2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 单元检测卷(一) 新人教版必修第二册

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《2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 单元检测卷(一) 新人教版必修第二册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年新教材高中英语 单元检测卷(一) 新人教版必修第二册(19页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、单元检测卷(一)选择题部分第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1How does Mandy want to go to the cinema?AOn foot. BBy bus.CBy taxi.2Who got the driver out of the car finally?ASome firefighters. BSome doctors.CSome

2、policemen.3What time will the train arrive in Shanghai?AAt 6:00 pm. BAt 7:00 pm.CAt 8:00 pm.4What do we know about the cat?AIt may be sick.BIts in the pet hospital.CIt ate some fish.5What does the boy often do now?APlays basketball. BPlays badminton.CPlays football.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或

3、独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6What is the woman going to do?ABuy a book. BRepair her shoes.CPost a letter.7Where is the store?ANext to the supermarket.BIn front of the post office.CNear the bookshop.听第7段材

4、料,回答第8、9题。8What does the woman think of the carrots?ADelicious. BSweet.CAwful.9What does the woman suggest Robert eat?ASome chocolate. BSome vegetables.CSome desserts.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10How does the man feel now?AProud. BSurprised.CDisappointed.11How did the man learn dancing?ABy learning himself.BB

5、y taking courses.CBy watching videos.12Why did the man learn to play the piano?ATo make himself relaxed.BTo support his skill.CTo make his parents happy.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13How old is Stephanie now?A37. B27.C24.14When do students have no classes in France?AOn Friday. BOn Wednesday.COn Monday.15How lo

6、ng do French students stay at school every day?AFor six hours and a half.BFor seven hours.CFor seven hours and a half.16What do students do after class in France?ADo some cleaning.BDo lots of homework.CDo something creative.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Which name of a child is the same as his fathers in Spai

7、n?AThe first surname.BThe second surname.CThe given name.18Who choose names for children in Nigeria?ATheir parents. BTheir grandparents.CTheir brothers.19When does a child have his or her name in Nigeria?AWhen he or she is born.BWhen he or she is eight days old.CWhen he or she is eight weeks old.20W

8、hat does Bahar mean?ASpring. BRain.CStorm.答案:15CACAB610BAABA1115BBABC1620CABBA听力材料(Text 1)M:Come on, Mandy. It is just 20 minutes walk to the cinema.W:Give me a break! My legs are killing me. Lets just call a taxi.(Text 2)M:How terrible the accident is! Some doctors tried to help the driver get out

9、of the car, but they failed.W:Yes. At last, the firefighters got him out of the car.(Text 3)W:By seven oclock this afternoon we shall have got to Shanghai if the train keeps good time.M:Oh, this train arrives in Shanghai one hour late every time.(Text 4)M:Whats wrong with the cat? It ate nothing thi

10、s morning, even its favourite fish.W:I think it is sick. Maybe you should take it to the pet hospital.(Text 5)W:What sports do you like?M:Well, I really enjoy basketball and football.W:Do you often play them?M:I used to play basketball every weekend, but now I only play badminton when I am free.(Tex

11、t 6)W:Excuse me, sir. Im wondering if you could tell me a place where I can repair my shoes.M:Um. There is one on Fifth Street.W:Thank you, but how far is it from the bookshop?M:Not very far and not difficult to find. Just keep walking and after two blocks, youll see a supermarket on your left. The

12、store is between the supermarket and the post office.W:Oh, thank you very much.M:You are welcome.(Text 7)M:The carrots taste awful and salty. How do you like them?W:I like them very much.They taste good.M:Well, you can have all my carrots. I saw you get some chocolate cakes. I am done with the main

13、course. Its time for some desserts.W:Oh, you want my chocolate cakes?M:Yes. And I have had enough carrots.W:Robert, carrots contain much vitamin C. Besides, you need vegetables. Youll end up fat if you dont watch your diet.M:Actually, I dont mind carrots.But you know, I was born with a sweet tooth.(

14、Text 8)W:Congratulations, Simon! It was quite an achievement! How do you feel about winning this dancing competition?M:Im proud.This is the first time I have won a dancing competition.W:When did you become interested in dancing?M:When I was 5 years old. My mum took me to a live dancing show. And I s

15、tarted to love it.W:Did you take special dancing courses or did you just learn it by yourself afterwards?M:Some special courses.W:Did you also learn about music?M:I learned the piano to support my skill.But I didnt have too much time for it.W:What was the hardest thing in your career?M:My parents di

