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1、word程序菜单概述程序菜单如图1所示,HRT就是由这些常用的菜单组成的。一些菜单项如Test, Info等在综合工具里有详细的描述,这里只对Maxtor硬盘驱动器的特征作一些必要的补充与说明。如图1. 主程序根本菜单结构图驱动器转储的特性与综合工具里的其它修复程序相比拟而言,考虑到当前程序分为两种ATA转储方式,第一种是Reset- ATA,这种方式较为常见,控制驱动器的转储并定义其参数。这种方式也可以在改变驱动器任何特性后再使用等等。同样地相对于其他应用程序, (Reset- ATA),如果执行这项操作,程序会对储存器发出一组信息,通过转存结构信息程序可以准确地识别存储器的缓存和定位储存器

2、的参数.如果转换成功以后就可以针对Maxtor储存器进展其他的测试操作了.无论如何在进展其他测试操作的前提下,读出和定位储存器的详细信息是必需的.如果储存器信息转存操作失败. (描述如下),在任何情况下程序读取存储器细节结构文件的前提都不允许这种错误出现的.然而它是必要的,调和过程是在和之间的.如果要在菜单上进展新的操作就必需执行(Reset- Universal) .如果选择了这项操作程序就会向储存器发出一个简单的复位信号,在这种复位状态下程序是不会读取储存器的详细参数的.版本的一些组成特征Maxtor公司生产的储存器里面有很重要的微程序版本信息, . 第一局部是在一定条件下控制和管理只读存

3、储器(ROM)芯片工作的程序.第二局部是微程序识别储存器型号和版本信息的程序.,在工作窗口里我们将看到储存器的重要信息.例如, 主窗口如下:如图2. 系列代码由两局部组成如果查看只读存储器其容保存于CP00并在它的末尾就会看到有两个字节为CF E7: 如图3. 红色局部是储存器设定在某些条件下唯一读取的代码因此在微代码中它的值与储存器代码总是固定的,而不需要修改的。这样就可以利用这个值来判断微代码版本、资源文件是否兼容。固件概念只读存储器作为只读存储器,它很是令人惊讶,共由四个局部组成,两个是真正的物理存储器,另两个只是只读存储器镜像文件,它们是用来替代根本的只读存储器。第一局部只读存储器被固

4、化在微处理器部,第二局部是FLASH或NVRAM被焊接在驱动器的PCB电路板上,第三局部与第四局部是根本模块保存在驱动器的伺服区,它们的作用就是在驱动器初始时取代物理识读存储器。如图4. 各种微代码资源从下面容可以知道,当您对驱动器的只读存储器操作时,您应当对驱动器的只读存储器的工作原理有一个充分的了解。如果NVRAM没有焊接在PCB电路板上,那么可直接对它进展访问,虽然有时它直接固化在封装的微处理器部。第二局部物理只读存储器是安全模式只读存储器,只有当您对驱动器将要替换不同版本的固件时才需要用着,这种镜只读存储器只是用来做工厂测试用的。如果对只读存储器执行不正确的写操作,驱动器就会不能撤消这

5、种操作了,而进入了一种“挂的状态。因此在对只读存储器进展写操作时,要用permanent模式才是最恰当的。配置页根据Maxtor驱动器伺服区的一些特征,固件只有三种形式:伺服区、配置页、只读存储器。它们本身不是这么划分的,但是为了操作方便,HRT程序将它们进展了单独的分类,而不只是伺服模块局部了,您可以通过CP操作对话框对它们进展操作。有关CP00 驱动器只读存储器模块就是根本这种思想而设计的,它在Temp与Perm模式,仅仅是用来进展读取操作的,为了使ROM在储存器工作时不受损害的根底上,专门设定的一种模式。它只能在Unlock模式,可能才会写入,在对cp操作中cp00是为了让你能够读取储存

