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1、2022年考博英语-复旦大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Whenever a camera was pointed at her, Marilyn would instantly ( ) herself into a radiant star.问题1选项A.transportB.transferC.transformD.transgress【答案】C【解析】考查形似动词词义辨析。transport“运输”;transfer“使转移”;transform“改变,使转换”;transgress“违法,侵犯”。句意:无论何时只要摄影机对着她,Marilyn会立刻变成璀璨的明星。选项C

2、符合题意。2. 单选题_ nothing more to say, the man got to his feet, said goodbye and left the room.问题1选项A.There wasB.As there beingC.BeingD.There being【答案】D【解析】考查there be句型。there be结构的独立主格的用法。选项D符合题意。句意:男子没有多说什么,起身道别,离开了房间。3. 单选题There was a group of demonstrators( )anti-government slogans in the square.问题1选项

3、A.crowingB.chantingC.intoningD.crooning【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。crowing“啼叫”;chanting“喊叫,歌颂”;intoning“吟咏”;crooning“柔情低唱”。句意:一群游行示威者在广场上有节奏的高喊反政府的口号。选项B符合题意。4. 单选题In her bright yellow coat, she was easily( ) in the crowed.问题1选项A.accessibleB.identifiableC.negligibleD.incredible【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。accessible “易接近

4、的,可进入的”; identifiable “可辨认的,可认明的”;negligible “微不足道的,可以忽略的”; incredible “难以置信的,惊人的”。句意:她穿着亮黄色的外套,在人群中很容易被认出来。选项B符合题意。5. 单选题She chewed each delicious mouthful as slowly as she could,( ) the pleasure.问题1选项A.delayingB.prolongingC.insistingD.indulging【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。delay “推迟”;prolong “延长”;insist “坚持”;in

5、dulge “沉浸在”,一般与介词in搭配。句意:她尽可能慢地咀嚼着满嘴的美味,来延长这种享受美味的愉悦感。选项B符合题意。6. 单选题They managed to( ) the sound on TV every time the alleged victims name was spoken.问题1选项A.deadenB.depriveC.punctuateD.rebuff【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。deaden“使减弱,隔阻”;deprive“剥夺,使丧失”;punctuate“加标点于”;rebuff“回绝”。句意:每次说到受害者名字时,他们设法把电视机声音调小。选项A符合题

6、意。7. 单选题Her remarkable success as a rock star is partly due to her ability to( )the media.问题1选项A.mandateB.meditateC.manifestD.manipulate【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。mandate“授权,托管”;meditate“考虑,计划,企图”;manifest“证明,表示”;manipulate“操作,巧妙处理”。句意:她作为一个摇滚明星取得的杰出成就在于她有能力巧妙处理媒体。选项D符合题意。8. 填空题One of the major differences b

7、etween man and his closest living relative is, of course, that the chimpanzee has not developed the power of speech. Even the most intensive efforts to teach young chomps to talk have met with (1) no success. Verbal Language represent a truly gigantic stop forward in mans (2).Chimpanzees do have a w

8、ide range of calls, and these certainly serve to convey some types of information. When a chimp finds good food he utters loud barks, other chimps (3) the vicinity instantly become aware of the food source and hurry to join in an attacked chimpanzee screams and this may alert his mother or friend, e

9、ither of (4) may hurry to his aid. A chimpanzee confronted with an alarming and potentially dangerous situation utters his spine-chilling wraaaa-again, other chimps may hurry to the spot to see what is happening. A male chimpanzee, about to enter a valley or charge toward a food source, utters his p

10、ant-hoots and their individuals realize that another member of the group is arriving and can identify(5)one. To our human(6)each chimpanzee is characterized more by his pant-hoots than by any other type of call. This is significant since the pant-hoot in particular is the call that serves to maintai

