高考英语总复习Unit 5First aid课时作业 新人教版必修5

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1、高考英语总复习 Unit 5 First aid课时作业 新人教版必修5.单词拼写1The lemons are being_(榨)to make juice.答案squeezed2You should clean the glass before_(倒)water into the glass.答案pouring3The workers were_(中毒)because of the mushrooms.答案poisoned4The fouryearold boy_(窒息)to death after swallowing a coin.答案choked5After being hurt i

2、n the football match,his ankle_(肿)答案swelled6He took hold of the rope _(紧紧地)答案tightly7We should _(应用)this theory to practice.答案apply8The hotel offers its guests a wide _(各种各样) of amusements.答案variety9The school leaving_(典礼)is at 3:00 pm.答案ceremony10Any plaint about safety standards must be_(对待)very s

3、eriously.答案treated.介、副词填空1Do you have any doubt _ his strength?He can lift a mountain.答案about2They apply _ the government _ financial help.答案to;for3The new technology was applied _ farming.答案to4His wife presented him _ a baby girl.答案with5Im free _ present and are you free now?答案at.用所给单词的适当形式填空1In th

4、e garden we can find a _(various) of plants.答案variety2A bee has stung my hand and it is _(swell) up.答案swelling3He said _(mild)to me that he didnt mean to upset me.答案mildly4We find such rudeness quite _(bear)答案unbearable5The worker _(pour) the water over the flower bed.答案poured.完成句子1Dont make it_ _I

5、agree.除非我同意,否则不能公布于众。答案public unless2It_no_to you whether I like it or not.我喜不喜欢对你来说都没有什么差别。答案makes;difference3恐怕我一时找不到你想要的那本书。(put ones hands on)_答案Im afraid I cant put my hands on the book you want.4这项法律并非人人适用。(apply to)_答案The law does not apply to everyone.5毫无疑问,如果努力学习,我们将会取得巨大进步。(There is no dou

6、bt that.)_答案There is no doubt that well make great progress if we work hard.短文语法填空Peter:e in!Anna:Am I interrupting?Peter:No,Anna,I was just checking my email.Whats up?Anna:I need your advice.My position teacher said all our writings have to _1_(type)Peter:So whats the problem?Anna:Well,you know,I d

7、ont own a puter,and I dont feel like _2_(spend) all that money just on typing.Peter:Well,you should just buy a typewriter,_3_ Id get a puter if I were you.Then you could use email to keep _4_ touch with your family and your friends back in Italy.Anna:I know. but _5_(tell)you the truth,Id rather talk

8、 to them by phone.Its more personal that way.Peter:Yeah,I noticed your phone bill was $ 160 last month.But _6_(serious),Anna,there are lots of other things you can do with a puter.Anna:It _7_ that you surf the Net all the time.Peter:Sometimes.But mostly I use the Internet _(get) information.Anna:_9_

9、(sound) great!Would you mind helping _10_ pick out a puter?Peter:Not at all.1_2._3._4_5._6._7_8._9._10_1解析have to后面接动词原形,type与writings之间是动宾关系,此处应用被动语态。答案be typed2解析feel like doing sth.想要做某事。答案spending3解析buy a typewriter与Id get a puter if I were you之间是转折关系,所以用but。答案but4解析keep in touch保持联系。答案in5解析to t

10、ell you the truth老实说,用以引出自白或承认的话。答案to tell6解析副词位于句首,用来修饰整个句子。答案seriously7解析It seems that似乎,好像。答案seems8解析use sth. to do sth.,此处应用不定式。答案to get9解析It sounds great!听起来不错,It可以省略。答案Sounds10解析Anna本人需要一台电脑,所以此处用me。答案me.完形填空(xx黄冈高三质检)One day I was doing a big cleanup when I _1_ a knotted handkerchief with an

11、old dark brown coin inside. I took one look and immediately _2_ an unforgettable time.In 1991,I had spent five months in Niger,with sandstorms and great heat. Its _3_ and beggars were my biggest and most constant plaint. Street beggars would continually reached out their hands,shouting “Gift! Gift!”