6、器后面的程序.其他的配置页是覆盖的.我们都可以对它们执行读出和写入的操作.CP00是特意放在列表的末端,原因是对它的处理很特殊.见图. 5. CP00位于列表的末端,它的操作方法不是两个而是三个伺服模块对于模板的特性服务区域Maxtor硬盘列入某种程度同样的结构中,某些模板是含有标题的,而有些是没有的。还有一些模板的检测数据被看作是所有的,还有一些是没有意义的局部。在单独的模板中,总得来说有一些检测数据。但是特殊的话是没有的。搜索一下模板的数据就可以得出,整个服务区或者没有,或者是不允的。浏览标题的规如此/模板检测数据参考DMP8(N40P)硬盘,如下:CRCB BLOCK-1 CRC -1


8、CH-SECTOR7B FW B39 DISKWARE 0 CODE, B38 OVERLAY 0 CODE, EACH PART = B4F OVERLAY 1 CODE, EACH PART = B97 DISKWARE 1 CODE, B96 OVERLAY 2 CODE, EACH PART = B98 OVERLAY 3 CODE, EACH PART = B图. 6. 是储存器的结构表But fortunately, typical malfunction of stores Maxtor -operatively enough to reveal and remove rathe

9、r simply. It is enough to sort modules by name and to thumb through them up to the letter N. All modules, as a rule, begin with NO. If she is - means it is necessary to make automatic, or manual . If is not present - to understand with the list of modules all details.Some words about modules of defe

10、cts - sheetsMaxtor驱动器缺陷表根本模块是HLUTL/HUSR,以编译器模块为根底,像AT_PDL、 AT_POL、DMCS、ULIST、ULIST 伺服缺陷表、AT_PDL 服务区和工作区的缺陷列表, 它是通过工厂测试后生成的(P-list),但是也可以通过模块AT_POL把缺陷转换进去. AT_POL 缺陷增长表(G-list), 当储存器出现缺陷扇区的时候可以通过普通软件把缺陷加进缺陷增长表. 因此HRT可以对HUSR进展操作, and all other modules can be received at submission of a mand of recalcu

11、lation of the piler. At Maxtor corrects contents of modules of the piler, sometimes spoiling it. Therefore at it is possible to copy all modules AT_PDL, AT_POL, DMCS, RZTBL, ULIST, and then to execute a mand of recalculation of the piler.Distinction of the same modules on different Copies on differe

12、nt are not identical. Therefore in the program for the modules laying on different it will be pulsorily modified ID. For example, different copies of the same module can have ID0044, ID4044, ID8044, IDC044. The given fact creates problems for display of the name of modules in a field what is it whic

13、h easily are solved through menting of modules not on their identifier, and on coordinates on which the given modules settle down. More in detail about differences of the mechanism of menting of modules it will be told in the section devoted to files.非常重要的提示注意! COPY MODULES OF SERVICE AREA FROM RESO


15、following assumption is accepted:如果在读取/写入 record on physics the cylinder is equal a minus to one number of sector sets number UBA. 磁头号就会显示真正的物理磁头,相对对的驱动器操作概念假物理磁头它的起始编号总是0,stores Maxtor work with truly physical . And it means, that the card in dialogue for work on physical parameters ceases to be si

16、mple formality and starts to work on the direct purpose由如下图结果可以发现,在0位置显示有一个3号磁头,磁头分布表在具体驱动器在初始化时,程序自动定义的。如图7. 柱面总是等于-1,磁头分布表不只是一种形式Alternative service areaFeature of stores Maxtor on Poker/Ardent the processor is that at them is present two service areas. The first is basic area which is used at wor

17、k of the store, the second, is initially latent from the user and used only at creation of the store at a factory.If the store does not have problems in the basic service area alternative thus it is inaccessible, but here if suddenly in the basic area have been spoiled - modules the store itself is

18、thrown out in alternative area. Thus it will work pletely in a service mode, i.e. with service area, but to not work at all “ on logic . such stores it is identical , stores, but it is necessary to be made from Safe Mode. Thus it is necessary to use that way at which the store will not be anything f

