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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她东北师范大学22春“英语”英美文学离线作业(一)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.Angry Young Man of the 1950s most came from _.A.the lower classB.the upper classC.peasantsD.workers参考答案:A2.Apart from the dislocation of time and the modern stream-of-consciousness, the other narrative techniques Faulkner used to cons

2、truct his stories include _ , symbolism and mythological and biblical allusions.A.multiple points of viewB.impressionismC.first person point of viewD.expressionism参考答案:A3.Most of English ballads were collected in the 18th century.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B4.Here are two lines taken from The Merchant of venice

3、:“Not on thy Sole,but on they soul,harsh Jew/thou makst thy knife keen”What kind of figurative device is used in the above lines?A.SynecdocheB.SimileC.PunD.Metonymy参考答案:C5.Sir Gawain and Green Knight was created by _.A.None of the aboveB.LanglandC.ChaucerD.Bede参考答案:A6.Puritanism and Calvinistic doct

4、rine have great effects on the writing of Hawthorne.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B7.G.B.Shaws play Mrs.Warrens Profession is a realistic exposure of the _ in the English society.A.slum landlordismB.inequality between men and womenC.political corruptionD.economic exploitation of women参考答案:D8.“For a week after the

5、commission of the impious and profane offence of asking for more, Oliver remained a close prisoner in the dark and solitary room.”Dickens, Oliver Twist What did Oliver ask for?_A.More time to playB.More food to eatC.More book to readD.More money to spend参考答案:B9.“.This grew: I gave commands; Then all

6、 smiles stopped altogether.” (Robert Browning, “My Last Duchess”) The above lines imply that.A.the Duchess was killed by her husbandB.the Duchess stopped smiling at her husbands orderC.the Duchess died of laughing too muchD.the Duchess did not want to smile as much as her husband requested参考答案:A10.J

7、ohn Bunyans pilgrims progress is often regarded as a typical example of _.A.romanceB.fableC.epic in proseD.allegory参考答案:D11.A ballad is written in 4-line stanza with the first and third lines rhymes.()A.正确B.错误参考答案:B12.Most of Bernard Shaws plays are concerned with _.A.religious problemsB.political p

8、roblemsC.moral problemsD.all the above参考答案:D13.Irving was best known for his short stories such as Rip Van Winkle.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B14._ believes that mans fate is predeterminedly tragic, driven by a combined force of “nature”, both inside and outside.A.Thomas HardyB.George EliotC.Charles DickensD.Ber

9、nard Shaw参考答案:A15.Not on thy sole but on thy soul, harsh Jew, /Thou makst thy knife keen. In the above quotation taken form. The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare employs a(n) _ .A.synecdocheB.simileC.punD.oxymoron参考答案:C16.In Hardys Tess of Durbervilles, the heroines tragic ending is due to _.A.her we

10、ak characterB.her ambitionC.Angel Clares selfishnessD.a hostile society参考答案:D17.The “dark comedy” refers to those written by Jonson in his third period of dramatic career.()A.正确B.错误参考答案:A18.In Leaves of Grass, _ is all that concerned Whitman.A.inpidualismB.the spirit of democracyC.freedomD.all the a

11、bove参考答案:D19.Wordsworths best poems are description of mountains, rivers, flowers, birds.()A.正确B.错误参考答案:B20.As a literary figure, Belinda appears in Alexander Popes _.A.“The Dunciad”B.“An Essay on Man”C.“An Essay on Criticism”D.“The Rape of the lock”参考答案:D21.“This grew: I gave commands; Then all smi

12、les stopped altogether.” (Robert Browning, “My Last Duchess”) The above lines imply that _.A.the Duchess was killed by her husbandB.the Duchess stopped smiling at her husbands orderC.the Duchess died of laughing too muchD.the Duchess did not want to smile as much as her husband requested参考答案:A22._ i

13、s a play that concerns the problem of modern mans identity.A.The Iceman ComethB.The Hairy ApeC.Long Days Journey into Night参考答案:B23.Each of the professions listed below is correctly paired with Dickens except _.A.reporterB.novelistC.dramatistD.clerk参考答案:C24.Shakespeare was born in April 1564 and die