11、n contact between the separated groups of the community. Yet the chimps (7) can certainly recognize individuals by other calls; for instance, a mother knows the scream of her offspring. Probably a chimpanzee can recognize the calls of most of his acquaintances.While chimpanzee calls(8) serve to conv

12、ey basic information about some situations and individuals. They cannot for the most part be compared(9) a spoken language. Man by means of words can communicate abstract ideas; he can benefit from the experiences of their (10) having to be present at the time; he can make intelligent cooperative pl

13、ans.【答案】1.almost2.evolution3.in4.whom5.which6.ears7.themselves8.do9.to10.without【解析】1.考查句子结构。从句子结构进行分析,可知此处需要填写一个程度副词,almost“几乎”符合题意。句意:即使是集中训练教小猩猩说话也几乎没有成功过。2.考查前后逻辑。前文提到教猩猩说话没有成功,说明语言这项技能只有人类掌握了。句意:话语行为在人类演变史上迈出了重要的一步。空格处填evolution“演变,进化”。3.考查固定搭配。in the vicinity“邻近,在附近”。4.考查指示代词。从前文推断出空格处应该填一个代词,

14、根据前面的mother or friend可知空格处的代词是指代人,所以whom符合题意。5.考查指代代词。句意:如果一只雄性黑猩猩试图进入山谷或者抢夺食物,它会发出吼叫声,其他猩猩就会意识到有其他猩猩入侵,并且能辨别出是哪一只。which符合题意。6.考查前后逻辑。根据句子by his pant-hoots than by any other type of call可知空格处应该填写一个与听力有关的词,所以ears符合题意。7.考查反身代词。通过分析句子,可知空格处应该填写一个反身代词,themselves符合题意。8.考查助动词的用法。空格处应该填入一个表强调的词,do符合题意。9.考查

15、固定搭配。be compared to“比作”。10.考查前后逻辑。句意:人类通过语言可以交流抽象的概念,可以从他人的经历中获益,而不需要自己亲身经历。空格处填without符合题意。9. 单选题( )I realized the consequences, I would never have contemplated getting involved.问题1选项A.Even ifB.HadC.As long asD.If【答案】B【解析】考查语法知识。even if“即使”;had在这里是表示动词时态的助词;as long as“只要”;if“(表示条件)如果”。句意:如果我意识到了后果,

16、我绝对不会让自己卷进来。选项D符合题意。10. 填空题As children we start(1) a natural curiosity about everything around us, and during the maturation process this curiosity can be stimulated, buffered or severely attenuated by our environment and experience. The future success of research in science and engineering depends(

17、2) our society recognizing the crucial role played by stimulation of mental processes early in life. Pattern recognition, analytical thinking and similar abilities need to be stimulated from birth onward. To destroy this natural curiosity or to attenuate the joy of discovery is the greatest disservi

18、ce we do (3)the developing person.For those who reach maturity with their natural curiosity intact and enhanced by education, the joy of discovery is a strong driver of success. But why are so (4)of our capable students pursuing the level of education required for a successful research career? Is it

19、 (5)we have dampened their curiosity? Have we failed to let them experience the joy of discovery? Is it because the media sometimes portrays scientists and engineers (6)nerds? Is it because too many of us currently involved (7) the research enterprise have become disenchanted with our circumstances

20、and therefore paint a bleak future for potential scientists and engineers? Perhaps entirely different factors are(8) play in the decision to not become scientists and engineers.We have too frequently portrayed science and engineering as professions that are all-encompassing. We have portrayed resear

21、ch as a profession that requires long and grueling hours in the laboratory to achieve success. We have (9)to promote the excitement and exhilaration of discovery. We have not promoted the fact that it is not only very common (10) very reasonable to have a successful research career and an exciting a