19、rom disks.Mach FirmwareAt modern stores, it is important to guess the correct version of service area. As against old stores ATHENA, it to make not so it is simple. However, it is possible to not guess the version, and to pick up her, touching all possible variants. For this purpose item Service- Ma

20、ch Firmware is entered. After his choice, on the screen the following dialogue will appear:如图8. Dialogue Mach FirmwareChoose subdirectory in which touched resources in format CPS are located and press the button start. In a grey line touched files will start to be displayed. If after the termination

21、 burns light-emitting diode ERR, the store means has rejected all variants offered to it. If the message submitted below has appeared, the store that resource which name is displayed in a grey line means has accepted. Remember it. Resources of this version can be used for work with the given concret

22、e store.如图 9. An attribute of successfully picked up version更新 FlashFunction Update Flash causes a standard ATA-mand of updating of a microcode. According to the standard, updating with a code 1 - time (in the RAM), with a code 7 - constant (with record on disks). As the store will process inquiry w

23、ith a code 7 - depends on circuitry of the store (depending on a version, -memory can be stitched, it can not be stitched, and can be - in the store is used not -memory, and the READ-ONLY STORAGE). First of all, item Actions- Update Flash- With code 1 is used for operation the store.然而需要考虑的是,现代Maxto

24、r驱动器有一个奇怪的现象:需要了解作为微代码称之为DISKWARE - the module pseudo the READ-ONLY STORAGE which is stored on a surface of a disk in a service zone (对于N40P系列,例如它将会是ID39) and after start of the store in memory and management is transferred it. Actually, primary initialization of the store, start, base service modul

25、es and loading diskware in memory is carried out -. It is a small code on the size which is stored either in a flash-microcircuit, or in internal flash-rom the processor. It as can be updated and rewritten, but in 99 % of cases in it there is no necessity.In practice a great variety of versions - on

26、 modern families of stores Maxtor has been established and looked through implicit while dependence in patibility of various versions - and a base microcode on a disk.如图10. Typical codes of an insertion of the READ-ONLY STORAGE初始化系统变量stores Maxtor it is necessary to attribute that strange fact to fe

27、atures, that the ambassador all necessary , they start to read service area without any problems, and here write - with displacement. Displacement - not constant. For different UBA it variously. Therefore if the store, having filled it and there and then to rush to restore service area anything good

28、 from this will not leave. You can jam either restored modules, or their neighbours. To result displacement of record in norm, it is necessary to choose item of menu Actions- Reinit Variables. If the store will not give out a mistake, all means has passed successfully, and it it will be fine to read

29、 and write. If light-emitting diode ERR has lit up, means, most likely, you have filled or an image of the READ-ONLY STORAGE, or , inpatible with the microprogram of the current payment.重运算地址译码器To count the piler (to take into account the defects brought both in P, and in G-LIST, having united them

30、only in P-List), choose item of menu Actions- Misc- Merge G- P. At successful performance of a mand, the store will independently clear module AT_POL.Change of a configuration of the storeTo change the current adjustments of the store, choose item of menu Actions- Misc- Configuration. Thus, on the s

31、creen the following dialogue will be given:如图11. Change of a configuration of the storeThe special attention should be turned on item Security Set Supported. If the given tag is reset, the store will reject operation Actions- Quick Clear as she is carried out just on the basis of subsystem Security.

32、 But no mean virus can your store.Clearing SMARTTo clear attributes SMART, choose item Actions- Misc- Clear SMART and EL. Thus, the store will execute clearing not only clearing of attributes and threshold values, but also will clear sector of magazine of mistakes (module EVTLG_00).Record on one sec

33、torSome stores after operation start to hang at work with modules of service area if to read them entirely. If reading and record go on one sector no problems arise. For such stores in the program it is possible to include mode Options- Write Spec Area by 1 sec. If about the given item there is a ti

34、ck, the mode means is included.Ignoring of single mistakes of modulesFrequently there is a necessity to subtract the module entirely, despite of defective sectors contained in it. For this purpose it is possible to take advantage of item Options- Ignore single errors. Thus, sectors of the module whi

