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1、2022年考博英语-西南林业大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 翻译题将模糊性(fuzzy,adj)和定性评价合理地转化为定量评价,进而选择最优设计解,是产品设计的关键。论文运用模糊综合评判与比较的方法,以 Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 为软件平台,建立了计算机辅助的设计方案择优系统。提供了对产品设计方案定量评价和择优、将结果存档、调用和打印等功能。【答案】It is a very important procedure of product design to transform rationally fuzzy and qualitative evaluati

2、on into quantitative evaluation for optimum solution. This paper introduces a computer-aided selection system for optimum solution to produce design. The system is established on the platform of Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 with the method of fuzzy comprehensive judgments and comparison. It has the fu

3、nctions of quantitative evaluation, selection of the optimum design solution, filling, consulting and printing of the optimized results.2. 单选题Sometimes the bank manager himself is asked to _ cheques if his clerks are not sure about them.问题1选项A.creditB.assureC.certifyD.access【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项cred

4、it“相信,信任;把归给,归功于;赞颂”;B选项assure “保证;担保;使确信;弄清楚”;C选项 certify “证明;保证”;D选项access “接近,使用;访问,存取(电脑文档)”。句意:有时,如果银行经理的职员对支票不确定,就要求他本人证明支票。结合此处语境,C选项正确。3. 单选题In practice the theory often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail.问题1选项A.declineB.fluctuat

5、eC.frustrateD.prosper【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项 decline “下降;衰落;谢绝”;B选项 fluctuate “波动;涨落;动摇”;C选项 frustrate“失败;受挫”;D选项prosper“繁荣,昌盛;成功”。句意:在实践中,这一理论往往使铁路公司处于决定哪些公司会兴旺发达、哪些会倒闭的位置。结合此处关键词fail“衰败;倒闭”,可推测前文的单词应是与之相反的词,得知D选项正确。4. 单选题The members of the branch were indignant that government had planted two spies

6、among them.问题1选项A.irateB.indifferentC.insensibleD.inspired【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项irate “生气的;发怒的”;B选项 indifferent “冷淡的;不关心的;中等的”;C选项 insensible “昏迷的;无知觉的;麻木不仁的”;D选项 inspired“品质优秀的;能力卓越的;借助于灵感创作的”。句意:支部的成员对政府在他们中间安插了两名间谍感到愤怒。结合此处关键短语 planted two spies among them“安插了两名间谍”,可推测支部的成员会对此十分气愤,得知A选项正确。5. 单选题It

7、 is a well-documented fact that women still live longer than men. A 1998 study by Harvard Medical School geriatrician Thomas Perls offers two reasons: one is the evolutionary drive to pass on her genes; the other is the need to stay healthy enough to rear as many children as possible. A mans purpose

8、 is simply to carry genes that ensure longevity and pass them on to his children.Okay, so thats the legacy of our cave-dweller past. But what is it about a mans lifestyle that reduces his longevity? As action moviemakers know all too well, men are supercharged with testosterone. Aside from forcing u

9、s to watch frenzied movies like The Matrix Reloaded, the testes-produced hormone also triggers riskier behavior and aggression, and increases levels of harmful cholesterol, raising the risk of heart disease or stroke. Meanwhile, the female hormone chops harmful cholesterol and raises “good” choleste

10、rol.As Perlss study points out: “Between ages 15 and 24, men are four to five times more likely to die than women. This time frame coincides with the onset of puberty and an increase in reckless and violent behavior in males. Researchers refer to it as a “testosterone storm”. Most deaths in this mal

11、e group come from motor vehicle accidents, followed by homicide, suicide.and drowning. ”While all this jumping from tall buildings may result in some accidental death, it still doesnt account for the onset of fatal illnesses at an earlier age. Statistically, men are crippled more quickly by illnesse

12、s like heart disease, stroke and cancer. A Singapore study found that while men were diagnosed with chronic illness two years earlier than women, women were also disabled by their illnesses four years later. Men more often engage in riskier habits like drinking alcohol and using recreational drugs,

13、as well as eating to excess. And the stereotype about men being adverse to seeing a doctor on a regular basis? Studies have shown its true.If your goal is to become the first 100-year-old man on your family tree, there are some things you can do to boost your odds. One is to examine what centenarian

14、s are doing right. According to the ongoing New England Centenarian Study, the largest comprehensive study of centenarians in the world, they can fend off or even escape age-associated diseases like heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimers. Ninety percent of those studied were functiona

