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1、 某大学网络教育2011-2012学年第一学期基础英语1复习题一、阅读理解Passage OneEvery day, in all kinds of weather, many thousands of men and women run very slowly for long distances. This slow running is called jogging. Why has jogging bee so popular? Most joggers begin because they hear that it is very good exercise. Jogging mak

2、es the heart stronger and helps people lose weight. It can also help them feel better about themselves. How fast should you go if you take jogging exercise? Jog with a friend and talk to each other as you run. If you have difficulty talking, you are going too fast. How far should you jog? Remember n

3、ot to go too far too soon. In fact, you should walk, not run, the first few times. Then do some short jogs, but no more than what you can do fortably. After that, increase your distance a quarter or half mile every two weeks or so. Maybe in a few years, you too can run in a Marathon. Thousands of pe

4、ople do. 1. What is jogging according to this passage? A. Slow running for long distances. B. Slow running for short distances.C. Fast running for short distances.D. Fast running for long distances.2. Which of the following is not true about jogging according to this passage? A. It helps strengthen

5、your heart.B. It helps increase your weight.C. It makes you feel better about yourselves. D. It has bee very popular among the people. 3. How fast should you jog according to this passage? A. You should run as if you were taking a walk. B. You should talk to your friend and let him tell you how fast

6、 you should run.C. You should run at a speed that you do not feel difficult talking with friends. D. If you feel fortable, just run as fast as you can. 4. What is the proper way to start jogging exercise? A. You should walk at the beginning stage. B. You should run for a short distance at first.C. Y

7、ou should walk the first two or three weeks and then practice running. D. You should talk to your friends and ask for their advice first. 5. How should you increase your jogging distance? A. You should increase half a mile every two weeks. B. You should increase a quarter of mile every two or four w

8、eeks. C. You should increase a quarter or half mile every two weeks or so. D. You should increase a quarter or half mile every three weeks or so.Passage TwoIn most large cities, it is impossible to be served a meal at any hour of the day and night. Many restaurants close on Sunday. Check the telepho

9、ne book for the locations and hours of restaurants that are open on Sundays or late at night. If you are outside a major city, it may be difficult to find an eating place that will serve dinner after 8:30 p.m., although coffee shops and drugstores are usually open late.Some places offer Sunday “brun

10、ch”, which is a bination of breakfast and lunch, served at about 11:30 or noon, for late Sunday sleepers.In private homes, eating times vary considerably. In cities, the main meal is usually served in the evening, at about 7:00 or 7:30 p.m. Many people who work in large cities such as New York or Wa

11、shington, for example, live an hour or more from their office. In general, however, Americans dine relatively early; 6:30 p.m. is quite mon for dinner. On farms, however, the main meal may be served at noon, probably because people who live on farm begin their day so much earlier than those who live

12、 in cities.6. Where can you find information about restaurants that are open on Sundays?A. In newspapers.B. In the telephone book.C. At drugstores.D. Over the radio on Sundays.7. Outside a big city, what kind of shops are usually open late?A. Big restaurants.B. Coffee shops.C. Department stores.D. M

13、any eating places.8. What does the word “brunch” mean?A. An early breakfast.B. An expensive meal at noon.C. A special dinner for late sleepers.D. A bination of breakfast and lunch.9. In general, what time is mon for Americans to have dinner?A. 6: 30 p.m.B. 7:00 p.m.C. 7:30 p.m.D. 8:30 p.m.10. When m

14、ay the main meal be served on farms?A. Early in the morning.B. In the late afternoon.C. At noon.D. At night.Passage ThreeAt the beginning of the 20th century, a new music called Jazz was born in New Orleans. It was a kind of lively music intended to make people happy, but it was not so much a kind o

15、f music as a style of playing. The New Orleans musicians learned to work together to produce a relaxed beat. The beat is so powerful that the listeners cannot help but dance, or at least move their feet along with it.The best and almost the only place to hear the originalNew Orleans jazz is in Prese

16、rvation Hall in the French Quarter of the city. There, seven different bands, made up mostly of very old men, play the old music for four and a half hours each evening. Some of the people in the audience are tourists, but most are serious music lovers who are willing to spend time sitting on plain w

17、ooden chairs and benches, and even on the floor. The musicians play the music they want to play, but the audience can ask for a particular song if they are willing to pay for it. Traditional songs cost one dollar and all others cost two.Old-style New Orleans jazz is in danger of disappearing because