16、dnt want me to be a dancer. I had to talk with them about it again and again.(Text 9)M:Stephanie, you have been teaching English in this Paris school for ten years, right?W:Sure. I became a teacher when I was 24. At 27, I came to the school in Paris.M:Wow. Is schooling in France similar to that of o

17、ther European countries?W:Yes, but in France, most schools follow a fourday week. Wednesday is free, or used for activities. Most students around the world attend school for 200 days a year, but French students only attend for 160 days.M:Do students have long hours to make up for the missed time?W:N

18、o, students have a 26hour week, from 9:00 in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon. Students also have one hour and a half for lunch.M:Do French students have enough time to learn?W:Of course. Learning does not end in the classroom. Children need time to be creative. Relaxed students learn much mo

19、re effectively than tired students.(Text 10)How do people name their children? Different countries have different ways to name their children. Lets take a look at a few.In Spain, a child usually has two given names and two surnames. The first surname is the same as the fathers first surname, and the

20、 second is the mothers first surname. The given names may be the same as a grandparents.In Nigeria, childrens names are chosen by family elders. The childrens parents wait for names from the grandparents and other important family members. These names describe the day of the babys birth. The babys n

21、ame is announced at a party on the eighth day after the childs birth.In Turkey, babies are often named according to the time of their birth. For example, if a child was born in spring, the chosen name might be Bahar. It means spring. A baby born during bad weather might be named Tufan. It means stor

22、m.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。ASam thought hed never be able to get a job as a barista (咖啡师). The Toronto teen has autism (自闭症) with a movement disorder, and feared he wouldnt be able to work behind a coffee counter because of the sudden movements he s

23、ometimes makes.But the manager at a local Starbucks believed in him and gave him a chance. Sam is now enjoying his new job thanks to an unexpected way: dance.In a video posted on YouTube this week by Carly Fleischmann, Sam is seen dancing while preparing Starbucks beverages (饮料). According to Fleisc

24、hmann, who herself has autism and likes to share her experiences on her social page, the Starbucks manager was the person who encouraged Sam to “turn his movements into dance.”The store manager, Chris Ali, told CTV News this week that theyd discovered Sams talent (才能) for dancing while the pair list

25、ened to music at work.“It was something that kind of came along. Sam loves to dance,” he said. “Bringing dance to his work really helped him control some of the movement disabilities hes had.”Ali added that the dancing has also helped build Sams selfconfidence (自信心)“When he was offered a job to work

26、 at Starbucks, Sam told his parents that for the first time. his life had real meaning,” wrote Fleischmann in a Facebook post. “It has taken Sam and Chris a lot of hours to get Sam to do what he is doing in the video. If it wasnt for Chris believing in Sam, he would have never believed in himself. M

27、ore people like Sam need to be seen and heard.”Sam, Fleischmann noted, has come to be known as the “dancing barista.” Ali told CTV News that customers love the teens dancing, and that many visit the store just to see him dance.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章介绍了星巴克自闭症店员变身跳舞咖啡师。21What do we know about Sam before he w

28、orked at Starbucks?AHe often talked to himself.BHe always danced to the music.CHe shared dance videos on YouTube.DHe had no confidence in himself.答案与解析:D细节理解题。结合第一段中的“feared he wouldnt be able to work behind a coffee counter”和倒数第二段中的“When he was offered a job to work at Starbucks, Sam told his paren

29、ts that for the first time. his life had real meaning”可知,因为患有自闭症又有运动障碍,没有工作之前的Sam没有自信心。22What can dancing provide Sam with?AMore time with his boss.BMore praise from his parents.CMore control over his movements.DMore chances of getting new jobs.答案与解析:C细节理解题。由倒数第四段中的“Bringing dance to his work really

30、 helped him control some of the movement disabilities hes had”可知,舞蹈可以帮助Sam控制他的运动。23What did Fleischmann think of Sams dancing while working?AIt was out of style.BIt was unacceptable.CIt was easy to copy.DIt was videoworthy.答案与解析:D推理判断题。结合第三段中的“In a video posted on YouTube this week by Carly Fleischm

31、ann”和倒数第二段中的“More people like Sam need to be seen and heard”可知,Fleischmann认为Sam边跳舞边工作的视频值得拍摄,因为像Sam一样的人可以被更多的人关注。BChristmas is a great time with family and friends. One of the best ways to bond with (团结) one another is through games. So why not play some great Christmas party games?Present pickup is

32、 a great game for both young and young at heart. It can be played inside or outside. To prepare for the game, you will need to have some small boxes and some small gift bags. This is a great way to use the paper from last year. There should be as many presents as players. Youll also need four or mor