15、lly independent for the vast majority of their lives up until the age of 92, and 75% were just as autonomous at an average age of 95. “Centenarians disprove the perception that the older you get, the sicker you get. Centenarians teach us that the older you get, the healthier youve been.”1. This pass

16、age mainly discusses_.2. According to Thomas Perls, which of the following is a major factor contributing to the relative longevity of women over men?3. The author mentions “the legacy of our cave-dweller past” to _.4. According to the passage, testosterone is a hormone that_.5. Compared with women,

17、 men as a whole_.问题1选项A.why women lead a healthier life than menB.how women can live longer and stay healthyC.what keeps men from enjoying a longer life spanD.whether mens life style leads to their early death问题2选项A.Their natural urge to remain healthyB.Their greater natural drive to pass on genesC.

18、Their need to bear healthy offspringD.Their desire to have more children问题3选项A.support the argument about womens role in rearing childrenB.summarize a possible cause of different life expectanciesC.challenge the theory about our ancestors behavior patternsD.illustrate the history of human evolution

19、process问题4选项A.increases as men grow olderB.reduces risk factors in male behaviorC.leads to aggressive behavior and heart diseaseD.accounts for womens dislike for violent films问题5选项A.suffer from depression more oftenB.suffer from diseases later than womenC.are reluctant to have physical checkupsD.are

20、 not affected by violent movies【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。根据题干,通读全文,以及定位到文章首段第一句 “It is a well-documented fact that women still live longer than men.” 中文翻译为:女人仍然比男人活得长,这是一个有据可查的事实。A选项 “为什么女性比男性生活得更健康。”文章中虽提及,但并不是文章的主要内容。C选项“是什么让男人不能享受更长的寿命呢。”在文章的第二段有所体现,但这篇文章不能简单地概括为“男人不能享受更长的寿命。”D选项的意

21、思跟C选项大体一致,也可排除。由此可知B选项符合题意。2.细节事实题。由题干关键字“Thomas Perls”可以定位到原文第一段 “one is the evolutionary drive to pass on her genes; the other is the need to stay healthy enough to rear as many children as possible.” 中文翻译为:一个是遗传基因的进化动力;另一个是需要保持足够的健康来抚养尽可能多的孩子。 因此可知B选项 “她们天生就有传递基因的动力”符合题意。3.作者意图题。由题干关键句“the legacy

22、 of our cave-dweller past” 可定位到原文第二段 “Okay, so thats the legacy of our cave-dweller past”,中文翻译为:好吧,这就是过去穴居人留下的遗产。根据后文转折,可以得知C选项“挑战关于我们祖先行为模式的理论”为正确答案。4.细节事实题。由题干关键词“testosterone”可定位到原文第二段“the testes-produced hormone also triggers riskier behavior and aggression, and increases levels of harmful chole

23、sterol, raising the risk of heart disease or stroke. ”,中文翻译为:测试产生的荷尔蒙还会引发更危险的行为和攻击性,增加有害胆固醇的水平,增加患心脏病或中风的风险。可知C选项“导致攻击性行为和心脏病”正确。5.细节事实题。通过题干可以定位到第四段最后一句 “And the stereotype about men being adverse to seeing a doctor on a regular basis? Studies have shown it true. ”中文大意:还有关于男人不喜欢经常看医生的刻板印象? 研究表明这是真的

24、。由此可知C选项“与女性相比,男性总体上不愿意做身体检查”正确。6. 单选题I am sure that disease must propagate in such unsanitary and crowded areas.问题1选项A.eliminateB.transmitC.replaceD.isolate【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项 eliminate “消除;排除”;B选项 transmit “传输;传播;发射;传达;遗传”;C选项 replace “取代,代替;替换,更换;归还,偿还;把放回原处”;D选项 isolate “(使)隔离,孤立;将剔出;(某物质、细胞等)

25、分离;区别看待(观点、问题等)”。句意:我相信疾病一定会在这样不卫生、拥挤的地方传播。结合此处关键词 propagate “传播;传送;繁殖;宣传”,得知B选项正确。7. 单选题When I am on vacation, I like to explore new cities by walking randomly through the downtown streets.问题1选项A.lazilyB.reflectivelyC.aimlesslyD.deliberately【答案】C【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A选项 lazily “懒洋洋地;怠惰地,懒散地”;B选项 reflective

