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1、语八年级下 unit6-uni t 10-作文范文八年级人教版英语下unit6 -unit 10作文范文Unit 6 题(一) 你一定读过许多优秀的小说,请你以“ My favorite Novel ”为题写一篇80词左右的英 文短文。内容包括:1)你喜欢的小说是什么?2)小说的主要内容是什么?3)你喜欢它的理由。My favorite play is The Necklace. Have you ever read it? The story happened in Paris. One day, Mathilda(玛蒂尔蒂)was going to a ball(舞会)with husba

2、nd. But she was worried because she had no new dress or jewelry to wear. So she borrowed a necklace from her friend. On their way home, she found the necklace was not around her neck. It was lost! So she had to work day and night to pay a lot of money for the necklace. But in fact, the necklace is n

3、ot a real diamond necklace. The story shows us that we should care about our inner heart instead of our appearances, what more, whatever mistakes we make, we have to pay for it.题(二)你看过灰姑娘的故事,你是否有很大的感触呢?请根据下面提示写一篇英 文短文,词数80左右。内容包括;1)你喜欢故事的哪个人物?2)你为什么喜欢他/她?3)你读完故事后的感悟是什么?After reading the story of Cin

4、derella, I feel so moved. I like Cinderella best because I think she was beautiful and hard-working. Though her stepsisters were not kind to her, she never gave up her dream, and still looked forward to a good future. The story has touched my heart. I think I should be optimistic( 乐观)just like her.

5、I will try my best to achieve my dream whatever difficulties I meet in my life. As 10ng as I keep trying, I will also have a bright future.Unit7.题(一)如今,许多海洋动物处于危险之中或濒临灭绝。请你根据以下内容提示写一篇英文短文呼吁人们保护海洋动物。词数 80左右。 内容包括:1)许多海洋动物的现状。2)造成这种状况的原因,如污染,人们的捕杀等。Nowadays many sea animals are in great danger or even

6、 going to die out. One of the reasons is serious pollution. Also, people kill too many of them for food. It is necessary to take actions to protect them. First, we can tell people about the importance of protecting the sea and the animals in it. Also, we should stop polluting the sea and try_ our be

7、st to make it clean. Let Work together to save the sea animals.Unit8题(一)写一篇英文短文介绍你所喜欢的歌手及他/她的音乐。80词左右。内容包括1)歌手的基本信息;2)你为什么喜欢他/她的歌曲;3)你对他/她的歌曲的看法或感想。Jay is my favorite singer, he has been famous since 2001.For young people this kind of music is very special. He became famous for his first CD -Jay. He

8、 has enjoyed success in music, television and film. Whats more, he is one of the most popular singers in China.qinghuaci is a very successfully song , I listen to it when I am stressed out. It makes me feel relaxed and reminds me that life is so cool.题(二)Spider-Man美国著名的科幻大片蜘蛛侠是惊奇漫回(Marvel Comics)创造的

9、超级央雄形 象电影剧情中学生彼得.帕克(Peter Parker)犹什一种超能力(super ability),从此以后他开始和犯罪行为作斗争,以保护 普逋大众。经典台词能力越大,责任越大。 (with great power comes great responsibility)你对电影的评价Spider-Man is a popular science fiction movie in America. Spider-Man is a superhero first created by Marvel Comics.In the movies, Peter Parker, A middle

10、 school student, gets a kind of super ability.After that, he begins to fight against crimes and protect the common people.I think Spider-Man is a great movie, I love a line in itWith great power comes greatresponsibility(责任).This line shows that every in the world should take good care of his family

11、 and his country.Unit9题(一)你曾经去哪儿旅游过呢?请彳根据实际情况,写一篇 80词左右的英文短文,介绍你 曾去过的一个地方。内容包括:1)你曾经去过那地方几次;2)你对那地方的印象如何;3)那地方有什么特别的景点或事物。Have you ever been to Beijing? I have been there twice. I think it is a wonderful place to take a holiday.I fell in love with it for my first visit. There are many great places,

12、such as Bird s Nest, Place museum and the Great Wall. You can take photos and buy something special .I m sure you will learn a lot about the history of China. If you travel there, dont miss the famous food-Beijing Duck, I sure you will never forget the taste.Visiting Beijing is really enjoyable.题(二)

13、做好了准备就准备去旅游吧!假设彳在寒假期间去了海南,请以 A wonderful trip 为题,谈谈你的这次旅游经历。要求内容完整,语言流畅,可适当发挥。80字左右,开头已给出,不计入总数。A wonderful tripHave you ever been to Hainan? It s a great place to have a trip. I went there this winter vacation. I took the train there with my parents. While I was sitting on the train, I kept looking

14、 out of the window and watched the beautiful scenes outside. Then we arrived at our hotel near the sea. In the daytime, we went swimming or lay on the beach in the sun. At night we sat by the sea, looking at the stars in the clear sky. We also ate a lot of seafood there. It was a wonderful trip. I w

15、ill never forget it. 题(三)假如彳是David ,你的外国网友Sarah给你来信,信中提到她想来中国旅游,但是 却不知道去哪个地方好。请你给她推荐一个风景区。内容包括:1) The place to go.2) How to get there?3) What to see and to do?4) What to take?词数80词左右。信的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Sarah,It is very exciting to hear from you. I so glad that you are planning to visit China. Now

16、let me introduce one of the most popular places in China. Hainan is a great place to take a holiday. You can go there by air. You will see the nice beach. You can swim in the sea and play volleyball with the tourists. I believe the amazing view there will be unforgettable( 难忘的)for you. In the evenin

17、g, you can try the delicious seafood in the restaurant.I hope you can enjoy yourself.Yours,DavidUnit10童年是令人难忘的。你一定还保存着你小时候最喜欢的东西吧。请用英语写一篇 80 字左右的短文向大家介绍一下它。内容包括:1)它是什么;2)你如何得它的,拥有它多久了;3)它对你有什么特别之处。范文(一)My favorite thing from childhood is a soft bear. I ve had it for 9 years. My fathergave it to me w

18、hen I was five.I like it so much because I played with it every day until I went to school. It to me because my father bought me as my fifth birthday gift, I thi nk it s meaningful.The soft bear has given me many memories. I remember that I slept next to it almost every night till I was seven.范文(二)M

19、y favorite thing in my childhood was a toy car. I got it on my birthday. My uncle gave it to me as my birthday gift. It was special because it could make some sounds. I love it. When I played with it out, often took it with me. I even held it when to sleep .Now I still like it very much Because It brings back sweet memories of my childhood.

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