33、e candy canes (甘蔗). Two large boxes can be used to drop the presents in.Two ropes will be needed. Take one rope and make a starting line. The other rope will mark the finish line. Place the large boxes at the finish line. Equally divide the presents into two groups. Its best to have an equal number

34、of boxes and bags on each side to make it fair.The first player on each team will take two candy canes. When its time to start, theyll pick up the presents only using the candy canes. Each player must run his present to the box or finish line and drop it in. If its dropped on the way, the player sta

35、rts over. After they drop their presents, the players will run the candy canes to the next players. This continues until all the presents have been picked up. The first team to finish wins.To play kids against adults, you may want to put easier presents in a group for the kids and more difficult one

36、s for the adults. There are many variations to the game, so have some fun and come up with your own.【语篇解读】本文是说明文,是日常生活类的话题。本文主要介绍了如何玩一个圣诞晚会游戏。24What can we learn about the game present pickup?AIt needs a lot of new paper.BIt is played only in the open air.CIt is enjoyed by people of all ages.DIt nee

37、ds more players than presents.答案与解析:C推理判断题。根据第二段的“Present pickup is a great game for both young and young at heart.”可知,这个游戏适合所有年龄的人。25What is the use of the two ropes?ATo separate the game players.BTo mark the starting and finish lines.CTo create the difficulty of the game.DTo make sure of the fairn

38、ess of the game.答案与解析:B细节理解题。根据第三段的“Take one rope and make a starting line. The other rope will mark the finish line.”可知,这两条绳子被用作起点线和终点线。26What should players avoid in the game?ARunning to the finish line.BPutting the presents in the box.CDropping the presents on the way.DPicking up the presents wit

39、h the candy canes.答案与解析:C推理判断题。根据第四段的“If its dropped on the way, the player starts over.”可知,如果玩家在用甘蔗夹送礼物的途中把礼物掉到了地上,他就必须从头再来。由此可以推断,玩家在玩游戏时要尽可能不要在途中掉了礼物。27What does the underlined word “variations” in the last paragraph mean?AMeanings. BAnswers.CInterests. DChanges.答案与解析:D词义猜测题。根据最后一段内容可知,如果是成人和小孩子一

40、起玩游戏,你可以把更容易的礼物放在小孩这组,把更难的礼物放在成人组。这个游戏还有很多变化,因此你可以自己去想。由此可以推测,variations意为“变化”。CMoney is a tricky thing. On the one hand, it can provide food, education, and a comfortable home. Obviously, if you dont have food in your fridge or a roof over your head, finding happiness can be rough. On the other han

41、d, once peoples basic needs are met, more money doesnt really equal more happiness. The secret to enabling money to buy happiness doesnt lie in how much money you have. Its all about how you use the money you have.Many childrens books have long taught that giving is the source of true joy. Science i

42、s now also supporting those teachings. Research suggests that spending money on a friend, rather than on yourself, increases happiness. It also shows that giving money away, even if youre forced to, stimulates (刺激) the part of the brain related to receiving a reward, which results in feeling good.Kn

43、owing that, you might think that the more money you give away or spend on others, the happier youll be. In_fact,_the_dollar_amount_is_not_a_factor. A threepart study conducted by Elizabeth Dunn, Lara Aknin, and Michael Norton found that spending $ 5 on a friend feels just as good as spending $ 20.Ho

44、wever, how closely the giver interacts (交往) with the receiver does affect the level of happiness. This leads me to think that the real benefit of spending money on others is the connection it provides. We are communal (群体的) animals; we have even the strongest needs to feel connected to other people,

45、 so using money as a means to connect and help others naturally makes you feel good.This applies to the rich and the notsorich. If you think about your own circle of family and friends, there are probably people who are really happy, others who are just on the happiness level, and those who tend to

46、have a negative attitude towards happiness. The same can be said for people in rich countries and people in developing countries.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。作者认为为他人花钱可以增加我们内心的快乐,因为这促进了我们和他人的联系与交流,使得我们有被需要的感觉。28What does the author mainly show in the first paragraph?AMore money doesnt necessarily bring more happi

47、ness.BHappiness can be realized through many ways.CHappiness is peoples basic need.DMoney cant buy happiness.答案与解析:A主旨大意题。根据第一段的“.more money doesnt really equal more happiness.The secret to enabling money to buy happiness doesnt lie in how much money you have.Its all about how you use the money you

