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1、复习课教学设计设 计 人:广州市育才中学东校区英语课 王丽莉课 题:牛津英语#版,九年级上册,Unit5教学内容:宾语从句课型:复习 课教学时间:40分钟本节与上节相关性分析:九年级下册全都是复习的专题,所以单元与单元之间,课与课之间没有必然的_都是相对独立的.学情分析:初中阶段所有的语法学生都已学完.所任教的这个班级学生英语底子好,英语学习氛围浓厚,学习上很有主见,和老师的配合融洽和谐,师生新处愉悦,默契!教学目标:1. 认知目标:复习并巩固宾语从句2. 能力发展目标1掌握宾语从句的基本用法:连词,时态,语序;2在写作当中娴熟地运用宾语从句;3能够把所学运用到实际生活当中.情感目标:1. 体

2、会在学习当中通过团队协作所带来的愉悦和成功的感觉;2. 在团队协作当中学会宽容,谦让和识大局.教学理念:任务型教学模式,以有效教学为最终目的,重在学生的参与:以生为本,充分体现素质教育.教学重点:宾语从句相关知识点.教学难点:宾语从句如是疑问句应用回陈述句语序.教学步骤:一 Warm-up and presentation 以游戏的形式和学生进行一问一答,看谁的速度快.在游戏当中有意识地穿插宾语从句,让学生在不知不觉当中引出对宾语从句的一种感性认识.I know I am sorry that I am surprised that .通过这个环节既可以激发学生的兴趣,同时更是为下一环节埋伏笔

3、,起到承上启下的作用.二 Teaching schedule32minutes 1从谈论学生熟悉的人和物入手引出本节课要讲的主题.Do you know something interesting about Mrs.Wang ?1 When was Mrs.Wang born?2 When was Mrs.Wang married?3 What is Mrs. Wangs hobby?4 How long has Mrs.Wang been a teacher?5 Does Mrs.Wang love her husband?6 Is Mrs.Wang a good teacher?7 Is

4、 Mrs. Wang good atcooking? 学生在warm-up环节兴趣已经被激发起来了,在这个环节谈论的又是他们熟悉的事物,学生的兴趣继续得到激发,更能使师生之间的互动生动活泼起来.通过这个环节让学生自我总结:宾语从句连词的三种不同情况.老师在整个过程中起到的只是一种抛砖引玉的作用,也不用担心学生犯错:要让学生学会自我纠错,学生的自我纠错更能体现教学的有效性是否得到体现,千万不要老师整个的包办了.2设置另外一种情景:谈论一学生昨晚的各种活动.Do you know when?did finish the homework last night?didtake the bath la

5、st night?did go to sleep last night?didhave the dinner last night? 这个环节的实施目的是让学生总结出宾语从句主从句时态的规则.在这环节学生的答案可能会五花八门,老师一定要注意控制好整节课的节奏:不包办学生的活动但不等于放纵学生的活动. 本教学环节同样是通过学生的自我总结来体现教学的有效性.3通过几道改错题引出宾语从句的另一个教学重点和难点:宾语从句如是疑问句要用回陈述句语序.1) We dont know what time is it. 2Mike asked when did the meeting start.3We ha

6、vent decided where are we going to spend the weekend.这是本节课的教学重点也是难点.老师一定要注意穿针引线:既能有效地引导好学生,同时也不至于全权包办学生.4回归课本 夯实基础 对课本上的基础练习进行一个简单的练习和讲解,巩固基本知识点.5能力提升:让学生进行宾语从句的一个综合改错练习1You said that you have my telephone number.2I am sorry that you missed the last bus.3He asked me I was at home that day.4Mike aske

7、d when the meeting started.5The teacher asked when will we have the PE test.这个环节对学生提出了更高的能力上的要求,也更能检验出学生是否已掌握该知识点.为了提高其有效性和促进学生的参与,本环节采取小组合作的形式:自我纠错,自我评价,自我完善,自我提高!6实际运用:如果说学生的认知是以螺旋式上升的话,本环节应该就是认知的最高点,也最能体现有效性是否真正得到了贯彻. 鼓励学生把所学运用到实际生活当中去:学以致用. 让学生以篇章的形式对宾语从句进行灵活的运用. 给出一篇范文,让学生在此基础上进行延伸和合理的发挥. Guess

8、 who he/she is?He is a boy. We know that he is very cute and studies hard. Sometimes We are wondering that why he never laughs when everyone laughs happily. So you can see he is so cool. We also know that his face often turns red when he answers the teachers questions. And in fact he is very humous

9、. Can you guess who he is? 本环节一定要注意对学生进行适时的评价.7总结引导学生对本节课的重难点进行小结.8家庭作业 运用宾语从句进行写作练习:My family 让有效性从课内延伸到课外,真正从质上体现素质教育.教学反思一 本教学设计如果面对的是层次稍逊的学生如何体现其有效性?如何调动学生的积极性?教学从来都是教学相长,因生制宜.教学对象变了,教学手段和教学内容该如何从难度,广度,深度做合理的调整从而达到最佳的教学效果,并体现最彻底的有效性.二教学过程中的学生活动只是一种手段,如何让这种活动更好地为有效这个最根本的教学目的服务? 公开观摩课往往回走入一种误区:一节课

10、教学流程设计:Aims: To build on students existing knowledge of monsters and myths. To enlarge studentsvocabulary on the given topic. To build on reading skills. To provide opportunity to practice and develop different reading techniques. To get students to interpret the writers intention.Materials:Treasure

11、 PlusType of the lesson:ReadingTime phaseSpecific aimsTeacher activityStudent activitySkills involved6minsPre-readingTo prepare the students for what they are going to read.1. Warm-upBrainstorm around the topic of myths.2. To teach a few words in the text.Guess the meaning of the new words.Recognizi

12、ng and deducing the meaning of the new words.To train the students to use the title, the picture and their prior knowledge to anticipate the content of the text.3. To get students to predict what will happen in the myths through classroom discussion.Try to predict based on the title and pictures of

13、the text.Prediction; anticipation.5minsWhile-reading To train students to scan over a text quickly in order to locate specific information.1. To get students to scan the text to find out the when, where, what, how of the text.To scan the text and find out the relevant information.Scanning6minsTo tra

14、in the students to skim through a text and help them to identify and think about the key words and ideas in the text.2. To introducethe typical structure of a narrative story to the students. 3. To get students to skim the text to identify the general ideas of each part of the tex.4.To get students

15、to locate the key words of the text. To skim the text; Skimming. Identifying the main point and important information.5mins5minsWhile-readingTo help students to reach a detailed understanding of the text.5.To ask students some questions about the details of the story.To answer the questions.Intensiv

16、e reading.To help the students to understand the chronological sequence in the text. 6. To get students to reorder the sentences so as to get a coherent story.To reorder the sentences in pairs.Understanding relations between parts of the text.*7.To get students to play the role as Odysseus and Cyclo

17、ps.To do the role play.Reformulate the text content in different format.5minsPost-readingTo train the students to judge the writers intention.1. To get students to express their own feelings about the text and the main characters in the text.To do some critical thinking and express their own opinion

18、s.Interpretation of the text purpose.6minsTo train the students to identify the main ideas of the text.2. To get students to summarize the story.3. To summarize the structure of a typical narrative story. To fill in the blanks to plete the summary.Extracting salient points to summarize the text.2minAssign-mentTo train the students to demonstrate their understanding of the text by extending the story. To ask students to extend the story in groups.To extend the story.Imagination, creativity and writing.7 / 7

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