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1、. .第一章 英汉语言比照一、英汉辞义比照Subject例1subject用作动词时,1) Armed resistance showed that a minority at least was not prepared to be subjected to foreign rule.武装对抗说明至少有少数人不准备屈从于外国的统治。be subjected to的汉译可以是“屈从,英意可以是be dominated by;深层的涵义那么是be thrown under,即被置于入侵者统治之下。2) On this test-track, the manufacturers deliberat

2、ely subject standard production cars to rough treatment.制造商们有意使按标准生产的汽车在测试台上经受破坏性试验。Subjectto可释为“使经受,或“exposeto,但本义还是throwunder, 即置于测试的权威之下。3) This plan will be subjected to approval.这个方案将呈请批准。be subjected to汉译“呈请,英释可以是be submitted to,但内涵还是be thrown under,即被置于上级的审核之下。4) Our exports in this line are

3、subjected to a tariff rate of 50% in Canada.我们的此类出口商品在加拿大应征的关税率为50%。be subjected to throw underthe regulation of“应缴或“被课以,即:商品被置于征税条例的限制之下(2) subject作形容词时,5) Human affairs are all subject to changes and disasters. (Daniel Defoe)人间之事不由已,变迁灾祸难抗拒。be subject to表示:人可能被置于不可抗拒的危害之下,be thrown under force maj

4、eure.6) Sincerity is always subject to proof.诚意总是有待于证明。be subject todepending on“有待,即:“诚意被置于事实考验的权威之下,反映了thrown under的深层内涵。7) He who is subject to temptations tends to err.不能抗拒诱惑的人,往往要犯错误。be subject tocannot resist,be at the mercy of即:“不能抗拒或“经受不起,反映此人“听任诱惑的摆布,符合thrown under的深层涵义。3subject用作名词时,8) Thi

5、s is a subject for discussion.这是一个要讨论的题目。(某事被置于众议之下)9) He is a subject of the United Kingdom.他是联合王国的臣民臣服从于君。10) He is willing to be the subject of this experiment. 他愿意做这次实验的受试对象。“两字的译法:1.“两字译为two, twice1两节课间隔十分钟。There is an interval of ten minutes between two classes.2我去过两次。I have been to Beijing tw

6、ice. 2. “两字译为both3这X纸两面都写满了字。Both sides of the paper were covered with writing.4这种做法对集体和个人两方面都有好处。This practice benefits both the collective and the individual.3. “两字译为couple, a couple of 5小两口过得挺和美。The young couple get along quite happily.6这事过两天再说。Lets have it for a couple of days.4.“两字译为few, a few7

7、关于这件事我想说两句。Id like to say a few words about the matter. 8那么多事这两个人可干不了。There is so much to do that these few people can hardly cope with it.5.“两字译为double9他常耍两面派。He often plays double game./He is double-faced./He is a double-dealer.10躺椅可以坐卧两用。A coach performs a double service.6.其他译法11她把苹果切成两半。She cut

8、the apple in half.12我去不去两可。Its all right with me whether I go or not.13有什么两样吗?Whats the difference?14他多喝了两盅。Hes had a drop too much.15新来的干活又快又好,真有两下子。The newer works fast and well, he obviously knows his stuff.16我感到两头为难。I feel it hard to please either party.二、 英语和汉语在语义上的对应关系英语和汉语在语义上有三种对应关系:完全对应、局部对

9、应、没有对应。1完全对应英语中有些词的意义在任何上下文中都完全相等。例如:Tian An Men Square天安门广场; Summer Palace颐和园; panda熊猫 ;塑料plastics。这种称之为单平面体系,即两种语言在一个平面上相通对应。2局部对应一个概念,在两种语言中,局部处在一个平面上;但更多的局部,却处在两个平面上。以introduce和“介绍为例:1Let me introducemyself:My name is Simpson.请允许我自我介绍:我叫辛普森。2Heintroduced me to his parents.他把我介绍给他的父母。 在这个局部概念上,in