35、ch did not manage to be read, will be filled in the final buffer with the signature “ BAD! . From the point of view of the user of the utility, the similar opportunity allows to restore in most cases in part damaged module with the minimal expenses on time.储存器典型的故障Typical malfunction of stores Maxto

36、r -. If the store feels, that at him something not so (the defect - sheet, repeated mistakes in the same place was overflew and ), it automatically modifies heading of one of modules of service area. At the following start, store ATHENA it will not be simple to be defined, at more modern stores - at

37、 the end of the version of the microprogram the symbol Z will appear. Presumably, developers have deliberately made this feature whenever possible to keep the information on the store leaving out of operation. Means of OS with such disk already to make nothing, so, the information will be kept with

38、the greater probability.the store it is possible to count more serious case a condition when - the store it was not possible to execute correct start and-or initialization of the service modules necessary for the further work, and start diskware. Such mode can be named safe-mode and, usually, his op

39、portunities of the store by way of work on the ATA-interface are very strongly limited. In this case, the store will be defined with a name of family instead of model and the version - as the version . For example, for store N40P it will look so:In this case it is possible to remend some times to ma

40、ke the store a feed since at Maxtor there is a specific feature periodically astably to read service area, or to try loading flash (cp0) in mode TEMP with the subsequent loading other pages (cpXX) and the store through ATA- Reset.Unfortunately, in most cases, start of the store at unsuccessful start

41、 in safe-mode speaks that the service area is strongly damaged. Restoration of such store probably in rare cases also demands an individual approach.储存器ATHENA and Romulus的操作步骤对于ATHENA储存器来说,典型的操作可以表示为如下步骤:1) 将驱动器的跳线模式设置为如下位置:如图12. ATHENA, Romulus驱动器系列安全模式跳线设置在修复过程中不是100%一定需要跳安全模式的.有时候没有他也可以的。但是还有一种情况

42、就是,在储存器排斥所有的根本操作的情况下.那怎么办呢?储存器的初始化与磁盘的什么地方有关联,是我们难以估计的.但是如果存储器一开始就调用安全跳线模式的话。那么以上的问题就不会发生了,在存储器开始工作,又停止转动的情况下.(附带的端口在外表),调用安全跳线的模式,就可以对它进展有效的操作2) 给储存器提供电源3) 选择菜单项 Actions- Update Flash- With Code 14) (作为文件)在电脑找出任意微程序版本,此微程序的程序版本是和硬盘驱动器外表上所标示的版本是一致的。5) 选择菜单项 Reset- Universal6) 选择菜单上的按钮Service-CP Oper

43、ations,把startup ROM以与这个文件里面的所有tag file页都roll in。把所有的页面都移进Temp里.7) 选择菜单项 Reset- ATA8) 选择菜单上的按钮Actions-Reinit Variables.如果在这个过程中,没有出现错误,意味着你成功地选择了匹配的程序,步骤就可以忽略了。9) 选择菜单项 Service- CP Operations10) 选择 CPO,进入dump,来到dump的结尾,检查符合条件的KC的程序。11) 选择 Reset- Power Click12) 选择菜单项 Actions- Update Flash- With Code 1

44、13) (作为文件)在电脑找出weaving,此weaving是和startup ROM里符合条件的KC相匹配的。(看选项“verson).14) 选择菜单项 Reset- Universal15) 选择菜单项service-CP Operations,装载配置参照成套的装置,与ROM,将所有的页面转到temp状态。16) 选择菜单项 Reset- ATA17) 选择菜单项 Actions- Reinit Variables.至此应该不会有错误.重点注意通过执行actions-reinit Variables ,是对于存储器必须的。如果没有选择他的话,刚刚所有操作都有可能读与写在两个完全不同的

45、扇区上。After performance of the specified actions, the store also can be passed to editing the service area described below.储存器 FB3, DMP8, DMP9 的操作步骤For given stores SAFE position of the crosspiece the following:如图13. FB3, DMP8, DMP9驱动器系列安全模式跳线设置通常, Flash for the given stores it is not necessary. It is