18、 the players are getting old. Many of them are well over seventy. The music did disappear once before, when people lost interest in it and the musicians had to make their living doing other things. But in 1938 the current jazz revival began, when music historian William Russell found the famous trum

19、pet player Bunk Johnson working in the fields and brought him back to New Orleans to play. When Preservation Hall reopened in 1961, the old music finally had a place to live again, and its popularity had grown ever since. 11. What is this passage mainly about? A. The revival of old-style jazz music

20、in New Orleans. B. The popularity of jazz music in New Orleans. C. Jazz music and audience paritcipation. D. The ups and downs of old-style jazz musc in New Orleans.12. What was most unusual about New Orleans jazz bands? A. They only played for serious misic lovers.B. Most members of the bands were

21、quite advanced in years. C. They provided old-style jazz. D. The members of the bands played old music fro hours every evening.13. Who was Bunk Johnson? A. A serious music lover. B. A music historian.C. A famous jazz musician. D. A well-known jazz band leader.14. When did Preservation Hall reopen? A

22、. In 1961. B. In 1938. C. In the early 1900s. D. In the late 1900s.15. Why did jazz disappear once before? A. The musicians were too old to play. B. The audience had lost interest in it. C. The bands were short of good trumpet players. D. Preservation Hall was closed.二、 词汇与语法结构1、The new bridge will

23、_ the cities on the opposite banks of the river.A. attachB. connectC. municateD. span2、If you are careless, youll _ trouble.A. feed intoB. look intoC. get intoD. fit into3、 You look awful, I think youd better _ a doctor. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. saw 4、To know about Britain and the British peopl

24、e, he made many social _ while he was studying in that country. A. contacts B. pacts C. contracts D. concerns5、He told the story as if it _ to him. A. happenedB. had happened C. was happened D. would happen6、 Canada has two official languages, _. A. the French and the EnglishB. French and English C.

25、 they are French and English D. the French and English7、_ that John spent ten dollar.A. It was this bookB. It was on this bookC. On this bookD. This was the book8、These mistakes could have been _ with a good planning.A. appearedB. improvedC. controlledD. avoided9、I was _ to read a piece of writing w

26、ith so many spelling mistakes.D. pleasedB. shockedC. excitedD. eager10、Since you have made the _, you should keep it.A. promiseB. choiceC. offerD. progress11、His stomach began to _ because of the bad food he had eaten.A. painB. acheC. be hurtD. go bad12、Who shall I give this paper to? You can give i

27、t to _. It doesnt matter.A. anybody B. somebody C. everybodyD. someone13、She was awarded a prize for the film. A.givenB.rewardedC.sentD.reminded 14、When he looked at the map and saw the islands, he longed _ them.A. visitingB. to visit C. having visitedD. to be visiting15、I dont allow _ in my drawing

28、 room. And I dont allow my husband _ at all.A. to smoke, smokingB. smoking, to smokeC. to smoke, to smokeD. smoking, smoking16、 Mary has made up her mind not to go to the meeting.A. tried B. promisedC. decided D. attempted17、It is a custom for people to _ to others for stepping on their toes.A. apol

29、ogizeB. greetC. smileD. forgive18、 The water was so clear that it _ the trees on the river bank. A. shaded B. imagined C. reflected D. photographed19、Despite the poverty, the parents managed to _ six children. A. rise B. raise C. rose D. raised20、I dont agree with _ youve just said. A. that B. which

30、 C. whatD. this21、A fund will be _ for the dead mens families. A. set off B. set beside C. set up D. set down22、Scientists long ago _ the theory that eating too much fat is bad for the heart.A. put forwardB. put outC. put up withD. put under23、When he went out, he would wear sunglasses _ nobody woul

31、d recognize him. A. so that B. as though C. now that D. as for24、Your car is _ mine. A. the same that B. as C. similar to D. alike25、My car _ so I had to e by bus. A. fell down B. fell over C. broke down D. broke up26、He thought he had not been treated fairly, so he _ his job and left.A. gave inB. g

32、ave uC. threw upD. gave off27、“Did you buy anything at the clothing sale?”“Yes, I bought three _ ties for just twelve dollars.”A. five-dollar B. fives-dollar C. five-dollars D. fives-dollars28、You are the only person here _ knows me. A. whom B. one C. which D. who 29、No one knows how the huge rocks

33、_ and _ without our modern machines eight hundred years ago.A. are cut, moved B. were cut, move C. were cut, movedD. are cut, move30、The English test has been put off _ next Friday. A. to B. in C. on D. till31、Your teacher can give you advice on choosing a career and writing a job application. A. mo