10、troduce和“介绍处在一个平面上,是对应的。因为“介绍的意思是“从中沟通,使双方相识;introduce 的意思是cause to be acquainted,两者的内涵吻合在一个平面上。很多时候英语的introduce与汉语的“介绍并不完全对应。3市、县官员向他简单介绍了相关机构对塌方事件进展联合调查的进展情况。He was briefed by city and county officials on the progress of the joint investigation by their agencies into the cave-in.4效劳员介绍菜单上最美味的佳肴是炸鸡

11、。The waiter remended fried chicken as best dish on the menu.。5请你介绍一下经历好吗?Would you pass on your experience?6He is apt to introduce new ideas into the business management.他善于在企业管理中引进新的思想。7Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America烟草是由美洲传入欧洲的8Dressing designers introduce new fashions each year.服装

12、设计师们每年都推出新的款式。9The doctorintroduced a long tube into the sick mans throat so he could breathe.医生在病人的喉头插入一根导管使他能呼吸。10Iintroduced my country cousin to the big city by showing him the sights.我带了乡下来的表弟四处观光,让他见识一下这个大城市。以上例子说明,英语和汉语之间,有些词的词意虽有局部的对应,但在总体上,两者之间却不存在词面上概念的等值。3没有对应文化差异在汉语中,也有许多概念在英语中是没有对应的。 “感

13、慨一词的四种英译:1)deeply affected with painfulrecollections2) stirs up painful memories3) starts a train of melancholy thoughts4) The music calls forth painful memories“抓周例 钱钟书周岁时“抓周,抓了一本书,因此得名“鈡书。When Qian was just one year old, he was told by his parents to choose one thing among many others; he picked u

14、p a book of all things. Thereupon his father very gladly gave him the name “Zhongshu(book lover).如“Emulateemulate“向学习not learn from,你追我赶,竞争上游to imitate or copy with a view to equaling or surpassing,更确切的汉译是“赶超;learn form :study ones mistakes, etc. , and those of others to ensure that they are not rep

15、eated.L. M. Pei has set an example for other architects to emulate.贝聿铭为其他建筑师树立了学习的典范。Why dont you learn form my mistakes?你为什么不从我的错误中吸取教训呢?东方人爱说“向你学习是出于谦恭的民族心理特征。西方人不崇尚单纯的仿效,因此喜欢用emulate 来表示寓学习于赶超的竞争心态。4.注意开展动态英汉语对应关系也在开展。例如“情况一词,一般学生立刻想到“situation。这诚然不错。但native speakers 除situation外,也常常用其它词。“情况例1Lets

16、 discuss of the parameters of the problem. parameters here means “aspects我们讨论一下这个问题的各方面情况。2) Chinas economic development has deep impact on the texture of society.中国的经济开展对社会情况的影响十分深刻。3) Ford is making its inroad into Chinas auto market within the context of the nations economic surge.福特公司是在中国经济高涨的情况

17、下力图打进中国汽车市场的。4) 情况不同了。The situation has changed. (Chinese students)Its a new playing field. (American students)“Set 例1) He used to be with a very smart set .他过去常跟一群很时髦的人在一起。2) This is how the literary set talked meals.这就是文坛人士在餐桌上的谈论方式。3) He is not of my set.他和我志不同道不合。4) He belonged to best set in ou

18、r school.他属于我校最优秀的一批人。“Resource 例1) Oil is an important natural resource.2) Quick wit is his great resource.3)Good health is his great resource.4)He is a man of great resource in any emergency.5) I am at end of my resources.(I have no means left to do anything.)1) Oil is an important natural resourc

19、e.石油是一项重要的自然资源。2) Quick wit is his great resource.机敏是他的天赋。3) Good health is his great resource.安康是他的本钱。4) He is a man of great resource in any emergency.他善于处理紧急问题。5) I am at end of my resources.(I have no means left to do anything.)我已经山穷水尽了。“kill例:1He killed the man.他杀了那个人。2He killed the dog.他宰了那条狗。

20、3They killed the proposal.他们断然拒绝建议。4) He killed the motion when it came from the mittee.他否决了委员会提出来的动议。5Please kill the engine.请把发动机熄灭。6He is dressed to kill.他穿得很时髦,十分吸引人。7You are killing me.你的话或动作笑死我了。8She kills her child with kindness.她宠坏了小孩。8He took a snack to kill his hunger.他吃零食充饥。9He killed tim