22、nd normal personal life.【答案】1.with2.on3.to4.few5.because6.as7.in8.at9.failed10.but【解析】1.start后面需要加介词with才能接名词。start with “从开始”2.depend on sth.是固定用法,意思是 “取决于”。3.句意:去摧毁这种天性或者去打击这种发现的喜悦是我们对处于正在发展中的人做出的最大的伤害。填介词to4根据句意和of结构,空格处可填写的词是many或者few,由转折词but可以得出空格处的意思与前文有转折关系,前文提到既然the joy of discovery 是成功强有力的推

23、动力,接下来出现了转折,所以此处应该填few.5.前一句有why提出的疑问,这一句是对前一句的回答,所以填原因。6.portray as “描绘成”7.involve in “涉及,参与”。8.at play “在中起到了作用”9.空格处所在的句子与后面的句子we have not promoted that fact表达的是同乡的意思,所以空格处应该填与not对应的否定词。fail to do sth. “做某事失败”。10.not onlybut (also) “不仅而且”11. 单选题I missed the last flight, and decided( ) to stay the

24、 night at the airport.问题1选项A.howeverB.thereforeC.moreoverD.meanwhile【答案】B【解析】考查句子前后逻辑关系。句意:我错过了上一趟飞机,因此我决定整晚待在机场。选项B符合题意。12. 单选题She said that the treatment she had received in the hospital has completely( ) her as her dignity.问题1选项A.thrivedB.suspendedC.deprivedD.contrived【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。thrive “繁荣”;

25、suspend “延缓,推迟”;deprive “使丧失,剥夺”;contrive “设计,发明”。句意:她说在医院接受的治疗完全剥夺了她的尊严。选项C符合题意。13. 单选题The contract between the companies will( )at the end of the year.问题1选项A.expireB.exceedC.terminateD.cease【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。expire“期满,短期”;exceed“超过,胜过”;terminate“使终止,使结束”;cease“停止,结束”。句意:两个公司的合同年底将到期。选项A符合题意。14. 单选

26、题I am running down an alley with a stolen avocado, having climbed over a white brick fence and into the forbidden back yard of a carefully manicured estate at the comer of El Dorado and Crescent Drive in Beverly Hills, California.I have snatched a rock-hard Fuerte avocado from one of the three avoca

27、do trees near the fence.I have been told that many ferocious dogs patrol the grounds; they are killers, these dogs. I am defying them. They are nowhere to be found, except in my mind, and Im out and gone and in the alley with their growls directing my imagination. I am running with fear and exhilara

28、tion, beginning a period of summer.Emerging from the shield of the alley I cut out into the open. Summer is about running, and I am running protected by distance from the dogs. At the comer of Crescent Drive and Lomitas I spot Bobby Tomitzer on a bike. I shout “Tomitzer!” He turns his head. His bike

29、 wobbles. An automobile moving rapidly catches Tomitzers back wheel. Tomitzer is thrown high into the air and onto the concrete sidewalk of Crescent Drive. The driver,a woman with gray hair, swirls from the car hysterically and hovers noisily over Tomitzer, who will not survive the accident. I hold

30、the avocado to my chest and stand, frozen, across the street. I am shivering in the heat, and sink to my knees. It is approximately 3:30 in the afternoon. It is June 21,1946. In seven days, I will be 8 years old.1.The best title for this story could be( )2.The main image in Paragraph 1 is of a young

31、 boy( ).3.The main image in Paragraph 2 is of( ).4.The story start with the feeling of( ) ,and ends with the feeling of( ).5.The phrase “shivering in the heat”( near the end of this passage) dramatically describes shock through ( ).问题1选项A.SummerB.Killer DogsC.My Eighth BirthdayD.The Alley问题2选项A.clim

32、bing a white brick fencesB.snatching avocadosC.running with fear and exhilarationD.defying ferocious dogs问题3选项A.Tomitzer riding his bikeB.exhilaration turning into horrorC.the 7-year-old emerging from the alleyD.the hysteria of the woman driver问题4选项A.joyful action. horrified inactionB.running . stan