12、One day,I _4_ for neighboring Burkina to work in a health clinic.Arriving by taxi at our destination in Burkina,we began to _5_ out of the darkness. A motorbike with two men approached slowly. Without _6_,one of the men grabbed my daypack as the motorbike swept close by. Within seconds,the two were

13、out of sight,_7_ up by the night.The bag had my passport,money,travelers cheques,camera,an airline ticket and other things _8_ to me. I was in deep trouble.In the weeks that followed,I _9_ guarded the rest of my valuables and regarded all _10_ with suspicion. All I wanted was to leave this place.The

14、n,walking through Burkinas streets,I met with an old woman,“Gift! Gift!” she cried. Id had enough. I was _11_ of the country: its poverty,its thieves,the heat,and the dust. I told her angrily,“A thief stole all my money and now I cant _12_ out of your country. I cannot give you anything”The beggar w

15、oman listened attentively and _13_ my words. Then she reached _14_ the folds of her dress.“Then I will give you a gift”,she announced. Kindly,she placed an old,dark brown coin in my hand. I looked at it in _15_. It was a very small amount of money ,but for this woman,the coin _16_ a meal. At that mo

16、ment,I felt a shame. In spite of her _17_,she was able to give me something priceless.I saw then the _18_ beauty of the people of Burkina,and appreciated deeply the quiet _19_ of the poor. With the old womans gift,I hope never to part with the coin she gave me. With one small coin,she _20_ my concep

17、t pletely.1A.cared about Bcame acrossClooked for Dfocused upon 解析当我在大扫除时发现了一块手帕,一个硬币包在里边。care about 在乎。looked for 寻找。focus on 集中注意力于。came across意为偶然看到。答案B2A.presented Bgave Crecalled Dreminded解析recall 使回忆,指这枚硬币使我回想起一个难忘时刻。答案C3A.traffic Bdust Cnoise Dclimate 解析climate气候,根据前一句提到的沙尘暴及炎热,所以气候是作者抱怨的事情之一。

18、答案D4A.headed Bstruggled Cstood Dcame 解析head for是固定短语,朝去。句意:去邻近的Burkina一个诊所工作。答案A5A.move Bunload Chide Dpass 解析根据上句乘出租车去Burkina 工作,所以到达目的地之后要把东西从车上拿下来,unload是load装载的反义词。答案B6A.warning Bplanning Cthinking Darranging 解析一辆载有两个人的摩托车慢慢驶过来,没有任何警告,其中一个人突然抢了我的包,A符合题意。答案A7A.hungBputCswallowed Dcleared解析put up原

19、意:搭起,支起,留宿,过夜之意。此处是一个转意的翻译,在几秒钟之内,此二人无影无踪,消失在夜色中。答案B8A.obvious Bexpensive Cfamiliar Dprecious 解析考查形容词辨析。obvious 明显的。expensive 昂贵的。familiar 熟悉的。precious 珍贵的,贵重的。根据上一句,护照、钱、支票、相机,飞机票等,所以D正确。答案D9A.elegantly Bcautiously Cdependently Dfrequently 解析考查副词。elegantly 优雅地。cautiously 小心地。dependently 依赖地。frequen

20、tly 频繁地。经过发生了被抢事件,所以要小心啦。答案B10A.locals Bthieves Cbeggars Dmotorbikers解析句意:在后来的几周里,我非常小心地保护我其他有价值的东西,并且对当地人都有怀疑之心。答案A11A.proud Bconscious Csick Daware 解析be sick of sth.是固定短语,表示“厌倦、厌烦”之意。后面的poverty,thieves,heat,dust 等也是会烦的事。答案C12A.get Brun Ce Drush 解析根据前一句,一个贼偷了我的钱,所以我不能离开那个国家,get out of符合题意。答案A13A.at

21、tended to Blooked upCthought about Dwrote down 解析think about 思考,那个乞丐认真听着,并且对我的话进行思考。答案C14A.for Binto Cout Dat解析reach into把手伸到某处。这里是指那个乞丐,她把手伸到衣服折儿里。答案B15A.order Bvain CserveDshock 解析in shock介词短语作状语,表吃惊地。因为乞丐是向别人讨要,而此时她却把一枚深棕色的钱币做为礼物送给我,让人吃惊。答案D16A.meant Bmade Cserved Dsuggested 解析根据上下文钱虽少,但对于一个乞丐来说那