21、e every day at the park.他每天上公园消磨时间。11) He killed himself with overwork.他因工作过劳而死。12) He killed the spirit of team.他抹杀了团体的精神。13) The news killed their hope.这消息使他们的希望破灭。14) These flowers kill easily.这些花很容易枯死。15) He killed three bottles of whisky in a week.他一周内喝了三瓶威士忌。“欢天喜地例1) 宁荣两处上下内外人等,莫不欢天喜地。(?红楼梦?第十

22、六回Then high and low alike in both mansions were filled with joy.2那小厮欢天喜地,容许去了。?红楼梦?第三十九回The boyassented and made off in high spirits.3 我才已经和他母亲说了,他娘已经欢天喜地地应了。?红楼梦?第七十二回Ive spoken to his mother and shes consented gladly.4不管归迟归早,那妇人顿羹顿饭,欢天喜地伺候武松,武松倒有些过意不去。?水浒传?第二十四回Whenever he returned home, whether e

23、arly or late, Golden lotus had food ready. She served him with obviouspleasure. It rather embarrassed him.5)得蒙派遣,欢天喜地,收拾枪刀。?水浒传?,第六十三回Happy with their mission, they gathered their weapons.6) 两个小头目听了这话,欢天喜地,说道:“好了!众人在此少待一时。?水浒传?第七十回The junior officers were delighted. “Excellent, they said. “Just wait

24、 here a little.三、 英汉句子构造比较The general rule for sentencebuilding inChinese is : A sentence is made by accumulating the words and a passage is made by accumulating the sentences(集字成句,积句成章). Here is an typical example to show how a Chinese sentence is built (萧立明, 2002:105) :地大。物博。中国地大物博。教师说中国地大物博。地理教师说

25、中国地大物博。我们听地理教师说中国地大物博。昨天我们听地理教师说中国地大物博。昨天在课堂上我们听地理教师说中国地大物博。The territory is large.The natural resources are plenty.China has a large territory and abounds in natural resources.The teacher said that China has a large territory and abounds in natural resources.The geography teacher said that China ha

26、s a large territory and abounds in natural resources.We heard that the geography teacher said that China has a large territory and abounds in natural resources.Yesterday we heard that the geography teacher said that China has a large territory and abounds in natural resources.Yesterday we heard, in

27、class, that thegeography teacher said that China has a large territory and abounds in natural resources.1 英语重形合;汉语重意合“形合(hypotaxis) 就是主要靠语言本身的语法手段。“意合(parataxis) 主要靠句子内部逻辑联系。因此,英语构造紧凑严密;汉语构造简练明快。 1) 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。 It is not too late to mend the fold even after some sheep have been lost.2) 我曾屡次见他画小鸡,毛茸茸,

28、很得意;也见他画的鱼鹰,水是绿的,钻进水里,很生动。On several occasions I watched him paint fluffy little chicks and vivid cormorants with their heads in the green water.3) 出发了。走到巷口,一点名,小秃没影了。大家折回家去,找了半点多钟,没找着。大家决定不看电影了,找小秃是最重要的。老舍?有声电影?Finally they were all set to start on the journey, when it was found that Little Bald-he

29、ad was missing. Back they came into the house to look for him, but could not establish his whereabouts. They agreed to give up going, because looking for Little Bald-Head was more important.4) It is probably easier for teachers than for students to appreciate the reasons why learning English seems t

30、o bee increasingly difficult once the basic structures and patterns of the language have been understood.也许教师比学生更容易理解,为什么学生在掌握了英语根本构造和句型后,英语学习反而变得越来越困难了。2英语句子中,名词与介词占优势,汉语句子中,动词占优势英语句子中,主要采用主谓机制。由于英语句子中的谓语动词受词型变化的约束,句子中只能有一个谓语动词,它是英语句子的轴心与核心,然后要借用名词表达。而名词与名词之间的联系却要借介词来串通,所以英语中名词与介词占优势。汉语动词内没有什么变化,使用

