopting the embedded gateway.Fig.1 Interconnection based on PCIEmbedded gatew

39、ay is responsible for constructing and analyzing the complete CAN protocol data package at the application layer levelThen it transfers the data package as the data for TCP/IP application layerDuring the process,no explanation about the actual significance of the communicating data will be presented

40、 by it, thereforethe interconnection between high speed Ethernet and the relatively low speed field bus can be achieved and the transfer of protocols between TCP/IP and various field buses can occurThe embedded gateway is made up of three parts:communications processor, CAN bus controller and Ethern

41、et controllerThe mode of operation is as follows:At the scheduling of microcontrollerusing the Ethernet controller to exchange the data with operating station;embedded CAN controller can exchange data with every node of intelligent breaker in CAN bus or with other field equipmentThe choice of microc

42、ontroller can be the embedded CAN communication module MC68HC05X16 or DPS series,such as TMS320F206DSR or the TMS320F243DSP chip with embedded CAN communication module Fig.2 Interconnection based on embedded gatewayUsually the choice of Ethernet controller is RTL8019AS produced by RealtekRTL8019AS i

43、s the high grade cryptosystem which supports the chips with IEEE8023 standard MicrosoftIt also supports and the PnP standard of the 8-bit,1 6-bit and 32bit microprocessor and its software is compatible with NE2000It can be applied to Ethernet II,IEEE8023,1 0Base51 0Base21 0Base-TThe sending and rece

44、iving speed can reach 10MbpsSRAM(built-in 16 kB)is responsible for receiving and sending buffer memory;it reduces the demand of the major processors speedBesides,Ethernet controller can use AM7790 or AM7794 ;produced by AMD,CS8900 produced by Crystal,or 82596 produced by lntelnterconnection based on

45、 embedded Web serverThe development of embedded technology enables embedded network technology to be the major resolution of heterogeneous networksThe exploration of intelligent field device with Web server software becomes the best way for controlling industrial of network interconnectionEmbedded n

46、etwork technology is the technology using intelligent equipment based on the original embedded system adopting RTOSthe real-time operation system which supports embedded network protocol groups(such as TCP/IP, etc)and makes it to have the function of networkthus RT0S can work as network server that

47、connects to Ethernet using plug and play method and form the embedded network systemAdopting this interconnection methodthe implementation of hardware relies mainly on the model in the intelligent breaker which is in charge of information processing and network communicationsDue to the complexity of

48、 TCP/IP protocol,the cornmunication models involved in the realization of the protocol are MCUEthernet controller and Ethernet transceiverThe methods of interconnection fall in two ways:(1) Transferring the Ethernet card configuration embedded in the PC which is shown in Fig.2 to thedevice level, wh

49、ile the MCU is required to have higher performance.(2) Adopting the CMOS chip which integrates Ethernet controller and microcontroller, as Fig.3shows, based on this configuration, the data exchange between Ethernet controller and microcontroller can be directly implemented within the CMOS chip; as a

50、 result, communication efficiency is advanced,meanwhile, the capabilities of anti-interference and arebatter then the separated Reliability configuration. Fig.3Interconnection based on embedded EthernetCMOS chipThe microcontroller/microprocessor which form the Ethernet controller may adopt the 68K s

51、eries produced by Motorola such as MC68020MC68030MC68360,PowerPC series such as M PC860M PC8260or Net ARM D produced by SAMSUNGEthernet sender can use AM7991 produced by AM D.LXT90l and LXT907 produced by Level oneor 68160 produced by MotorolaThe software part of the CMOS chip with multifunction con

52、sists mainly of the embedded real-time multitask operating system-RTOS and Web server softwareReal-time operating system can adopt VxWorks produced by Windriver, Palm OS produced by 3ComWindows CE produced by Microsoft;in addition,some foreign companies such as Windriver,Microsoft,QNX and Nuclear pr

53、oduce software development platform which is embedded to webDeltaSystem platform developed by CoreTeck Company is m ore mature at homeData exchange between the embedded Web intelligent breaker and PC in the Ethernet usually adopts the method of client/server,namely, one client exchanges data with se

54、veral serversPC,as a client,monitors the whole system state onlineEvery monitor node,formed by site intelligent cell and embedded network server, receives control command sent by the client and provides needed system parameter to the client It reflects basically request/correspondthat isthe client s

55、ends information and data request to the server, and then the server processes it and returns the processing result to the c1ient.With the development of integrated circuitindustrial Ethernet technology and embedded Internet technology, industrial control network based on Ethernet mix mode will be r

56、eplaced gradually by the Internet control networkOn the basis of TCP/IP protocol groupembedded Web server and intelligent field device with plug and play function play an important role in the revolution of manufactory information integration and control network architecture. Study on network techno

57、logy for Intelligent Circuit Breaker Controller is significant and practica1 ReferencesLi, Z.J., 2002. Design of intelligent node of can bus based distributed measuring and control system. Journal of Shandong University of Technology, 32(5):465-468.Liao, L.Q., Ling, Y.H., Yang, X.R., 2001. An intell

58、igent pro- tecting and monitoring system based on CAN field-bus for high voltage switchboard. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 32(5):532-535.Ni, Y.P., 2003. The Modern Low Voltage Apparatus and Control Technique. Chongqing University Press, Chongqing, p.18-24 (in Chinese).Shen, G.,

59、 Wei, Z., Cai, Y.Z., 2003. Delivery delay analysis of a real-time Ethernet MAC protocol. Acta Electronica Sinica, (3):175-179.Wu, Z.J., Hu, M.Q., Du, Y.S., 2003. Application of embedded Ethernet to communication networks in substations. Power System Technology, 27(1):71-75.Yang, X.H., 1999. Fieldbus

60、 Technology and Application.Qinghua University Press, Beijing p.309-347.Yin, J.W., Zou, J.G., Zhu, S.Y., Yuan, Y.D., 2003. To observe the development trend of low voltage electrical apparatus in the world from Germany industry exhibition. Low Voltage Apparatus, (1):3-7; (2):3-6.Zhang, J.D., Zhang, W.D., Xu, X.M., 2001. Research of fieldbus interconnection with Ethernet. Computer Engi- neering, 27(5):19-21. - 12 -

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