46、 possible even to try to take advantage of function Service-described earlier Mach Firmware. In some cases, after this operation, the store will leave for an operating condition and will allow to carry out editing of modules.However, some stores after such operation will hang. In this case, it is po

47、ssible to try to make the following sequence of actions:1)在CP操作对话框中选择载入CPS文件2)选择最下面的Unlock模式3)按send All按钮,在Unlock模式下将会只剩下CP27、CP28与CP00.4) 储存器执行 (Reset- Usual)5)在Temp模式下载入所有配置页,在这个状态下加载所有CP, 除CP00以外.If also it will not help, it is necessary to connect intuition and to try to pick up any working bina

48、tion from earlier described methods.存,复位驱动器的资源对于DMP8与DMP9驱动器的其它固件资源,建议保存它的存镜像。例如当驱动器的所有配置页事实上它是一个微程序,and program ,mand Rein it Variables is sent, but nevertheless, the store instead of a card 2, 3 gives a card 3, 255. Besides, attempts of work with the head 2 lead to to a mistake. 这样, will help befo

49、re the kept image of the RAM with subsequent submission ATA Reset. To keep the area of memory from 0 address in length 0x 1D8000 byte follows.如图14. 存镜像 重要的资源文件编辑模块After the store , it is necessary to remove the reason . For this purpose it is necessary enter dialogue Service- Special Area- Structure

50、 and in it to choose I/O- Read All Blocks.常常需要对以下局部模块进展编辑:模块 a nameATPDL 0NO_PLISTATPOL 1NO_GLISTULIST00NO_ULISTULIST00 (in the beginning of the list)ULIST01DMCS 1NO_DMCS显然,大多数模块开始都处于NO状态,可以通过选择ID下面的复选框来选它们 Service- Special Area.有两种方式可以对它们进展编辑:手工和自动。手工编辑时,需要对它们有一定的了解;在自动编辑时 是利用了一个INI初始化文件。对于自动编辑,在wo

51、rk with service area对话框中,选择菜单Maxtor- Repair All Headers。这样就会检查所有的模块头,如果在If the heading is found in section UNLOCK a file Maxtor.ini it will be modified, according to a rule from given a file then for him the control sum will be automatically counted. At those modules which have undergone to automati

52、c editing, allocation remain, at other - will disappear. You can keep on a disk or all modified modules, or what will consider necessary.如图15. After automatic editing modules, are allocated only modified伺服缺陷在伺服区(SA)存储着驱动器许多重要的代码程序与模块,如果伺服区出现了一些未能读取的坏扇区缺陷,那么驱动将可能不能正常工作,多数情况下是根本不能工作的。为了对伺服区进展存取,Maxtor

53、驱动器对其采取了一种逻辑块寻址方式。这种寻址方式与LBA寻址方式很相似,但能适用于伺服区,且对每个磁头都单独运用这种UBAUNIT BLOCK ADDRESSING寻址方式。因此对于UBA寻址方式有一种特性可以参考,那就是它的第一伺服柱面是一个负值。与LBA寻址方式一样, in UBA the miss of defective sectors which for 动力will be worn out in the table of defects of the service area, located in module HLUTL is used. 但是这里有一个很重要的问题在添加缺陷后

54、,对于UBA寻址方式而言,所有的伺服模块都发生了偏移,从而导致驱动器进入了一种非工作状态不能正常工作。为了将这些伺服区存储块转换到一种工作状态,这就需要对伺服区的所有与缺陷相关联的模块进展重运算,在此过程中可以返回所有模块记录并查看这种消除偏移的过程。HRT综合工具可以自动对必要的模块与这些模块的记录进展重运算。如前所述可知,在对伺服区进展操作时,这种操作要求很严格,要求计算很准确,一个错误的操作将会导致驱动器立刻进入一种禁止状态。在对伺服区缺陷进展操作之前,有必要对所有伺服模块进展保存操作, 在进入伺服缺陷表时需要等待程序进入就绪状态才能进展操作.如果驱动器的伺服区已经含有缺陷,那么可以这些