31、方便,且重于动态描写,所以汉语动词用的多。汉语在表达一些比较复杂的思想的时候往往借助动词,按时间顺序,逐步交代,层层铺开,给人以舒缓明快的感觉。5 晴雯先接出来,笑道:“好啊,叫我研了墨,早起快乐,只写了三个字,扔下笔就走了,哄我等了这一天,快来给我写完了这些墨才算呢。Qing-wen greeted him with a smile, exclaiming, “A fine one you are! On the spur of the moment you bade me to grind ink for you this morning. But you threw down your

32、brush and went away after having written merely three characters. Youve kept me waiting for you the whole day. You are to use up this ink now. Be quick! 曹雪芹6文化的多样性是人类文明最本质的特征。尊重不同文化的独立与开展,加强文化交流与合作,是维护世界文化多样性的重要前提。温家宝Cultural diversity is a defining feature of human civilization. Respecting the inde

33、pendence and development of different cultures and strengthening cultural interflows and cooperation is essential to upholding cultural diversity in the world.7我们要坚持相互尊重、增加互信、求同存异。We should increase mutual trust on the basic of mutual respect, seeking men ground while putting aside differences.8) 母亲

34、打算带女儿到公园里去走走。The mother was going to take her daughter to the park for a walk.9 Carlisle Street runs westward, across a great black bridge, down a hill and up again, by little shops and meat markets, past single-storied homes until suddenly it stops against a wide green lawn.卡莱尔大街往西伸展,越过一座黑色的大桥,爬下山冈

35、又爬上去,经过许多小铺和肉市,又经过一些平房,然后突然朝着一大片绿色草地中止了。3. 英语前重心;汉语后重心在长句中和复合句中,英语的主要局部和主句,一般放在句首,即重心在前。而汉语那么一般按照逻辑和时间顺序,将主要的局部放在句尾,形成后重心。例如:10我每天早晨七点乘公共汽车上班。I go to work by bus at seven every morning.11他不来,我不走。 I wont go unless he es. (I will stay until he es.)12铃声一响,就不要再写了。 Stop writing when the bell rings.13) He

36、 has to stay at home because he is ill. 他病了只得呆在家里。4. 英语重后饰;汉语重前饰英语与汉语就句子的逻辑中心而言,前者惯于前置,“先声夺人;后者善于后移,“后发制人。英汉在修饰语定语和状语的位置处理上存在着一个显而易见的差异。英语修饰假设为短语或分句,那么往往置于被修饰的成分之后。汉语的修饰语无论是词、短语或是句子,其位置一般总是处于被修饰成分之前。13) It is a good plan to imagine an argument with a person having a different bias.借助于想象与持不同偏见的人进展辩论,

37、是一个很好的方法。14) I was, to borrow from John,the spy who was to stay out in the cold.借用约翰的话来说,我成了一个被打入冷宫的间谍了。15) Miltons laugh, which was very infectious, broke the brief silence. 弥尔顿富有感染力的笑声打破了短暂的静默。16) Fossils are early plants or animals onceburied in the earth, now hardened like rock.化石是过去埋在地下,现在已像岩石一

38、样硬化了的植物和动物。5. 英语重物称;汉语重人称英语的物称倾向十清楚显,最显见于对主语的择定。英语常选择不能施行动作或无生命的词语做主语。相对而言,汉语一般更习惯于人称化的表达,尤其是主语,能施行动作或有生命的物体为主语之首选。17) With most of the old Chrysler management replaced, a Fort engine now powers Chrysler.原克莱斯勒公司领导班子的大多数成员都已撤换,现在领导克莱斯勒的是一名来自福特公司的人。18A wave of cigar smoke acpanied Simon in. 西蒙进门时带进一缕雪

39、茄烟雾。19An idea suddenly struck him. 他突然想起了一个主意。20Her illness kept her in hospital four weeks. 她因病在医院住了四个星期21Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.这位饱尝辛酸者却让全世界的人发出笑声。22) Inadequate training for farmers and the low productivity of many farms place the majority of country dwellers in a

40、disadvantageous position.农民缺乏训练,许多农场生产效率低,这就使得大多数农民处于贫穷的困境6. 英语多被动;汉语多主动英语多见被动句式与其物称倾向不无关联。充任主语的词既然有大量“无灵物称,其被动句式那么有了繁衍的前提,反之,汉语具有人称倾向,自然采用更多主动句式。23) 我们在开展进程中遇到的矛盾和问题,无论是规模还是复杂性都是世所罕见的。The problems and difficulties that we encounter in the course of development are rarely seen elsewhere in terms of