26、ly “反映地;反照地”;C选项 aimlessly “漫无目的地,无目标地”;D选项 deliberately “故意地;缓慢而谨慎地”。句意:度假时,我喜欢在市中心的街道上随意走动,探索新的城市。结合此处关键词 randomly “随便地,任意地;无目的地,胡乱地;未加计划地”,得知C为正确答案。8. 单选题We often _ our energies in trivial occupations.问题1选项A.dissipatedB.indulgedC.unscrambledD.took【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项 dissipated“消散;浪费 ”;B选项indulg

27、ed “沉溺;满足;放任”;C选项unscrambled “使还原;译出;理顺,理清”;D选项 took “拿;取;接受”。句意:我们经常我们的精力在琐碎的工作上。根据单词trivial occupations (琐碎的工作),可推测我们经常会浪费我们的精力在一些琐碎的工作上,结合此处语境,选项A为正确答案。9. 单选题He was accused of being a _ because he made promises which aroused futile hopes in his listeners.问题1选项A.spokesmanB.demagogueC.representativ

28、eD.politician【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 spokesman“发言人;代言人”;B选项 demagogue“煽动者;煽动家;煽动政治家”;C选项 representative“代表;典型;众议员;销售代表”;D选项politician “政治家”。句意:他被指控为一名,因为他的承诺在听众中激起了无用的希望。由aroused futile hopes in his listeners(在他的听众中激起了无用的希望)可知B选项与其意思对应正确,结合此处语境,B选项正确。10. 翻译题China Dream is the guiding ideology put forw

29、ard by President Xi Jinping. He believes that it is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern times, and states that the dream can definitely be realizeD.The core objective of China Dream is to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. To be more specific, that is to realize nat

30、ional prosperity and rejuvenation, as well as the well-being of people. And its fundamental requirement is to build a well-off society in an all-round way. Only when the country is developed comprehensively and scientifically, can individuals realize their dreams. Similarly, only when everyone is fu

31、ll of passion, can China Dream be beautiful.【答案】中国梦,是习近平主席提出的指导思想。他认为,这是近代以来中华民族最伟大的梦想,这个梦想一定能够实现。中国梦的核心目标是实现中华民族伟大复兴。具体来说,就是要实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。其根本要求是全面建设小康社会。只有国家全面科学发展,个人才能实现自己的梦想。同样,只有每个人都充满激情,中国梦才会美丽。11. 写作题In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this

32、as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility. What are your opinions on this? Write a passage on the topic in about 200 words. You must write clearly and logically on your Answer Sheet.【答案】略。12. 单选题The volcano gave warnin

33、g that it would soon pop: small earthquakes shuddered beneath its surface on September 23.问题1选项A.sankB.sentC.eruptedD.shook【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项sank“沉陷”;B选项 sent“送,寄出”;C选项erupted “爆发;长出”;D选项 shook “摇动”。句意:火山发出警告说它很快就会爆发:9月23日,它的地表下发生了小地震。结合此处关键词earthquakes(地震)可排除B、C选项,A选项sank(沉陷)也与地震不匹配,因此得知D选项正确。13

34、. 写作题In recent years, more and more university graduates go back to their hometown in the rural areas and work there as teachers or village Party secretaries, etC.after obtaining their bachelor or master degrees. Some people say what they do goes against convention. Others say the rural areas are de

35、sperately in need of skilled administrators. Then should university graduates go to work in a rural area? Whats your opinion about this phenomenon? Write a passage on the topic Is University Graduates Going to Work in a Rural Area a Waste of Talent? in about 200 words. You must write clearly and log

36、ically on your Answer Sheet.(写在试题册上无效。)Is University Graduates Going to Work in a Rural AreaA Waste of Talent?【答案】略。14. 单选题Whoever said that victory has many fathers and defeat is an orphan, surely had never heard of the World Trade Organization (WTO). In the case of the hapless multilateral trade b

37、ody and its long suffering representatives, the total failure of the opening meeting of the so-called Millennium trade round has lots of people boasting of their roles in the violent physical struggle. Well. Thats just brilliant. They are proud of being part of a movement that wants to wreck the mos

38、t important engine of economic growth, prosperity and overall global rising living standards we have the freedom of trade and movement of people and goods between nations.The 135-members WTO is composed of sovereign of sovereign governments wishing to further this goal and ease the settlement of int

39、ernational trade disputes. From the sounds emanating from Seattle, though, it would now seem the WTO has now replaced the Trilateral Commission and the Freemasons as candidate No. 1 to take over the world.Everybody has his favorite Seattle story. The citys police chief will have plenty of time to th