33、dingC.being alone. being with othersD.being alone in the open. shivering in the heat问题5选项A.the use of minute detailB.the unexpected combination of hot and coldC.its implied reference to the word “frozen”D.the contrast of death and play【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】第1题:文章讲述的是作者在夏天偷牛油果的事,选项A符合题意。第2

34、题:文章第一段第一句话提到小男孩偷牛油果(a stolen avocado)。选项B符合题意。第3题:文章第二段讲述了小男孩偷完牛油果往回走,在路上看见Tomitzer在骑自行车,很高兴地喊他,但是他在回头的时候,被汽车撞死了。见到此情此景,小男孩I hold the avocado to my chest and stand, frozen, across the street.说明小男孩内心很害怕。这一段主要讲述了小男孩由偷牛油果的兴奋到间接害死朋友的恐惧心理。选项B符合题意。第4题:根据上题,可知选项A符合题意。第5题:由上下文可知,小男孩在成功偷取牛油果后是非常开心的,但是当Tomit

35、zer因为他而死了的时候他感觉很害怕。这个短语用来描述死亡与玩耍的对比,选项D符合题意。15. 单选题We hadnt met for nearly 20 years, but I recognized him _ I saw him in the street.问题1选项A.the minute thatB.the minute whenC.at a time whenD.at a time that【答案】A【解析】考查 the minute that 句型。句意:我们将近二十年没见过面了,但是当我在街上遇见他的那一刻我就认出了他。选项A符合题意。16. 单选题The contempora

36、ry phenomenon of motorcar worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership( ).问题1选项A.enrollsB.entrapsC.enragesD.entails【答案】D【解析】考查形似动词辨析。enroll “登记,注册”;entrap “使陷入罗网,欺骗”;enrage “激怒,使暴怒”; entail “需要;带来”。句意:对于当今崇尚汽车的现象,究其原因是有了车可以独立自由行动,不需要依赖别人。选项D符合题意。17. 单选

37、题The manager( ) facts and figures to make it seem that the company was prosperous.问题1选项A.beguiledB.besmirchedC.juxtaposedD.juggled【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。beguile“欺骗”;besmirch“弄脏,诽谤”;juxtapose“并置,并列”;juggle“歪曲,篡改”。句意:经理歪曲事实,并且篡改数据,使得公司看起来一片繁荣。选项D符合题意。18. 单选题I was born in 1927, the only child of middle -cla

38、ss parents. I was sent to a public school I wasted two years doing my national service, I went to Oxford; and there I began to discover I was not the person I wanted to be.I had long before made the discovery that I lacked the parents and ancestors I needed. My father was, through being the right ag

39、e at the right time rather than through any great professional talent, a senior Army officer; and my mother was the very model of a would-be major generals wife, That is, she never argued with him and always behaved as if he were listening in the next room, even when he was thousands of miles away.L

40、ike all men not really up to their job, he was a stickler for externals and petty quotidian things; and in lieu of an intellect he had accumulated an armory of capitalized key-words like Discipline and Tradition and Responsibility. If I ever dared I seldom did to argue with him, he would produce one

41、 of these totem words and cosh me with it, as no doubt in similar circumstances he coshed his subordinates, one still refused to lie down and die, he lost, or loosed, his temper. His temper was like a violent red dog, and he always had it close to hand.During my last years at school, I realized that

42、 what was really wrong with my parents was that they had nothing but a blanket contempt for the sort of life I wanted to lead. I was good at English, I had poems printed pseudonymously in the school magazine. I thought D. H. Lawrence the greatest human being of the century. My parents had certainly

43、never read Lawrence, and had probably never heard of him. There were things, I certain emotional gentleness in my mother, an occasional euphoric jolliness in my father, I could have borne more of; but always I liked in them the things they didnt want to be liked for. By the time I was eighteen they