22、就意味一顿饭。答案A17A.dirtiness Bpoverty CkindnessDsafety 解析尽管她的贫困潦倒,沦为乞丐,但却能够给予我无价的东西。答案B18A.updated Bunfolded CbrokenDunexpected 解析unexpected 出乎意料。这时作者看到了Burkina 的人们的美。和他原来的看法完全不一样,所以不是意料之中的。答案D19A.moment Baction Cdignity Dlife解析从上下句可知作者深深欣赏佩服这些穷人的尊严和高尚的人格。答案C20A.changed Bdamaged CfoundDaccepted解析也就是这一枚小小

23、硬币让作者完全改变了观念和看法。答案A.阅读理解(xx增城市高三调研)If youre someone who is eager to do something beyond the ordinary,you must have figured out by now that there will always be those who are jealous or resentful(怨恨) of your success.It doesnt matter that youve worked long and hard to get where you are,nor that youve

24、made great sacrifices in achieving your goals. The “haters” will always find a reason to speak ill of you and even condemn you.Theyre spiteful (恨的) people who envy you the pride you have in yourself and the recognition youre receiving from others. They cant stand it that youre happy,fulfilled and ac

25、hieving your goals.These hateful individuals are unwilling to do the work that youve done. They hate your success but are too lazy to invest real time or energy in achieving their own goals.The thing you need to know about these haters is that the only reason they behave this way is that you have so

26、mething they want,but they arent willing to work for it.The haters are convinced that youve been lucky or that youve had some unfair advantage,but the truth is that your success is born of your untiring efforts,and its these efforts that have brought about your “luck.”The best way to deal with hater

27、s is what I call the “onetwo punch.” First,dont let them hurt you. Be happy about your success and proud of your acplishments. pany with those who approve you,recognize you and support you,and never doubt that you deserve all the success. The haters are angry,jealous people. What they think or say i

28、s meaningless.Next,the more the haters annoy you,the more you should be motivated to succeed. They want to ruin you,but your response should be to work that much harder in order to increase your level of success.When your reaction to their bad behavior has inspired you to achieve further success,you

29、ve transformed the haters negativity (消极) into fuel for your creative fires. Not only can they not hurt you but theyve inspired you onto even greater heights by chance.1Why will the “haters” always find a reason to speak ill of you?AThey care more about you.BYou always work too hard.CYou are lazy bu

30、t proud.DThey envy you the success.解析细节理解题。由第二段最后一句及第三段第四段可知。答案D2In haters opinion,one reason why they dont hate is that_.Ayou achieve your goalsBthey cant bear your delightCthey deserve what you own Dyou make unlimited efforts 解析细节理解题。C选项与第五段中that you have something they want, but they arent willin

31、g to work for it相符。不是他们所恨的。答案C3According to the passage,one of the best ways to deal with haters is _.Ato get rid of them Bto work even harderCto share the happiness Dto motivate them 解析细节理解题。由倒数第二段中Next,the more the haters annoy you,the more you should be motivated to succeed.可知答案。答案B4Whats the aut

32、hors attitude to the “haters”?Asupportive. Bsympathetic.Cangry. Dcritical. 解析作者意图题。由全文中作者的语气和最后一段可知,D选项正确。critical批评的。答案D5What is the main purpose of the last paragraph?ATo encourage those who are envied. BTo present an active opinion.CTo teach haters a lesson.DTo give information about success. 解析主

33、旨大意题。从最后一段的关键词inspired可推断A项正确。最后一段意为:你对待敌意的方式会激励你取得更大成就。这些欺负你的人再也伤不了你,反而会鞭策你更上一层楼。答案A.短文改错(xx吉林长春调研)It was our English teachers birthday yesterday.Though English is a hard subject,but I like my English teacher a lot,and so are my classmates.She is nice to us and always tells us stories of the days w

34、hen she was in her twenty.Sometimes she even stayed in school to help students make up their lessons.She always encourages us and tells us do our best.We are gratefully to her,so that day we bought him a cake and a gift.We even made a big card for her,on it we wrote all our names.Seeing these,she wa

35、s moving and had a big smile in her face.答案It was our English teachers birthday yesterday.Though English is a hard subject,but I like my English teacher a lot,and so my classmates.She is nice to us and always tells us stories of the days when she was in her .Sometimes she even in school to help students make up their lessons.She always encourages us and tells us do our best.We are to her,so that day we bought a cake and a gift.We even made a big card for her,on we wrote all our names.Seeing these,she was and had a big smile her face.

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