55、缺陷添加到伺服缺陷表中。在对伺服缺陷进展操作时,就需要进入这个专门的伺服缺陷表,所有的原缺陷记录与后来发现的缺陷就会记录在这个缺陷表中。在伺服缺陷表中添加缺陷记录时,对保存在P-list 与G-list缺陷表不会有任何的影响。这就像如果对P-list与G-list缺陷表进展操作时,伺服缺陷也是一样没有任何改变。对伺服缺陷的操作可以看作为在对驱动器维修时的最根本的操作,这是因为驱动器在初始化过程中首先要读取这些伺服信息的。因此查找与隐藏伺服缺陷,可以选择菜单 Test- Special Area. 将会出现如下对话框窗口:如图16.伺服区测试首先,需要查找缺陷,可以点击 Test 测试按钮。程序

56、就会UBA方式来查找Search of defects will be carried out with UBA which number is registered in field From sector up to UBA which number is registered in field To Sector. These fields undertake from a line firmware nominal section of a file Maxtor.ini. It can so to bee, that final UBA in this section it is r

57、egistered with a stock .这样在末端时,测试过程将会发现可怕的中断。中断过程,从列表中删除失效的缺陷,并a line firmware - correct to clean a stock.因此发现缺陷后,就可以点击Defect List按钮来对它们进展下一步的处理。在标准的缺陷表窗口出现之前,以前潜伏的正的柱缺陷就也会显示出来这个柱面号是-1。如图17. 伺服缺陷表可以使用所有的方式来编辑缺陷表,(export / import, addition / removal, 等等)。一切就绪后选择 Disk- Upload 来写更新固件由于对伺服区的缺陷表处理过程很快,所以

58、在此过程中不要关闭电源,也不要使驱动器受到猛烈震动!重要提示!尽管缺陷好似没有显示出来, 然而仍需将它们写到磁盘的伺服区。有时驱动器会突然返回错误代码,事实上命令还是正确运行的。如果点击a feed, 伺服区will part also the store .如图18. 红色X符号 - not an occasion for a panic. All the same return service area on a place关闭缺陷表对话框并点击Maxtor驱动器SA Test按钮,The service area should enter the name back. Upon term

59、ination of record, the store is ready for the subsequent work. If the service area has not entered the name - try, not leaving the given dialogue And NOT SWITCHING a FEED at any cost to write down service area on a disk文件特性区段关键值用途MODELSAnalysis goes under the version of a microcodeExample:MODELSDAC1

60、0SC0=DiamondMax Plus 40 DRACODAH017K0=D540X-4D ROMULUSDAH019K0=D540X-4D ROMULUSDAK019K0=D540X-4D ROMULUS-60gbGAK819K0=D540X-4G ROMULUSCRC定义伺服模块操和方式,与标准方式有所不同,段容应当如下:CRC for 1-t Non Zero Part=1Sector by Sector=2UNLOCK在自动编辑伺服区过程中,定义模块名转换规如此。Name of a key - heading of the module subject to editingValue

61、 of a key - heading of the module after editing. Even there is a vertical feature after which the method of recalculation of the control sum (0 - usual is placed, others - according to section CRC.The binary code 00 in lines is replaced with a sign on a return apostrophe.例如:UNLOCKONP_ILTS=TAP_LD1 |1

62、ONG_ILTS=TAP_LO0 |0ONU_ILTS = _ UILTS00|0_UILTS10 = _ UILTS00|0OND_CM S=MDSC 1|0P-LISTFORMULA定义P-LIST缺陷表译码方式段容应当如下:P-LIST FORMULA16bit=10 80932bit=10 809G-LISTFormula定义G-LIST缺陷表译码方式段容应当如下:G-LIST FormulaNike=0 8 99 99 99 99 08 99 99 99 99Fireball3=1 8 99 99 12 13 16 08 09 10 11DMP9=1 8 18 19 16 17 20 12 13 14 15SectionKeyPurpose

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