14、d in 1616.()A.正确B.错误参考答案:A25.Black Humor is defined as modern humor caused by anger.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B26.“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, /So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets 18) What does “this” refer to?_A.LoverB.TimeC.SummerD.Poetry参考答案:D27.The Pilgri

15、ms Progress by John Bunyan is often said to be concerned with the search for _.A.universal truthB.spiritual salvationC.self-fulfillmentD.material wealth参考答案:B28.In her works , Amy Tan wrote beautifully about the contrast between Chinese and American cultures.()A.正确B.错误参考答案:A29.The _ Movement appeare

16、d in the thirties of the 19th century. It showed the English workers were able to appear as an independent political force and were already realizing the fact that the industrial bourgeoisie was their principal enemy.A.EnlightenmentB.RenaissanceC.ChartistD.Romanticist参考答案:C30.“Justice was done; and

17、the president of the Immortals had ended his sport” is a part of the quotation from _.A.The picture of Dorian GrayB.The Forsyte SagaC.Tess of D UrbervillesD.Jude the Obscure参考答案:C31.The impact of Darwins evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-century. French

18、literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American _.A.vernacularismB.naturalismC.modernismD.local colorism参考答案:B32.The imaginary place of Yoknapatawpha functions as an allegory of the American South.()A.正确B.错误参考答案:A33.In 1704, _ founded the periodicals “t

19、he Review”.A.SwiftB.MiltonC.DefoeD.Blake参考答案:C34.“Rip Van Winkle” reveals the theme of _ the past.A.nostalgia forB.rejection toC.detachment fromD.nothing related to参考答案:A35.The stories in the Canterbury Tales are only connected by the host of Tabard Inn.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A36.As a Jewish writer, Salinge

20、r concerns himself only with Jewish subject.()A.正确B.错误参考答案:B37.After reading the first chapter of Pride and Prejudice, we may come to know that Mrs. Bennet is a woman of _.A.simple character and quick witB.simple character and poor understandingC.intricate character and quick witD.intricate characte

21、r and poor understanding参考答案:B38.Mr.Bennets favorite daughter is Jane.()A.正确B.错误参考答案:B39.Frost took a _ style. in his poetry.A.simpleB.modernC.complicated参考答案:A40._ pen name was Mark Twain.A.William Dean HowellsB.Samuel Langhorne ClemensC.Henry James参考答案:B41.The pasture is the setting for the work o

22、f Dr.Faustus.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:A42.Morrison is the first black writer to win the Nobel Prize.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B43.Mark Twains first novel _, written in collaboration with Charles.D.Warner and published in 1873, though not an artistic success, gives its name to the America of the post-Civil War period whi

23、ch it attempts to satirize.A.The Roughing TimeB.The Jazz AgeC.The Gilded AgeD.The Age of Innocence参考答案:C44.Hawthorne generally concerns himself with such issues as in his fiction.A.the social inequalityB.the racial conflictC.the material pursuitD.the evil in mans heart参考答案:D45.With Bellow and Singer

24、 as Nobel Prize winners, the status of Jewish Literature as an important part of American Literature has been firmly established.()A.错误B.正确参考答案:B46.Who is the writer that wrote about frontier adventures?_A.IrvingB.CooperC.Melville参考答案:B47.The Lost Generation was first named by Hemingway.()A.正确B.错误参考

25、答案:B48.Irvings Rip Van Winkle is famous for _.A.Rips seeking for happinessB.Rips escape into the mountainC.Rips 20 year sleep参考答案:C49.Most of _ works are set in the American South, with emphasis on the southern subjects and consciousness.A.HemingwaysB.FitzgeraldsC.Faulkners参考答案:C50.Apart from the dislocation of time and the modern stream-of-consciousness, the other narrative techniques Faulkner used to construct his stories include _, symbolism and mythological and biblical allusions.A.multiple points of viewB.impressionismC.first person point of viewD.expressionism参考答案:A

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