41、their scale and plexity24) 为了规X外国企业常驻代表机构的设立及其业务活动,制定本条例。The regulation shall be formulated for the purpose of regulating the establishment and business activities of resident offices of foreign enterprises.25 The importance of oceanography as a key to the understanding of our planet is seldom appre

42、ciated.海洋学是人们认识星球的关键,而其重要性却并非人人都知晓。26 Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.有些书浅尝那么可,有些书吞食那么可,少数那么须咀嚼消化。大家认为李先生是位好教师。Mr. Li is considered to be a good teacher.7英语多长句;汉语多短句英语各种替代词与关系词的广泛运用,导致英语较多出现“多枝共干式长句,复合句。而汉语那么相反,多用短句,简单句。27后院墙下,忽开一溪,得泉一脉,灌入墙

43、内,绕阶缘屋至前院,盘旋竹下而出。Through a foot-wide opening below the back wall flowed a brook which wound past the steps and the lodge to the front court before meandering out through the bamboos. 28) 中国西部地域辽阔,人口众多,山河壮美,资源富集,与周边14个国家接壤,开展潜力巨大。Western China, with its vast landmass, large population, beautiful land

44、scape and rich resources, borders 14 countries and has a great potential for development.29) Williams sunk his dishonest gains into the village that captured his heart with its fine stone cottages, its central area of green grass, rows of hedges, and its fantastic view of rolling fields and forests

45、disappearing on the horizon. 威廉姆斯将不法收入投进了那座让他心仪的村庄:精致的石屋农舍,茵茵的村中绿地,一排排篱笆,以及连绵起伏延至天际的原野森林,其景美不胜收。What is Translation?1Definition of Translation“To translate is to change into another language, retaining the sense.Dr. Samuel Johnson“Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the clos

46、est natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.Eugene A. Nida2Basic Requirements of Translation1) The Translation should give a plete transcript of the ideas of the original work.2) The style and manner of writing should be of the same charact

47、er with that of the original.3) The translation should have all the ease of original position.Alexander Fraser Tytler1)A translation must give the words of the original.2)A translation must give the ideas of the original.3) A translation should read like an original work.4)A translation should read

48、like a translation.5) A translation should reflect the style of the original.6) A translation should possess the style of the translator.7) A translation should read as a contemporary of the original.8) A translation should read as a contemporary of the translator.9) A translation may add to or omit

49、 from the original.10) A translation may never add to or omit from the original.Theodore Horace Savory3Conflicts and Solution faithful vs. beautiful; literal vs. free form vs. content“By general consent, though not byuniversal practice, the prime merit of a translation proper is Faithfulness, and he

50、 is the best translator whose work is nearest to his original.J. P. Postgate“The translation should be as literal as possible, and as free as necessary.Peter NewmarkAvoid either overtranslation (added details) or undertranslation (added abstraction)4. How to Be a Good Translator 1) Proficiency in Ch

51、inese and English 2) General knowledge and knowledge in a special field 3) Understanding the basic translation principles and techniques关于直译与意译1.直译与意译是不中肯的名称,不但不能表示译法的程序,还容易引起误会,使之成为死译和胡译的庇护所。其实,这两者是相互对立又相互渗透、相互转化的。在成功的翻译中,这两者是融为一体的。林语堂2. 要根据原作语言的不同情况来决定,该直译的就直译,该意译的就意译。一个出色的译者总是能全局在胸而又紧扣局部,既忠实于原作的灵

52、魂,又便利于读者的理解与承受。一部好的译作总是既有直译又有意译的;凡能直译处坚持直译,必须意译时那么放手意译。王佐良第 二 章英译汉常用的方法与技巧第一节词义的选择、引申和褒贬教学目的:学习如何根据上下文逻辑关系,选择、判断和搭配句中关键词的词义,确定词义的引申褒贬。1词义的选择英语词义的灵活突出表现为一词多义。Like例1) I dont like smoking.V.我不喜欢抽烟。2) The two buildings are very like. (adj.)这两座楼很相像3 Dont treat me like a guest. prep.别把我当客人。4Like enough, t