34、tivation B. guidance C. claim D. encouragement32、If we _ French school _ British schools, we find there are many differences.C. paretoB. parewithC. parebyD. parefrom33、There are about twenty students in the class, but Mike is _ strongest. A. a B. an C. the D. one34、If I _ you, I would not take this

35、dangerous job. A. was B. were C. is D. are 35、The teacher came in and told the class _ talking.A. stopB. stopsC. stopped D. to stop三、完形填空The relationship between man and animals is close but unequal. Although it is true that there are a large 1 of cases of men being the victims, in fact, 2 is the ma

36、ster. 3 the beginning of the human race, animals have been 4 for food. In spite of the 5 number of vegetarians(素食者) in the world, a great deal of beef, lamb(羊肉) and pork 6 consumed every day. At work and at play we 7 on animals. In some developing countries, life for the farmer would be 8_ without t

37、he help of the cow, while in the developed countries people 9 pets at home and enjoy seeing elephants play football 10 a monkey play the violin at the circus(马戏团). And we need animals in scientific experiments as well.1. A. dealB. number C. partD. side2. A. menB. animalsC. manD. animal3. A. SinceB.

38、AfterC. Because ofD. Due to4. A. hunted B. shotC. raisedD. fed5. A. decreasingB. increasing C. disappearingD. shrinking6. A. wasB. wereC. is D. are7. A. depend B. takeC. callD. hold8. A. necessaryB. unnecessaryC. possibleD. impossible9. A. bringB. protect C. grow D. keep10. A. soB. or C. but D. thus

39、Scientists are interested in the chimpanzee (黑猩猩) because it is probably mans nearest _1_ neighbor. Until recently, it was thought that only man had the capacity for tool-making. Then an anthropologist (人类学家) in Africa discovered that the chimpanzee also has this skill. The anthropologist _2_ chimpa

40、nzees _3_ tools from grass. They put these grass _4_ into a hole in the ground to catch termites (白蚁). _5_ the chimps changed the shape of a piece of wood in order to make it a better tool. This _6_ the chimps ability to e up with _7_ solutions to problems it _8_ in its _9_ . Now scientists are tryi

41、ng to discover other _10_ between man and the chimpanzee.1.A.intellectual B. animalC. progressive D. thoughtful2.A. saw B.observed C. enjoyed D. overlooked3.A.devising B.using C. catching D. holding4.A. branches B. roots C.stems D. leaves5.A. On the average B. On another occasionC. On the spot D. On

42、 time6.A. urges B. leads C. discourages D. demonstrates7.A. contrary B. identical C.original D. traditional8.A.encounters B. discovers C. solves D. devises9.A. way B. skill C. life D.environment10.A. differences B. similarities C. features D. characters“Family”- the word had different meanings for d

43、ifferent people,and even the dictionary gives us several definitions:“a group of people related _1_ blood or marriage,” “two adults and their children,” “all those people _2_ from a mon ancestor,” “a household,” and so on. Some people think of a family _3_ a mother,a father,and their children;others

44、 include grandparents,aunts,uncles,and cousins. For _4_ of us,family means the group of relatives _5 _ far away from home. For others,having a _6_ simply means having children. Some families have long histories, _7_ others know very little about their ancestors. No_8_ if it is young or old,large or

45、small,traditional or modern, every family has a sense of what a family is. It is that feeling of _9_, of love and security _10_ es from living together,helping and sharing.1. A. to B. for C. after D. by2. A. derivedB. separated C. distinguished D. descended3. A. by B. as C. from D. for4. A. some B.

46、other C. most D. one5. A. live B. living C. lived D. to live6. A. parent B. relative C. family D. house7. A. whileB. why C. where D. which8. A. problem B. thing C. matter D. question9. A. belong B. belonging C. belonged D. having belonged10. A. what B. this C. that D. such 四、汉译英、英译汉 1. 如何减少成本是这个工厂主要

47、考虑的问题.2. 我不喜欢这件裙子的颜色,但这里可选择的颜色不多.3. 她非常喜欢这件大衣, 但是没钱买.4. 他没有按时完成工作, 但这不是他的错.5. 我在做重大决定之前总会问问我父母的意见.答案1. How to reduce the production cost is a major concern of this factory.2. I dont like the color of the dress, but there are not many choices here.3. She likes the coat very much, but she cant afford it.4. He didnt finish the work on time, but it was not his fault.5. I always ask the opinion of my parents before I make big decisions.9 / 9

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