40、ink about his, having now resigned in disgrace over the loss of control of downtown Seattle. The Seattle business community may be more inclined to brood over theirs; the poor fools invested9 million to attract the meeting to their fine city. What stands out more? I would nominate the union of steel

41、 workers who were marching in protest. Its an image that will boggle the mind for years to come.The debate now is over just how effective this anti-globalist coalition will turn out to be. In the heat of the moment, it always looks as though the world as we know it is coming to an enD.But the overwh

42、elming likelihood is that we have not actually seen a relay of the anti-Vietnam War movement, which had much clearer focus, obviously, though its consequences were far-reaching. How long, after all, can you protest against cheap imports when those same imports are all over you house?No, the real rea

43、son for the disaster in Seattle is political, and reports coming out of the meeting point to President Clinton as a major culprit. Which may be both good and baD.Taking the long view, other trade rounds have had difficult beginnings, too. It took years to get the Uruguay Round under way, which final

44、ly happened in 1986. Thankfully, we will soon be electing another president, and it should be someone whose actions match his rhetoric.Still, it is a disgrace that the worlds greatest trading nation, i. e. the United States, is currently led by a man whose motivations are so narrowly political and e

45、gocentric that he has now wrecked any chance of entering the history books as a champion of free trade.1. According to the passage, the failure of the Seattle meeting is chiefly caused by_ .2. We can learn from the beginning of the passage that_ .3. One of the WTOs goals as mentioned in the passage

46、is to_ .4. By saying that “Its an image that will boggle the mind for years to come.” (the last sentence in Paragraph 3) the author means that_.5. The author is obviously critical of President Clinton for_ .问题1选项A.anti-globalist and pro-globalist conflictsB.President Clintons wrong initiativesC.the

47、strong protests from diverse groupsD.the polices failure to maintain order问题2选项A.different forces contributed to the failure of the Millennium trade roundB.many people bragged of their presence at the Millennium trade roundC.there existed a range of violent debated as to the prospects of the WTOD.on

48、ly a few members were proud of their membership of the WTO问题3选项A.serve as arbiters in international trade disputesB.ensure cheap export and import of goods unnecessarilyC.bring about the globalization of worlds tradesD.encourage free trade and goods exchanges worldwide问题4选项A.the WTO is likely to hav

49、e a negative image in peoples mind in the futureB.the WTO will have trouble changing peoples way of thinking in the futureC.the startling scene will probably linger in peoples mind the years to comeD.people will lose whatever confidence they hold in the future of the WTO问题5选项A.his failing to match h

50、is words with his actionsB.his handling the matter in a wrong perspectiveC.his lacking historical knowledge about the WTOD.his overemphasizing the economic role of the WTO【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。由题干关键词“Seattle meeting”可以定位到文章第五段中“No, the real reason for the disaster in Seattle is po

51、litical, and reports coming out of the meeting point to President Clinton as a major culprit.” 中文翻译为:不,西雅图灾难的真正原因是政治,会议的报告指出,总统克林顿是主要的罪魁祸首。可以得知B选项“克林顿总统的错误举措”正确。2.主旨大意题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段,中文翻译为:谁说胜利有许多父亲,失败是一个孤儿,肯定没有听说过世界贸易组织(WTO)。以不幸的多边贸易组织及其长期受苦受难的代表们为例,所谓的千年贸易回合(Millennium trade round)开幕式的彻底失败,让很多人吹嘘自

52、己在这场激烈的斗争中扮演的角色。好,这就是灿烂的。他们为自己是一场运动的一部分而感到自豪,这场运动希望摧毁我们所拥有的经济增长、繁荣和全球整体生活水平不断提高的最重要引擎贸易自由以及国与国之间人员和货物流动。A选项“不同的力量促成了千年贸易谈判的失败”符合题意。B选项“许多人吹嘘他们出席了千年贸易谈判” 不符合题意,故排除。C选项“关于世贸组织的前景存在着一系列激烈的争论”不符合题意,故排除。D选项 “只有几个成员国为他们是世贸组织的成员而感到自豪”不符合题意,文中很多人吹嘘自己在这场激烈的斗争中扮演的角色,故排除。3.细节事实题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段“They are proud of

53、 being part of a movement that wants to wreck the most important engine of economic growth, prosperity and overall global rising living standards we have the freedom of trade and movement of people and goods between nations.” 中文翻译为:他们为自己是一场运动的一部分而感到自豪,这场运动希望摧毁我们所拥有的经济增长、繁荣和全球整体生活水平不断提高的最重要引擎贸易自由以及国与