53、he ship will arrive in the port tomorrow.(adv.)这条船很可能明天进港。5) I hope I can drive the car like you do.(pron.我希望开汽车开得像你一样好。6 Like knows like.n.英雄识英雄。Story例1Oh, what a story!哦,好个谎话。2To make a long story short.长话短说。3 It is another story now.但这是另外一个问题。3) He storied about his academic careerand his profess

54、ional career.他编造了他的学历和经历。5I dont buy your story.我不信你的话。6 Her story is one of the saddest.她的遭遇算是最惨的了。7) Johns tale sounded to me exactly likea fish story.我认为约翰的故事荒唐无比。8 Stories circulated first in Moscow, and it was silenced soon.流言起初是在莫斯科传播的,而且很快就平息了。9) The story about him became smaller and faded f

55、rom the public eye by and by.关于他的传闻不断减少,不久他就不再受公众注意了(淡出公众视线)。10It was reported that the general was dead, but officials refused to confirm the story.据说将军已死,但官方拒绝证实这一消息/传闻。11) A young man came to the police office with a story.一个年轻人来到警察局报案。Tension is building up.1形势紧X起来。2X力在增大。3电压在增加。4压力在增强。5血压在增高。6紧

56、X情绪在加剧。教师是桃花沟的李白、齐白石、钱钟书;教师是桃花沟的杨振宁、钱学森、华罗庚;教师是桃花沟的陶行知、马卡连科.In the eyes of the villagers, the teacher was no less than a great man of letters, a great artist, a great scientist as well as a great educator.2. 词的引申翻译时,有时会遇到某些词,在辞典上找不到适当的词义,如照样硬搬,逐字死译,会使译文生硬晦涩,不能确切表达原意。应根据上下文和逻辑关系,从该词的根本意思出发,进一步引申词义,选择

57、比较恰当的汉语词汇来表达。需要引申的可能是词、词组,也可能是整个句子。(1) 将词义作抽象化的引申1) The newspaper claims to be the mirror of the public opinion.该报纸宣称将忠实反映公众的意见。The newspaper claims to be a mirror of the times. 时代的镜子2) He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick.欲加之罪,何患无辞。3) Please dont wake a sleeping dog.不要惹是生非。4

58、) We must keep our powder dry.我们要时刻提高警觉。5She sailed into the room.她仪态万方地走进房子。6There is much woman about him. 他的举止颇带些女人气。7) Dont play the fox with me. 不要跟我耍滑头。8) The society is holding a meeting behind the closed door.这个社团在秘密开会。9The matter was finally settled under the table.事情私下解决了。(2) 将词义作具体的引申10)

59、He was a tough proposition.他是一个难对付的家伙。10) My dad has three dependents: my mother, my sister and I.爸爸要养活三口人:妈妈姐姐和我。12His skill at games made him the admiration of many people.他的运动技巧使他成为许多人羡慕的对象。 13The battlefield became something holy. It was not touched.这个战场几乎已成为一个圣地了。它仍然保持着当年的旧观。14 The Great Wall i

60、s a must for most foreign visitors to Beijing.对于大多数去的外国访客,长城是必不可少的参观游览工程。15There were too much violence in that area.那个地区曾经发生过许多暴力事件。16Their transportation was camel.他们的运输工具是骆驼。17 他每天要处理许多棘手的问题。He has many hot potatoes to handle every day.18)不要盲目乐观,我们还有好多困难呢。Dont count your chickens before they are

61、hatched. We havemany difficulties ahead.19) Discipline means choices. Every time you say yes to a goal or objective, you say no to many more. The prize is the yes; the price is the no.译文1:纪律意味着有取有舍。每当你对一个目标或目的表示同意,你实际上是对好多目标表示了不同意。同意的是大奖,不同意的是代价。译文2:自律就意味着取舍。每当你选取了一个目标,同时也就舍弃了其他许多目标。成绩来自你的所取,代价就是你的所舍。3词义的褒贬Funny例褒义:1 A funny story 有趣的故事2 A funny writer 幽默的作家 3 He is being funny. 他在逗乐。中性:4A funny

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