48、have.”可知,作者主要是想说明并不一定钱越多就越幸福,用金钱购买幸福的秘诀不在于钱的多少,而在于花钱的方式。29What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 mean?AHappiness has nothing to do with money.BYoud better pay much money to get happiness.CNobody will care the amount of money you spend.DEven giving away a little money can bring happiness.答案

49、与解析:D句意理解题。根据第三段划线句后的“A threepart study conducted by Elizabeth Dunn, Lara Aknin, and Michael Norton found that spending $ 5 on a friend feels just as good as spending $ 20.”可知,这里是说,为朋友花钱多少不是关键,即使花少量的钱也能获得与花很多钱同等的快乐。30What can be inferred from the last paragraph?APeoples happiness has different level

50、s.BPeople in rich countries are happier.CIts really hard to get happiness.DFriends can bring us happiness.答案与解析:A推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,每个人快乐的程度是不同的。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Selflove is sometimes considered as selfish. _31_ If you want to teach others to love themselve

51、s, you should help them build their selfesteem (自尊心). Here are some tips for you.Stress that they shouldnt feel guilty (惭愧的) about loving themselves. Some people think that selflove is selfish. If the person youre helping is guilty about selflove, emphasize that theres nothing wrong with having a po

52、sitive selfimage. Remind them that selflove is not the same as selfishness. Instead, describe it as being “selffull”. _32_33_ Have them write down their talents, their positive characteristics, and the hobbies they enjoy. Examples might include gardening, having a great sense of humor, or being good

53、 at a sport. If they have trouble coming up with positive traits, let them know what you admire about them.Remind them that they shouldnt compare themselves to others. Everyone has different abilities, qualities, and passions. _34_ Tell them that they shouldnt feel bad about themselves because of so

54、meone elses talents or traits.Encourage them to help others. In addition to teaching your loved ones to develop a positive attitude, suggest that they help others whenever possible. Helping loved ones is a concrete way of avoiding low selfesteem. _35_ They could also volunteer for their favorite thi

55、ngs, such as for the animal shelter and soup kitchen.AThis means loving and caring for themselves.BTell them to make a list of their positive qualities.CExplain that selfesteem shouldnt be based on others opinions.DHowever, its an important but often overlooked part of mental health.EFor example, th

56、ey could help their friends study or help with household projects.FSpending too much time on social media can also lead to unhealthy comparisons.GTherefore, you should tell your loved ones to accept their strengths and weaknesses.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了如何教别人要爱自己,建立自己的自尊心。31答案与解析:D此空设于段中,与上文之间存在逻辑上的转折


58、每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Five years ago, my boss was holding a charity (慈善) dinner. The call went out for volunteers and I _36_ the chance to work with a dishwasher. My wife was _37_ our first child and I wouldnt have much time volunteering in the future. It was fun

59、working with a dishwasher and I _38_ being alone as the other workers wanted no part of dish washing. As dinner was being served to the guests, a group of workers came to _39_ others in the kitchen. There was something _40_ about them: they were all short in height. They worked as a team, _41_ had t

60、rouble following the kitchen instructions so I was asked by a worried organizer if they could _42_ with me. I said, sure, Id _43_ the company. The organizer got _44_ as I showed them how to put the dishes on the dishwasher and run the machine.The organizer seemed to _45_ that his team was out of pla

61、ce. He tried to get one woman and a man back towards the tasks at hand and to _46_ their arguments (争吵). To break the tension (紧张状态), he would tell _47_. He had warmhearted presence. To him working beside the large noisy dishwasher seemed to be a _48_ thing.After working for three hours, the dishes

62、were cleared away, and we _49_ the machine. The organizer walked over to me and _50_ me for letting them help me out. His smile was huge. It left me feeling optimistic (乐观的)I _51_ that optimism. The delivery (分娩) of my daughter was a(n) _52_ experience and I almost lost both my wife and daughter. I

63、had a _53_ time, but sometimes I would think of the happy dishwasher man and I would feel a sense of _54_. Finally both my wife and daughter were nursed back to health. No matter who you are or where you are in life, please choose optimism it can make a _55_.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。作者的老板举行慈善晚宴,作为志愿者,作者在厨房帮忙洗碗。在那里他遇到了同样参加志愿工作的一群人,与他们一起工作的经历让作者意识到人要乐观地面对生活。36A.offered Btook Cmissed Dcreated答案与解析:B由下文中的“I wouldnt have much time volunteering in the future”可知,作者“抓住(took)”这次参加志愿工作的机会。37A.playing with Blooking after Cteaching Dexpecti

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