54、国之间人员和货物流动。 D选项“鼓励世界范围内的自由贸易和商品交流”符合题意,故选D。A选项“在国际贸易争端中担任仲裁者”不符合题意,故排除。B选项“确保不必要的廉价进出口”不符合题意,故排除。C选项 “带来世界贸易的全球化”不符合题意,故排除。4.作者意图题。由题干可以定位到文章第三段最后一句 “Its an image that will boggle the mind for years to come. ”中文翻译:这是一个在未来几年里会让人难以置信的画面。A选项“WTO在未来很可能在人们的脑海中有一个负面的形象”与题干句子意思相符,因此A选项正确。5.细节事实题。通读题干定位到文章第

55、五段最后一句“Thankfully, we will soon be electing another president, and it should be someone whose actions match his rhetoric.”中文大意:值得庆幸的是,我们很快将选出另一位总统,而这位总统应该是言行一致的人。根据前文“No, the real reason for the disaster in Seattle is political, and reports coming out of the meeting point to President Clinton as a m

56、ajor culprit.”中文大意:不,西雅图灾难的真正原因是政治,会议的报告指出,总统克林顿是主要的罪魁祸首。前文批判克林顿为 “罪魁祸首”,后文笔者说值得庆幸的是将选出另外一位言行一致的总统。A选项“他言行不一致”最符合题意,因此选A。15. 单选题A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the_ shadows of our unconscious desires and fears.问题1选项A.disclosedB.createdC.disguisedD.distinguis

57、hed【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项disclosed “揭露的”;B选项 created “创造的”;C选项 disguised “伪装的”;D选项 distinguished “辨别的”。句意:一个世纪前,弗洛伊德阐述了革命性的理论,即梦是人们潜意识中欲望和恐惧后的预示。A选项disclosed(揭露的)不符合题意,可排除。B选项created (创造的)不符合题意,可排除。C选项正确。16. 翻译题中国园林是经过三千多年演化而形成的独具一格的园林景观,是中国建筑不可分割的一部分。从建园者身份来看,中国园林主要分为两类:皇家园林和私家园林。皇家园林是为皇 室成员享乐而建造,大

58、多数皇家园林在北方。私家园林主要由学者、商人和政府官员为摆脱 嘈杂的外部世界而建造,南方比较多见。典型的中国园林周围有围墙,院内有池塘、假山、 树木、花草以及各种各样由弯曲的小路和走廊衔接的建筑,构成了一种人与自然和谐相处的 微缩景观。【答案】Chinese garden is a unique landscape formed after more than three thousand years of evolution. It is an inseparable part of Chinese architecture. From the identity of the gardene

59、rs, Chinese gardens are mainly divided into two categories: imperial gardens and private gardens. The imperial gardens were built for the pleasure of the members of the royal family, most of them in the north. Private gardens were built mainly by scholars, merchants and government officials to escap

60、e from the noisy outside world, especially in the South. Typical Chinese gardens are surrounded by walls, surrounded by ponds, rockery, trees, flowers and plants, as well as various buildings connected by winding paths and corridors, which constitute a miniature landscape of harmony between man and

61、nature.17. 单选题Air attacks in Afghanistan are focused on airports and training camps to avoid civilian _.问题1选项A.involvementB.rebellionC.casualtiesD.anguish【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项involvement “参与;牵连;包含;混乱;财政困难” ;B选项rebellion “叛乱;反抗;谋反”;C选项 casualties“伤亡;人员伤亡”;D选项anguish“痛苦;苦恼”。句意:阿富汗的空袭主要集中在机场和训练营,以避免平民的

62、。可推测为了不使平民受到伤亡,所以阿富汗的空袭主要集中在机场和训练营。结合此处语境,C选项正确。18. 单选题The historic meeting of the presidents of these two countries will greatly promote _ relationship and cooperation at all levels.问题1选项A.bilateralB.benignC.significantD.fundamental【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 bilateral “双边的;有两边的”;B选项 benign “良性的;和蔼的,亲切的

63、;吉利的”;C选项 significant “重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的”;D选项 fundamental “基本的,根本的”。句意:两国元首的历史性会晤将有力地推动双边的关系和各层次合作。结合句意,A为正确答案。19. 单选题The managers job is not to make decisions but to carry out the decisions the director makes.问题1选项A.fulfillB.accomplishC.implementD.affect【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项 fulfill“实现;满足;使结束”;B选项 accomplish “完成;实现;达到”;C选项 implement “实

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