44、had become mere providers, for whom I had to exhibit a token gratitude, but for whom I couldnt feel much else.I led two lives. At school I got a small reputation as a wartime aesthete and cynic. But had to join the regiment-Tradition and Sacrifice press ganged me into that, I insisted, and luckily t

45、he headmaster of my school backed me, that I wanted to go to university afterwards. I went on leading a double life in the army, queasily playing at being Brigadier “Blazer” Urfes son in public, and nervously reading “Penguin New Writing” and poetry pamphlets in private. As soon as I could, I got my

46、self demobilized.1.According to the passage, the basic conflict between the author and his parents is conflict of ( )2.The following statements are true EXCEPT ( ) .3.The author used many phrases such as “through being the right age at the right time rather than through any great professional talent

47、” just to assert his fathers ( )4.By saying “I could have borne more of”(Para.4), the author means ( )5.The phrase “in lieu of ” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by( )问题1选项A.emotionsB.aesthetic theoriesC.literaryD.values问题2选项A.The authors mother was a humble and submissive womanB.The authors father ha

48、d an explosive temperC.The authors mother always insisted on trivial everyday mattersD.The authors father always insisted on surface appearances问题3选项A.complacenceB.inadequacyC.nostrumD.indecorum问题4选项A.“I should have desired more of”B.“I ought to have got more of”C.“I would not have minded more of”D.

49、“I should not have tolerate more of”问题5选项A.instead ofB.withoutC.for the sake ofD.by virtue of【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A第5题:A【解析】第1题:文章第四段第一句During my last years at school, I realized that what was really wrong with my parents was that they had nothing but a blanket contempt for the sort of life I want

50、ed to lead 可知作者与父母的矛盾在于父母看不起作者想要的生活,所以可以推断出他们之间是价值观存在分歧。选项D符合题意。第2题:文章第三段最后一句His temper was like a violent red dog, and he always had it close to hand提到父亲的脾气像一条疯狗,所以选项B可以排除;文章第三段第一句Like all men not really up to their job, he was a stickler for externals and petty quotidian things提到父亲是一个非常注重外表的人,选项D可

51、以排除;文章第二段最后一句That is, she never argued with him and always behaved as if he were listening in the next room, even when he was thousands of miles away提到母亲从来不会与父亲争论,所以选项A可以排除。因此选项C符合题意。第3题:文章第二段第二句My father was, through being the right age at the right time rather than through any great professional t

52、alent, a senior Army officer ,作者认为父亲得到职位靠得是机遇,而不是能力,作者认为父亲资质不够,选项B符合题意。第4题:文章第四段第五句There were things, I certain emotional gentleness in my mother, an occasional euphoric jolliness in my father, I could have borne more of; but always I liked in them the things they didnt want to be liked for提到作者渴望有一个

53、温柔的母亲和一个偶尔兴高采烈的父亲,但是我喜欢那些他们不希望我喜欢的东西。可以推断作者并没有这样的父母,而是希望有,选项A符合题意。第5题:instead of “不是而是”;without “没有”;for the sake of “为了”;by virtue of “由于”。文章第三段第一句的后半句and in lieu of an intellect he had accumulated an armory of capitalized key-words like Discipline and Tradition and Responsibility 提到作者父亲积累的很多关键词,但是

54、没有积累多少智慧。选项A符合题意。19. 单选题What he told me was a( ) of downright lies.问题1选项A.loadB.mobC.packD.flock【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。load“负荷,重担,装载量”;mob“暴民,乌合之众”;pack“包裹,背包”;flock“(飞禽,牲畜等的)群”。句意:他告诉我的都是一些明显的谎言。a load of “大量,许多”,选项A符合题意。20. 单选题It( ) me that the man was not telling the truth.问题1选项A.effectsB.pokesC.hitsD.stirs【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。effect“造成,产生,招致”;poke“戳,刺”;hit“打,打击,击中”;stir“搅拌,搅动”。句意:那让我觉得那个男人没有说实话。选项A符合题意。

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