五年级英语下册 Unit 11(7)教案 北师大版

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《五年级英语下册 Unit 11(7)教案 北师大版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级英语下册 Unit 11(7)教案 北师大版(7页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、五年级英语下册 Unit 11(7)教案 北师大版教学目标情感目标通过讲解故事,引导学生勤劳,热爱劳动,学会与他人合作,培养合作意识。知识目标1.学生能结合插图和动画听懂、理解故事的内涵。 2.在语境中能理解本单元出现的新词汇和短语。能力目标学生能通过循序渐进的学习理解课文,并能在图片的帮助下和老师的指导下完成相关练习。教学重点理解课文的主要内容教学难点能根据课文完成练习题教具CAI课件录音机单词卡片和图片活动过程教师活动学生活动设计意图热身问候学生问候老师活跃课堂氛围Pre-reading老师表演一段动作,让学生回答:What am I doing? 引出“cooking”,并让学生回答“W

2、hat can you cook?”1、回答关于老师活动的内容“cooking”。2、谈谈自己会做的菜。对本课中的话题“cooking”有初步理解,并通过谈论自己会做的菜引起学生在家要勤劳的共鸣。While-reading1.引入新课:All of you are good children, so today, well be cook with Mocky and his friends Ann and Ken.提问:What will they cook? / What do they need to make a cake?2.理清故事线索:边放录音边回答问题。结合图片提问,让学生理解

3、制作蛋糕的前三个步骤。3.引导学生自读故事:老师问问题what are the rest steps? 然后让学生听余下的录音,边听边找出制作蛋糕的后三个步骤。全班检查学生在黑板上的连线练习,并学习制作蛋糕的后三个步骤中的重点单词和词汇。4整体理解故事问题:Why did Mocky change the recipe?What does Mocky want?进入新课学习:学生通过猜测和回答引出今天要做的东西“蛋糕”,并通过找做蛋糕的材料,引出和学习新单词:add, bake, break,及补充单词:recipe学生通过回答每幅图的提问,对做蛋糕的前三个步骤进行理解和学习,然后根据自己的理


5、让学生再次整体地感知整篇课文。After-reading1.跟读课文:跟读课文。2.练习巩固:看黑板上的连线,和学生一起复述全文,然后让学生角色扮演文中的角色。完成T or F练习。让学生给故事中的蛋糕取名。学生读课文:看教材,跟读课文。学生边说边做动作。然后尽量不用书来角色扮演。做动作判断对错。四人小组讨论。通过让学生的跟读对课文中的单词和句子有进一步的熟悉和认识。加强课文的理解,并锻炼学生说和记忆的能力。检验学生对故事的理解。锻炼学生的想象力。结束教学总结全课,评价学生。自我评价。鼓励学生,增强他们的自信心。 附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 11教案 湘少版Teachi

6、ng content:Part BTeaching aims:1.Tell the children to cherish time.2.Can listen and say the new words of Part B.3.Knowledge :a strange man a storeroom television glasses Sentence pattern: What time did you see him? At about 9:15.Teaching emphasis and difficulties:a strange man a storeroom television

7、 glassesSentence pattern: What time did you see him? At about 9:15.Teaching aids :Pictures , cards, recorder, tape , puter.Teaching methods:1.Direct Method.2.Audio-lingual Method.3.Games.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in1.Greetings .2.Warm up:1. 师声问候。2.A game-Dragon game Look at the pictures and sa

8、y the new words of Unit 11.Step 2 Presentation 1出示B部分的单词和短语的图片和单词卡片: a strange man a storeroom television glasses教学新单词。2.Quick response : Show the pictures and new words of the new knowledge and have the children say them as quick as possible .3.Have the children listen and read Part B.4. Ask and an

9、swer with the sentence pattern “What time did you see him? At about 9:15.”Step 3 Practice1.A game: Patting flies(拍苍蝇) 将单词卡片或图片贴在黑板上,并标上序号,教师或一名学生用手势示意序号,其他学生大声地读出序号对应的单词,每轮派两名学生到黑板前,根据所听到的读音快速地指到正确的图片或单词。2.A game :The police catch the thief .3Play a game : Guessing game with pictures.Step 4 Consolid

10、ation1Listen to the tape and read Part B.2Copy the new words and phrases .3Homework :Read Part B and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .4 Sum up:对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生说的欲望。5.Homework :Read Part B and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .Blackboard design:Unit 11 What time did you see him?a strange

11、man a storeroom television glasses What time did you see him? At about 9:15.Unit 11 What time did you see him?Period 2Teaching content:Part ATeaching aims:1. Tell the children to cherish time.2.Can listen and say the sentences of Part A.3.Knowledge : spoke to reach school mow a meadowTeaching emphas

12、is and difficulties:1. spoke to reach school mow a meadow2. The dialogue of Part A.Teaching aids :Pictures , cards, recorder, tape .Teaching methods:1.Tasks teaching method.2.Audio-lingual Method.3municative Method.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in1.Greetings .2.Warm up:1. 师声问候。2.Free talk:T:What t

13、ime do you get up/ have breakfast/go to school/do your homework/every day?S:. Step 2 Presentation 1.出示图片和卡片,板书并教单词:spoke to reach school mow a meadow2.教学会话中的句型。3.Read the dialogue of Part A.4.听课文A部分录音,整体感知课文内容,并回答以下问题: What did the thief steal? Where did he steal? What time did he steal? 板书并教学“Where

14、 ?”“What time?”“ Steal what?”5.Listen to Part A 、B and read after the tape.6.自由朗读。Step 3 PracticeRead and perform Part A. Step 4 Consolidation1. Read and perform Part A. 2Sum up: 对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生说的欲望。3.Homework :Read Part A and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .Make some sentences with the

15、sentence pattern.Blackboard design: Unit 11 What time did you see him?spoke to reach school mow a meadowWhat time did you see him? At about 9:15.What did the thief steal? Where did he steal? What time did he steal?Period 3Teaching aims:1.Enable the Ss retell the text;2.Enable the Ss finish Part D an

16、d Part E.3.Tell the children to cherish the time .Teaching emphasis Enable the Ss finish Part D and Part E.Teaching difficulties:There are some new words in the Ex. Teaching tools:Tape, recorder, VCDTeaching methods:1. Tasks Approach2.Audio-lingual Method.3. municative Method.Teaching steps:Step 1 W

17、arming up1. Greetings.2. Read Part A together.3. Ask 2 Ss to retell the text.Step 2 Presentation and drill1. T: Lingling likes asking questions. She asked me lots of questions just then. Now its your turn to answer her questions.Listen to the tape and retell Linglings questions.2. Check the answer.What time did the first show start on Saturday?The first show started at 11:00am.What time did the last show start on Sunday?The last show started at 8:00pm.Step 3 Practice1. Part E: Listen and learn to sing.Step 4 Consolidation1. Do Ex. Workbook Unit 11.2. Evaluation.3. Homework. Revise Unit 12.

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