PEP小学英语四年级下册《Unit4 At the farm A Let’s talk》教学设计

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1、精品文档 仅供参考 学习与交流PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit4 At the farm A Lets talk教学设计【精品文档】第 7 页PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit4 At the farm A Lets talk教学设计教学目标:1. 听、说、认读主要语言结构: What are these? Are these ? 并能根据实际情况进行简略回答。2. 能够准确朗读对话。教学重点:句型Whatarethese?Arethese?及其简略回答。教学难点:these的发音。教学过程:课前播放歌曲:These are apples. T: Boys and girls, please e

2、njoy the song.课前师生交流:T: 教师简单总结:Lovely fruits and vegetable. Theyre at the farm. This class well learn Unit 4 At the farm. (PPT出示课题之后,教师一定交待一下本节课要学习的内容。)T: Boys and girls. Lets warm up. I say you do. Are you ready?T: Look at the screen. Look at the board. Look at your book. Look at my name card. Im s

3、unny. Im A. Who is A? Show me your hands. B, C, D. Step 1 Warm up 呈现主情景,复现水果,初步渗透新句型。Lets meet a new friend. This is Uncle Sam.Ss: Hello. T: Whats on his farm? Lets go and have a look! Try to remember theirnames. 教师出示词卡:these. 简单教读:these.T: What are these? Do you remember? S: 说出水果名称。T:Yes. / Youre r

4、ight. These are _. (水果名称,复数形式)Theyre so big. Theyre _. (形容词: good / yellow / red / purple.)T: Yes. There are many fruits on his farm. T: There are also many vegetables on his farm. Step 2 Presentation 1、提出问题,第一遍视听课文内容T: Look, Sarah and Mike are also at Uncle Sams farm. T: They are not sure about the

5、 vegetables. So Sarah has a question. Mike has a question, too. Lets listen, watch and find out. S1: Are these carrots? S2: What are these? 根据学生的回答,句中问号变为具体的问题句子。第一句:出示词卡教读;师板书: carrots 然后指导朗读问句。注意语音语调的朗读指导。 第二句:指导these的朗读。3、提出问题,第二次视听课文内容1)Answer Sarahs question.T:Now lets listen to Uncle Sams answ

6、er. S: 根据学生的回答。学习板书句子:Yes, they are. 2)运用图片,机械操练上面的主句型:Are these -? 青萝卜、红萝卜、土豆(教读单词:potatoes)、胡萝卜T: Are these carrots? S: 学生根据自己的生活经验回答。3)Answer Mikes questionT: Sarahs question is: Are these carrots?Mikes question is: What are these? What is Uncle Sams answer? S: 根据学生的回答。学习并板书句子:Theyre tomatoes.)(先

7、单数后复数,tomatoes,将复数的词卡贴在单数旁边)注意语音语调的朗读指导。 T: Why doesnt Mike know the tomatoes? S: Theyre yellow. T: Because theyre yellow. So Mike says: “But theyre yellow.”4) 运用图片,机械操练上面的主句型:What are these ? T: What are these? S: Theyre tomatoes. Theyre big. Theyre red. S: Theyre tomatoes. Theyre small. Theyre yel

8、low. They are green. 5)学生体验T: 师拿出西红柿:(洗干净放在盘子里,用牙签插上。)教师自己先吃一个,引出句子:Theyre good. Yum. T: Look! Here are some tomatoes. Theyre fresh. I like it. Let me taste.T: Theyre good. Yum.教师对学生说:Would you like to try some? S: Yes. Thank you. 学生吃T: Are they good?S: Yes. Yum. T: Theyre good. Share with your clas

9、smate.教师与2位学生做示范。然后,在学生明白之后,老师帮助这2位学生分发小西红柿,运用所学语言S: Try some. Theyre good. S: Thanks. Yum.来邀请其他人吃西红柿。Step 3 Practice 1、Listen, point and repeat.(跟读录音)2、Read by themselves.3、分角色朗读课文,然后分角色扮演。4、Lets play a game. T: Who can guess the right picture? Who has sharp eyes? Step 4 Progress1、教师通过总结评价,引出mini f

10、arm的谈论,老师与学生示范。 T: Uncle Sam gives you some mini farms. Whats on the mini farm? Look!教师手指黑板上的农场T: Im A. B, C, D. Would you like come here and help me? 学生BCD上台。Lets guess. Whats on the farm? What are these? T: Im A. You three guess Picture A. What are these? Use the card. (教师给学生一张发给学生一张句卡:Are these -

11、? 手持句卡的学生开始先问,老师回答。)(如果猜不着,教师鼓励学生)T:Never mind. You can ask me. Use the sentence. What are these? 教师可以出示句卡:“What are these?”T: Look at picture B. 老师对着学生B说: Now, its your turn. You answer. Lets guess. (教师跟学生CD一起猜B图画的内容是什么。)2、教师示范之后,学生分小组讨论农场。T: These mini farms are for you. Whats on the mini farm? Wh

12、at are these? Please talk about the mini farms. 3、教师巡视指导。学生讨论完之后,展示。让学生到黑板上,猜老师示范时剩下的两个图片。T: Who wants to come here and show us? 学生四人一组到前面展示对话的过程。4、文本情感T: In this class, we have known something about the vegetables. (指板书)Lets know more. Look, Apples grow on trees. Grapes grows on vines. Potatoes gro

13、w in the ground. T: We can go to the farm, read some books about the plant. We also search more fruits and vegetables on the internet. Lets know more about plants after class.Homework:1. Read the dialogue with your classmates.(朗读对话)2. Talk about your mini farm with your classmates after class. (课下跟同学们谈论一下你们的mini农场。)板书: Unit 4 Part A lets talk Sarah图片 Are these carrots? Sam图片Yes, they are.No,they arent.Mike图片What are these? Sam图片Theyre tomatoes. Theyre yellow.

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